Grooming A Maltese And Shi Tzu Mix- I Got Monetized!
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Channel: Man's Best Friend
Views: 37,733
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: french, french bulldog, bulldog, maltese, dog, grooming, pet, animal, stray, saloon, shampoo, bbath, bath, dog bath, shaving, scissors, hair, poodle, mix, breed, mix breed, golden retriever, grooming transformation, transformation, matted, shedding, deshedding, labrador, brown labrador, dog grooming transformation, dog grooming, how to groom, how to grooming, how to groom your dog, yorkie, morkie, schnauzer, trimming
Id: s0fQDgjx-Ag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 35sec (3875 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2021
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