Grubby vs ToD | Hit Me PLS

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I don't want to say sell out he's been marketing his franchise fairly extensively recently and I wonder if is filled by the way I wonder if his attention on the show in the marketing has influenced his capacity to write the next book on the first fit books really like 20 years old first book is from 95 that's crazy I mean I didn't really know that back then you think that's crazy this game is from 2002 that's crazy that's pretty crazy - I think this map is mostly about doing your own creeping for one but the second part is not dying the Lightning shield oh I said I was gonna change my own face well that would need some breakfast anyway the words [Music] [Music] [Music] I think youth ain't a word massive changes will be coming with the new patches after Accord is launched we will be introducing dynamic units according to the MU as an example in some new a footman could be weaker than in another in teens units would always be at their defaults forces are under attack what [Music] is my probably spent a good amount of junk time there after getting both of us heroes maybe should have expanded but I'll try to take the mid-to camps that expand right away still level two watch the cool thing about expanding in this corner now is that this area has effectively been cleared out so it's not as good for him to harass her this is nothing else to do once we take this also gives us a little bit of a security buffer [Applause] on with it watch what else I will sell brilliance but on on the other hand right now watch and learn by the light burn [Applause] [Music] [Music] my a hottie deliciously be around the blood elves did you did he ever Expo he did not he didn't know about our Expo we have lost Eddie this is a really interesting game I kind of like his attack on me because I got lightning filled and I crept more greedily so this was a really interesting game actually because normally if you get lightning shields you will use it aggressively against the opponent's peasants and I don't know if that's why he pushed versus LS I don't know if that's why he came towards me because he saw LS and he knows he cannot accept Lightning shield defense against militia you have gotten better at breaker Wars sadly well because of my lead I think I I think because of my early game lead because I didn't lose my arc mage that's why much of it looks like I got better at breaker wars but I think I just had a advantageous position which I earned I don't know if it's a hundred percent even whether it can look the same I still feel like I have so much to improve and breakthrough micro Wars but okay let's look at this situation we both go for the merlok lightning shield comes second I creep it's quicker but I did creep more poorly I took a lot of damage on arc mage at the first Greek camp so it's a little uncomfortable and he ends up abusing that he gets a better item from the first vault greater monopod better than greater invoke accept greater envelope and to work out fairly well for me in hindsight sentry ward is good but he kind of wastes the first but I guess he's worried about lightning skills so it's not really a waste because this will show him whether I'm coming for his face then he sees me creeping the natural he doesn't know if I'm taking or not I happen to be taking but either way it's something he feels he needs to harass and I would tend to agree with him so the greedy rage because I wanted to get our teammates three as quickly as humanly possible and I did just that I did someone a bigger water elemental to attack his footman which will end up helping the damage that gets put out on his he ends up killing two peasants one of which he gets experience for the other I end up denying it and then the big let's go for the arc mage peasants crept his three three to camp and he's almost level three but not quite and that's pretty key and then this moment it's very hard to use the gold mine as a surrounding force because it is a slippery type building same as Town Hall and barracks not like farming altar I'm not like farm and lumber mills and blacksmith [Music] and more and more so the upside for this is we're killing all the footmen the downside is we end up nearly losing our arch match but funnily enough we've all seen enough time until until we got to tier 2 with the heal potion it's art magical thoroughly saps we use great amount of potion as well and lo and behold we end up surviving with very little health points ring of regen save dark mates that's true yeah I should have used the regeneration scroll immediately the moment I used to invulnerability potion but I thought the threat was over and I was going to use it and not to get it cancelled once the dust settles yeah from this moment onwards since he didn't get the arc mage I'm 3.6 and he's 2.9 and he's hurt and trying to get home and he doesn't have a shop because he invested everything into aggression both his multitasking macro as well as his units and resources from this moment onwards we were so ahead but we just went to apply a bit of pressure which ended up going fairly well how did this actually go who died for you basically who tries to go for the a.m. we get this around this was pretty key pressuring the Mountain King I should have repaired this around lightning shield was good though much of it wasted and then for some reason I did a fake bolt on Archmage 3 and he didn't react so I was like that's weird do I do a real bolt is it just baiting me real bulb loses it anyway the shell positioning behind your base saved a.m. yeah the chat chat always says why are fragile buildings that are important like shop always in front where they die instantly and I've been building my arcane vaults in the back of my base more and it actually he thought CT feed okay yeah well just a micro error then patty TPD would have healed from the priests she's got this full Wolof thing going on in here and then his arc mage can still come back at this moment I killed one priest but I would say it's one of those situations where you turn his junk time into your junk time because although I did kill one priest I basically spent nearly the entirety of his ark major resuscitation time to kill one priest that does cost him some lumber some peasant mining time but overall I wouldn't say it was as worth it having said that we're still in an extreme position of comfort because we can use the breakers that we have now to create the mids our scouting was a little belated it would have been nice to prevent him from going to this camp like in general but this fight obviously was good we have five breakers against no breakers it's a pretty big deal do deal good damage to breakers but they can get storm water and I have higher level heroes forty food 50 violins of blacksmith big difference you think applying pressure was the correct move after his failed aggression it seemed like if he had a miss plague you wouldn't be in a position of comfort nobody I'm sorry no this is no BM at all his art match was 2.9 love oh I didn't know but I didn't know he's not level 3 so art major level 3 against art Mitch level 2 her ass is always gonna be good plus I knew that he was going home with a shred of life maybe 10% life if I do not apply pressure more stink right to me and I think my my my lead would turn into nothingness eventually no the first pressure was good we both had man taking all the way I knew MK was coming but after killing heroes let's say I didn't have a right to believe that I would get the arc mage because he can just see beyond which Lee said he intended to then he tepees out he's stuck in his own base but healing and safe at that moment I would turn around taking expansion or creeped of it the pressure was right but after killing the heroes not much extra happens and that's the situation we will look to avoids in the future thank you very much for the sub I require one question well thanks for the sub mini AoE I hope one day someone will love me as much as I love Logan sighs X TV with the three months of gravy robber with the 24 months of 2 years is up and I haven't played for 15 years however the entertainment value is priceless long live the arcane your finest orc grunt of rahzar gore wild class for the Horde Thank You gravy Rover [Music]
Channel: FollowGrubby
Views: 31,798
Rating: 4.9217081 out of 5
Keywords: Grubby, FollowGrubby, Heroes of The Storm, Warcraft, Warcraft 3, Starcraft, Starcraft2, Blizzard, Blizzard Moba, Games, Strategy Games, Multiplayer Games, E-Sports, Esports, Streamers, Pro Gaming, Best, Top, Epic, Family, Friendly, Funny, Fail, tod, tod gaming, human, mirror
Id: YTWBthuR7uA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 16sec (1636 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 04 2019
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