Grubby | Human Bloody Beginner!

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so welcome to the fourth and final bloody beginner build thank you ideally Phil all right ladies and gentlemen welcome to the fourth and final bloody beginner built you can already find the orc the undead and the knight of bloody beginner builds on YouTube give it a spin grubby this is an opportunity for you to win some money do you feel that Horace looper Cal's actions during the heresy were justified or do you side with the guard Emperor of mankind this is an opinion based question and if you are unsure throw a guess I think there was violence on both sides Justine okay thank you now all right ladies and gentlemen welcome to another bloody beginner build this is going to be the fourth and final bloody beginner build namely for human you can see the built right here as always the bloody beginner build is available for all subscribers if you go to the subscriber twitch page it's also available on my discord totally free just join and go to the Warcraft 3 build orders Channel and you can find this build right there again the purpose of the bloody beginner build is to take a player that is entirely new to Warcraft 3 or relatively new or returning and they just want to play a strategy that you can take to any game any matchup and so on and it's gonna be pretty good there will be some elements of scouting there is a rough framework for the belt it doesn't account for you losing any units but if you lose some units just replace them and your food count will look similar again if you lose footmen however you don't need to replace them and in fact if you lose footmen early consider not getting defend upgrade at all also if you have some lumber issues you can just get the lumber mill earlier than is listed in the build order so the basic premise of the build is arc mage and manta King we are in queue by the way the basic premise of the built is arc mage and manta King rifles and priests you can then add some sorceress is you can go to tier 2 you can go to tier 3 or you can go attack them here we go human and bloody beginner built on turnest and human mirror I will say this this build works the best against undead and Night Elf a little bit less well against orc but still very fine and a human mirror it is untraditional but you're totally fine playing this build in the human mirror as well so here we go it is first for peasants go to your gold mine and one of the peasants will build an altar of kings the first new peasant will build a barracks and the second new peasant will build a farm now you typically want to make some form of there is violence but you typically want some form of wall off so that you can kind of stand behind your base and be safe but you don't want to create a full wall off like this because then you cannot escape when you require it additionally if you have a town Porto and you're on the inside of your base and it's fully walled off you can get stuck for a serious period of time and that would not be wise every builder peasant when he finishes goes to wood you will have a total of five peasants on gold and eight on the wood keep building peasants always have either one or two peasants in production so that their rate of production is ongoing the barracks finishes and you'll make a footman rally both your altar in your barracks to a point in front of your base and keep making peasants that's a steady rate try never to have peasant building downtime we're now gonna count our lumber peasants we have six that means if these final peasants will round out our total peasant count and no more shall be made at 21 food we're gonna make a scout our can be here it can be here and that will become an arcane tower in due time we're also going to move making a thorough farm and our first footman that comes out will just click into their main base and then shift-click somewhere away from their base it's gonna give us a little bit of information when Archmage finishes you're gonna take four peasants you're gonna make them into militia and take them with you and you will take a green camp somewhere home out near you I'm gonna be going for this one summon a water elemental let it stank and bring the militia to defend our footman has done some scouting and we are going to kind of harass you don't have to really specifically do anything with that Scout footmen I'm not gonna make it too difficult this attack is militia now that we finished the first camp we can go to the next screen camp in this case I will decide to go for the camps in the middle when the scouts are finishes go for ivory sorry go for arcane tower will help in the defense of your base I have all units on country group one and just the Scout footmen in control group two once you're at 26 food you should be able to take very soon after now we have enough number and we check then we're gonna make our final footman for now and at 28 food we will build a blacksmith can be in front of your face it's pretty tanky now when you're level 2 you can either harass or you can creat more it kind of depends on the situation use your judgement make a choice have a reason and then later on if it wasn't good you can reevaluate your choices I figure he's gonna expand so I'm gonna go straight towards him and try to stop him from expanding we start to farms at the same time at 28 food expansion attempts successfully foiled we start a vault as well and in the our asses we make militia of course normally I would say get defend upgrade but I find that it's not necessary I've already lost like a footman and he's got but match not water elementals so I'm going to skip the defend afraid this is a decision that you can make typically defend upgrade is very useful as you can see it is part of the built order but it is mostly good against crypt fiends rifleman burrows headhunters and water elementals we're not facing any of that at this time so we're gonna skip it and save the bits of money we will start our first rifleman upgrade though we'll get a second rifleman as well can queue them up and then if you have time while you're creeping or harassing periodically look at your Town Hall and just try to just try to see when you're gonna finish your tech and prepare to make your building your arcane sanctum in the mean time so we're gonna start the sanctum we're gonna power build it with two peasants which will greatly reduce the period of production for it will make our Mountain King and two peasants it's quite cheap it only cost a little bit of extra resources at this time you can do a militia creeping if you ever TP and you figure you're both kind of out of action for now you don't want to attack him but you don't just want to stand still either you're kind of free try to do a creep camp thank you with the water elemental and bring in militia get your long rifles upgrade one more farm and mount again of course is on the way think of the fact that if we didn't power built the sanctum it wouldn't be ready yet now it is and we can start a priest upgrade we've got the gold we've got the lumber so the posts we spent on power building it is totally worth it we get our priests and healing out earlier than otherwise sometimes you'll see players can you creeps like this you don't have to do this but if you do do it sometimes I said do do low if you do do it then something know that the reason people do it is to take a little bit less damage wild creeping I'm gonna get another regeneration scroll stone balls and take my first two priests and keep breathing at this time I'm going to leave these creeps for the Mountain King this is the experience range roughly so if you stand outside of this range only man to being will get the experience and that helps to give him till over to quicker just where we want to have him at any time if you have footage alive feel free to use them to scout to see if he is getting an expansion footmen are replaceable if you have defend upgrades you should see them as less replaceable it's really quite useful but it is perfectly fine to scout with them information can be key in an RTS keep making farms whenever you have the possibility solo quick the mounting cream it does look like maybe he did he's found again he is trying to expand so at this time you can make another peasant and start a lumber mill if you like you have space for it just started here you can pull some peasants to the expo and start building an expansion Club keep making priest until you're 50 food take your business to the expansion try to get that ok level up you see yeah second hero arc mage arcane sanctity it means it's gonna be getting priests and spell breakers notes that I haven't got an attacking upgrade yet on rifles I see humanists being able to go into three different directions when they go for this standard rifle preach the army you can even start to heavily upgrade rifleman or you can take an expansion around 40 to 45 maybe 50 food the key is you already have your second hero you're already creating manta King you didn't delay your man ticking for the expansion but now that you've got your first ride for some priests you build the expansion to make sure that you can keep producing units buying items at a very steady rate or you can go to tier 3 or you can do a very quick attack these are the three options you have and I took an expansion he is attacking it we see it with the century Ward is someone injured we'll try to defend this will make a spell breaker or maybe no will get priest I think two to three priests and then you get out two to three priests and then you go for priests upgrade so he just forced our hand so now we will stay on one base we lost too many peasants to comfortably expand again and furthermore we don't need it we're at a pretty healthy food and army counts he doesn't really have the ability to creep right now you have options right there's two ways to finish games when you are you can attack them in their main base and try to finish them off what before you can presume knowing that you'll be thinking about you attacking and defending and it's not creeping really and then you're creeping and your priests will keep everything nicely alive so this is called taking map control advantage or a creeping advantage you're gonna come to these notes that's gonna win you the game it will give you gold and experience so that's about anywhere from 400 to 800 gold you can start to go over 50 food we've banked up a lot on 50 food so now we're gonna get a bunch of Units queue up two units in each looks like his blood mage turn invisible and it's gonna flame strike our base in about 17 seconds will cancel the breaker we'll get magic century which makes towers being able to spot invisible units [Music] we'll go home we'll put that sentry and we'll keep creeping will remake that sorceress another rifle and the duct upgrade so ideally with an army like this you do want to have some heal scrolls or a town portal or both some items are more important than others health not that important you can show it make some space get a teepee so he's finally built up an army of spell breakers filmmakers are kind of the counter to two riflemen but they are because they can't get voltage collapse or slowed they have a positive damage type and the positive armor type against rifle nice but riflemen are so good that's why I recommend them for the beginner build that they can work against the number of things that you're supposed to counter that as long as you've got enough yarn a steel scrolls with a micro some nice upgrades yes zero-one upgrades on his breakers we are to 0 on the right giving gloves to mount a king would actually be pretty sweet because he's gonna be doing a lot more bashes at this time we have crept more of the map we have basically one more skirmishes we are going to move in to kind of an all-in attack - yeah hopefully finish it off but it doesn't mean that we can't expand behind it it's very difficult in worker 3 to use the final 400 gold to make a stronger attack than the one you're already doing if I made two units now they wouldn't be in time for most of the bite to matter so if you're attacking at the same time you built an expansion that's a great opportunity in this case I am playing against someone who had roughly the same idea and it wants it to be aggressive as well [Music] and he's gonna take out his frustrations on me at this moment you can choose to TP or not I think we're doing more damage than he is especially if we commit and go fully into the base his blood mage is out of mana but now we can't basically just do the same again flamestrike very predicted keeping pressure and expanding is a great way to secure it despite everything that happens you see that breakers doing these stuff die quite fast to rifles despite the positive damage in harbour time in this is definitely a little bit more difficult to use effectively but when you have it it's a very powerful tool to engage and also to break side to mana save units there's no magic century on this arcane sanctum so we can actually approach unmolested [Music] so now you see attacking a base in Warcraft 3 can take quite a while and it's not like a squad of zerglings that literally tear it apart so you see how comfortable it is to know that yes this fight is good but we need not finish it right away we've got an expansion coming up behind it and this distraction expansion style interview are attacking and expanding is far more popular than in-your-face expansion style in Warcraft 3 first you build up an advantage and then you attack and you also expand at the same time it doesn't require a little bit more milk multitasking is the best way to do it try to turn off auto casts slow against breakers because he will bounce it back on you I and one thing I did is I rebound my priest to the same hot ski as riflemen they're both on our so I can hit for our and then for our and that keeps the rifle priest flowing and those are pretty much the most basic units you would generally want so it helps markering while you're busy TJ hope you enjoyed the bloody beginner human belt you pretty much can't go anywhere with it you can expand you can go to tier three if you go to tier 3 you will get inner fire upgrades and you will get a third attack upgrade for riflemen note that I have to attack upgrades right now you will get inner fire third attack upgrade paladin staff of sanctuary or faux fire you can go one base to your three with arc mate rifle just observe a few tenets of play always try to carry a town portal scroll in case you get to be in a bad position always have an envelope que I did a lot of work with invisibility but that's not as reliable or easy ya creep a lot creep and defend and get your MK higher level you can go both bash or you can get ball splat both this line why is it called bloody beginner because new snowboarders fall frequently I can get there a little scrape but they get up because they don't give up DJ yeah this is it alley-oop hope you guys enjoyed it let me know how it goes I'm curious to hear your results with all the bloody beginner guides and if you have any questions let me know in the youtube comment section or here in swich that's totally fine trap 26 it felt intentional justing but maybe it wasn't did you mean to say unn contested or unmolested unmolested unmolested adjective not pestered or molested left in peace they allowed him to pass unmolested it's not only the harassment meaning all right guys I'm gonna play a little bit of Holt's a little under an hour probably two games with the wifey hope you guys enjoy that as well more Warcraft 3 tomorrow with 9 South Wednesday [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Grubby
Views: 118,294
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Grubby, FollowGrubby, Heroes of The Storm, Warcraft, Warcraft 3, Starcraft, Starcraft2, Blizzard, Blizzard Moba, Games, Strategy Games, Multiplayer Games, E-Sports, Esports, Streamers, Pro Gaming, Best, Top, Epic, Family, Friendly, Funny, Fail, Reforged, human, hu, beginner, new, starter, scouting, guide, tutorial
Id: BWkhRbqPWzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 10sec (1510 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 27 2019
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