Grubby | How to MASS HUNTS

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we're dare oh this is perfect who was the guy that a Momo are you here Momo I don't remember you to make ld27 yeah that's right stew 3n no I don't remember you do air revengeance this is really awkward and directing come on guys if you barely ever chat what do you expect Oh God okay Momo is here Momo has been wondering whether keeper of the Grove mass hunts is still invoked against org or even if he should go back to his previous main strategy boss talents this is twisted Meadows and it is perfect to trial our keeper mass hunts new style for the last one and a half year expanding very quickly has been the main meta in Night Elf versus orc but recently about one or two months ago today is November 2019 one or two months ago we started seeing one base mass Huntress playing and this is very very good against north and I'm gonna try and show Momo how to do it and of course everyone else as well while picking up a neat win twisted Meadows there are four starting locations so we're gonna send out the second wisp the moment the first wisp reaches a base that means when they arrive we'll have enough information about every spot we go for the full wall off so that our second moon well can not be consoled by a late master and we'll open it up if he has a virus here again sparse here you do not want full wall offs this one that's gonna go here we see no barracks we're gonna go there to untangle peons now our second moon well it's gonna kill the fields it is Blademaster it's good to know each of the four hunters hold together at one when you get to full a hundred fifty lumber you prepare it and at hundred sixty lumber you do the the double building do dance of Wonders trick to get to twenty one food and he does have a barracks actually he just made it in a funny place ultravision immediately do not fall into the trap of entangling peels while the blade master is slapping your bum naturally it's all about entangled killing peons but the threat is enough to keep the blade master inactive because he has grunts we are using five food to occupy five plus three for every grant this is a good trade if he's doing nothing and I'm doing nothing I'm winning because I dedicated only five foods and he has more naturally he doesn't only have two one grunt he doesn't have a second grunt that one grants we're just gonna go in the tangle that the hunters before him like we're gonna attack do it three times to kill it punches is faster try to start the step if you got well again the Ruis try not to take infinite damage on people during this time these self kill this this is good play by ork but ultimately a bit grunts is a bit grunt now one thing you can always do is you can build one ancient protector in their base we're gonna go up to four hundred maybe you can build one inch to protect you in their base or you can get attack upgrade earlier the AP can be very strong part of the reason why his barracks is there I think it's just supposed to a tweezer if they find it so be it just let it go but if they do not you've got some strong pressure try to get them to put fields in burrows and then immediately pull back once they do land me Holly that's his gold peons he's losing gold for almost no cost well there it is poor peons in gold see for a bit put a wisp near the tavern when your tier two is finishing is there danger almost full mana so we might as well hit the blade for some damage now we get sentinel upgrade Alchemist uproot wisp on trees always upon tree then walk get moon glyphs and build second age support note that we only have 300 more than three we might not have enough gold to do everything else we want to do now we get second attack afraid it's not that we have enough units to really benefit from attack of grace it's just that that we're gonna start this early because we already know we're a hundred percent gonna make use of all these upgrades in unit we're gonna make our fourth moon well uproot this into the board to create space Hunter's production ap very useful I'll give that [Music] armor upgrades and this is where it begins our creeping you'll note that there is a serious problem with healing so at this point it becomes important to spread damage when you're creeping with various consciousness and then a heal scroll or a heal spray will end up helping you a lot we're gonna put wisps on the intersect of his base to mine both paths so that we know where we're under attack you should thank piercing with Alchemist even if he's loved if you've got or kill the piercing early sprit damage by attacking your own zero with the units that you don't want focus fire to divert their attention tree and snakes gonna heal spray we're gonna check what he's doing second armor upgrades and we'll even go to your three if we can you might be coming no Tier three yet it's just stuff second armor upgrades our goal here is level 3 Alchemist so that we can heal better but until that moment accuracy is fantastic we're gonna cancel one Huntress ideally not the one that's nearest to finishing oops well we're gonna clear an expansion at the top put a wisp on the one we already cleared and another wisp in mid where blade was last seen we've got the arch upgrades in case we need to switch we've just about lost a lot of whiskey which could cost us lumber but we had a big big bang so we don't worry too much about replacing those right now he'll actually heels less when it heals more than six targets so feel free to remove units that are low from the group keep creeping and you can get nature's blessing that's a blade level one is now another we're at the laboratory we could use one reveal to see if he's expanding he's not but what we can do is we can send a wizard there right now we are keeping our units at home well expand up here including owls to protect your creeping feeling a bit all feeling nice pendant will give TP back to keeper to the real space and I'm talking it the nature spliced blessing is done we'll get teary we should have finished tier 3 earlier but we were just doing like this for presumed sense of safety whisp will check out his base and go back to his natural bring the final Huntress yes what okay now we start an archer production we're gonna we're gonna go home at school Oh mr. Frodo I was thinking we could face strays Bob it's too advanced for what I want to show you guys used to arches to focus the snake and don't even touch your hunts just just a time maybe I don't want to get hurt if we want to be more safe don't stay at 50 food for so long hi I'm Garvey by the way gjd Sergey is Serbian defend Electra [Music]
Channel: FollowGrubby
Views: 61,385
Rating: 4.8747697 out of 5
Keywords: Grubby, FollowGrubby, Heroes of The Storm, Warcraft, Warcraft 3, Starcraft, Starcraft2, Blizzard, Blizzard Moba, Games, Strategy Games, Multiplayer Games, E-Sports, Esports, Streamers, Pro Gaming, Best, Top, Epic, Family, Friendly, Funny, Fail, Reforged, huntress, hunts, ne, night elf, elves, blizzcon, 2019, 2020
Id: SZygsLFS_X8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 30sec (870 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 17 2019
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