Growing Up Poor: Girls (Poverty Documentary) | Real Stories

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Summer 2012 The Royal Jubilee the Olympics Even the bad weather can't stop Britain feeling good about itself, but these are uncertain times In the age of austerity now everyone is celebrating For three teenage girls, it's a summer struggling to get by Caught between a disappearing childhood and an unknown future this is their story Obviously when you're young You like trying to show off, don't you? And I think really showed off a bit too much and cuz I sure like showing off it will I get to keep that reputation She got me but now I regret it Because look look look they're used to setting you in school like up Boston Fe we used to laugh at them Look II bought computing the early stuff. Like look look where they are now 17 year old bride he was visiting her best friend Billy What you doing? So was taking a risk She's currently on bail and banned from this street Neighborís heard that bride he's back and he's threatening to call the police He was to live with me none, I mean and I discipline well then because I didn't like what she was saying I just Argued we enter I just can't live here, but that's what I wanted back then Not to live with me none, sir. I've no rules nor North timing. I don't like I just do my own thing She's saying I'm on her Street, but I'm not so she's for coppers again I do be not able to keep the mouth shut but I can't absolutely stonking me off behind me But I swear naina after I've done this court think I'm going straight for her. I'll get him for a soul At least I'm getting done for somewhat proper you know I run up there like all you need to get a job to start over but then I still Know I'll be out door me. I'll be up doing ID you know how much like a lot dog I much love a hundred quid That's gonna last here for a night and he was - laughing I was there because it won't you quit back then seemed a lot And I used to laugh and say oh, yeah hundred quid I'd be able to live off hundred quid Now she's laughing at me Cuz can't live off hundred quid No, you are the new cutlet I actually want to go army So I can go back to me and say look and I'll reel that shit back then but I have come out with something And not just your criminal record or something stupid like that What are you gonna make us change soon? No recently Bradley I'm Restless on suspicion of each new bail condition so you'd have to send clear how many defects we don't actually question superfish merely Expanding thought and if he'd also maybe gain evidence, this is ridiculous See you back this police car Bridey or spent a night in the cells Amber amber Amber is 16 and pregnant She's never been her best in the morning pups, but the last few months have been especially tough How many other costs? My bedrooms getting redecorated faretta for my bear becomes So and I dive no carpet at moments because we won't being able to get a carpet So I can't move back until my carpets done. So I sleep on couch Sad you know, I'm still a teenager Like I'm scared inside. So being Pregnant's a new beginning. I've gotta grow up Mommy your work please my over sick just got a shot All right grab that too is an Astra Love you Turn it what right? Yeah, cuz it West scoffs if you leave it on then it just eats you guys like I don't know what So Rick, I thought that sir Despite being 20 weeks pregnant ambrus started an introductory hair and makeup course But she's also having to get used to being seen as a teenager month when I got Ospital. I just feel awkward sometimes You know, you looked at John compared to all these women And sometimes you get a few stares as well. It still feels like You've done something wrong even though you aren't put you up He's weird and a lot of Amalek with the partners as well And I'm just like walking cuddling on my own I've got a deck in a notepad today that I have enough water When I was younger, I wanted a really famous and I wanted to be an actress But I delay since it's tough across body I Just expected like I would go to skill whatever says I'll have skill something would just discover me and I would be this big famous actress with had a week But that's just how it works You don't you don't know it never like life like how hard stuff has Seventeen-year-old Shelby spent 12 months on benefits But now she's working five days a week and getting used to her new routine Because I don't have any experience I've never had a job before whatever I may have stopped him Scoob So like these people only take me for a job. So this is my one chance to just Okay there For like a year they had obviously sleeping all day like Corn suddenly just lying in my bed. What at I'm just lazy cuz I don't have any reason to get my beds at leak so just lying there and Just don't know I can beat you Shelby's job is actually a six-month work placement arranged by a local charity But if I found a week really that could eat but doesn't know it's taking shoes and stuff But I'm happy to be doing that because at least I'm Martin, you know, and I'm doing something Despite working 30 hours a week Shelby's financially, no better off The 55 pounds she gets from the placement is the same as she would have got on Jobseeker's Allowance It'll be worth the work Obviously, I'm still gonna make mistakes, but I'm gon doing the right path In Rotherham after a night in the cells bridey's due in court Billie and some of her friends have come to hear the verdict because she has previous there's a chance Bridey could go down Yeah, yeah better than Robin I'm not like wasn't Yeah, I'm making sure get remanded wing today What do you think basically if you in court end? Game over go over. I'm beckoned Just a little game in the big wheels. Trying to be a big game Did they pass that message on to yet tell me to keep your mouth shut The court has renewed bridey's bail. She'll be back for sentencing in a few weeks, but for now she's not going to prison Soon as I got in self-defense day we need to be doing MacDonald we're just gonna cash machine on the air were lucky two seconds That sees me convict Better yeah That's if it works register me if not hard at work You've drawn them, huh? Right see Ya it's not come Put you under five Feeling the fresh ma Tony broke I'm gonna wait wait, I was pulling me off The fiber from Billy's mum, they're off to McDonald Don't be naughty and Rudy it's not I do wrong For Amba a lot has happened in the last year After falling out with a mum and dropping out of college. She went to live with her dad But when she became pregnant she had to decide what was best for her and her baby But I didn't have your carpets and it really have much food as haha New opus terrible. So like I chose to come back home Amber's return has put an added financial strain on the family a Mum, Mundi and a new partner Scott around to support amber out of their existing benefits Bedroom With the house already full amber and the baby are going to be living downstairs Can you get rid of that black stuff on the wall? fingers crossed Obviously, I feel a lot better now she's fine she's had to get used to the idea that there's rules and regulations again and Getting back into the routine that there's a bedtime and we at a certain time If we're not on top of it and everyone don't pull away Before you know it the all places crumbles went through a bad part in my life where I went through a lot I'm at a lot of boys. There's a lot of bad things You know I've been that So-called slapper what you meet every now and then she has a little blast out especially around moans and teenage ears mixed together But yeah, she still does try to get away with murder if she can There's been quite aggressive swearing batch. I'm Not much lookout for other people at some points she's such a lovely girl dérailleur, you know probably apart this is a stress purge I've had a lucky escape to be pregnant because it's made me change the way I wore I'm gonna try my best to Mitch arias. All right, we're live, you know, I might come off a track I hope he's not like most of the buyers I know I don't mean like my classmate bars but like them are like the nasty attitude the hurt in women You know being a complete ass and if you got someone pregnant And I did what my babies had done to me. I'd basashi and I was 19 when I had amber Obviously I were a bit more grown-up than there But I still were in a bit of a similar situation where I won't prepare 12 a baby I didn't other things I needed It want an ideal situation either She's got the same kind of thoughts as me. It's not not all but she'll hair. It's super easy to think brings you up Shelby spent her teenage years moving between her dad's her aunt's and her friends Currently she has little contact with her dad At the lake stay somewhere and I just like really I won't be here for long. We'll be somewhere else nah couple months At the time I was like, oh, they don't want me they don't care about me. They don't love me Obviously they couldn't handle me Shelby ended up in a hostel before getting her own flat on the southside of Glasgow when she moved here she had nothing, but I would just leak I had to quotes and Mighty impellers and that never just buy them they didn't Sleep there and then cuz it was quite cold den because I said I've been like no vampire I was like you sleeping - like Nicole touch her back It was quite straight to start with it No The social worker that's like chatty. Give me all the second hand stuff the coach Unit the tail is on the table with that chair To start me. I'll just lying on the floor and then like, oh, can he eat to this? But that's much better as soon as she sat on it. It's like From the first couple of days I was like I don't care this is math this Because I just thought that I've written would just be sorted not have an A so suddenly attainder, I don't After leaving her grandparent's bride he moved around rather living with various family and friends But a few weeks ago, she moved into a two-bed shared house after being referred to her use housing charity Although part of her rent is paid for by the Housing Benefit. She has to manage on her income support of 8 pounds a day They just like shopping Well, how was he actually pay me rent but I have to be in The stay in pound for like me Gus in the electric install Ride you never knew her dad and she's never lived with her mom No, I took your crack and smack and deep stuff Wow I can't say she's ever walked after me what she knew in her own head that she won't able so she's never properly mothered marrow Doesn't mean undid it It was her nan who encouraged her to join the army cadets I just think that in honor you've got a lot of weight to doing that but it's like you can talk building stuff and You meet different people and say I'm over people living stuff on I think if I get done again I think this time it'll go on the record, which means I can't went on Bridey's not yet applied for the army Instead she got on a training course to improve her qualifications But he didn't work out So now she has little to fill her days. I Chose to be but no bed and grew up gonna mix and do what I wanted to do. Look where it got me No, yeah, I Don't want disciplined, but I need it to to be able to carry on living We act disciplined. I'm gonna be a bit fucked really I Don't want to sit in on this lifestyle foot rest of my life Wait sadly, it's been alright, I'm up here. Just looking oven Tonight's decided I'm 17 in like it's way that when doing I mean like Anybody I was made sand in this little team Board and there's always people fade in and stuff like because you'll get people that are drunk and then Put in there and we'll just be making up your feel that I'll say when it's great funny Amber's also got more time on her hands you Push into a bucket zone then he can't reach it. She's decided that continuing with the beauty course is too difficult Her friend Sammy became a mom six months ago and relies on benefits This will be Amber's only option as well. So she's made an application for income support For both Pregnancy has been completely rethinking their futures. I don't think we're gonna have kids I didn't plan for it to happen, but I wouldn't change it. So obviously I was expecting it to be a lot later when I was having children talked about babies sometimes But we're driver just chill Listen to music Music and the proper teenagers really and then that's I think that's why it's a shocker that above But then to be quite honest I didn't want a kid I was so dead set on a moment in my career at college and stuff even I'll being a shit Um, I wanted my career I wanted to like get a job and everything and then have children when I found someone but they just you know We always said if you ever heard of maybe I want bag that really works as well tie a little got rid of him There's no ladder Done that I thought I'm not gonna be a backup I didn't know about the money schemes and stuff. Like I thought I'm not gonna have no No, what am I gonna do? Obviously at the beginning I'm not dull but what my supposed to do, you know I provide from a baby cyan't got much of a choice at the moment You know, it's gonna be way harder if we run his own 50 fags, but again, that's all table one and then breads opponent milks of home I've get bread milk a fresh phone crossing m2u chirps Chris just called meat and cheese That comes to 1450. So there's me 40 pounds 50 Before that under budget you're just quite a short and they nobly all right. I saw understand it's been like 20 poem. I Need no shocks To poem 1250 and slave myself for a fag I Probably could to get my food to that and stuff but tags as a bit. You'll know what she again Well, that's weak him get my so socks Because once I've gone I've written up on the got like a couple of home left so tell you what when he told him I Always imagined when I was younger I would just love normally and it'd be easy just to have things and buy everything you needs They already said everybody gets can but like I'm like, oh whisk and like everyone I get paid I'm scan I Know money usually I do too after IEP Our deaf, it's working for people know where It's all even there's no art for no bid there's no he's our future for anyone Can't we just get a bit money behind me and then just actually straight out wrong room. Never mind just fell Bridey's been sentenced for the incident at Billy's house. She wasn't sent down but has been hit with a hundred and seventy pound fine Today she's come to see Tina who lives with Billy's mom Tina's got to know Bridey well and wants it to stay out of trouble you Don't realize how serious is Brandi no freedom whatsoever. That's when you have got to do is eat all like it alone pit Keep the GUP shop, but I don't listen to people It does Jim will ignore me. I did stay the egg losing the interest rate at earlier Because two minutes later you've done exactly what you said. You weren't gonna do Cuz she always comes back to a little to her rooms, which is here in feminine And it's not good. It's not good because the rooms here, of course did nothing but trouble all her life, you know It's not being good for her. So she's I don't mean I knew sitting me. What's I want to look fucking fed on fara? Yeah we all them like they're a Nation say no because I've got me me it took me a I love its pieces and if I could wish for a daughter I would wish for it to be bribed a Well, she's just got to learn to keep her mouth. She was Listen up pop. Oh, you're going to fit 5p drink My friends when I go no money we got hello I'm not going to leave on pot next three days What? I'm leaving on Norfolk and eating as it is well I fit using this in F like just to be prompt here and then not give enough money to Explore if you got read when I get paid on jus quit, I have to get me shopping Then me like mere anything and then by the time I've done he's like ray Make sure I've got enough shopping - like this - wheat look regardless What we think of the government Did you have a give us money and the dog givers enough to live on only just enough st? No, I think this should be younger ones an extra bit We can't afford to go swimming are fucking scare in our tits sinner and shit only eight quick. Where do we turtle? Go get people around. Yeah, but I get up on there a fucking job. This is okay 50 year old our game don't map it Like any factory get up and go out leaving get a job tomorrow I would you'll never have not in this library for they're not prepared to get up off the ass. No, I am For not to us like you'd be a parent said by you Could end a week because your brain is ticking for someone to do and if it's not doing no you barred So you want your asleep? Yeah are on Street Friday. This 17 uses not being brilliant But the next 17 years can be fantastic and 17 years after that and 17 years after that But it is only yo can make it any better Gina and I'll stop sniffing of your foot. She ass. Stop sneaking. Stop drinking smoking it Amber's finally heard about her income support claim. It's not good All right She's only eligible 129 weeks pregnant and mistakenly. She had applied too early, right? So what we have to do is take another look at our do was shopping there were buffs marks or laughter bus stops marking and what was the other thing we use too much are a bit milk Yeah, but you're gonna have to do without the cloves It's making the best of a situation now, but you're gonna eat you're gonna be warm Okay Mmm, I just start with a bill no shit mom's up there. We don't have nothing Should I put myself in this position at first blessed but it's happened then at least I'm trying to make it work It's like Humber to follow in the same path and obviously I've tried to do everything possible Oh he Everything's gonna be fine. Amber will have to wait and reapply I spent ten twenty five, so I'm get like four pound lights to play with so nice potato To furnish her empty flat shall be applied for a community care grant She was initially refused but eventually given just enough to buy a bed fridge and microwave But for the last 10 months, she's had no cooker. I Get this this is great nation. That's my poem wasn't make to move. It's just like fish fingers and like there's B button thing That's great. Nice because it's male expensive this stuff for the microwave like these chaps weight or photo 50 whereas if I was to get chops that you can make You know when you get leased to a big giant bags for 250 and it's like John I mean feel a bit saving him on in not be mayor chaps and Mandy's got a couple from me, but I just need to get leaked the money to like get it, and I've are not I bet a lot badass if there was to be what really just cooked off from use like the way you people do And I look like a petite. I'm always hungry like even if I'm still hungry Like so I'm just like wait, you're just clear. You don't need me other night. You don't need me on the note. So if you drink too much coffee, you get leave this second field and you just don't want eat so if I drink that then helps Goody's o'clock I've got the turn I was gonna go out which eggs Isn't it pretty I think you are you gonna fit it up and then it'll come back to when it's over to it We're feeling like a kid again man. Get me Luna Do you always got you the strings to lead it lights go up a needle? Ooh No, I'm not using that I've been in this market map either one more you want to win it ones away about ready breath Today you've got a little dark line running up from your pubic line here. It's gonna meet you belly amber's now six months into her pregnancy Healthy babies wriggling around that much so it's a really really good sign Right chick you feeling all right in yourself. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I Do miss marking? Well, I went over Dex we didn't have Norman. It's not six adults. I went over there I'm gonna say I'm full right right look at night from now. I would not throw up there, you know already Yeah biggest preventable cause of babies dying so food can knock those stickers on the egg and if you had one of these I Don't know, right? Door get horribly confused about it. Alright, if it don't make any sense to you. Just sling it your mom. Alright Cuz it's got some some information about you know, you claim for child benefit and that kind of stuff is rather 29 weeks now So my first pair but should birthday Besant birthday Excellent, so I get finally getting so much At last my uncle Mark's girlfriend. She is giving me a Moses basket and stuff. So excellent It's all you need really snap, isn't it? Yeah, I need a carpet my bedroom So that's what I'm gonna get out If I do I'm just gonna say rather than spending your money from your maternity granny You could apply for a Social Fund alone and then not like it directly out you benefit You know before it comes through because that's meant for Emergency bits of kit because you can't be without for example a cooker or a bed Can you can I need those things are absolutely essential I don't remember ever think I always forget em, do you put loads in fun? I see everything. Oh It's not in dat world My sweet I think we're outside and done and dusted Dealing with the realities of adulthood has become even harder for Bridal My debts have caught up with her and now her home is at risk I was just sent me a letter saying that I'm gonna pay me arrears off of why they've got like free week. Do you know? The race thing it's about 180 weekly round Anyway when You might be asking why you haven't been able to pay Good I just did hate I Just like the look You'd be worried a bit. Yeah because I've got to be fine to be off as you know It's really not what I can do But for Shelby things are looking up No left Colleague at work with a van is helping a collector aunt's old cooker the fan belaying you for lunch Shelby And there's an added bonus Thanks to her aunt's neighbor Don't get too nice goat cheese. I cook off so I'm a habit And Mandy's managed to find 78 pound from the family's budget to-do app. Amber in the baby's new room I'm gonna buy a blue one. No, no what she and quilt. Yeah Minami on your eyes just the owls. I don't like it's a little bit I can't do knock me out quite daiquiri I can't do nothing Those vendors does your ended It's all even just don't like it I'm gonna move on we want to me it There's no point worrying about future, isn't it? Thanks Watch I took over to get Would I get my baby's footprints and I'm Prince Wow - stuff - a couple weeks now to get your carpet. Yep, and then my wallet drops my next day It's all on you from now on boots down the you to change and make things better for yourself Shelby's just discovered that the cooker has no power cable Just a bit, I don't know. All right, I want it we'll make my soap but a Little bit until I don't know It's just there's always something I was always always something About growing to another I had to change a lot of my ways Obviously at the beginning of my pregnancy I weren't gonna do it straight where because it were a big jump From being a one certain person to another certain person from being a child really to an adult So and obviously it's a to build in time to become and I thought they weren't gonna just happen like that So but yeah I think you after though you have to mature he can't just you can't be a kid looking after a kid like you Can't out like a child and will be looking after a child Can I get a hang up in an adult before I could like Have a baby leak I saw Mike Lee I think it this points about a leak Having a burst leak. Can you imagine having a hose and a baby? Just there's no way I could do it right now Well of what Eddie I need to go down a theme and I'm the fucking money back Bridey's boyfriend isn't able to help with the pressure. She's No, she's not your fucking I was easy that's right we're doing Just comes from every House we find arguing everyone say vision and then I just Start screaming they all at once For Shelby who rarely has any spare cash The options to save our borrow money are limited Doorstep lenders would gladly help but at a cost while the chances of getting a loan from a high street bank are almost nil But she's heard of a possible alternative The main purpose of our union is that the benefit of its members people who are alright comes on people often aren't us with it are you having your cell phone with bills is your Sophia so I can imagine be creating a Financial my finances are an important part a CT. Have you ever had to hearing any problems just like Yeah, yeah sure you can see about then you can make it come up into the kit You need to pause it at least one point and Yoshi was like a just not offer You can deposit more fu wife, but it's a five-page or fee and I found that your shares are killed So when your first one he can fall twice with your save time So if you save up origin and 50 friends will be 300 pounds What age are you just name seventeen? You can join the care unit when you're 16 be account born when we delete account born one until you're 18 years old You'll need two forms of identification. So Gemma passport or driving license. I don't have any photographs or anything estrogen card or Credit union are used to helping people out in Shelby's position like saving them the cost of an ID photo It's that I thought we going to like a union Laughs no, I make it again There's your fool Castillo shoulder Thanks Even so it would be a challenge for Shelby to find the 6-pound needed to open the accounts Today's amber seventeenth birthday With the 78 pound budget for her new room all spent she can ill afford setbacks like a broken bed So now I've got to get my bedroom over and I've just got to stay on mattress, but I'm getting another bed So that's another thing got payout for so That's obviously you're a paid to work up on your birthday be able to open presents. But like I don't think it's real I'm not really bothered. It's just I don't know Yet that birthday feeling when you're opening presents and stuff it's like you know, yeah, it's your birthday there but like Don't bother me if I'm not doing it it's still my birthday I Would say about we've got a car pet I think I could squeeze like a favor a week Are you currently employed? Hmm I Put currently employed. Oh no, I put on him. So let's see. I don't believe I Don't know they would it would come on up and then I ask you get a number of hours worked per week I'm doing so Sarah I was a week. Yeah, that's Yeah, that's 183 and Always minimum me wait a week for pound. I never heard something like favor, you know something It's great that never got a bit out like that Who is it who is it? Basically my sister's bones got pinched and now just trying to figure out who's got fun Bridey to was got used to living without family support. I Just don't like asking for him. All right, especially people you don't I knew I had to be independent, but I didn't think it'd be disordered Well then again it is an experience to stand on your own two feet and be able so I not rely on everybody all time and just be Independent. No, we're not God, please No, cuz then you've got a deal we place where you one of the ways you own. We don't you Do it legally. You can't do what you want to do what I miss being it only makes me nuns. I Miss it now because there's nobody there to say Oh while you're doing this wrong, or you can do this this weird With us. Are you wanted then you're gonna end up with know you've ever is gonna call me still gonna have enough kappa You still gonna have not what you need? least doing this it gets out of the way and then when you get some more money you can Go buy some bloody clothes and stuff like any sisters. You're funny. You are yeah Amber's income support claim has finally been accepted Did you get your receipt I don't ask for say Richard a new mom It's free money, but then won't be able to live if we did another No one would be able to live with another Because of so many people door so many people are you happy that you're getting clapping? I'll give that down because you want other stuff Be as happy. I feel getting the carpet trap Miss Emily grateful. Yeah, you're at some time Just look at the cheaper ones for that So alright former, but pull them out but 69 pounds Freeing that and a number that you can't just use you live in expenses on them Do you like them? There look nice and you very much It's that we're going to learn you don't need them to learn I can pay off today Thank you, nobody struggles everybody finds out to pay for things there are some people of it a lot worse off than me But on shears or one that's been there every step every single there I Think life could have been a lot easier. I Probably did this baby myself, and there was no worse chick eating my dad sitting with Nick it catered Probably at like college. I was holding holidays and stuff disorder had a financial support After not seeing each other for six months Shelby decided to make contact with her dad she wanted to show him how much she's changed My dad 15 let's go kill him It was good leek just Like then the kakari a manly way enough it was gonna think didn't something will With her dad's help Shelby's able to have a proper meal at lust clothes mine image stuff Oh Making this how much money will you have left nothing. I've got no more money for that link yesterday We came on the go. Good night Europeans. I David Cameron this supposedly supposed to be stalking housing benefit for people under 25 What's your dog's fail? Because Like I Don't all think I'm getting housing benefit, but I'm still working. So like if he done that right? No, then I wouldn't know what to do like Look Billy way. I could stay notice that probably really no Better hostels or something Everybody's get problems. Obviously, I think people with money this though have problems. Just no any problems It's ready I like that Now you've just made my first faucet Shelby amber and Bridey the summer is drawing to a close Still unable to pay her rent arrears Bridey has been staying away from home instead. She's been living with Tina Tonight animate rachel is having a house party across the road beers All you need are named on this cupboard their gossip Oakland caught weren't there Bridey is now thinking she may move in with Dre children Well, I don't Be a silly. Alright, cuz I don't like being on my own and she's on her own She's got a two-bedroom house and I said to her I've often their creations and stuff la so might as well get a girl This will be my room I've even got a little wardrobe out the other house. I've been out there Rachael's from Well, um I'm gonna decorate But I don't know Kalia I'm hoping like a pink purple or pink bear fill in a block or a blue and a block really? If they offer you painkillers just Ivan don't be too brave kids. Yeah - thank you We doing fantastic Oh my god I Think when I was a baby ghetto like kind of like 78 That was so easy. Like I don't know it just happens the way it happens like you know, they're like I saw you'd for so long and then Like it's up to you you make what you want to make here are you feeling Perfected a tapa live on the moon don't say well I Love you like bad a bit where my Leafers it's no ideal, but I'm still only 17 that I've got watching me Make what I want to make my you sir Don't know it's just I kind of say pretty position hopefully Well, it's not being easy and kind of wanting to know about as well because obviously a lot of Children copy the Mormons and that will make up to me some time for putting my favorite You weren't born on this earth to have an easy life Well, I'm only 17 I've not seen life yet I've got all them year dad in there
Channel: Real Stories
Views: 1,231,861
Rating: 4.7435036 out of 5
Keywords: growing up poor girl uk, growing up poor in britain, growing up poor in britain documentary, growing up poor in britain full documentary, growing up poor in uk full documentary, Real Stories, poverty uk, poverty documentary uk, poverty full documentary, full documentary poverty, poverty in britain documentary, documentary child poverty, poor kids full documentary, child poverty uk, Real Stories documentary, Full length documentary, documentary movies - topic, documentaries
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 46sec (3406 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2019
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