Grow! Glow! Flow! Plus Some Small Print w/ Michael B. Beckwith

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[Music] and then you're feeling the the the effects of what happens when you have a revelation this is what we're feeling here agape was birthed out of revelation it was birthed out of insight it was birthed out of an openness of catching a vision of possibility of a spiritual community that gives the individual back to themselves it was birthed out of a revelation and an insight about all individuals coming together regarding regardless of sexual orientation regardless of color of skin regard less of ethnicity regardless of where an individual's national origin is but individuals coming together in a way that we could come to an awareness of our oneness with the spirit of the living god and though the surface it may be different the roots are the same that we can come together and celebrate the divine presence in a way that would change our lives forever and that this community would become and is a a a a center it is an epicenter of divine love and infinite peace so as we hear the theme of the month which is and has been a view from the top we've come to an understanding beginning last week that there is a view from the top there is a view from expanded awareness it's called beholding and beholding is a state of consciousness in which you're no longer obscured by previously held points of view no longer obscured by the artifacts of limited perceptions that have condensed themselves into experience you're no longer obscuring that which is real by limited lies and beliefs you're actually seeing life the way it really is we've come to know of course that most people do not have an encounter with reality they generally have an encounter with their thoughts about reality their beliefs about reality which determines a loop of experience that becomes very difficult to come out of unless someone has an insight and are able to see a view from the top that sets them free and then that particular experience is exacerbated by the imprinting that takes place within our societal structure and the status quo that seems to want to keep people loaded and coded with fear and doubt and worry throughout the media so it becomes very normalized and very popularized for individuals to become afraid and to live a life of freedom constantly living on the edge of survival producing cortisol through the body temple basically diminishing the capacity for the immune system to do its work creating a discoherence on the hemispheres of the brain increasing the blood pressure and basically creating an acidic toxic environment for the body temple that allows for disease and discomfort to foment and ultimately express itself that kind of life is not for you that's not the life that god has ordained for you god has ordained for you because you have emerged from the eternal to reflect and to reveal the cosmos in a way that has never happened before god has ordained for you the possibility for you to engage in reality and to make a very high choice of being able to be a participant in your own unfolding we live in a participatory universe meaning the universe the multi-dimensional universe is the out picturing of the heart mind of the infinite and it operates through love and through law and you get to participate in your own unfolding back in the day people believe that evolution took place basically as an adjustment factor to external circumstances but now we know that you can participate in your own unfolding and you can evolve in one lifetime you can change you can transform your entire life in one lifetime you can emerge out of the throes of lack and limitation and negativity you can you can emerge out of your uh being stuck in the muck so to speak by circumstantial living and absolutely embrace the higher frequency of your life and watch as you grow and glow from a very high state point of view we're talking about having a view at the top sometimes called the upper room sometimes called mountaintop consciousness sometimes called on a clear day you can see forever sometimes called the awareness that the ground upon which you're standing is holy because you're standing on it with the awareness of the presence and the power and the love of god is everywhere and it becomes the very activity of our awareness you are here to have a view of great possibility of you from the top so that your entire life becomes a fiat of the spirit of the living god that you as the image and likeness of god has you have come to know and i'm speaking of this into the place that already knows what i am saying your surface mind and the sub personalities may not have an idea of what i'm saying but your soul knows exactly what i'm saying that you are the spiritual image and likeness of god which does not mean you look like god because god is formless god is timeless god is eternal god doesn't have a form though you can see the evidence of the presence of god in form the presence of god is timeless in formless and dimension unless and so we know that the image and likeness of god means that you're sharing a faculty with the spirit and that faculty is that you have the capacity to absolutely think independent of any experience that you may be growing through you can think independent of that experience and out of no thing at all set a whole new causative factor in your life by coming out of the world of appearances the world of effects and circumstances and situations people places and things and begin to see differently and free your imagination from being hijacked excuse me by worry and doubt and fear free your imaginable faculties from being hijacked by a sense of separation you can free the imaginable scares you can re-enchant your imagination until it becomes an angel of god taking you to a place of leaping into the invisible unknown unknown to the ego unknown to the limited perception unknown to the personality unknown to the limited sub personalities but known by the presence of god you can take a big leap into that awareness and this is why you pray this is why you meditate this is why you practice the life visioning process this is why you study this is why you have high a fellowship not to try to change god's mind because if you could change god's mind we'd be in trouble you see because the spirit of the living god is the same yesterday today and forever you can't influence god at all get that let that go into your awareness you can't influence god because god is the same yesterday today and forever but you can allow the presence of god to influence you you can open yourself up and catch inspiration which is the inspired thought of the spirit and allow that to take over your life so that your life becomes a living vehicle of that which the presence of god is i'm talking about the view from the top not the view from the valley which is full of fear and doubt and worry and of course i'm not talking about the physical valley that people live in i'm talking about the valley of despair the valley of the valley of separation the valley of limitation the valley of not enoughness the valley of scarcity the valley of fear the valley of the shadow of death you see that daily death that we go through to become more of ourselves and it's become so popularized and normalized that people are walking around the world actually living in fear on a regular basis and wearing that as a badge of belonging i'm afraid you're afraid yeah i'm afraid to are you afraid yeah i'm afraid oh okay we're together okay we're afraid together oh i'm nervous oh my god what am i gonna catch next week what's gonna happen stop it metaphysicians stop the nonsense wake up you are more than you think you are you are the image and likeness of god and when you step into the vibrational frequency of who you are your life becomes impervious to bs that's belief systems saying that you're separated from the power and the presence and the love of god oh i want you to catch this because as you catch this you'll not only change your own life but every environment that you go into will be shifted because the highest vibration always wins the highest frequency always wins a thought form that emerges from a sense of separation is not as powerful as a thought that's emerging from a sense of unity in biofeedback you can see that the thoughts that are emerging from a sense of oneness have more power than thought forms that are emerging from a sense of separation so you become impervious to lack and limitation in scarcity in a sense of separation we're talking about a view from the top the upper room consciousness the secret place of the most high under the shadow of the almighty you i'm talking about you the individuals that's sitting in your underwear right now that person right there you not not just your friend your cousin not just people around you i'm talking about you you see and so as you begin to do the inner work necessary to catch inspiration to catch the higher point of view you begin to to understand what the topic uh would mean about a grow and glow and flow with a little bit of small print in there as well and you begin to understand that your your movement of thought and your movement of prayer your movement of practice is to create a priority in your life where your priority is to grow your priority is to evolve your priorities have become more of yourself your priority is to embrace your authentic nature your priority is to embrace your eternal nature your pride that becomes a priority that goes well beyond all of the other priorities in your life you don't throw the other priorities away you know the priority that allows you to feed yourself the priority allows you to attain certain skills in the world a priority that allows you to better yourself in different areas of your life no we don't throw those priorities away but your uppermost priority must be that you're going to participate in your own unfolding so the individual that is here today does not exist next year that another greater vision and version of yourself has emerged so that you are living to grow develop and unfold as a priority thus understanding what jesus the christ meant when he said that foxes have holes and birds have nests but there's no place for the son of man to lay his head in other words foxes can kick back the birds have nests they can kick it in this stage of unfolding but use the image and likeness of god you rest in the flow of unfolding you remember what saint augustine said i shall not rest until i rest in thee you shall not rest until you're resting in the evolutionary urgency of you becoming more of yourself and as you become more of yourself then you discover the lily of the field consciousness your needs are met you become impervious to this ease and disharmony you're living in the flow of creation let there be light let there be beauty let there be love let there be abundance let there be prosperity you're living in a different flow cortisol isn't flowing you have endorphins flowing through your body temple because you're on an adventure of becoming more of yourself oh that's a heaven of an adventure it's the e-ride of coming to earth you see the excellent ride the ride of excellence and so grow and then as growth takes place and growth does not mean getting there it means when you get there you discover that there is here it's already here growth just means an expansion of your awareness to discover you already got it you're just seeking to discover and activate it and ultimately express whatever the it is that would be love that would be peace that would be joy that would be harmonizing prosperity that would be wealth that would be abundance that would be all of the sacred qualities of the infinite you see and so that's what growth is it's an expansion of your awareness and as that becomes the activity of your awareness oh you start to glow glowing is the highest form of prayer beyond what flows out of your mouth in terms of resonant cellular frequencies which is powerful you start to glow with the presence you see there's a there's a an invisible auric field that starts to permeate your your your environment you're glowing with the knowing of the presence of god that's wordless you understand what ralph waldo emerson meant when he said i can't hear who you are thunder so loudly i can't hear a word you're saying it's a glow and that happens in in in both ways sometimes individuals are conniving and and sometimes politicians get a wrap for this that that that the stench of their frequency is stinks so even if they're saying all the right stuff everyone knows that they're lying you know and sometimes it's a very powerful thing a person can be in divine silence but the glow of their being is outshining every star you see who you are thunder so loudly i can't hear a word you are saying this is all about the glow getting your glow on so that you're walking in this dynamic and then you understand what slow motion is you get into a flow and that is beyond the figuring out mind you become a fiat of the spirit where inspired wisdom and divine guidance start to flow through you in a language in a way that you can understand and then you don't move until you're moved by the spirit something compels you into right action and it can be said you know something made me do that something told me something is another name for god something is another name for the act of intuition something is another name for direct and divine knowing you start to flow and and slow motion becomes the order of your day and you begin to understand that a coincidence is something that's coinciding with the activity of your awareness being at one with god this coincidence there's serendipity all of this begins to to happen because you're the order the universe is ordered it's it's divine order it doesn't work against itself it's always working for its own unfolding it's friendly it's progressive and now you're in league with it you're in sync with it so you come into a dynamic flow motion in your life with this fall this small print there there's some print that you need to understand and you need to understand that one as we teach here that you know there is the domain of adaption meaning individuals have come to the planet and they've learned particular skills to adapt to circumstances and situations and and things of that particular nature and and but you don't want to get stuck in adaption that's just one modality after adaption there is transformation meaning that you're literally changing you're literally becoming a new greater version and vision of yourself you're living to be transformed by the renewing of your mind you see and when the renewing of your mind takes place you start to see and participate in a whole different world you see and then after transformation there's dissolving there's illusion and that is the old forms and structures that have been built by your previous identity begins to fall apart now this is the small print because that don't feel good when the oil starts to fall apart there's a melting of the old oh my god you feel like you're losing something but we're taught to die daily we are taught to come to an understanding that whenever you have a new iteration that is emerging in your life then something has to be let go of because the only thing that's preventing you from being you are the lies you tell yourself the perceptions and the mental hindrances and the complaints that you may have normalized in your life that begins to melt and die and you don't know yourself sometimes you wouldn't even know yourself without the major complaint that you have you wouldn't even know yourself without that fear that you carry around all the time you wouldn't even know yourself without that popularized normalized perception of fear that you are hanging on to and so as i was saying in the earlier service i remember the story of the guy going to the doctor he had some issues with his body temple and the doctor looked at him examined him and said listen you're going to have to stop drinking and he said i don't drink doc he says okay you're gonna have to stop smoking then he said i don't smoke okay you're gonna have to stop running around and growling out here he said i don't run around and corrals he said you have to give up something or i can't help you in other words our whole process of growth development and unfoldment is about giving up something your complaint giving up something fighting for your limitations giving up of something so that what what is obscuring the vision of living from the view from the top is beginning to be dissolved you see now that small print is saying in substance that basically two people handle that death that dying of the old two different ways sometimes three different ways you know some people go into a downward spiral of depression and they become inundated with the lies that they have told themselves and the lies about themselves they get very very depressed and they become lethargic they can't move the energy is inverted and they become lethargic and they're inundated with all kinds of belief about themselves i'm not worthy i'm not good enough life is hard until you die i'm never going to make it why is it so hard what do i what should i do about all this stuff that's going on in the world and in my own life they become inundated and sometimes paralyzed in depression and other people go through a kind of a phonetic movement they're running around doing so much busyness doing all kinds of things hanging out with people doing all kinds of things because they don't they don't want to be alone with that inner emotion so they go into phonetic movement they're moving so fast so they can't feel the death urge and others feel the death urge and they become lethargic but the idea here is you have to face the lie on your own no one can help you excuse me people can help you but they can't walk through it with you you have to do this on your own in other words you have to discover the art of aloneness and get still and when you're going through the death of an old paradigm the death of an old personality the death of an old belief system you have to go in face the lie face on head on what lie is fomenting this fear unworthiness fear of abandonment fear of scarcity if you look at it squarely in the face you'll see that it's all a lie that the ego has created for you with help of the status quo with help of society standings and you have created for yourself a belief system that there's not enough whatever to go around and you're lying about it and now you your coping mechanisms aren't working your defense mechanisms aren't working your compulsive behaviors aren't working and so you have to look at the lie square in the face you have to stay with it until you penetrate the lie and then you see the truth of your being start to emerge you're one with god life love joy wisdom and harmony is here already you can't add it to yourself you can't go get it this is why the great teachers said who by taking thought can add one cubit to their stature you can't add anything to yourself nothing all you can do is eliminate that which is preventing you from seeing who and what you really are and so that small print is in transformation is there comes a moment where there is a great death there was a great letting go there was there was a great submergence into the darkness and then if you stay with it long enough and stare it in the face you will hear the 139th psalm screaming at you the darkness and the light are both the like to me the darkness now shines as the day that is a mystical psalm letting you know that the darkness is carrying infinite potential great possibilities and the shadows that we're walking through are our gifts in an embryonic state you see they're there waiting and the brooding darkness allows you to penetrate the lie if you sit with it long enough no one can walk through it with you you have to walk through it by yourself people can encourage they can pray for you they can embrace you they can cradle you they can tell you how they got through however at some point you have to let go of all exogenous stuff that's going to help you help you make it through all the external stuff this is going to make me feel good you're going to have to let go of all of being out here trying to run away from it you're going to have to let go of just sinking into it so deep that you feel so separated from the presence of god and go through a depression which means you are not expressing you are depressing the energy that's trying to be transmuted by the renewing of your mind and your focus of intentionality now when this occurs you will begin to discover the art of aloneness there's an art to a loneliness when you wake up in the morning one you don't immediately think about who you're going to re who you're going to relate to in the course of your day whether it's your husband your wife your your employees your employer uh all you know no no that's relative that's relative stuff you don't immediately think about how you're going to have intercourse with the world you're going to go out into the world you're going to get into traffic you're gonna go over here you're gonna go no don't waste don't do that don't do that you don't immediately uh begin to to think about the roles that you wear i'm a mother i'm a father i'm this i'm that no no no no the art of aloneness is that when you first wake up it's just you and god and your life is the life of god you see you sit with that until you're not living a relative life that my my my whole existence is based on my relationships my whole existence is based on how i enjoy how i uh how i interact with the world my whole existence is based on the particular role i'm living no those are secondary things the art of aloneness means that you're coming into contact with the spirit of the living god as your very life and being and then what happens then you are infused so that when you interact with other people there's no such thing as interaction it's omni activity interaction means two something happens and you realize the presence of god is you in you the presence of god is whoever it is in them and there is a more of a communion you see you know there's no interaction anywhere this omni action everywhere you see and so and you're not just dealing with the world because the world this is the conglomeration of of hell beliefs and perceptions and and and uh unlimited uh uh uh beliefs and opinions no no no the world is a rosh rorschach test uh basically feeding back to people who they think they are everyone lives in a different world based on their own perception so you're not just trying to live to interact with that world no i know the media may have you by the short hairs can i say that i know the media may have you and you're all feared and covering about whatever's going on next you know and it becomes normalized you feel odd being a joy you see you're not dealing with that world a new world is emerging it's in your awareness it's the real world you see and you're not operating just from your personalities and the roles when you stop and become conscious that you're at one with the presence of god it infuses your roles you become a better mom a better whatever your particular task is in the world it infuses that and you realize that you are not uh working for man and one man whose breath it's in their nostrils you're working for god in whatever your particular task is you become free you see the art of being alone and staring down the lies not a relative relationship not just dealing with the world not just being a a particular role but understanding that there's a presence here and you have a dynamic connection with it your life is the life of it and what happens you become a free being free beings are wild free beings are kind of maverick free beings are kind of in the world but not of it free beings are not uh defined by what's happening in society they're defined by their con soul connection to the presence of god and live from inspiration every movement of the world society has come from individuals who have left the world as we think it to be caught an idea of inspiration and then brought it to earth every great movement has come from urban shamans gone into another realm brought the gift back beyond the five senses look at beethoven he was death he composed complete symphonies could never hurt a tune he was completely deaf he went into the realm of the invisible and the inaudible caught it brought it back fully formed it means that you can see without eyes and you can hear without ears the infinite invisible inaudible that's where you live as a meta physician that's where you live as a metaphysician embracing your mystical roots so that you transcend religiosity and move into deep spirituality and who cares if someone thinks you're an oddball who cares you don't even care what how people think about you you walk around with that smile in your face even though the world has gone a little bit crazy and everybody's trying to get back into the matrix you know they're just hard trying hard to get back into the matrix and be normal around their fear and doubt and worry and you're out of the matrix who cares what the people in the matrix think about you you're in the joy you're in the love you're in the harmony your immune system is packed and powerful the coherence of your brains are talk the hemispheres of your brain are coherent your blood pressure is cool i mean i did my blood pressure a couple of weeks ago it was 110 over 63. they said what the heaven are you doing i said nothing i ain't worrying like the guy in the mad magazine what me worry about what this little such thing is death this is a thing is lost so why would i be worried about anything if i stay in the frequency of the most high any apparent loss is going to be given back you know the years that the locusts have eaten will be given back you see if you are in the upper room if you are in the high point of view and that is the work you are doing not merely trying to change a circumstance but trying to renew yourself be transformed by the renewing of your mind you see you change you you give yourself permission to become the next great vision and version of who you are and then you'll you'll see a view from the top you'll see possibility you see you'll see the beloved community as described by dr james hargett and dr martin luther king jr you'll see a world that works for the highest and best within us all that nelson mandela saw you'll see a whole different world you'll see the christ in beings that mother teresa saw you'll see it and once you see it you can't unsee it it will that vision will pull you and then you'll become the greatest accountants the greatest doctors the greatest musicians whatever your particular gift and task will be no one can do it better than you because you're not in competition nor comparing yourself to anyone you are working for the infinite and you're always giving more than what someone could pay you for because you don't work for humanity you work for the presence of god and humanity gets the benefit and what else you understand that there is a love live stream happening straight from the infinite it's streaming love peace joy wisdom harmony in the glory of god and you become the transponder and the vehicle for the great love stream from the mind of god you become so wholesome devotion for your own growth development and unfoldment that you're able to hold more of the universal wattage the cosmic power that's everywhere your subtle bodies become so coherent they can hold more energy and you glow like chernobyl in a good way you glow your posture is great you're holding your head up and everybody's running around scared you're holding your head up your posture is magnificent you have the power pose of great possibility and you're poised for greatness i'm not talking about comparing yourself to other people you're poised to be the next great vision and version of yourself and you live like a laser in other words every year you get better more and more focused less and less extraneous stuff less stuff that you have to let go of so you become more and more one pointed and if your eye is single your body and your body of affairs will be full of light light figuratively as insight and understanding and light as the cosmic light that is within us all the light that lights up every man and every woman every them every day that comes to the planet there is a light that you are and so you begin to realize that the religion is a wonderful transformational boat or car a rocket ship that's carrying you to the sublime it's not about the religion itself that's the vehicle that gets you to discover yourself so then you don't argue about whatever vehicle you're taking to get there when you get there there is here and this is why it's kind of a linguistic convenience when people say oh you know he was a great jewish mystic or he was a great christian mystic or a great islamic mister once a person becomes a mystic those other labels fall apart they're not even that was this the culture they came out of but there's no such thing as a jewish mystic because once you're a mystic you're no longer the limited perception you're just a mystic you don't see mystics in the room arguing with each other because they're all looking at the upper room you only see religion and theologians argue oh this is the way the scripture says this they're blind to the upper room consciousness blind i tell you lost in theology rather than embracing the theology of joy sometimes i don't even know where i'm going i know where i'm going but i don't know what i'm how i'm going to say it you understand what i'm saying so that's what needed to be said so take a breath with me here release and become aware that you have to give yourself permission to embrace the excellence that's trying to emerge through you society can't give it to you your mama can't give it to your daddy can you have to give yourself permission you have to have whole soul devotion and an intentionality to be the next great vision and version of yourself come what made the small print is that some things are going to die as you evolve some things you're going to have to let go of some things are not going to fit anymore that's the small print and the death throes of the egoic perception let's close your eyes for a moment and just consider that you have the capacity in this moment to choose united robot and automaton choose ye this day whom what you shall serve god or mammon god or fear god or worry god or doubt god or lack god or limitation god or mediocrity choose right now and choose equality without thinking about how it's going to manifest in your life choose love choose peace choose joy choose abundance choose prosperity choose wellness choose well-being choose make a choice give yourself permission to choose without saying well how is this going to happen how am i how's more prosperity going to flow in my life how is my body going no no no no no no let me just share this with you there's the view from the top and then there's the sea of mental garbage race consciousness if you want to come out of race consciousness you have to give up questions like why me what's wrong who's to blame what should i do about it how did this happen that keeps you in the lower frequencies you have to ask the question what is really real that lifts you above the sea of mental garbage what's really real choose what's really real and then watch as it begins to unfold i dare you to embrace greatness i dare you to embrace your marvelous being i dare you to embrace prosperity i dare you to embrace perfect health i dare you to live a fearless life i dare you i double dare you take the dare close your eyes and choose a couple of qualities right now choose ye this day what you shall serve choose it choose it come up come up come up come up to the room with no view excuse me the room with no ceiling come up room with the view from the top come up come up come up come up choose it now take that your pot that you're if you're sitting in a chair don't slump have your back straight just if you're standing up stand up have a power pose you know what i mean just stand up you're powerful full of power choose it and feel the dynamic of being a celebrant celebrating the divine presence all of nature is in constant celebration because of its ability and willingness to commune with the divine what about you you have to choose it choose choose that moment of celebration put a smile on your face even if you don't feel like choose ye this day choose choose and then let the celebration happen it's already happening you might as well participate in it watch this individual celebrate with dance with the rev at agape arie dixon arie is celebrating living her life like it's gold [Music] if you're new to agape [Music] we invite you to send in your video of dancing with us not as a frivolous movement coming into being a celebrant for the divine [Music] she's reverential in her dance [Music] she's got that smile on her face she's moving moving that temple remember you don't stop dancing when you get old you get old if you stop dancing [Music] living my life like it's gold then i want you to live your life like it's golden i want you to understand that you are the answer to your own unfolding remember this you want a healing you want to live you want to live life free take a breather [Music] something's knocking on your heart [Music] is always on the verge of happening something magnificent is always on the verge of happening opportunity is everywhere everywhere it's knocking it's not [Music] [Music] is [Music] some of them have your name got your name on it [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] you are the answer the answer i hope you guys are dancing out there in agape land send me some videos [Music] to be so focused [Music] you're setting yourself free free [Music] when you take that you turn to the universal presence [Music] the universal practices oh you got the jumping jacks jumping for the lord the life is changed we got the high kick kicking [Music] get some understanding today [Music] [Music] everywhere [Music] thank you grace god bless you thank you for blessing up [Applause] the smile on our face in the dance in the body temple the toxic acidic frequency is being dissolved and the alkalinity is coming into manifestation so that the disease factor is being hindered because we're becoming celebrants of the divine don't get nervous i didn't say celibates don't don't get don't get upset now okay i said celebrant okay everybody no no no i didn't ask you to be a monk or a monkey celebrate the divine presence come with me into this now moment as you've moved your body now you're prepared to be still for a moment and to move into this the dynamic of what we call affirmative prayer that is not a begging or beseeching some reluctant deity out there to give us something but for us to lift our awareness and to have a realization that that which we desire has already been given and we're simply opening ourselves up to have a realization of that sacred truth so we enter into the space of such gratitude and thanksgiving we give thanks so i'm grateful oh i'm so very thankful that i'm awake that i'm alive that i exist that i am so grateful so thankful that i begin to recognize i recognize the presence that's never an absence and i begin to see differently oh my god how great thou art oh my god the richness of beauty is everywhere oh my god life is for me and nothing is against me oh my god the lies of separation are dissolved i recognize the presence and i feel so at one with the presence of god i can proclaim i am i am without one thou art what i am no distance no celebration no otherness [Music] those three magic words all here now all of the power all of the presence all of the love all the abundance is right here because it is everywhere no discrimination is everywhere for the reception [Music] so claiming my oneness with god i claim it for all of us and as i am lifted up in this rarefied atmosphere i draw all beings into this upper state of consciousness knowing that where we are love is and peace is and abundance is
Channel: Michael Bernard Beckwith
Views: 9,045
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Agape International Spiritual Center, Michael Bernard Beckwith, Michael Beckwith Agape, Meditation, Michael Beckwith Meditation, spiritual, consciousness, energy, enlightenment, vibration, frequency, awakening, affirmations, spiritual journey, higher consciousness, self-aware, divine purpose, spiritual growth, agapelive, love, healing, calm, inspiration, soul, mindfulness, spiritual awakening, wisdom, personal growth, spirituality, lightworker, loa, abundance, the secret, manifestation, law of attraction
Id: zdjC92vzwgc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 34sec (2854 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 21 2021
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