Grozny Insurgency | Part 1 | Swamp Sniper

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[Music] okay it's the swamp dude I'm just cleaning my novel Jess's g24 with my French Bulldog like I normally do have you ever been stuck in an attic surrounded by enemies with jet desert fox well weddings going on that's about to be blown up and Nelson West well I have let me tell you that story it begins in the thirties by that I mean the temperature as I had to head to Nelson West it was a brisk morning when my father dropped me off at the airport [Music] I decided to fly whereas my friends decided to drive the 14 hours to go fight for NATO and I didn't have that much time so I'm like I'll fly there but they carried my stuff in their truck I just have to find them when I get there and make it through the airport with my cameras and some food well I wasn't thinking and I've got portable chargers which mediator lithium-ion batteries just bought some see what happens security was all like hey you put your stuff in here go through that thing I don't like how you look and up we got something it was MREs but it was all okay I did get checked but it was actually for the MREs that I had to make sure that there was no weird chemical and because it was whatever it was but it was all good I then land in Texas does that make sense I'm in Texas so I went like twice past Mississippi basically it was just like black cloud of bloomin smoke and no one seems to be worried about so I guess I'm not worried next flight I get to Laurell which is only 12 miles from Camp Shelby wrong it was like 30 figure out how to get there meet up with some of my dudes meet up with jet desert fox and go from there I'll wake up at some point today so I land at the world's smallest Airport expecting to uber or something and by happening chance some dudes from Georgia are here and I'm like that guys wearing multicam he's either a nerd and going to milsim west or he's not thankfully he's the first one so these cool dude grows again from Georgia they're in second Platoon on NATO who I probably will be killing especially in the second half so totally bringing me and then my dudes are also on NATO so NATO parking lot I'll find all my stuff and then hook up with jet from there and figure out what in the world is going on so these guys were super nice to drive me from the airport here all the way to Shelby here we drove for about thirty minutes got to a Walmart got back in the car and then they somehow drove back to the airport accidentally so we have another thirty minutes to make it there I don't know why Ralph Rallo what's up man this is just literally the graveyard of vehicles both to and from the airport and back to the airport in them back to Shelby at all all directions literally every direction we could have gone it's just a graveyard of vehicles as bad we're now back at the airport at least it doesn't look like it unless we're coming around from the opposite side so this is pretty good we're making progress it's one of your jokes just so they know so we finally make it to camp shelter in this place is absolutely huge Jets not here but I find Lea and I get her to call my friends I'm here but and there's the truck but the guys are God knows where the Russians took them probably and many times how many times taken his guns when he's gone somewhere and how many times is this mm thanks a lot trouble I'm gonna go off yeah there we go I'm gonna roll with mr. too tall and The Deuce go up to our gun they get to pronounce our gun and see if I can find a home for this buster I still we might tip Blom later with all right [Music] Kalashnikov a cafe oh yeah I really got the bond with toot all over this whole journey ended up with me leaving in his pants but that's for the next video the scenario doesn't start well after the briefing but people are already in character which was really cool and Jett tells me over the phone where he thinks we have to let this 1 million dollars for taxi service to [ __ ] your feet this is gonna be so much fun [Music] I'm gonna excuse me we are looking for building JJ oh you're close we have to fund building at this press building so it's too close to greens on a donation murder JJ Riccio so awesome taxi driver got me - JJ but they're like selling drinks in here and they're trying to confirm that this is our building I don't know jets not here yet kicks off in 50 minutes that was gonna be our building but it's a fully occupied club like nightclub they have licensing for the whole building so a real building is building a half smells like pig farm mixed with some kind of pyro it's almost time for the briefing and we finally found our building for Jedediah sprats and I don't see any likes to turn on this basement and it's a little creepy that's pretty creepy it smells bad and I'm filming you how was your how was your airport thing I just never again finally got my badge baby we then go to the briefing for all the citizens of Chechnya and Josh Warren gave the briefing it was absolutely awesome very impressive and then we heard from the president of Chechnya as well as some other important people and there happened to be a terrorist in the building and then we heard from some representatives from Toyota that we're trying to start a Toyota place and Chechnya ends up those guys were CIA all right so we don't expect much of anything to happen tonight we're just gonna chill well actually do our media thing we've got got our place set up jets got this full motion sensor things set up on the door and we're completely surrounded by NATO which doesn't really feel that great we didn't get our permits squared away as the ministry of press NATO guys hanging out we can go talk to them here are peaceful occupiers that are saving us if everyone got really quiet okay we should probably should know so much Marielle some I guess Cosmo believe they want this to go now let's go this one Gilligan a bunch of my dudes from power her on NATO and plan on killing them at some point okay so statistically scouting never sniper position especially this far right now yeah you couldn't not hit one then a bunch of stuff happens we are just filming [Music] who have this no I thought they were good people we also have conspiracy for kidnapping conspiracy for mother Hado and the local police for getting along pretty well throughout some drug raids [Music] I decided to visit the prison to see how they treated prisoners [Music] civilians but there were insurgents Russians mixed in with causing all traffic I've been pushing up on his right flank then jet and I just wanted a peaceful night's sleep Jedi didn't shoot anyone that night we were totally chilled or super peaceful press and tried to sleep and randomly just frag grenades would come into our our home and blow up and we couldn't sleep and all this stuff very next morning like 7:00 a.m. or 6 a.m. boom all these frag grenades go off and they arrest us for no reason Chen I awoke to two grenades going off in our home and us being raided and then taken prisoner by NATO for no reason but now that gives me a reason to do stuff NATO is all around us waiting for a wedding that's gonna be happening right next to our home what's wrong with this house oh we just local police force went to check in we were there when they did a couple moms and off and they sketchy straight my job what yeah well if you guys didn't raid us this morning for no reason and take us prisoner and don't you yeah maybe we don't need much incense but they apologized so but now you're back so it's like I'm gonna keep coming back or what Jay and I are preparing for our revenge shots up in our attic I'm using my number justice g24 with the m-40 body and jet is using my old SSG and we are in a perfect position right next door to the wedding our house is here the wedding is here NATO is here everybody knows that during or after the wedding something's going to happen I've also got my cz-75 in case things get dicey unfortunately more and more NATO forces are reinforced in the area it also means more potential targets the jet and I have decided we're only going to engage a target if he's completely by themselves that way we don't get them immediately spotted raided and killed it's almost time for the wedding as predicted at the wedding everything suddenly goes to hell jet took his shot and wiped out of nato's I don't have a NATO soldier alone and then they're on to us [Music] [Music] it seems to be working they completely bypass us now it's time for my shot and I happened to spot one of my buddies on NATO hello got my boy okie out in the old man I could kill him disappear he's completely by himself [Music] then things get bad subscribe to swamp sniper you want to see what happens next Taizo quite intense right now
Channel: swampsniper
Views: 994,920
Rating: 4.9080544 out of 5
Keywords: milsim west, grozny insurgency, airsoft sniper gameplay, swamp sniper, jet desert fox, milsim, milsim sniper, ssg24, novritsch, ballahack, grozny sniper, msw sniper, msw, nato, rusfor, snipers, snipers in your attic
Id: d2tWS2huxkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 55sec (1075 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 11 2018
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