Groom Surprises Bride with Epic Proposal Video on Wedding day - Greatest Proposal Ever!

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The size of those fucking rings. Jesus. Chinese money is no joke.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/morgan_reefman 📅︎︎ May 10 2017 🗫︎ replies
what I'm about to do I'm really sorry guide to have been proposed to the partners but it's really going to set the bar so low Vanessa is really wondering what the hell's going on you this is a surprise quiet [Music] Vanessa is absolutely beautiful she's she's so naturally beautiful the way she's been brought up has really made her who she is she sees the beauty and a lot of thing you know she'll see the good in a lot of things for me I just thought that from from the get-go that she was someone that I thought was was a was of just a kind person [Music] she complains all the time that I'm not very romantic which is true I'm not very romantic but always thought that if you wanted to do something like on a big occasion like if you had to do it right I wanted to make us think it was all you know I wanted to think that nothing was planned but in reality everything was planned you know this might something that you plan within a month you know it's been a long time coming and she won't realize until she sees the video why she just gets you she won't have a clue in route to JFK Airport yep hold on flight is on schedule there right now just entering New York over by Buffalo it looks like [Music] recording yeah awesome okay let's go get up [Music] I've got off the plane I was so eager but you know it's happening sir stages of this of this big surprises if you see this giant lining is like God [Music] I'd be New Yorkers as a place where you can really just review a somewhere where you can maybe you know refresh yourself mentally and the reason why we're here so long I'm aware here for over three weeks and when I going in there people are like why don't you go visit other parts of the state hey you don't make the meat you read the tape you need a hand on it okay but I thought I want to become a local you know become a New Yorker if you will for the next couple of weeks so you can leave in green what what more people do a year on an on a take on a daily basis all right you guys are at the New York edition not discord what better what better way to take a composer is obviously don't open em - Logan York - and of course we love it a tourist yeah the white one that's the car I'm following so this is on the left yeah yeah there's no way we can follow it right oh yeah yeah and the car you might have saying you know vanessa was in a really grumpy mood she was in a really crappy mood so she probably won't like it but you know I'm going to bring up again this I told her not to bring any fruit to the site you know she declared you know she wanted to be a good good global citizen and she kicked yes that she had let him see I shared moment when we as a why deployment you sure I'm showing a lot about computer this is what it is it's the most progressive cities in the world I'm sure they got fruit here right look if you to bring our own spread for a little bit [Music] all that change will be checked in you know the ambience of the hotel you see it and yeah it was just you know you could say that that that really was the turning point you know the holidays really begun [Laughter] she won't know about this for another 500 until the wedding is it could be another year from when we proposed so it sort of looks like the long Kong if you were cooling your troubles set your feet on solid ground peeve is that I wanna follow me there's other stuff in place for you come round now if you can't be in god-fearin get across the street right now leave only a side down to your bird come on Bob they're going into sport that's gonna go in there don't we yeah hey how are you doing good looking it she didn't really you know I kick up a stink about what we're doing today but she wanted to go to would greet today you know my head McCall looking better Marge I really want to go to start hard today because I really liked our next stop outside of Giuliana's gone out there right there right next to you I hope you don't see him he's only a child [Music] down in your bird [Music] don't waste all [Music] come they've been elements of the trip so if I were cheating now why being too stubborn you know and we walk Grand Central Station a few times the last couple of days and she's like oh if you want to go we just go now like ninety one go today so hopefully when she sees all this it's going to be forgiven [Music] any of them come on [Music] Oh soon [Music] [Applause] [Music] the engagement ring should be a symbol of my love to her and what I think would what I think would look really nice on her so to cover all my bases I've got three three rings three choices for her and because she loves to like she just loves fine dining and I just thought what better way to do it than to mix the rings of food there'll be cameras and well-hidden hopefully and you know it's going to be everything is going to be the visual if you will when when this happens there's going to be a fake menus and the steak menu is going to have three three items on it and each item is going to represent one of the particular rings the menu will say something like you know if you get this to be like you're the last meal you ever have here and you can't have another meal or what would it be so sort of saying like you know if you were to had something forever but we did [Music] working I just know she's gonna pick lobster and when she picks lobster she opens this box it's going to be reveal to her this is beautiful round dining with two parachutes size [Music] hi auntie farm cool I just wanted to let everyone know so I'm about to propose to Vanessa and I just I just wanted to inform the whole family at the same time so do I have do I have everyone's everyone's consensus you will I promise to take care of your princess I'm going to go back into the room now all right bye everyone I think that's a yes I had permission this place is so romantic great place to get proposed to make sure those ready flashing you're good you are rolling here on Showtime [Music] okay what the faith janitor [Music] I then I hope when you when you see this final edit and you see this message from me I just want you to know that hopefully this is you know met your expectations at a unromantic guy like me can pull off something like this the chef who has prepared your lobsters assuming ask that you remove the cloche I really wanted you to know that you don't mean the world's land and you know you're really going to be the love of my life and you know I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you and to raise that little family that you and I always talked about [Music] so here I've had a scenic coffee we are interviewing tourists I love that people think this is like a lunch it excuse me you mind if I ask you a few questions about tourism we're doing a piece on tourism oh yeah well are you tourists okay you totally blend it what brings you all to York City vacation and a surprise proposal oh my goodness congratulations the happen to do knows a surprise I was like this is it I thought it was really magical it was great it was the most ephemeral trip of my life [Music] I don't think she has any idea and I've been trying to be a bit of an ask to it she's been talking about our engagement stuff she's been talking about and I was like and I haven't cause I've been so busy and engaged and so you know the last thing on my mind she's brought it up to me and then she goes she actually got a bit upset she's like I got a thought about it at all you know I'm turning 30 soon and luckily took the climate stuff sir and check it out look at innovative about gopro security cams yeah it's insurance [Applause] now all of this and that funny things she gonna think this is like the style of the state revolving wall go Gucci [Music] can you see anything with I do that yes and I think New York's a place where anything is possible like you can always expect the unexpected here part of the American Dream maybe I know what what it's going to be like to go back home after three weeks here but I feel like three weeks you could change your life so like I really just think the way you think and everything like that everything just everything about this place is so um it's actually not a waiter this is the beef and this is the part of it that's the lobster that's exhausting thank you thank you I mean that is correct not at all I'm sorry you guys have to be driven into Manhattan by the guy with the head - whoa are you real thanks again okay no I'm coming they're coming you're only gonna have a penny [Applause] [Music] yup in there excuse me excuse me can I ask your opinion on pony do you like anything achieve any of the issues out here no I remember when I left the wedding I called Susie and I said hey Gino Vanessa Lillian and she's like oh my god yes why and I said yeah she's single Susie's like so just be cool if they'd be cool don't you know just be cool no so I added on Facebook the next day and I think I just I know this message to try to be cool on in our time and I really can't remember maybe it's because it's so embarrassing I don't want to remember you guys got engaged I suppose that's amazing here that's on your track yeah I like it this is happening right now like oh she get engaged in you know it's like cliche as I okay I guess it's not happening you were so sick that it wasn't happening on this trip he's tried I mean sounds like it's going to be engaged in New York City okay like a movie yeah like a movie very cliche [Applause]
Channel: Michael Justin Studios
Views: 245,531
Rating: 4.9816628 out of 5
Keywords: the long con, wedding proposal, best proposal, greatest wedding proposal, greatest marriage proposal, proposal, surprise, michael justin studios
Id: N8m3S0Bcg4M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 27sec (1107 seconds)
Published: Fri May 05 2017
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