Growing a New Body Through Science and Shamanism

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[Music] welcome to the doctors pharmacy I'm dr. Mark Hyman and this is a place for conversations that matter and today's conversation is with alberto bol aldo who's a close friend an extraordinary healer an avant-garde thinker about spirit and body in a way that you don't see around too much and we are now at most lobos sanctuary in chile near santiago and we've just finished an extraordinary program doing it together teaching together called growing a new body now you might be wondering what that means and we're gonna get into that but most of us have kind of issues with our body both our physical body and our spiritual body and they're both connected and we're gonna talk about how to heal and grow and transform based on the latest science a functional medicine and healthy aging and ancient wisdom that actually matches up perfectly and i just want to tell you a little bit about Alberto we Anna have been friends for many years and we've been doing these programs for many years but he's been described as the Indiana Jones of the spirit world by the New York Times he sought out and benefited from the wisdom of ancient shamans and the story you told me was once just fascinating Alberto which was that there was this small group of Incan shamans that kept the wisdom for 500 years that lived at 17,000 feet and they preserved the ancient traditions they were completely unknown to the rest of the world and about 50 or maybe 60 years ago they came down from the mountains they were spotted by somebody because they saw these Poncho's that were actually part of this ancient Incan culture that they thought had been extinct and then they started becoming into the world a little bit more and you had the priviledge decades and decades ago of actually going in and working in teaching learning from these people and teaching their their teachings to the rest of us so you've really brought this whole world of shamanic healing and shamanic understanding and ancient wisdom into the modern world by bridging the sort of little bit of archaic and obtuse and weird stuff into more simple and clear teachable language and practices that can help people work with their emotions work with their spirit work with their their what you call their luminous body how do we become more luminous and alive and connected and you you you know weren't just a guy running around the jungle which shamans you know shakin rattles you I have had pursued your doctoral studies at San Francisco State you were studying anthropology and you were really interested in my body medicine you had really done your spiritual journey over the last 40 years looking at how we can bring these teachings from the ancient world back into the modern world and you created a school those the lightbody school and the for wind society now bring these teachings around the world and now there's literally thousands and thousands of people bringing this wisdom and and ancient teachings and energy medicine which we're going to talk about into the world so you you've been around the block you've written 17 books which is impressive I'm only up at 16 I got to catch up a little many of them New York Times bestsellers and you in your later years you've sort of come to appreciate a different set of energies which is the physical energies that allow us to express our spiritual energies and how we can correct those how we can rebounce those and it's led you to the world of functional medicine and that is really how we sort of got to know each other through through this work and we started doing these programs in in different parts of the world and detox programs and people we didn't really know we're doing just to bring people together and have these great experiences and people have these extraordinary transformations in just one week and so you created this new book which is coming out in March right 2019 and it's it's called growing a new body hose you want to check it out and it's it's really this wonderful compendium and map of the physical and spiritual world and healing both those so so tell us how you sort of came from you know just those initial experiences you had around creating this program with me to now creating the sanctuary in Chile where people come from all over the world to experience this idea and this experience of growing a new body welcome Alberto thank you mark great to be with you and what a great week we've had amazing and it's beautiful to bring the the energy medicine of the Ancients together with energy medicine of of today of what we know about mitochondrial health but I don't want to tell you a little bit about my story I started out in a brain laboratory and we were looking at endorphins and how endorphins can help you know can we influence endorphin levels through moods from meditation through suggestion through energy healing and endorphins are the happy mood chemicals like the opioids and the amazing thing is we have receptor sites for them we had in the brain so the only laboratory space that I could get it at San Francisco State University was in the biology department in where they kept the brains so nobody wanted to work there because of the stench of formaldehyde yeah a lab space is really hard to come by so I had 200 brains around me and I said if I ever needed a second opinion I really needed to turn to one of these and see what's going on but I realized one day that I was looking at at the wrong end of the microscope that instead of getting smaller and smaller that I had to get bigger and bigger and - and at that point I closed my lab and I took the remaining research funds I had and I went to the Amazon to work with people that had no MRIs and they had only the ability to power the mind to kill or to heal and I immersed myself in these studies and found that they had they were the first neuroscientist that they had discovered plants and herbs that would up regulate our Hylian repair system and trigger the longevity James what we call today the nrf2 activator z' these were their sacred plants and I asked them how did you know and they said to me the plants told us and they still have an active dialogue with all of creation yeah you don't want to mix up the wrong plants you'll end up you know yeah so the the what I loved about the shamanic teaching says that they were systems based and that's the essence of functional medicine as well you have to look at the entire system not just that the God and the brain and the the organ that's dysfunctional but what is the entire system including the social system and including your relationship to nature so it's a big system and the West before we can understand the workings of the universe we have to understand the workings of a blade of grass for these indigenous cultures before you could understand the workings of a blade of grass you have to understand the workings of the cosmos so the assistants were very very big but they were all founded on the notion that were energy beings that were luminous beings for energy beings and that we have a luminous energy field that surrounds the physical body and organizes the physical body in the same way that a magnet will organize iron filings and a piece of glass and this field is an information field and you know we have electrical signals going through our nerves all the time and we know that our heart our brain muscles you know electromagnetic signals and we know that their magnetic fields that are created by electrical field and this is an information field that we have to work with that today is very kind of weird and strange and tokey but it's the same thing that happened 150 years ago when people started talking about microbes and invisible creatures and viruses that could have right so we're making progress incorporating the not only mitochondrial energy and the energies of the body but the energy set the field yeah I mean it's an abstract idea right the luminous energy field energy body it's not something we talk about in medicine it's not something that people really understand or access how do you sort of bridge that gap of confusion between what actually is it and how do you access it and what does it do and like it just seems very vague I think most people listening be like that sounds cool but what do I do we can measure that today in the laboratory with with the equipment's really sophisticated equipment squids the superconducting quantum Peters devices that will measure the field but we think of this feel this energy and as fuel but that's changing in the same way that we used to think of food as calories we're now understanding that the field is information and that it contains a blueprint for your health that you this is where you inherited from your family so when I was in the Amazon I got to work with some of the sorcerer's and the sorcerer's were the one set that harm people that hurt people and I asked one of them how do you go how do you hurt someone if you want to do away with someone what do you do they said well we'll tractor and you know we don't go and punch them in the face or put a brick through a window that's we track their energy field and we go ah this purchased the C's that runs in this family or hard condition and they find that imprint that that dark quanta of energy and they find it and they activate it like double-clicking on a program in your computer and that person will not be hard to see mm-hmm the shaman on the other hand will do the same thing and will find that there's an imprint for the generational imprint that comes from the mother maybe for a breast condition and they can clear that energy they can upgrade the quality of the information in the field to change the probability of that person getting a heart condition it's epigenetics in effect not only are we modulating our genetic expression through our foods but energetically through stress is one of the ways so we recognized and also we have the ability to upgrade the quality of the field yeah and you know you need people you may sit on it sound abstract but people know you walk in a room someone's got good energy they've got bad energy that got toxic energy they're full of light they're full of happiness they're full of joy you you actually can feel it when you walk into a room and you're talking about a culture that has really deeply understood and deeply mapped it out in a way that they learned how to work with it to facilitate shifting that energy to clear it to move things through to get unlocked from locked emotions and toxic thoughts that actually impair your ability to be awake and engaged and what you call luminous yeah as for them actually what happens in the field is even more important than what happens in the material world this is the invisible world that the Dreamtime that they interact with and live with but for us for our health we don't only have to eat well and drink clean water and sleep well and exercise but also upgrade the information in the field which is kind of gonna modify your genetic expression see I thought only had one body to take care of my physical body but now I've got my luminous body they take and what's what's so great about your new book is you talk about both of these in the same context face between them and the interface is mitochondria turns out that it's the energy factories in ourselves the power plant the power plant but the other thing that mitochondria do besides produce energy is that they're in charge of the dethklok they tell cells when they need to die and if the mitochondria arm is not functioning properly you have cells that want to live forever that's what we call cancer or cells have died too rapidly and that's accelerated aging and the community through full bio photons they communicate through light we're in constant communication all these through hormones and other communicating model molecules but energetically we're in a constant dialogue with the environment and with each other you you know the energy is good you want to be with someone that the energy is bad you feel that it's your your gut instinct and a lot of it happens with your gut flora so that's the relationship between the energetic and the and what we call spirit the spiritual now today unfortunately we think that the spiritual is religious and religion has nothing to do with it because you know religion gives you easy answers to the tough questions and you can you know be a piece and not think about it spirituality confronts you with these tough questions we've got a lot of answers there no answer Who am I Who am I got am I you know am i a dr. Amiya shaman and my healer and my father and my brother I'm more than any of those things and once you begin to ask these questions then you actually go on a process of self-discovery you cannot ask that if you are thyroid is not working right or if you have a much of mercury in your brain well I find it fascinating that someone has come to this work through working with spirit and energy and ancient traditions that help to you know activate the healing response in the body or do the opposite that you come to understand that our physical vessel the body that we inhabit has to be a fertile soil for us to be able to access that energetic field and so you were hinting at it before you said if your mitochondria are working every thyroid is not working if your mercury poisoning if your gut flora is off if your nutrition is terrible it's going to be very hard for you to access those more subtle fields of of energy that actually are the things that we need access to be fully whole and to be happy and connected and alive and it's essentially when you bring those two together it's powerful very powerful now the thing is that shamans a hundred years ago never had to deal with the toxins that were exposed to today there were no pesticides there were no GMOs there were no environmental toxins there was no unbound mercury all the mercury was bounding the earth and maybe it became unbound when a volcano exploded yeah not when coal burning plants in China are contaminating all the west coast of the United States right yeah so we're dealing with things that shamans were not prepared to deal with and the basic principle in the energy medicine practices is that you can grow a new body you can grow a new body and we know that you can because you did mm-hmm so we got those instructions but now they're in password-protected you do is you get to do it do-over and yeah totally but you gotta be able to hack your biology because their own password protected regions and it and these are the sacred plants of the shamans the nrf2 activator x' the curcumin the resveratrol the broccoli seed extract sulforaphane but also the energy medicine that's what gives you access and i'll tell you how it works because we're part of an experiment and intelligence there forty million species in the planet and only two of those species as the female live into menopause and every other species when the female is not useful for reproduction they're wiped out only two species orcas dolphins and humans because we have the most complex brands and nature favors intelligence sober muscle and brawn and claws and teeth and these are the two species that are the forefront of this experiment in consciousness and intelligence this is what spirituality is about in fact our premise is that if you cannot repair your brain be touched the body that what we call spirituality is inevitable yeah that you have to begin to explore the nature of the cosmos and that's where the fun really begins yeah what's fascinating is you know the analogy used which I love is you can upgrade your software your energy software your biological cell crisis and you know when you when you you have old operating systems they have bugs they get clunky they get garbage in a move happened to me with my computer I literally had to reinstall everything fresh because I had all this old clunky operating systems from software that was screwing up my whole computer and I literally just got rid of all that and it was like I grew a new computer her and I think you know we can what you're talking about in human biology is this ability to to unlock through our DNA through our diet through our ways of dealing with stress through regulating sleep through regulating our gut by ohm through using certain nutrients or using certain foods and these phytochemicals that upregulate these ancient pathways that we can actually literally activate the clean up system so literally get rid of all the old crap and bring in a new set of operating systems that is a new body that literally will help you to reverse the aging clock and increase your vitality at any age really this is what happened to me what happened to your computer happened to me six years ago I had all these viruses and bugs as you know as an anthropologists I've been in jungles in Africa in Indonesia in Mexico Brazil and picked up all of these parasites along the way and at one point my system collapsed I had a I had a liver that was dead basically a heart that was full of holes I have parasites in my brain and you remember that I remember you helped me through that I didn't face so I had to grow a new body you know first I did the Western medicine to kill all the parasites and bugs and in Western medicine is really good at killing things and then not so much growing you know it's but then I had to go and grow new body the doctor said to me you're never gonna be able to hike up a mountain again and I love you know going up into the high mountains and doing an explicit in ancient archaeological sites I grew a new body new crew new liver grew a new heart and they told me to go and get in a liver transplant list and I thought well probably I can get a new liver maybe and maybe I could get a new heart but where was I gonna find a good brain you know yeah my not for sale I got a few holes in mine I don't know thank God you know I got a brand-new liver and heart and brain now that I'm really enjoying basically and we can do that we know how to do that if you can download version 7.1 of the software you can grow a new body and if you're done and you're gonna grow a new body every 7 years anyway and if you don't download the new software you're gonna just repeat the old operating system which is how your mother died of breast cancer or your father of heart disease or the cancer that runs in your family yeah essentially I'm 59 now and I just did my telomere length which is a measure of a rough measure of your biological age and I'm 39 some 20 years younger and I did it about five years ago and I was 43 then mm-hmm so I've actually gotten older but gotten even younger because I've gotten smarter about the things that I know how to do to grow new body that also with my telomere like right when I got sick and I was 69 in my telomere length and when I did it recently I was 46 yeah so telomeres repair and these are the little end caps on the ends of your chromosomes that we used to think were fixed and they shortened and shortened and shortened as you age until there's no nothing left to shorten do you die and then you have bad replication in your DNA that creates a bunch of pathologies and disease but this is and by the way this is solid research this isn't just wacky stuff this Elizabeth Blackburn Nobel Prize winning research that showed how you can use meditation and food and all these various factors to actually increase your telomere length and reverse your biological clock yep but that's just one thing you know we're talking a much more robust comprehensive program that I don't think exists anywhere on the planet I mean when you don't you can detox about it but if you don't beat RC emotions at the same time you're gonna retox so wherever you find physical toxins are also emotional toxins terrible relationships a people you're so angry with you haven't forgiven it's this emotional baggage that's extraordinary and if you don't get rid of that you're gonna you're gonna go back to repeating the same old stories and run in your family yeah oh yeah it's often I think Carolyn may say that your biography gets written in your biology absolutely so your life story literally will regulate your genes your mitochondria your gut flora your immune system everything is regulated by your biography your beliefs your thoughts your attitudes and these this lineage that you come from which is what spirit medicine is so powerful at dealing with yeah see you can't really change your mind until you change your brain and most of us have broken brains today because of the pesticides we've been exposed to the fluoride in the water and the eye and if you want to if you can upgrade the quality of the brain first you have to fix it so the world our brains are swimming in a sea of cortisol and adrenaline cortisol is deadly to the brand and it's deadly to the region of the brain where you have the ability to have learned something new your memory the hippocampus memory and having a new experience you know waking up with the person you've been married to for 20 years and going well Lisa's person I'm waking up with fantastic and when your hippocampus is damaged you go who is this person in my bed you can have a new experience you can have a new experience of health so you've got to upgrade the brain and we know you can repair the brain in six weeks you can repair the hippocampus in six weeks with the DHA is the omega-3 fatty acids and in the shamans knew that they would put you on special diets to upgrade the brain so you could have an experience of the divine and then the ultimate experience that the divine is one where your luminous energy field informed your DNA because the DNA what it does is manufacture proteins and to feel this is software that instructs the hardware what proteins to Express and this is the secret first we have the opportunity of a green the science of the bring it down a little bit I mean this is an important point you just you just said it was so much in there I want unpack a little bit because what you're saying is that your spiritual life your thoughts your feelings your emotions controls your DNA in a way that changes the expression of it for good or bad health or disease from disease and we know this from research for example in social gene omics which I talked about before which is essentially idea that you can change your genes through a social interaction if we're having a heartfelt open connected interaction my good genes are getting turned on my anti inflammatory genes my longevity genes my antioxidant genes they're all getting turned on my bacteria are listening in my gut to my thoughts and feelings and they are changing in a minute-to-minute basis based on what's going on we actually know this scientifically now and converse is true you know you talk about the sorcerers putting out energetic imprints that actually will have a negative emotion the worst sorcery we're having today is the news the news you know there predisposing us to die early to get sick to it because we're only getting bad news I think we need net news fast but they are see the shamans have practices that help you to change the quality of your field and I want to share one with you yeah yeah yeah one of them is a breathing practice where in the inhale you say to yourself I am and on the exhale you say my breath and my breath so you do a sigh love you and then you pause at the very top of the breath I am and at the very bottom of the breath and my breath when you pause to the very bottom before the exhale turns into an inhale again and then the very last day of your life that very likes the moment of your life you're gonna go I am my breath I release yourself with the breasts mmm and not be stuck in the all of the old stories and beliefs of who you were this life and move on to to experience in infinity and this is actually a daily practice at the shamans stone to know that because whatever you put after the word I am it's gonna define your entire day I am sad I am hungry I am angry I'm Restless luminous and if you just ultimately you come to I am yeah my breath so this helps to change the quality of your life of your being and it affects you mitochondria yeah affects your energy levels in the body but if you look at evolution in the past evolution happen in between generations your children were smarter hopefully and better-looking that you are but during times of great crisis evolution happens within generations call quantum speciation and today we're facing an amazing global crisis and mother Nature has taken the foot off of the brake and stepped on the accelerator because of the loss of species that were experiencing so we have the opportunity today to take a quantum leap within our generation in our health not just to maintain our health but to even get healthier than we ever were during our lives by unfolding that the end DNA strand another twist and by downloading the coats of a new human and these shamans that you spoke about that came down from the mountains 50 years ago they came to the liver of prophecy a prophecy of a new human being born in the planet today and but more than the prophecy what is that new human this they called it homo luminous not Homo sapiens and that new human is us not our children not the child that will be born not the indigo kids but us we have the opportunity to quantum leap within our lifespans but even more than the prophecy for the shamans the important things were the processes what are the processes how do you upgrade the field how do you detox the body that's what we have to contribute to it because you can't become Luminos enlightened if you're full of toxins in your body so this is really important point how do you well how do you feed the body because you can't grow a new body and french fries right would be a very strange body and we have the opportunity to do that today and in our programs in a grow new body program we can start that that process in this in seven days and that's what the book is about and what's so beautiful is you know over I mean I first started doing this I guess in 2004 5 and then brought you into this and then you've evolved the program and you know it was a very exclusive private experience but and we refined and refined it me you've taken it and created a sanctuary here in Chile where people can come and have an experience and it is exclusive but you've also taken what we learned and what you've learned and translate it into this book growing a new body which is subtitle house spirit and power plant nutrients power plants or mitochondria can transform your health and you've taken all that wisdom intelligence and knowledge over decades and have put it into this practical program that people can do at home which you know may not have all the bells and whistles you know there might not be a fire ceremony or you know but know there's a fire sale review that they do at home ok yard see because the ancient brain where you candle with a candle the the ancient brain needs ceremony to change you cannot change your mind particularly this old brain that we have the brain of fear and scarcity you cannot change that brain unless you do ceremony why people get married and there's birth and death rites you know that create a ceremony so you can change yeah and once you do that the ceremony then becomes a sacred act that you create not somebody else's ceremony but yours so so let's break down what we do here and what's in the book because I think it's very interesting to people to understand the components that we provide the structure to grow new body and start that process in a week and see the transformation and feel like oh you know if I had this for this problem I'm really sick but I block like it's gonna take months or years to get better it actually is amazing how much change happens you probably see 50% of the change you're gonna see in seven days and then the next few months the rest of the 50 and it's powerful so talk us through the components of the program and how it's designed and what what do we expect well first you've got to work at it the physical level because the physical is to bleep with this is the vessel that holds the spirit and first you got a detox the body take away everything that poisonous so the allergens you know we take away the dairy the gluten the the corn anything that may be a potential allergen processed food processed foods we serve natural organic take that morning foods that and we do a particular focus here that we protein load at the beginning and at the end of the program and then we cut out most of the animal and all the animal proteins and so that you are actually cycling your proteins you have your protein load at the beginning and at the end because you need the proteins to build a new body but then we put the body into what it believes is a starvation mode mmm and they're really not starving because we're getting those amazing who's incredible we have Macy chefs but the body thinks is starving and then it kicks in to repair mm-hmm that's once you trigger that starvation system all of the repair systems go on and then this is what this is what allows you to grow a new body first you did you detox and then you switch on the repair genes that are switched on by the super nutrients that turn on the lunge a bezoar to a gene so longevity genes this is powerful something's break that times there's really two steps one is we have an embedded biological mechanism that's well described scientifically that's the garbage truck that comes and cleans all the waste out it's called Itachi which literally means eating yourself so you eat all the waste and get rid of it and you have to do that through restricting either restricting calories through low restricting sugar restricting certain kinds of patterns being so intermittent fasting ketogenic diets Femi guys they all do this process even the whole idea of eating dinner at 6:00 and not eating till like 8:00 that's a 14 hour fast right but but most of us don't do that well you can do a 16 hour fast but it's in that period that the body naturally will clean up and then begin the repair process but then you supercharge it with another aspect which is these powerful neuro nutrients and up regulators and mitochondrial boosters well in health food stores today yeah you know I used to I was in the Amazon for 20 years eating these barks and roots and we're disgusting it horrible and now you can get the stuff of the an Elvis story yeah will trigger all of those through their systems and these systems have been dormant for many of us because after the age of 35 many of these systems shut down yeah because nature and best heavily in the reproductive years so if you're 35 your glutathione production is zero your super oxide production is almost non-existent and these power plants will turn on your antioxidant productions inside the cell to the level you have when you were 18 yeah this will happen three days yeah so that's the power this is you you you take away the things that are going to be causing the waste accumulation and you activate healing pathways through an anti-inflammatory low allergen phyto nutrient dense detoxifying diet that's that's low in in certain proteins that can trigger various pathways that you want to put on pause it's not the proteins bad it's just it's just that you have to understand the biology of it and then you step in with a whole series of cocktails of phytochemical nutrients and supplements that actually activate these pathways that's it and we know how to do that today so what are some of those things that you would do in the second with the shamans did in the Amazon that I work with they intuitively knew which plants would trigger these trigger autophagy once you were fasting after five days you were already eliminating waste but how do you switch on those genetic mechanism the snare wall gets you to up regulate production over the thigh on a superoxide these master detoxifiers - the way you had it when you were 20 years old and this is a key this is what they discovered and these are things your body naturally makes but some of us are less able to make them because of our genes because we weren't having to make huge amounts of detoxifying things before we lived in a polluted world and often we aren't eating the foods and the raw materials and that to actually make those things in our body so for a superoxide you need zinc manganese copper for glutathione you need a lot of the cruciferous vegetables you need certain high method sulfur-containing amino acids like cysteine and glycine and glutamine and these are things that we get from our diet our diets are often deficient they want to be able to do this at home and how do you how do you do this at home because you're growing a new body all the time anyway and you know it's a new body that's getting sicker or a new body that's generally is a body that's getting sicker yeah it's getting sicker so the I remember in college we used to think when I was that that the brain didn't produce any then he knew that didn't repair itself he didn't know new brain cells he couldn't get a new brain cells you got new skin cells but every shot of tequila was twenty thousand neurons so you got a dose you're alcohol or I must be low in the US but today we know the brain produces stem cells every organ in the body has these caches of stem cells so how do you switch them on how do you turn them on now one of the things that turns them on is the omega-3 omega-3 fatty acid DHA in particular it turns on a protein called BDNF brain-derived neurotropic factor like miracle-gro for the brain miracle-gro switches on the production of stem cells in the brain and the brain repairs and every organ in the body you can has its own pockets of stem cells the thing is how do you turn those on and this is what the the jungle peoples discover that these up regulators that today we work with curcumin that everybody should be on and inflammatory amazing but they're also signaling molecules resveratrol so for a fan yeah pretty amazing I actually you know did a spec scan which is a brain imaging scam when I was very sick years and years ago and they were like holes that look like Swiss cheese all over my brain where areas were under functioning spec scheme looks at blood flow in the brain is right the Swiss cheese brain and I felt like I had a Swiss cheese brain now I'm smart and I could overcome in and I could fake it but I knew that my brain was Swiss cheese and then I implemented these methods over a long period of time and I had it redone recently and I was like oh my god the Swiss cheese is gone and I'm like how could this be this is you know twenty years later my brain looks 30 years younger yeah you don't want to like breathe either that's all kind of syrup you know right No so the point here is that you know using these ancient technologies and these discoveries and modern science about functional medicine and how the body works and how to create health you actually can repair and renew all the systems and organs in your body not only that for example one of the meditations in the book takes you to to rewrite your genetic destiny so it takes you on a journey to follow your timeline back to the moment of your conception and to imagine yourself inside this beautiful luminous egg and you're in your mother's body and you're sitting there meditating because an ancient in times before your conception your mother would be attended by the women that she would be bathed and your father would go up at the mountain and do Vision Quest but you know when I was conceived my father had had a little bit too much whiskey and my mother had blue no experience so here I well my genetic destiny was selected in this moment of too much alcohol and fear and imagine what that imprinted me you know 23 chromosomes so alcohol whiskey and fear are you scared of whiskey or whiskey scared of you so in one of the meditations you go back to the moment of your conception seeing yourself inside this luminous egg that's huge your mother's egg is gigantic they're all these tiny sperms and biology tells us that it's the fastest swimmer that gets there first now the egg goes you I like you come give me all your genetic material but keep your mitochondria yeah this is only the mother that has the mitochondria and then you could you call you summon you know strong heart clear brain good bones and you can reselect I don't know if you can really travel to the past but I know that this exercise is an epigenetic regulator that helps you begin to select for strong bones good brain good memory good hard strong heart because we know we can model we can select for those genes most beautiful as you know we can say eat this food take the supplement but you all set practices in the book that allow you to access these more esoteric realms that are pretty simple and straightforward to get into it's just that we're never trained in them we don't know how to do them and we talk about meditation or yoga but you're taking this to another level totally see the thing is will you upgrade your intelligence you're not operating from this fear-based brained and listen scarcity and this brain loves sugar runs on sugar and you can upgrade to a higher brain the neocortex that prefers the fats it loves the fats have burns fat for fuel then you can participate in creating your chance selecting your genetic destiny yeah so you you say what I wrote bookie fat get thin but it's yeah the idea that you know sugar is brain poison totally and it's a mitochondrial poison yep and you cannot it's a liver poison it's a hard poison yeah it's a gut microbe poison steals your future so that you you know today we're living longer but we're living longer sicker you know the health span has not been increased in the last century but the morbidity those last years where you're sick is what's what's growing and we don't want that you know we wanted to take a vitality our sexuality our humor with us and till over 120 and they actually have done Studies on this there's a guy named James Freese who studied longevity and habits and this idea of health span and lifespan right and your health span is how long you're healthy your lifespan is how long you're alive you want them to be the same yeah right not your house band being 60 years and your lifespan being 19 you die you know after being been to nursing home for 30 years that's no fun and when he found was that people who kept their ideal body weight who didn't smoke and who exercised I actually could what we call rectangular eyes a survival curve meaning you go along super fine and then just boom you fall off a cliff as opposed to this slow decline yep and and it was it was breaking the idea that we've had that if you have a culture of people who live a long long time they're gonna be sicker they're gonna do more services they're gonna cost more than society I mean your time at your 96 year old mother and her 97 year old husband or taking a trip to Germany and you know like run around the world and in their late 90s and my mother in the program I put it on the program five years ago she'd been living with pain for 20 years and she's saying oh a bear - I'm finally pain-free for the first time in my life I'm pain free and this is you know I did five years ago we went to see a spinal surgeon because she was having a lot of pain in her lower back and a spinal surgeon said well you know there's inflammation here and disturb her we could go in and but you're 94 years old I don't know that we can do surgery and I asked him well what about putting her in an anti-inflammatory diet and a Mediterranean diet and he says to me I'm a surgeon I'm not a nutritionist I don't know anything about any wife left he's honest so I did her pain diminished by 80% amazing but the other part is what's in the field is our emotions and we have to heal our emotions now for the shaman soul emotions are toxic you gotta get rid of them and replace them with feelings which are authentic so some people are used to therapy - coaching - you know certain you know meditation practices deal with these things what you're talking about is a different way of handling it that's based on ancient wisdom shamanic healing can you kind of break it down a little bit because I'm really curious about how how you apply it how it works with people and how do you start to release those emotions those toxic things so I've been here this week we've been doing the program and we've been going through all sorts of interesting ceremonies and rituals whether it's fire ceremony or the spiral ceremony or the cord cutting ceremonies or and they all are symbolic they're all ritualistic but I can really feel a shift in places that I found I was stuck in around family issues or around what is coming up next for me in my life how I want to design the next you know 50 years of my life because I'm gonna be 60 and I'm thinking okay and I feel like talking about it doesn't always do it yeah so tell us about about it can actually reinforce an old story that's no longer useful to you but you believe it's true so part of what we help people do is to write a new story for themselves a new story about their health and a story about their relationships that person that really hurts you then may your life miserable or that abused you how do you find what the lesson was for you and practice forgiveness so forgiveness is really key and this is an act of power that you make I choose to forgive you and the next step is to practice gratitude so I had one of my students come and say I finally forgave my mother my mother was so abusive was so horrible I finally forgave her and I asked her have you I said to her have you asked her to forgive you and she said why should I she was horrible to me I said well you lived inside her belly you were like a parasite you sucked all her vitamins and nutrients tossing from her bones if nothing else thank her for bringing you here because until we get the plate to the place so we can go from forgiveness to gratitude we're not done yeah now the shamans work with it energetically they say that we have energetic cords that connect us to people that we have incomplete relationships with or that we're angry or that we have toxic emotions around them and they're able to cut them energetically and stand sever that cord so you can then change your mind about this relationship and not re-establish that toxic connection again so they see it energetically as a as a luminous cord like a fire hose and might connects you to an ex and you're still angry with and you've got to cut the cord but then you also have to practice forgiveness hmm and eventually gratitude thank you for teaching me that hurt a lot I don't ever want to learn that way and so those those practices and things are in the book they're in the book yep and and and if people want to find someone who can work with them personally how do they do that you know we have a directory in our website which is what which is WWV for winds calm before winds dark are the four winds calm and we have a practitioner directory in 40 countries so you can work with shamans that we've trained some of them are medical doctors psychotherapists laypeople massage therapists that you can work with a local shaman that can help you deal with the emotions and with the Karma so the field contains a karma that can help you to clear that Karma I'll trade the field but the key is you have to learn the lesson if you don't learn the lesson you're going to keep repeating the grave and how does shamanic work help you learn a lesson this shaman will would you know if you are hurting your shaman they'll say well what what is it that you had to learn and you go but I'm hurting I'm believing he said I'm not stopping the bleeding until you tell me what you learned from this experience so this sounds all amazing and I think people can probably pretty well grasp the concept of growing a new body growing the luminous body I think it a little more abstract would you say that people a single this all sounds like hocus-pocus you know shamans rattles feathers chanting like magical it's like well like isn't just just you know magical thinking and isn't it just but not in a polite way but isn't it's just sort of old traditions how do you respond to that I have the science in the book yeah all the science is there and there's an invitation to try it out some experiments like meditation people used to say oh that's focus focus and now we're discovering there's a whole world in meditation so the exercises are an invitation for you to try it mmm try it have a taste of this invisible world that for the shaman this world organizes the physical world in the same way that your field organizes your body this invisible world the fields and of energy is for creative material world it's pretty interesting I you know I read some extraordinary studies of distance healing and and things happen at a long-term effect have been rigorously done in clinical trials which is shocking it's like how can you have a bunch of people praying for somebody and they get better whereas other people will just no talk about the weather and the desin person doesn't get better or you you share with me a story of the rabbits where they tell us the story about the rabbits and the submarines well you know this this when you enter into this space the space is non-local it's non-local to time or to store the distance so they took a rabbit and SS Deepak Chopra's I think email non-local reality well this is modern physics nonlocality so the field is non-local so you're sitting in that chair if I wanted to sit in that chair without you movie it would be difficult because two objects cannot occupy the same space but our fields can occupy the same space so that what the shamans say is that you know who you are today because you're some body somewhere but the field is everywhere then they ask are you gonna know who you are when you're somebody everywhere so when you die and you step into your field stay you're not in your particles date anymore this is the big debate in physics 100 years ago it's you know instead of particle is it away it's the photon a particle is an expose so we're in our particle state when we go back to our field state which is everywhere are you going to be able to take your consciousness with you yeah it's it's pretty powerful so it's an invitation to experiment with the rabbit the rabbit that the story is that they took a mother rabbit kept it in Moscow and they took seven baby rabbits in a submarine mm amazing rabbits of that mob that mother and they hooked her up with electrodes brainwave monitoring EKG and they sacrifice the babies one at a time it's a gruesome experiment but yeah this is so every time they sacrifice one of the rabbits that the brain waves would go crazy even though the behavior the mother didn't change but unconsciously she was registering the fact of what if her babies have been killed now women mothers know this they know they're connected to their children in some way but here they were doing the experiment of how there is communication over distance without any apparent physical carrier no telephone line no internet all of us have had that experience right we call it coincidence right do you think of somebody they call or you I mean I I have it all the time where I need to talk to this person and I just walk in walking straight into them or call synchronicity yeah synchronicity synchronicity is different from causality causality is cause-and-effect synchronicity is for no apparent reason this person just called yeah or you have a you have a feeling you have a dream or you have a feeling of someone's in trouble or someone's sick that you're close to her love and and then you find out it's true I mean that's a relatively common phenomena there we call it speaks to what you're really talking about is that there's this non-local nonlinear field that we all live in you know I don't know not controlled with your ordinary mind you be a part of the dance that this cosmic dance that when you're in right relationship with people call you when you think about them or you get all the green lights in a sense you know being in that space your life becomes richer you become happier become healthier and and the ground on which you build that has to be growing a new body totally you know which is optimizing your health with functional medicine and and working on your luminous body which is the energetic spiritual emotional psychic part of your story yep which is the most neglected part of our of even in functional medicine there's this quadrant of spirituality that nobody knows really how to handle but for the shamans which were the first neuro scientists they've been around for fifty thousand years a careful observers of nature they discovered that the invisible world including our invisible field was essential and that you could upgrade the quality of your health by upgrading the quality the quality of the information in the field and food is information food is in France or information thought forgiveness I mean that I think that is the biggest challenge for people because people can change their diet they can add more broccoli they can stop eating gluten but changing your thoughts that's a that's a big one taking your belief systems changing your bullet because your belief systems or wood drive your thoughts and that drives your behavior which drives all the consequences of your life and who you are and those belief systems are embedded in neural networks in the brain but also in the field and if you can change them in the field then you cannot change that unless you create a ceremony around it mmm so you cannot be eventually if you're with your partner you want to get married so you have a wedding ceremony and that changes everything you have a wedding ceremony you're no longer dating someone and keeping your eye open for the other person there may be better for you it's a commitment and then there's a big change that occurs and the ceremony doesn't have to be a shamanic ritual is something that you create that brings sacredness to the moment 19 candle clinking a glass of wine with a beloved with eye contact instead of just banging the glass that's the ceremony yeah how do you reach out and touch someone so these are the moments that make your experience sacred and not simply a practical transactional one yeah it's really important because if unless you create these structures or sacred moments or rituals I think it's we all get caught up in life and it becomes a rush distraction and disconnection and you know my wife and I started doing this practice called what's up below so every day we create a sacred space and it might be five minutes ten minutes might be an hour depending on what's going on and we just listen to each other it's not about responding or fixing or having a conversation it's just like like don't tell me what you did today tell me what's up below like I want to know what's up below and that creates a stronger connection and immediacy and currency in your life that is really hard to to just to create just in the day-to-day running around of the details of life and it can be done with yourself whether it's a journaling or whether it's certain meditation practices or whether it's just time in the woods by yourself but creating that sacred space allows the new that keeps a relationship new you keep renewing it and this is for grow new body is about it song it's because you can renew renewal is so much easier to do then repair yeah when you try to repair a relationship well huge amount of work if you keep renewing it in a daily basis it's it stays healthy you can renew your body if you have to repair your body oh it's massive and renewing and means how do you grow a new body how do you grow a new field how do you grow a new awareness of who you are and where your journey in this life is about it's amazing well for those of you who are listening who would love the full-on experience you should go to Los Lobos sanctuary comm and read about this amazing sanctuary created in Chile where you do the groan a new body program a number of times a year and to learn about your book I would go to your amazon page known for winds calm and the book is the program that we do here in los lobos that we just did together and how you can do it at home practical their recipes or instructions or protocols for working with the supplements shamanic meditations how do you go in a Vision Quest really important so and today we need a new vision for our lives collectively and personally I mean I see there are a lot of books out there but a lot you've been a lot but I this is one of my favorites out there because it combines these two worlds that seem not really connected right this shamanic were all the scientific world and the truth is they're the same map it's it's just different language and they're describing the same phenomena using different words and the and this the the the biologic map of the universe and the shamanic map turn out to be very similar and you created a container where people can actually experience a very well done book it's it's practical it's not too long it's really clear and it really takes you through the the work that I've been doing for decades and the work that you've been doing for decades and synthesizes it in a way that I don't think exists out there so anybody listening I go right now to Amazon get the book go to the Four Winds Society cons learn more about Alberto's work and stay tuned for more from Alberto because he's not going away he's just getting younger every day thank you Mark so thing great to be with you great to spend this week together that we just did yeah it's been quite amazing so thank you everybody you've been listening to the doctors pharmacy a place for conversations that matter I'm dr. Mark Hyman if you love this podcast please share with your friends and family on social media leave a review we'd love to hear from you sign up if you haven't already as a subscription to get the podcast every week and we'll see you next week on the doctors pharmacy [Music]
Channel: Mark Hyman, MD
Views: 55,175
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: energy medicine, alberto villoldo, aging, health, the doctor’s farmacy, dr. mark hyman, mark hyman, shamanism, energy field, telomere length, medical anthropology
Id: Z048Tzp-y8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 35sec (3575 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2019
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