Growing Pioppino Mushrooms and Reishi Harvest | Southwest Mushrooms

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One of those bags said the 3rd of June or the (5th of March)
Video posted on the 10th of June.
Are you telling me that many mushrooms grew in 7 days?

👍︎︎ 36 👤︎︎ u/littlesirlance 📅︎︎ Jun 24 2020 🗫︎ replies

Growing mushrooms is super satisfying. I bought an oyster mushroom grow kit a little over a year ago and its amazing to watch them grow from pins to full on mushies in a matter of days.

Here's where I bought my kit just in case anyone is interested. The guy that owns Fungi Perfecti was actually interviewed on Joe Rogan as well, really intelligent dude.

EDIT: it looks like these guys in the video also sell grow kits. So I say support them first for making this great video

👍︎︎ 26 👤︎︎ u/Beznet 📅︎︎ Jun 24 2020 🗫︎ replies

He could really do with a better pair of scissors

👍︎︎ 39 👤︎︎ u/traaav 📅︎︎ Jun 24 2020 🗫︎ replies

J Cole multi talented af

👍︎︎ 70 👤︎︎ u/FartHammer2 📅︎︎ Jun 24 2020 🗫︎ replies

He just looks like a mushroom guy.

👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/justsoyoknow 📅︎︎ Jun 24 2020 🗫︎ replies

Wow! In Phoenix? Makes me want to go there now. Wish he would have shown the drying process as well. Have to look on youtube I guess.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/PrimalTreasures 📅︎︎ Jun 24 2020 🗫︎ replies

Is there a sub for niche food growing videos? I'm sure this and the bee guy upset some folks on this sub, but I'd love to seek out more like it.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/JunahCg 📅︎︎ Jun 24 2020 🗫︎ replies

I must have missed him explaining it, but why are they throwing away the mushrooms that have already grown in the bags? Why grow those?

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/IncorporatedShill 📅︎︎ Jun 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

Does anybody else find the sound of the plastic bags satisfying lol

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/ana_yra 📅︎︎ Jun 25 2020 🗫︎ replies
this is a fast-burning strain so this we got to these too late we're gonna have to rip off the top and get a second flush out of these the PIA Pinot is a fast fruiting strain for us it's usually by day 21 after inoculation it's ready to go in the grow room it's like I don't know it seems like it's every time it's a it's always fruiting so if you don't catch it we just kind of harvest whatever is grown on to it and just put it in the grow room it'll keep producing mushrooms until until it's exhausted of nutrients I got two more of these things that are on the way but they haven't showed up yet kind of have like a cleaning bucket with you whenever you're doing any kind of harvesting to just dispose of any waste material yeah this is the new such sawdust right here at least it shows us that the Pia Pinot grows well yeah we recently got some local a local furniture company that was basically throwing away all their sawdust that they were using to make this custom furniture and they reached out to us seeing if we could use it so we started experimenting with it and so far all of our mushrooms are doing really well on it it's an alder sawdust one artist alder and if you ever get like local sawdust from like a furniture company or something like that make sure that you make sure that it's untreated wood that's free of any kind of glues or any chemicals so our the one that we're working with actually have a waiver that they're able to give so that would be a good thing to check out and now we're just kind of peeling off this these grown mushrooms these overgrown mushrooms in here these aborted mushrooms is really what I call them is when they basically abort because the conditions aren't met to provide optimum fruit body production I like to fruit the P of P nose just right out the top we have a few strains that will just do a top fruit where we just grow the mush right off the top of the bag and then other strains that we just do a slice on the bag where the mushrooms can just grow straight out the side or shiitake whether if we just take the whole bag off and mushrooms grow from all sides of the block so this is what aborted mushrooms look like if you get these mushrooms right in the grow room as soon as you see them then you get these beautiful crops of Pino but it's not a big deal just remove this mass if you really wanted to go an extra step you could take this stuff that we're removing and powder it and make like a mushroom powder or something like that but I'd rather just take some better quality fruit bodies to make our powder we like to cut the bag like at least three to four inches from the substrate to give a nice little human microclimate these ones don't the reason we rough up the top of the king trumpet is because it the mycelium tends to overlay their reforms like a thick mass on the top so that's what we just scratch it up since we're pulling this first flush from these blocks right now we're kind of doing that already so it'll be nice take some of these bags and start loading them up into our girl room so these conditions in here are actually about 88 between 82 to 86 percent humidity we just finished fruiting cycle in here I'm actually gonna up it now that we're loading fresh blocks in to probably get the humidity closer to around 92 percent but then again like it it requires attention to detail because you got to notice I mean I like high humidity at the beginning of stages to promote the mushrooms to form and then once they do begin forming kind of lower down the humidity a little bit gradually as they mature so they don't become overly wet the humidity in the room is basically just to serve a purpose of allowing the mushrooms to grow without them drying out the mushrooms get all their water from the substrate they are extracting their water from the substrate as they grow they don't actually get their moisture from the humidity in the air maybe in the air just prevents the mushrooms from acti drying out as they grow they're just gonna continue cleaning off the tops of these blocks being sure not to leave any kind of mushrooms behind those could be the sites for contaminants to grow and other molds just rotting mushrooms basically so we'll just remove all those usually I we always catch it before this but sometimes we don't and if we if that happens and we just do this we'll just harvest off anything that has grown already and just throw it in there and usually within about a week to ten days we can get another crop of mushrooms off of this this bag a beautiful crop of mushrooms the strain grows out very nicely it grows these really nice canopies of these delicious velvet golden tops little mushrooms it's definitely one of our favorite strains to to grow and to eat it's a very flavorful strain and also makes a nice powder which can really give a nice flavor to like soups and other dishes you will get the same nutritional benefits it'll just be powdered mushroom so all those nutritional values and all those nutritional goodies will still be stored within the powder and then added into your broths or soups or recipes you can actually get the mushroom vitamins and minerals into your diet all the time so they can experiment with just different ways to integrate medicinal and gourmet mushrooms into their diets whether it be powders or teas or you know with the powders or which is cool you can just add them into recipes we do the lion's mane powder and at home we'll add it into our smoothies we'll even use it to like add it into like our baking mixes and stuff like lion's mane pancakes or certain breads and you know it's even great for the don't even know that they're eating lion's mane pancakes ten days and we'll do a harvest and after that we can even probably get another harvests after that within another ten days and then after that we'll get rid of these blocks they will make their way into either a farmer's compost a couple local people will pick them up to turn it into soil but yeah just basically not have any old substrate sitting in our facility can just be like a breeding town breeding ground for more contamination oh we actually have a few more blocks now these were us we have a couple grow kits that we didn't sell so we're just gonna go ahead and fruit them inside of our room at this point just because this was an oyster mushroom and now we got this extreme overgrowth in the top of our bag so it's not really a viable grow kit but we won't let it go to waste we'll still put it in our grow room and we'll get a few mushrooms out of it sometimes we try to or you know I try to grow a little bit more just in case you never know if something unexpected will happen so I always like to have a little bit too much an incubation and a little bit too little I remember when I first started you know there was it was hard you know I mean I'd go to a farmers market and leave for 30 bucks sales for the day just because I wasn't in the good markets yet there were you know this is a smaller market and just being a new company nobody really knew that we existed and that one mushrooms can even be grown in Phoenix Arizona we still get a lot of people that are very surprised that our mushroom operation is right four miles west of downtown Phoenix and you know it's just gotten to the point where we've built a reputation and we've really perfected our products as much as we can to to turn heads and to get the right people noticing so I'm already about two and a half years to three years into the business about two and a half years now and it's become my it's definitely it's been nice I mean it's had its challenges and it is a lot of work you know you're going to be spending most of your days just working making doing production lab balancing all your tasks this is it the typical nine-to-five you can come in here and see the mushrooms fruiting out of the bags in the in the tents and they aren't ready to harvest at 9:00 a.m. but by the time that you get the boy your house cleaned up and your time to go home yeah it's time to harvest and so you really are on their time the mushrooms don't take Christmas off they don't know Thanksgiving off my side fruited these pinks because well dude that was actually growing already out of it I had a hole had came into the bag in the lab and I taped it over with a piece of micropore tape and then when I was in incubation yesterday that was popped off the ink the micropore tape had popped off of the bag and the mushroom was coming out this is the Japanese pink oyster that we were just transferring in the laboratory this is about a day and a half in the fruiting so a day and a half ago this thing was the size of the tip of my pinky now it's right here in the next two days it'll be ready to harvest so it'll be a full-grown mushroom that will pick off of this block and it's really cool to see that's beautiful looking cluster these blocks have flushed three times so they're done time to clear out some space you can get up to five flushes but by then your mushrooms are you're only going to be getting like one or two mushrooms a block like here we see this is like a fourth flush right here and we're only getting really getting this much mushrooms so it's really not worth it to keep it around at this point we can just put in some fresh blocks after like three or four flushes the mushroom mycelium is the immune system becomes really weak and can be easily compromised by like a contaminant but your first flush you won't be seeing any contamination unless you have Tama native vlog yeah for the most part these are looking they did their job in nature you'd find oyster mushrooms growing off of the sides of trees so here we kind of try to simulate that way of growth with this block inside is a oak hardwood sawdust and the back kind of acts as an artificial bark tree bark so when we give it an incision it kind of just acts as in nature when the mycelium starts poking out at the right points and receiving the right Oh to levels that sends mushrooms out so yeah we have a few different kinds of reishi here this is a Ganoderma multi phylum it's like an orange for us it grows out in this orange yellow color different than our other strains that we have and here's our Ganoderma cecile I love this strain it grows out these beautiful conch like formations and is a really nice nice red coloration to it sometimes when you put your blocks close together you'll find that two Ganoderma x' will fuse together so that's pretty interesting and see if we can cut that off and we supplemented the Ganoderma Malta file on this time and I think it'll do better with an unsub tonight had substrate yeah and we find that it doesn't like a humid environment with the Ganoderma multi file on if it's two wets basically it has the possibility to growing a little bit of green mold on it so set those aside substrate cart and the reishi is definitely a an intensive harvest so we'll just cut each antler off at the base of the block it's kind of like a forest of reishi down there that's a nice little reishi harvest right there Ganoderma cecile Palmer woods I just flush reishi out one time we get pretty good yields on our first flush and it does take a long time to grow so we don't really like putting them in there for a second flush the majority of the reishi has grown in the bag and we open up the bags just to put them in the grow room so they can develop these congklak features it's due to the higher Oh two levels inside of the girl room gives that reishi the signal to kind of begin producing these conks and it helps really with the distribution of the spores of this mushroom and it produces a lot of spores reishi is one of the most aggressive colonizers and fairly easy mushroom to grow we usually see blocks of this strain colonized within about a week so the the actual growth process of the fruiting body is what takes the longest but I'd find about two months two to three months after inoculation I can be ready for harvest when Tracy you're gonna want to use some pretty good shears just because it's such a tough mushroom it's an intensive harvest but well worth well worth the reward these mushrooms are great brewed up into tea that's the best way to find to prepare them because they're so tough really if you try to eat them or powder them or add them into like any of your recipes they're gonna be pretty tough to break down so treating them with heat and when water as the extraction is the best way for me personally I do it it shows that it really breaks down the substrate into almost a pulp like matter ready ready to begin a composting into soil yeah this this is the most aggressive reishi that we have being able to break down the substrate like that to where it's just easily rips off it's insane yeah this is the best reishi this is a Ganoderma lucidum you get these really nice lacquered stems or these just beautiful camps or conks is what we call them but they're 75% water compared to most mushrooms being 90% so the other more tissue-based and they basically dry up to heavier weight than like a half a pound of our fresh shiitake would dry up to about an ounce and then a half a pound of these guys are about would dry up to like two two ounces or so almost this multi phylum is the hardest harvest hardest harvest but patience and time it's used for teas tinctures really just strict strictly medicinal use it's been my shown to help improve the immune function and boost like the production of necessary T helper cells and it contains some really like unique beta glucans and polysaccharides that have also been shown to like terminate tumor and cancer growth so really a good mushroom that has a lot of promising research and it's been used by Eastern medicine for over 4,000 years honestly it's a great mushroom to grow and use so just work on it on this supplemented substrate just really get stuff down towards the base very hard to harvest Zack did you try pulling this one off like you did the lucidum so yeah if you do decide to grow a bunch of Malta phylum taking the consideration that it's the most effort to get the harvests per se growing on a supplement its substrate I think the next time I grow it I'm going to experiment with some plain sawdust no supplements there we have the cut right there and we have a little bit of sawdust attached so I'll just trim this off the best I can there we have it it's beautiful Cana Graham on multi phylum
Channel: Southwest Mushrooms
Views: 275,443
Rating: 4.9389238 out of 5
Keywords: mushroom mike, mycology, southwest mushrooms, fungi, mycelium, mushroom farm, grow mushrooms, pioppino, reishi, mushroom harvest, mushroom flush
Id: 8KUYup2W2f4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 44sec (1124 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 10 2020
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