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[Music] hey guys welcome to Appalachian homestead Puteri tea today I am bringing over all kinds of goodies from the farm to the new farm I'm going to show you how to propagate elderberry but I'm also doing other plants as well so I'm going to take you and walk you through the process that you need to be doing right now to expand everything that you have some of you may choose to resell some of your plants or as my personal preference gift them to people in need because everybody should be growing the food in their lawns let me show you what I'm talking about so today I literally went into our woods and I cut wild elderberry it's growing wild on my farm there are also some that I have cut and planted over the years so I have them separate in separate buckets so I went and cut these I've brought them immediately over and we are going to grow roots and make more elderberry for the farm it is this simple now you're gonna take your cutting like so I literally cut this about two hours ago so you can see right here here is the actual cutting I'll show you some more from yesterday's little deal that we did you're gonna want to cut them I hope you can see this at an angle do you see how that's at an angle you're going to want to cut them just like you do say flowers when you are cutting off the ends to make them last longer you're going to want to cut your elderberry with having like when it first started coming out this season with three different growing nodes or stations you can see right here so you've got the top and you've got one two and three so you're simply going to cut at an angle you can even see that I've got growth down here at the bottom so what I'm gonna do is simply this you're going to need these items first things first you're going to need potting mix I already had this in the back stock worked out great I had several bags in my garage so now I get to finally use them don't do that you're gonna need a spray bottle with water for obvious purposes you're gonna need a planter I'm using Red Solo cups beautiful blue Solo cups clear Solo cups I'm going to keep them separate and terms of what I'm putting where you're also going to need probably a sharpie that would way you can write down exactly on the side what something is especially if you have like for me I have two different varieties of grapes they look the exact same right now but I want to keep them separate so I know what I'm growing so you're definitely gonna need a sharpie so obviously you're gonna have your plants and I told you already how to cut them at an angle and you're gonna want to have several growing stations or nodes or buds going at that time this is what you need though however is this is awesome you can get this at your garden stores or you can get this on Amazon I'll put a link below this is garden safe take root okay so it's a rooting hormone okay you're going to be dipping your item where you have cut your cutting into this growth hormone because you want to help boost and start the process of roots and things growing after you place it into the soil so this is simply all you do watch this first things first have your planter have it ready have your soil in it it's still loose so it's gonna be easy to put it in there you can add to it you're simply going to take your cut item if it's already been cut for a couple of days and in water you might want to cut it again you really want that to be fresh all you have to do is to dip it into the growth hormone like so dip it swirl it around a little bit give it a little swirl and then you're just gonna tap the sides just like so just like this and then you're literally gonna put it into your Red Solo Cup Red Solo Cup now I'm going to then tamp this down make it a little bit tighter and I may add more soil and I probably I'm gonna cut down some of the leaves on this you can see over here I didn't have that issue they just went straight in but this one's a little bit heavier so you're gonna have to work with them individually but this is literally all you do so I have it in here I'm gonna take off some of the leaves you probably could have done that before but I want to get these out and get them going make a call I've got it right here into the soil I'm we going to literally just tighten it down you know when you plant plants and you put you just camp the soil down just like so if it's a little bit low you might want to add a little bit more and this one is so I'm gonna add a little bit more now after that you simply want to moisten the soil which that will help keep everything in place - once you firmed up the soil with the moisture get it nice and moist you want to check this and make sure it stays moist you might have to spray several times a day I have found that this size needs about twenty to thirty good squirts of water and there you go that's how you're gonna grow more wild elderberry alright guys it's that simple I have thornless blackberries this is just the first round we're starting with the elder berries we have grapes grapes grapes this is how we're gonna bring lots of goodies over to the new farm we really like having a lot of these items on our farm they're delicious you can make homemade Goods and they're good for your health especially the elderberry so get your hands on some hope you have a successful growth process with them and we'll see you on the next video [Music]
Channel: Appalachia's Homestead with Patara
Views: 26,766
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elderberry, food, grow food, immune system, homestead, farm, propagate starts, blackberries, grapes, Appalachia, Patara
Id: 7BMvzzl5t0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 8sec (368 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 07 2020
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