Grow Carrots in a Bucket. How to give them a 'Fast Start' from fast germination of seeds indoors.

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hello about two weeks ago i posted a video about growing carrots growing carrots in these 10 inch water buckets that's how i do it at homegrown veg and i've had a number of successes over the years and in the video i posted a couple of ways back i cut in some video from previous years that shows my harvesting carrots so there's the proof that it actually works and the reason i posted that video was to give you the opportunity to get your hands on some of these carrot sewing template 30 holes 30 carats imagine if you will 30 oils 30 carrots so you know exactly how many carrot seeds you saw in these are the paper templates that you can get absolutely free absolutely free and i gave you a link on that video to enable you to do that you make your paper templates and you simply pop your paper template over a 10 inch pizza base if you're growing in 10 inch buckets if you're growing in um five gallon buckets it's probably a 12 inch pizza base there's polystyrene pizza bases you simply put your template over it poke a pencil through it and this is what you finish up with a template with 30 stations for sowing seeds through 55 seeds if you want to go for 55 just 19 if you want to go for 19 but the reason we're using these templates is to space the seeds out in the bucket so that every carrot gets the same amount of room to grow in so we get no shoulder to shoulder carrots right so what's the purpose of this video today okay well one thing i didn't talk about in the previous videos was germination now it's around about zero degrees today so we're only just above freezing these seeds are not going to germinate in those sorts of temperatures they're not going to want to grow um so we'll leave it a little longer before we saw some seeds but one of the things you can do with your template if you've got your template and if you haven't got your template there'll be a link in this video um near the end of the video they'll tell you how to get it or there'll be a link in the text if you've got your templates and you've got your seeds all we're waiting for now is the weather to warm up a little bit isn't it we just need it to be a little bit warmer but we can actually germinate seeds indoors yes we can we can germinate seeds indoors but sowing buckets of seeds and then taking them indoors might be out of the question particularly if you've got several buckets take up so much room but what if you could germinate these seeds without needing to take the bucket indoors then bring the germinated seeds outdoors and plant them up in a bucket what if you could do that well you come you definitely can you don't have to now if i look at the back of the of these two packets the text is very similar basically what the scene is two to three weeks for germination that's 14 to 21 days after you saw your seeds you'll actually see a seedling well watch this video and check out how long it actually takes for these seeds to germinate on a damp tissue indoors and you could germinate 50 or 100 seeds if you like in a container not much bigger than the packet so why would you do that why would you want to pre-germinate your seeds when you just saw them in the usual way well because you've got that template and you know how many seeds you're going to saw if you could pre-germinate them and put a pre-germinated seed in at every station you'd be reasonably confident that a carrot will be produced at that station the seeds germinated what's to stop it what's to stop it now if you don't do that um if you simply saw your seeds and then you wear two to three week some of them may not show and if they don't show that's two to three weeks lost growing time isn't it two to three weeks lost growing time now you needn't lose that growing time if you pre-germinate your seeds the only seed going into that bucket is one that's going to grow it's already growing so you know you're going to get a full bucket if you've decided you would be happy with 30 carrots in your bucket then saw 30 pre-germinated seeds and you'll get 30 carrots in so many months time barring any mishaps and if you think 30 is too many so 19 and if you think 19 isn't enough for 30 isn't enough go 55 it's your choice it's your choice but sewing pre-germinated seeds gives you a better chance of a pot full of home-grown delicious carrots and once they've germinated transfer them into your buckets using your polystyrene template anyway i've talked enough now i'm going to cut you do a video that i've done last year explains everything um enjoy the video enjoy the birds forget about all the worries in the world and there are lots of them forget about those concentrate on your carrots concentrate on gardening fill your mind with gardening forget all that other stuff that's going on out there stay in your garden stay safe plant some carrots hello today i'm going to be sewing some carrot seeds and i'm going to be sewing them on damp tissue and i'm doing that because i want to try and give these carrot seeds a fast start look at any packet of carrot seeds in fact look at any packet of seeds vegetable seeds and you'll find that germination usually takes between 14 and 21 days now if you have grown carrots and you've planted seeds i'm betting you're popping your head over the top of that pot every day or every other day and it just takes forever before you actually see anything so what i'm hoping to do is to speed up that process um so this is how we're going to do it we're going to wet this tissue using this water spray okay and we'll see if we can beat that 14 to 21 days for germination right i'm just going to put a little water in this bottle top i don't need a lot and i'm going to use a matchstick to pick up carrot seeds i'm going to use this piece of slate and i'm just going to put some carrot seeds on here and hopefully you should be able to see them better you got your carrot seeds sewn on other throw or are you popping your head over that putt every day i think i've told you before stop it you're frightening the carrots fly me right okay we'll just spread those out a little bit and i'll offer this up to the camera and hopefully you'll see them a bit better oh i think we've got a bumblebee in the greenhouse with us i'm not stopping now they're the carrot seeds okay i'm going to lift this slit up to let you see how easy this is but then i'll put it back down again watch a wet matchstick come on how easy was that in fact now i'm going to keep this slit in my handy to see it's working really well so all we're going to do is pop these carrot seeds on this dump tissue put the lid back on it take it indoors i'm going to stop talking now play some music [Music] enjoy [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] do [Music] [Music] okay nearly finished i'm not sure how many we've got in it i've just kept dabbing away um but they'll certainly be enough to plant a 10 inch water bucket and they'll probably be enough to plant two 10-inch water buckets that's providing those seeds germinate okay now i'm just going to give them one final spray and we'll put the lid on and we'll see how they go okay we'll check these guys out in a few days time [Music] um [Music] the carrot seeds have been on this dump tissue inside this plastic box now for about five days um let's look at them let's see if we've got any germination after five days wow can you see that i hope you can there looks to be a lot of germination in there there's lots of white tails and green shoots you say that now the problem you have using this method is that these are very small and and can be difficult to pick up i'm going to use a screwdriver a very small screwdriver but you can use a pencil you can use anything with a small end on it just to get under them and oop them up now i'll do that now but because these are small and because the light they're difficult to see what i'm going to do is move this out a shot now move these polystyrenes out a shot and show you these on a darker background or care let me just put these down here right polystyrene 10 inch pizza base with 19 evenly spaced holes punched in it with pencil okay they look accurate don't they and that's because they are accurate and they're accurate because i used a template and i'm going to tell you how to get that template if you want a template to make one of those from a 10 inch pizza base that fits perfectly in the 10 inch water bucket i'm going to tell you how to get them if you're growing in five gallon buckets you'll need a 12 inch pizza base and there's also a template for that and i've got a range of these now this one would allow me to saw 19 seeds equally spaced this one would allow me to saw 30 seeds equally spaced and this one would allow me to saw 37 seeds equally spaced this is the one we're going to use 37 seeds so we're going to saw 37 pre-germinated carrot seeds in this 10 inch water bucket and this is a verse of a 10 inch protein with normals in it and i've used this to firm down the surface of this compost okay i wet this earlier today but i'm going to give it another spray because it's important when you're sowing seeds it's important when you sowing seeds if you get some dampness in there things are wet actually i've been cutting the lawn today and this was standing out and there's little pieces of grass on here that look like carrots coming through but i can assure you they're not small pieces of grass in fact they're so small i'm not too sure if you can see them but i can see them and i don't want those to be misleading okay so we've got this wet and we're going to saw 37 evenly spaced pre-germinated carrot seeds and this is how we're going to do it we want to make a small depression in the surface of that compost through all these walls then we're going to remove this then we're going to sauce seed in every one of them so if i do this one first and i'll push this through about half an inch i'll do that one first put my finger over it and just work my way around like that i'm hoping that when i take this template off that you will be able to see but i'm going to be planting these seeds that's it that's all i'm doing right let's go around this inner circle this doesn't take long i've got to tell you what those seeds coming through as quickly as they have germinate in a squiggly as quickly as they are that is fast i mean that is fast compared to what it says on the pocket yeah it really is and it can give you the confidence if you do it this way that the seeds you're going to saw in this bucket in your bucket will grow because the germinated the only thing that will stop them is that if you let them dry out basically keep them moist they will grow oh hello that looks okay are you getting that or not let me just tilt this away but just in case you're not 37 walls come on let me just it's a couple of these that seem to have collapsed in a bit whoops put that down there like that yep yep yep let's have a look yeah i think we're happy with those right let's saw some seeds let me just pick one of these out and show you it against a dark background hey how's that come on you can see that that's a carrot seed that's germinated all i'm going to do is pop it in the hole like this tail down close that all up how's that now we won't put the second seed in that wall because it's closed up we can see it's closed up how about that pop that one in there like that close that one up right what i'm going to do now is um i have another 35 of these to saw you've seen me so too i'm just gonna stop talking and crack on listen to this music you'll enjoy it well that didn't take long did it do you enjoy that music okay what we're going to do now is we're just going to wet this a bit more with this 37 pre-germinated carrot sides and the 10-inch water bucket see how they go [Music] do [Music] okay let's see how these carrots are getting on there five days on a wet tissue and they've been four days sown in a water bucket now so nine days ago these carrots were carrot seeds now the carrot seedlings those are the carrot seedlings and there you'd have to say nine days ago they were just seeds this is fast this is fast we can't say 37 yet we saw 37 can you recall [Music] there are some just starting to break the surface they've still all just got their um seed leaves this one's just breaking this one's just breaking they've still all just got the seed leaves but day nine days go in the pocket says he take and take between 14 and 21 days for the seeds to germinate after nine days we've got carrot seedlings hey how good is that how good is that [Music] so [Music] now i've got a pot of carrots behind me that i sawed using exactly the same method and again 37 carat seeds put in the pot and we're on 18 days now so 18 days since we planted the carrots that i'm going to show you now this is what they look like so 18 years ago they were carrot seeds let me show you this foreign they look a bit bigger don't they just one or two of them starting with the true leaves two cut it leaves just getting big enough to produce a carrot leaf as you would recognize it as opposed to these seed leaves there's one just breaking through look at the tail end charlie but hey i'm going to get 37 in there in fact what i did um i planted some of these i actually put 37 in using that template but i sawed one or two close to the edge of this bucket um because this is a white see-through bucket inside sat inside a black bucket why am i doing that well it's just a little experiment really i've not done this before but what i'm hoping to do is to be able to lift this white bucket out of this black bucket and for you to be able to see carrots growing down the bucket and that's why i've sewn some very close to the edge i wouldn't normally do that but it's just an experiment and i don't know if it'll work um and if you want to know if it'll work you'll need to stay with me on this one it'll be another few months before we've got carrots ready to harvest so it'll be another few months before we can take this white bucket out of this black bucket and have a look so that's something to look forward to isn't it there's always something to look forward to if you plant a garden plant a garden you've always got something to look forward to um did you enjoy those stalins did you did you do did you enjoy the uh sparrow cleaning itself having a dust bath and the wood pigeons that they visit in the garden i think that's because we're in lockdown there aren't as many cars zooming about and there aren't as many people about and so i'm getting more visitors from birds so that's uh that's a plus isn't it that's a plus now just before i go um i'm going to tell you how to get one of those templates if you want one um and i'm also going to say a little bit more about those stallings okay right the template the templates are produced on a website called a broths world a broths world abroad has produced those photos and the free and the downloadable if you can get to his website you can download a template that will enable you to make one of those polystyrene templates hey how good is that and it's free it's free i'm going to give you a link in the text below this video so if you've got this far you haven't far to go then go to the text below this video find that link click on it and it'll be on abroad's world now when you're there uh i would ask you to do two things firstly uh tell him homegrown veg sent you and secondly thank him for providing that free template would you do that for me and you may also want to actually have a look at some of his videos he's got a short video on there growing carrots that's worth a look i think that was his first bucket of carrots ever have a look at that hey you could grow these carrots you could abroth did i am you can it's not that difficult um and before i sign out just those stallions one last thing most people only actually see stalin's uh glimpse them they're very fast in flight and if you've seen those big flocks of birds in the sky that wool and tumble uh usually a dusk that's a murmuration of stallions or it could be a murmuration of stalin's if you've seen them they're a small black bird no they're not they're anything but a small black bird and you only get a chance to appreciate that if you're up close and we've just been up close in that birdbath but what we really need to do is slow the action down so i'm going to slow that action down check out the colors in those stallings they're iridescent iridescent or is it candescent well the sundescent it's absolutely beautiful absolutely beautiful okay hope you've enjoyed this video get your free templates get sewing some carrots in about 18 days this could be you it doesn't take that long if it's cold outside doesn't matter do this indoors long as you can get these to some light on a windowsill but reasonably warm as long as you get the seeds to germinate you're up and running as soon as the warm weather comes move those outdoors just be careful when you water them don't be heavy-handed you'll wash them out just a light touch with these until they get much bigger okay so this is homegrown veg signing out [Music] so [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Home Grown Veg
Views: 191,912
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: grow beetroot, grow beets, grow potatoes, grow carrots, grow tomatoes, grow onions, grow shallots, grow sweet corn, grow celery, grow parsnips, grow beans, grow strawberries, grow leeks, grow garlic, grow organic, make compost, grow cauliflower, grow swedes, grow cucumbers, grow turnips, grow sprouts, grow spring onions, grow peas, grow courgettes, grow zucchini, grow broad beans, collect seaweed, grow vegetables, raised bed, greenhouse, polytunnel, allotment, how to
Id: lA7tLgxNfk4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 27sec (2367 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 07 2021
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