Grubby | "The Archer Massacre" | Warcraft 3 | NE vs UD | Twisted Meadows

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did you really think that everyone was a friend when you played worker three as a pro to me you always seemed like a bit of an a-hole back in the day yes yes it's true but I wanted to be friends with people but my behavior inadvertently made people not friends with me but I think although I am responsible for that I did not fully realize I was doing it I did not know that you can be in a competitive rivalry with someone in the game while still respecting one another greetings friend and being friends outside the game I did not know that I thought you had to be mean to them in order to put your game face on when you play them in the game despite having evidence to the contrary you were friendly with me at WCS 2008 WCG oh that's good to hear that's that's good to hear but yeah I mean I I grew up and learned a lot and I know I've made mistakes sometimes what's not friendly to people but I do my best you just have to do a lot of soul-searching and reflection your building is complete your building so when I saw the weighted Federer and Roger Federer the tennis player the way that he talked about his opponents I felt like it was like this was like last year I felt it was so cathartic to watch it because this is a guy that is infinitely more successful than I could hope to be in a more competitive discipline and he doesn't need to be a an a-hole to people just very inspiring oh my heaven My lordy I blame the chat not you guys then all the priests at this time I would like to reflect on the highs and lows of my creeping wrath if it's really what you the time is now they were the best everyone walks down are you afraid of details in the dark anyway there is a moment and episode are a person who takes pics of other people and then it makes them disappear pretty-pretty case the danger nature is restless command me feel nature's wrath so shall it be yeah the Polaroid meets Death Note that's the one yeah that's goosebumps kuzey are the neutral RS nope I think that'd be a nightmare command me school is it because II am busy that was he thinks it's gonna be over once he asked keeper but it's not I have no intention of leaving this is my base now that's freaking Satyricon that Opie what can I do my keeper my keeper my keepers okay my keeper my keeper my keepers okay my keeper keeper you guys know that song God is like standing gone from Eurovision Song Festival speak your mind the region one I think let's recreate Hogwarts what's the most awkward looking building answer it's a flint ancient of wonders this is stop six and a half bald head week research now I just need a wand made of dragon leather well he was right actually we need to get our techies game on is there danger nature will get the staff of preservation and we'll go Wingardium Leviosa Livio saw maybe a saw nice our our suppers makes them a little more durable let's go sacred grove is being desecrated what excuse me we're gonna have triple ara second our a champ incoming were worried you not it's coming good have been scourge phone chimes for supper melee damage Chara if you have skirts bound chimes do sapper still die when they blow up [Music] okay right-click does not blow it up oh I found I found the ones remember the one chooses you oh nice rude graces it's the one hero that you can't kill without a little bit of attack is a little bit slow-moving don't you think Wow still quicker my oh he would have been level six I'm sure I can use this tree to backstab him inventory is we are poised to strike restless our sacred grove is being decimated our safety growth is being desecrated world's Kalimdor in front by the spirits as I don't worry is is there danger yes another ara skirts phone chimes for my tray ounce so good that's exactly what I wanted oh the tree the other chief [Music] we have another plan don't worry that's not this last so we can kill this I saw an acolyte moving somewhere by the spirit I think he kind of felt oh I'm going I've got bones can it offset vampiric the answer is no not in the slightest we might be in trouble speak your mind he has a lot of say advantage that's the word there isn't necropolis somewhere I need motor oil spray oh there we go oh my god that's it that's his last face our warriors have engaged in transition Oh hide hide that's one carrion swarm away from killing me [Music] No oh my god my keeper my my huntresses are a little bit low take it where did this game go wrong speak your mind standing gone psv night your bill a sacred grove is being desecrated naked insufficient for insufficient or insufficient bone I must safeguard commander is there danger well is there danger so Shalit time is now your building is complete is there danger well I need to creep I only got the freaking inferno again he's not moving that's our time is now man to be roads being desecrated our warriors have engaged warriors of the night are safe that road is being bested our warriors have engaged the enemy growth is being command me for college our sacred grove is being desecrated our warriors have engaged the enemy the stupid altar is costing me so much money [Music] insufficient gold insufficient gold we can't is there danger being desecrated is now is there danger none our sacred grove is being desecrated insufficient a sacred robe is being desecrated command me naturally we're gonna make sure he never gets any lumber again that is my game plan service look look at this poor goal I suddenly see how to win Trustin like my well I really think the key to victory is gonna be scarce phone chimes we are poised to strike well I I'm gonna take it better with you guys I upload this on youtube no matter what the result and people are gonna give me feedback on what I could have done better and then compare me to a rain of gala fire I know I could have done something better oh yes burp of dankness we can't know I am vigilant ruse is my command is there danger obviously the country to carry informant infernos mass archers our warriors having games yeah I lost my tree of life Oh stupid he's reminding me is there danger nature is restless is restless research finished your building is I'll take all the trees away [Applause] yes we're complete that it wasn't even a request whoo most adrenaline-packed game I've ever played Oh but Archer massacre at the end I was down to 500 with no life and almost no income [Music] [Music]
Channel: FollowGrubby
Views: 59,913
Rating: 4.9072847 out of 5
Keywords: Grubby, FollowGrubby, Heroes of The Storm, Warcraft, Warcraft 3, Starcraft, Starcraft2, Blizzard, Blizzard Moba, Games, Strategy Games, Multiplayer Games, E-Sports, Esports, Streamers, Pro Gaming
Id: cY7NQzeScmY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 5sec (2225 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 19 2018
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