Grooming A Matted Bichon With Very Bad Ear Condition

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hello grooming lovers today we have this sweet bishon male he's a young dog he's like six months old but he has never never been groomed you can see he is matted his hair is long he is scared because he's never been to a groomer this is his sister you can see all matt matt his ears are terrible and it's probably going to be very unpleasant for him to pull this hair out but i'm not going to do it like a first thing because this is all new to him i don't want to stress him out at the beginning i don't even want to cut his nails at the beginning i just want to let him smell the clipper because i'm going to start with that just pat him with the clipper you can see there is no blade on just to let him to just to show him that i'm not doing anything that can hurt him anything unpleasant good boy i think that he's going to be a good boy that he will not be aggressive okay he seems fine so i'm just going to find a place where he's not matted sadly is this his first room but i have to shave him because he is matted but it's not the end of the world guys this is bad it is very bad to get a dog for rumor when he is like six or seven months old and this guy is like that because you have to get the dog used to grooming when they're young and this guy haven't been brushed probably at all so that is also bad he's not used to brushing luckily he cooperates i mean for now hopefully it will stay that way but it is bad it gets stressful for the dog and they're not used to that so so people when you buy a dog please start brushing the dog very very soon i mean you don't have to brush it the first day the first day that the dog gets home because he will be a little scared everything is new to him and you don't want to brush him the first day but like after a few days or one week after he gets to you you should start rushing him and please don't tell me my dog doesn't like it it's too stressful and something like that it's something that has to be done no excuses guys you can see his private area is also massive and dirty so and that girl is also sweet also scared it's new everything here is new to her too my biggest concern are the ears because they have so much hair in there and this dog has never been to a groomer the hair from the ears has never been picked so i don't know how people react he seems to be a great boy great dog so hopefully she'll stay that way and everything will work out fine but i'll have to get this gear out it's just something i have to do because it can cause ear infection and probably this dog has a problem hearing with his ears being filled with here you can see this matte matting is just crazy i'm going to take the template for that guys the bigger the number of the blade the shorter the blade is and it is safer to use that's why in some areas big groomers use shorter blades you can see you cannot brush this out even if you can it's better to take it out okay taking the seven blade again it is not warm because i sprayed it with the spray that that effect lubricates and cools the blade and guys also the bigger the blade is the longer it takes to get warm okay guys this is great great behaving not just for a dog that is being ruined for the first time but for any dog he's just cooperating he's not complaining see his sister trying to protect him okay [Applause] so [Music] this guy this is the first shave down before the bed i am going to save him again after i just need him to stand up now so i can roam his legs [Applause] [Music] so okay i'm always checking that if the dog hears that fifth nail on the back feet because i don't want to curse it with a clipper [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] okay i'm going to take the template for the sanitary area uh so whoops okay i'm going to do this area later because it is ready and for now i'm just going to take this baby powder and put it on his private area to stop the irritation he may get because he's not used to it you get itchy and you know that this can help okay now i'm going to do the nails i'm taking this showtek nail clipper hopefully he'll stay fine for the nails he's such a good boy guys so okay the nails are fine i'm going to take the 50 blade and do the pulped okay he does not like that okay just in case i'm going to take this plastic and put it on his head i used this plastic before on other dogs just to get the ears out you can see it's not choking him he can breathe he can open his mouth but he cannot bite because that plastic will protect me i'm safer i'm already relaxed and he has that tone [Music] guys we save this area between the four pads because it gets dirty when the dog is out the mud the dirt or the sand anything other dog's poop can stick to it that's why i want to shave it also increases the friction makes the falls less slippery this way you can see this is not too tight at all it's probably not tight enough but it is a kind of protection okay okay okay good boy guys this is not hurt he just not used to it [Applause] dvds i could i could make it tighter but i have only one pole left it's okay okay we're done with that i'm just going to take this off very easily and now comes the hardest part which are the ears and i don't know honestly how he will react i'm just going to put little by little she [Music] it's just too much here but it has to be done guys okay i'm going to take the ear powder because that here is slippery this here ear powder mirror makes the hair less slippery uh i know that this is painful for him but i just have to do it ah i'll just have to pull it in one [Music] uh okay this will take a while i don't want to carry him uh luckily he isn't he isn't aggressive it's okay it's okay shhh [Music] there's just no way that i can pull it little by little because it's all tied together that hard so it is unpleasant it is a little painful but it's for his own good and this here i'm going to [Music] clip it because it's not from the ear channel ear canal sorry yeah i'm just going to take the 15 blades [Music] hey [Music] guys this this dog should be given a gold medal for patient for being a super dog there is a little here left and i'm going to take the hemostats for that this is a cotton wool with ethanol just going to take one more piece of cotton wool to dry this off guys this is a cell phone for thumbnails it's a samsung s8 plus it's my old my girlfriend's old phone and i use it only for thumbnails these are the hemostats they are used in surgeries to sew to hold the needle while the surgeon is sewing the bone and the groomers use it to pick this here okay this is fine for this year there is a little few hairs left but i'm going to leave it because it's much better than it was as you can see it's not going to make him a problem and i don't want to stress him out more than i need and this ear looks even you can see this here from the ear shell is tied outfit the this here from the ear shell is tied up with the hair from the ears i'm just going to shave that around so i could be easier to pull it out okay little by little okay so little by little as much as i can you can see it is hard to pick little by little because it's all matted in one big how should i call it one big net guys my english isn't that good so i have to improvise sometimes [Music] guys a lot of dogs would get aggressive for this this is just amazing hmm um [Music] so hmm [Music] um you can see these [Music] [Music] hmm okay the ears are done they look great much much better than before and they're not even impacted they're probably going to be youtube for him and now i'm just going to get this here shorter because i don't want to shave his ears even though they are well matted i just want to get it shorter so it will be easier to bait it and to brush later okay i've done the before the bed part i'm now going to get him washed out brush his head and the tail and then i'm going to shave him again and do the head and tail with scissors i'm not going to film that so i'll see you after the bats okay so i finished beating him and brushing his head and the tail you see he's all fluffy and i'm going to shave him again now and first i'm going to work around the paw pads now the pop has a pose that's normally the first thing i do after the bed she's okay now i'm taking this licker brush to brush this hair out first i'm going to do it with fingers and to brush this hair between the fingers out okay i'm going to take the template now okay she's pooping i'm gonna need to clean it up okay now when i clean that up i'm just going to finish this sanitary area you can see there is some hair that i missed okay and again i'm going to put some baby powder on his privateer right away to make it less itchy for him that's fine and i'm taking 7 blade again i'm going to shave him again this dog is such a good boy he was good while bathing and while drying [Applause] which is great it makes my job much easier when the dog gets like that [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] thank you thank you okay you can see his eyes now so shhh so so to do okay he's starting to look better and better so to see how he's licking his nose all the time i have to be very careful for him not to lick the scissors so i'm keeping his mouth closed so do oh so so okay he looks cute we're going to do the ears [Music] so okay [Music] okay that here is done and let's do the second one and we're done with him okay so so oh so okay guys we are done i'm filming with my phone because my battery of gopro went off and i think he looks cute he's not matted anymore his ears are clean his nails are done and he's one great dog thank you so much for watching thank you for supporting me it means a lot and hopefully i'll see you soon [Music] [Music] okay he's not interested yeah he's begging his tail he's fine uh okay his sister is also done this is her she was also super super sweet he just can't wait to go home he's had enough you
Channel: Man's Best Friend
Views: 198,945
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shave, shaving, grooming, chubby, matted, dog, pet, animal, stray, saloon, shampoo, bath, scissors, hair, breed, mix breed, grooming transformation, transformation, shedding, deshedding, dog grooming transformation, dog grooming, how to groom, how to grooming, how to groom your dog, matted dog, tutorial, how to, grooming tutorial, how to groom a matted dog, bichon, bad ears, ears
Id: 8jrMNaoaa6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 22sec (3562 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 07 2021
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