Grizzly Mountain [1994] Full Movie | Dan Haggerty, Dylan Haggerty, Nicole Lund

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] if he gets us approved by the mayor chief i don't know how we're going to stop him the only thing we can rely on my brother is a prayer hey sorry dad let's go dylan get your mom and sister come on we're hitting the road let's go [Music] like we said no basketball no tv just you the woods wild animals poison oak and poison ivy get in the car [Music] hold on i forgot my walkman uh-uh no turning back dylan [Music] [Music] [Music] i consider getting this for our minor victory i consider changing your mind about developing a mountain are there any wild animals up here sure there's birds and squirrels and even a raccoon or two that's the marks family and the great outdoors [Music] [Music] there you go so what kind of work do you have to do up here daddy well it's so beautiful up here that i'm going to approve a developer's plans to build houses on a mountain and stores and golf courses and things like that can people go build a house on any old mountain they want no you see a long time ago in 1870 that's before your great great grandpa was born the lease which is the right to use the land was given to the indians for 125 years well this year the state gets the lease back from the indians so i'm going to recommend selling the lease to a developer after i survey his plans see i told you daddy owns the mountain no sweetie the state of oregon owns the mountain daddy just decides what to do with it and daddy better get some work done so we have some fun later can we go exploring well all right but don't be gone too long i'm gonna fix a good lunch hey hey hey you two forgetting something oh our bandpass you never know you always gotta be prepared say goodbye miss betty bye dylan bye nicole [Music] [Music] let's go up there where are you going i think i see a cave or something [Music] don't bears live in caves there's no bears up here wow it's so clear out is it safe in here dylan yeah but i gotta check my batteries first i'm right behind you [Music] dylan come on it's dark in here all right i'm coming [Music] hello i thought you said it was safe it is if you're quiet come on let's see where this goes to wow this is kind of spooky yeah this is cool what's happening it's an earthquake let's get out of here come on we gotta get out of here whoa what was that i thought we were dead that must have been the biggest earthquake ever let's go find mom and dad what the it was clear just a minute ago come on [Music] do you think we came out on the wrong side no i know this is the right side maybe they move the 10. maybe it's this way whoa dylan where are we i don't know where do we go first we have to find the road whoa kids where's the fire well i'm sorry for surprising you two where are you kids from portland isn't everybody up here from portland well not everybody could be a few folks from portland our folks told us not to talk to strangers you're a smart boy where are you folks well we're in a cave somewhere up there you mean to tell me you kids went to that cave yeah it shook and then then you lost your folks i tell you kids are gonna need some help finding your parents my name is jeremiah i think the best thing you guys do would come with me or you can stay here with the bears in the mountain lions if you want well where are we going we head down this way towards my cabin look right out through there you ever seen anything so pretty in your whole life this is amazing were you kids up by this lake before no we just got here today [Music] well the first time i saw this meadow i knew i was home wow you must be old i'm a few years older than you are but i can still get around the mountains all right do you have a car a car yeah so we can go find our parents well i know we got to find your parents but i don't know what a car is i sure don't have one hey mister where are we we're about maybe two three days ride from portland two or three days it only took us two hours in the car two hours well now you're gonna have to explain that to me look i've got some business i got to take care of in town why don't you kids stay here and watch the fort for me when i get back we'll see about getting you back to your parents how about that we have to find them now they'll be worried i thought you said you were gonna help us i want you both to sit down i want to tell you something listen kids now there's an old indian legend about that mountain when you go deep into those caves well it takes you into another place when you kids went into that mountain you mean we're someplace else i don't know everything about this indian legend i want to find mom and dad when i come back i'll do everything i can to get you back to your parents i promise you'll be safe safer while i'm gone both of you okay well i think that's enough dynamite to blow this here mountain sky to the moon you said that dynamite down any harder and next time you'll blow us to the moon how many of these things i gotta do about 40 or 50 of them you never know how long it'll take any of those fools defining any of it [Music] [Laughter] what's up [Applause] ah now look what you've done i don't know why i even work with you nitwit now jones i want you to start over and get it right i don't have any more of those lead stones where do you want us to hide them ma'am where do you think where people will find them and don't you dare slip up in front of my darling bird do you understand me i don't want him to worry his little head about our plan cover up that paint job my hello darling jones what are you doing oh he's just doing a couple things for me don't trouble yourself how was your meeting with the mayor oh i got him behind us all the way well isn't that just sweet then i'm gonna run into town dear bye-bye [Applause] come on man step it up there's got to be some animals up here there haven't been any wild animals up here for years relax honey oh did they leave their walkie-talkies i already checked i have my walkie-talkie in nicole's backpack honey they're kids i'm sure they just lost track of time maybe we should have said goodbye to jeremiah you're probably right but it's too late now you think dad and mom will really believe us that we went back in time do you really think we did well there's only one way to find out all right man we need to blow a hole for the tunnel and we're going to do it right here under this old cave we're going to blow it today as soon as you then get the dynamite in place and wired jeremiah what brings you to our humble neck of the woods well i thought i'd just stop by and make sure you gentlemen we're going to blow that mountain out from underneath my house what makes you like a crazy idea like that i'm not come on bert the chief and i know what you and your girlfriend are up to and i just want to let you know that the residents aren't going to give up without a good fight jeremiah relax don't need to talk about fighting towns people seem to be behind our little railroad plan the residents i'm talking about bert are the indians and the animals and me [Music] i have nothing against these good town folks but you're a real smooth talker bird they'll follow you anywhere after you tell them how rich they're gonna get jeremiah trying to help these people they have dreams and we have plans to help the indians yeah we got plans all right i know what your plans are jeremiah we're just trying to create a little progress here and the people seem to agree with us now as much as i'd love to have your support all due respect we don't really need it well with all due respect bert if you still plan on building that tunnel for that choo choo i'd reconsider slow down a tad if you know what i mean [Music] maybe it's where we are standing this is where we were standing keep trying how can a cave take us to some other time oh this is hopeless we better get back let's get jeremiah to help us jeremiah we've been gone too long come on this is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Applause] this is good it is snake eyes hey it is a corn mix [Applause] from our parents house in portland you come to our mountain on horses no through the cave quickly get the chief will the chief know where to find our parents you came to the cave alone yeah our parents were making lunch they trust us to go by ourselves yeah at least you listen to somebody [Applause] jeremiah i've been looking all over for you i was worried sick about you two it's not safe for you to be up in these mountains especially now you gotta listen to me very sad time jeremiah i'm embarrassed for my people chief i'm sorry i know they are not your people together we must defeat them we're gonna have to do whatever we can to stop we won't run away again please don't hurt us if we weren't talking about you nobody's going to hurt you as long as i'm around those bad guys i was telling you about they came up here to destroy the mountains it would blow holes in the earth and tear off the trees until we stop them it's not going to be safe for you what's going on jeremiah i want you kids to stay with these nice people i'll get you home i promise [Applause] oh just don't you trouble yourself mayor you just make sure that you're real convincing when you tell those people it's real well now if i do that there's going to be a hail storm of people through here the likes of which this town ain't never seen before that's exactly right and whether there's gold or not we won't be able to count all the money we're going to make from the railroads the boarding houses the hotels the bars the works oh and all because of my wise old mayor branch i just hope for your sake that uh you can make it all happen before the bank needs the money to close on all that land or before somebody really starts checking out these rocks you've been hiding how sweet you'd worry mayor now betty you know people around here they like old jeremiah indians too for that matter no i think i'm not paying you to think mayor no more than those silly people are going to be thinking whenever we ask them to do anything for a chance to get rich no no i don't see anything in here about any uh indian land rights oh the indians don't care what land they're on they're not gonna mind moving that little village of theirs to new mountain either especially when they see what's happening to this one oh well thank you connolly mayor for checking for me you're welcome miss betty and i guess i'll see you at the town meeting oh this town meeting sure is exciting it's just rewarding to know that we're helping all these fine towns people well mr mayor good afternoon believe i got the mayor on our side probably more than you know [Music] there's gotta be a road around here somewhere i hope so [Music] they go they go [Applause] oh this ought to be perfect right over there i'm alright [Music] come on come to i said me him to me not throw him at me what are you doing well isn't it just like you to go swimming while the rest of us is working what are you talking about swimming he's almost drowning out there what are you crazy you know i was yelling your name i don't know where the heck he was working you know what i wasn't swimming in my clothes now give me some more rocks in here jump on in he's just on our way into town ourselves yeah yeah yeah well come on right over here little man step right up that's it come here little lady right over here step right that's it come on little man [Applause] thanks mister sure what were you doing in the woods uh well little man i uh i was looking for rattlesnakes in the grass yeah make darn good belts you know were you throwing rocks at them it looked like you had some shiny rocks [Laughter] some kids get those funny looking clothes you know jonesy you should know to make fun of the less fortunate so i say to you if you want your businesses to grow if you want progress prosperity and a thriving community if you want your children to have a better life then vote for the railroad and mountain development plan i thank you all we're all behind you bert well uh thank you bert now uh we'll hear from uh jeremiah thank you mayor well i don't know all you folks so you're wrong with me to tell you how to live your lives it's not my place but the ones you that i do know are good people you want the best for your families you like to be treated with respect all i want you to do is to to stick by your beliefs progress comes from good hard work not from a get rich quick scheme from a developer it comes with respect respect for future generations respect for the chief here and for his people for this beautiful countryside respect for the animals this is their home too far as the railroad and building in this little town too quick too fast will destroy it think about your beliefs then listen to your heart thank you [Music] jeremiah's right i saw what happened calico a lot of the people you don't want came around and when a boomtown goes bust those kind of folks turn to crime stephen well uh we've uh we've heard quite a bit here tonight uh i suppose ladies and gentlemen ladies and gentlemen please ladies and gentlemen order please ladies and gentlemen please a little order here please but i what i want to know is uh is it real virgil let me see that rock [Music] people all we have here is 100 pure gold [Music] [Applause] folks folks if there aren't any more uh unreasonable arguments i feel it my duty as mayor to allow bird here to put the town of seragosa on the map and he can do that by running that railroad right by the edge of town and effective tomorrow you have every right to blow that cave to dig your tunnel and you can continue logging the mountain for all the lumber we're gonna need for this coming gold rush and the building of our new big city we really did go back in time and if they blow up the mountain we'll never get home [Music] [Applause] please [Applause] [Applause] did you get through this thing isn't working out here how come these things never work when you need the most we gotta look ourselves and we need more people looking or the police that know the area you're right it's gonna be dark soon by the time we get to the police station or even find a phone out here who knows yeah the kids are gonna think we deserted them or they're walking enhance the wrong kind of people all right take this to the marshall he's the only one that can stop him it's going to take you half a day to get there so right like the window be careful [Applause] the message will get there my brother so now we wait what is that nicole get back it's a bear he's huge come on jack what are you doing scaring my new friends you stop it you leave him alone now you go off and play come on kids come on jack the one go on get out of the river kids i'm sorry jack's harmless [Music] so i guess you guys thought you'd leave the chiefs village and bring jack home to me huh he lives in your house well i wouldn't say actually lives in the house but he comes by to see any once in a while his name is jack he looks so mean oh no jack he's not mean he looks me when he's hungry he comes by to get a meal from me once in a while as long as it's from you and not me jack likes most everybody one guy jack don't like though that's that's that old boss man will he help stop boss man from blowing up the mountain then well you're a pretty smart little lady how did you know he's planning to do that why didn't you tell us well i figured you kids have been through so much already that i didn't want to scare you once they started blowing holes in all these mountains then we'll never get back isn't there somebody who can tell the mayor to not let him do it well i've already taken care of that i have a real good friend of mine that's the marshall i sent for him can he stop them well he sure can but we gotta wait for him to get back while we're waiting i'm gonna figure out how to keep you kids from going to those caves and sneaking into town every time i turn my back we have to find our parents jeremiah yeah and we want to help you stop boss man too we got something that you can do but while we're waiting i got something i want to show you well this is it isn't this beautiful these are the mountains where all the animals yo the indians live almost as long as the animals [Music] this is beautiful cool yeah it is beautiful isn't it let me help you down naked that's a girl you want to see something really beautiful look just up above that tree it's a golden eagle his name is thor let me see if i can call him down yo y'all thor look at his wings [Music] whoa look at him floating in the wind go far [Music] how's my boy how you doing i've been missing you do you know him too oh thor's been my friend for a long time i bet thorne never stayed at your house before well he did for a while when he was hurt i was helping him get better he stayed for a week or two did you ever do anything nice for jack and our good old friend good because here he comes now jack hello jack well i heard this little bear make this sound and i looked under the brush and there this bear was and his mama was laying dead on the ground there and i saw this little bear and i said come here little guy and i leaned down and all of a sudden i heard this my heart was pounding i mean i thought my heart was going to jump right out of my shirt and i turned around i looked up at that bear i'm about six feet tall this bear must have been 10 feet tall that bear must have weighed sixteen hundred pounds i mean his head was so big that my shoulders could fit in between his ears and his paw when he stood on a piece of wet earth his paw was it at least that big and his claws were that long well i picked up that little black bear and i was running as fast as i could and i looked behind me and i could hear that big giant grizzly bridge he got closer and closer to me and there was nowhere i could go and all of a sudden that little bear he was so frightened he grabbed me and he bit me by the arm and i dropped the little bear as i went to reach for the little bear and i said we made it little jack we made it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i find marshall jackson if you got any bad news he's gone until morning have you got some good news you're looking at it i was sent by my chief toyonka and by your friend jeremiah how can i help you it's jeremiah all right sorry is you wanted me to give you that message how can he bring his self he has his hands full sir and we find ourselves with the gravely serious problem of stopping them before they destroy the mountain and its fart the mayor has approved their destruction to serve the reckless greed i can't do anything about this sir well mayor has jurisdiction here as long as they're not doing anything illegal up there well i mean it says right here the mayor gave us approval it's our home sir can't stop him i am sorry jeremiah said to tell you he was counting on you sir [Music] [Music] come on kids i want you to leave those behind they're going to slow you down no we're used to it so okay with you nicole yeah your kids know best [Music] um well unfortunately dylan these guys are as dangerous as they are dumb come on be quiet i want you kids to stay here all right promise me you'll stay here i got some business i got to take care of come on let's go [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] come on jeremiah's gonna be back soon [Applause] where have you two been we were watching the mining company for you you know i can get jacked that old bear don't mind me better than you two do you think you can follow me to town without getting lost come on we're right behind you all right i want you to follow me walk right behind me i passed the mayor's office you understand wait for me out behind the barbershop now will you wait for me this time please excuse me mayor way off doing such a whole fire hurry children kids cute kids whose are they well i'm not sure they look familiar though well it's coming to see you anyway i need your help you need to stop bert for me what now now jeremiah you saw the townsfolk's reaction at that meeting why what they want he can provide and who am i to stop it now listen you know as well as i do that nobody's ever taken any gold all these mountains now this is a mistake or it's a trick jeremiah come on these good people they know what's right for them why haven't you knuckleheads found any gold like cyrus here well i guess it's like you say roscoe he is just plain stupid who are you calling stupid dummy why don't you jokers go see a boss man's back with the wagon so we can get the rest of the dynamite set up oh [Music] look here look here jeremiah now that mountain don't belong to you any more than it belongs to any one of us ain't that right but that doesn't mean i can't stop from destroying this mountain from destroying the indians homes the animals land and for what for some silly greed that's going to go up in smoke just like this mountain is but you don't know that jeremiah that's all we're saying well i do know that bird doesn't have to blow this mountain up to build that railroad [Music] [Applause] [Music] you know betty once we get this town going and well get ourselves a nice little nest egg the town people are all happy what do you say you and me get uh bert i really think that we should like turn this around and head back down well i i will in a minute betty i i just well i think there's some things that we haven't really stopped to talk about like uh like when to blow up the mountain oh i know see i really think that we should invite all the towns people i mean i know how much you care about him and well i mean what we all care about i care it's just well you know i just don't want to see anybody in danger and then there's that darn jeremiah i know he's going to do anything he can to try and stop us you know what i think we should do i think we should just go ahead and do it right now betty i'm i'm going to blow them out we should go ahead and do this now now come on honey turn this thing around daddy honey i want to talk to you about it now let's go now well i'm doing a final evaluation proposed development site for the state that's why we're here mighty pretty country up here i hate to see all this ruined actually we hope to enhance it yeah sure anyway what we've got here is an intensified search team that's been in this area and found absolutely nothing we're going to have to do is fan out cover a lot more ground than we have megan darling mom and dad will be back in a little while okay with your brother and sister stay with the captain honey we'll be back i can't believe boss man stranded us you never can tell what he'll do when he's with miss betty or what miss betty will do to him hey look my nice comfy boots ah [Music] wow [Music] nitwits doing now i think they got us boss yeah stop fooling around and get over here don't drip on me go down the hill get the wagon bring the horses up here and get them watered will you go down the hill get the road bring the horse no me you go inside and see how much dynamite we have left and rasco get that dynamite away from me oh oh see mayor what could possibly go wrong this [Applause] jack and i are gonna go have a look around stay right there be quiet hurry here they come all right let's go planet here i'm going down by the river dummy what'd you say i didn't say nothing dummy hey who you calling dummy this is as good a place as annie well i didn't say it wasn't stupid look if you want to start something rocks for brains i'm ready to go start what i ain't the dummy calling names am i come on come on you just come jeremiah you and that bear now take it easy you all think i can control this bear i'm serious jeremiah get that bear with your mom come on back jack let's leave him alone jack and i don't like the mountains being destroyed you understand me so you guys be careful next time i might not be with them [Music] hey ladies just playing down the right over there right over dagnabbit where is those two lame brains i gotta do everything it's in plain view lazy bones nicole watch this leave grizzly mountain alone [Music] leave grizzly mountain alone oh yeah yes sir i'm leaving i i was you i was uh boy these woods is playing tricks on my mind that's it battle damn it i said leave it alone all right you yellow belly you come out here and fight like a man come on i'm right here for you hiding in the trees [Applause] i think i see some up there what is that what's that [Applause] do it again [Applause] [Music] well i hope your children enjoyed your little pranks yeah you do know that trespassing is against the law don't you have you children ever been in trouble with the law before dylan nicole where are you hey hey uh how do you do them their things uh with your voices huh roscoe how do you know jeremiah should we tell them what we did with the last little delinquent sweet card please what what little delinquents was that yeah we met him in the woods a couple of days ago a couple of days ago why the devil are you helping him then because he's nice and he helped us well that's all well and good but what i want to do and what i want to know what are you doing sitting around talking to two small children darling don't sneak up on a man like that well may i inquire as to why you four men have two small children bound here well well them are the kids that messed up our plans untie them untie them now the the men had had the children tied when i came in i i didn't i and i'm working with you people oh oh yes ma'am great dylan nicole dylan thor yo yo thor you're a good boy i knew i could count on you this is dylan's i needed to go find him for me okay all right now go on you're your eyes in the sky don't let me down dylan nicole dylan [Applause] nicole dylan the call okay gordon 10-4 you think they're okay megan i'll make you a really big promise i'm gonna find those kids anything unit 7 the base come in base go ahead yes captain i just covered the north face of grizzly gulch and got nothing okay keep at it keep me advised over and out base to unit six bastion at six folks just before you got here i got a call that fire down juniper canyon is spreading out of control and i've had to send most of my people down there how many are left well i can only spare a couple you gotta be kidding our children are out there come on you gotta help us all right i'll call town see if i can round up a few more volunteers but now that's all i can do at this point okay megan we have to come [Applause] [Music] just how does mr jeremiah plan to try and stop us plan to stop what ma'am don't play dumb with me young man you may have outsmarted those dimwits but you don't do it with me no ma'am such a polite boy the parents of such nice children couldn't be that far away we uh they're gonna meet us here they're on their way well may be nice children but i don't believe that you're helping jeremiah out of the goodness of your hearts or that your parents are on their way so unless you attempt to redeem yourselves by telling me what you know about jeremiah's plan i'm gonna have the two of you sent away and then you'll never see old jeremiah again [Laughter] darling yeah would you mind if i spoke to the children myself just a moment please thank you come on now children old jeremiah is just a silly mountain man well if it in the rugged mountain man we caught your ill-behaved little friends here jeremiah i believe there is a law against contributing to the delinquency of minors what are you up to bert i know jeremiah you know that better than anybody and everything's gonna work out just fine best thing you can do is set yourself up to make a little money just like everybody else you try and destroy these mountains the accents around here are going to get a whole lot worse [Music] you must excuse my men they don't seem to realize that in your own albeit misguided way you're trying to help the town's people just like i am and what about my people well we have contingency plans but alternate uh other principles and we're working on it well we intend to help you in any way that you need help uh resettling starting new businesses in town what we need is for you not to destroy our homes and the homes of the animals oh we'll find you a new home that land is sacred to our people what are you gonna do scalpers or do a war dance jeremiah i don't know what to tell you the railroad is coming to town and the kids are going with me all right now these children have broken the law they have trespassed they have knowingly sought to hurt my men and we have no parents to turn them over to so you thought you'd just kidnap them well i would say we kidnapped them we like you know borrow them long enough to ascertain who their parents were [Applause] you idiots mr jeremiah we will entrust these children into your protection we were just trying to uh take care of uh our interests and look after their safety something stinks around here and i don't like it jeremiah you make sure that you find those kids parents by tomorrow or else i'll see to it that they're sent to an orphanage come on kids you're going with me what's gonna happen jeremiah i hope nothing honey but people do crazy things when they chase money dylan you about ready in a minute you find a way home we don't know about dylan not yet but i'm working on it and i look tiger i don't know how all those gadgets work but tomorrow's gonna be a real serious day i think maybe it'd just be best we leave behind so they don't slow us up no i gotta take them jeremiah they'll help us you'll see well all right let's get a move on it'll be best we weren't here if they come looking for us well let's go thank you my men have tracked them closely know where most of the dynamite is hidden but surely not all of it i don't know chief we're just gonna have to tie them up get rid of them so they can't blow up anything hmm and so tomorrow we may be in jail who's going to jail you two are spending too much time up here i can't even hear you guys sneak up on me anymore maybe we can use the kids to help us where'd you get this i found it outside of boss man's isn't it pretty it was in an old bucket i think you're right jeremiah but there's only one way to find out hey look to caillou take these fake gold rocks to the marshall this time you'll have to help us yeah yeah let's go that engine's got one of them rocks [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well i think we can make this guys shortcut [Music] there he is let's get him wait up for me i'm coming [Music] here [Music] on you big oak we gotta get us that engine come on [Applause] well i still think we can make it [Music] [Music] uh just gotta shake them up a little [Music] well the mining company was empty chief when i got there there's nobody around we can only hope that the mayor didn't go to portland for that big meeting who else can stop him we can only pray that tukayu can bring the marshall in time too bad you guys haven't invented the telephone yet [Applause] i just rigged a big one over at old jeremiah's place teach him a lesson relax it was just a little one that's awful dangerous nobody's supposed to get hurt you know no one's gonna get hurt i told you just gonna teach him a little lesson you know hit him close to home yeah that ought to send old jeremiah away we don't need any more of his problems dylan nicole can you hear me over megan here she's in the cave this telephone you can talk into it and people can hear you anywhere in the world well the furthest i've call is my grandma in florida what about the people they're basically like everybody here but they have more modern stuff do they still fight cnn shows wars all over the world it seems like there's a lot of them you mean you can watch people fight yeah on a tv it's a little box with moving pictures inside what about the indian and the white man well they don't really fight anymore but people still say mean things about other people who are different and they argue about stuff like cutting down all the trees in the world like my mom and dad my dad works for the state of oregon he's gonna hire a bunch of guys to come cut down all the trees on the mountain and build condos and stores and golf courses and stuff like that i miss mom and dad it is almost sunup we will pray for this day good job [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] okay make sure everything works roadster check flashlight come on walkie-talkie check check can't test these [Applause] quick talk to him megan dylan cole can you hear me over megan come out of here i found nicole you heard something nicole sweetie is that you honey quickly where are you we're in an indian village but we went through the cave dylan dylan if you can hear us we're in the cave get out of the cave mom dad dylan dylan dylan [Applause] [Music] christian jackson will come these hours behind me thanks to caillou there's no way we can wait for the marshall there's too much to do [Music] [Applause] i want the women i want the children to stay here we'll take turns going into the teepees if we have to pack our things and leave two caillou i want you to take your men i want you to find roscoe bailey and jones i want you to tie them up i want you to put them somewhere where nobody can find them the second anybody finds a bundle of dynamite throw it in the lake throw it in the river do whatever you can make sure these guys can't find it and rewire all i can say is we got to go we got a lot to do and i wish you the best of luck i know we can get them will gosh dylan nicole come here jeremiah what about our parents i know dylan i know but our parents are still in the cave we got to get them out get them out of the cage but first i gotta find that detonation box [Applause] [Applause] what incarnation get [Applause] you just better be able to tell me that that mountain is ready to blow oh uh we ran out of wire boss ran out of wire there's enough wire in the wagon to reach from here to portland you had a wagon box i had the wagon i had the wagon oh wake up wake up yeah oh yeah boss is right we gotta hurry we gotta hurry up don't worry boss all i gotta do is get a couple of wires hook it up to a uh i don't mean [Applause] let's get over here now show me where else you have to wire right there right there then [Music] oh [Music] [Music] i want you man to blow the mountain yeah find a safe place yeah or don't worry about a safe place yep just pull them out blow the mountain [Music] what are you waiting for i'll do it wait wait don't you think boss man want to see this he said to blow it right now i don't know wait a minute let me think about it yeah i think he did okay one and two and what what if he's near the dynamite he ain't that stupid we better find him this way good job [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] [Applause] that's more like it yeah [Applause] what are we gonna do now hey if if i got it i got it [Applause] [Music] [Music] dylan dylan why do i have to do everything [Applause] [Music] you [Music] get up jeremiah get him jeremiah get him [Music] betty such a gallant effort by you bros like i said railroad's coming down don't do it man i know everything ma'am [Applause] i said don't do it don't do it no [Music] isn't that your place bert looking for these [Laughter] that's funny [Laughter] [Music] the cave hurry up jeremiah [Music] mom dad [Music] thank you oh it's my pleasure thank you [Applause] thank you folks now i do appreciate you coming out to discuss politely the events of the last day together and i do believe at this time the honorable mayor has a few things he'd like to share with you mr mayor [Music] friends neighbors you all know me uh i'm not a dishonest man by nature [Music] but uh in conclusion i would just like to say that i am i am deeply deeply sorry first uh although i was not personally aware of the so-called gold scam and i were indirectly involved and uh i wish to apologize for our irresponsible actions as well as the actions of miss betty in an attempt to repay those to whom we were so greedily disrespectful i'm hereby relinquishing my rights to develop the mountain area and i am signing over the leasehold to the indian community for the remaining 125 years left on the term i like very much to help develop this town but uh well maybe uh jeremiah and i could do it [Music] together boy [Applause] [Music] come jeremiah [Music] thank you so much for taking care of my children it's my pleasure it seems that they helped me as much as i helped them i don't think we're gonna save the mountain without them i think they were the answer to our prayers that's for sure and i think the kids were the secret to that cave this is one mountain that should remain untouched forever [Applause] [Music] we made it we're back [Applause] you would not believe the stuff you there were indians [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] you
Channel: EncourageTV
Views: 326,465
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Full Movie, EncourageTV, Movies, Christian movies, Faith, encouragetv movies, encouragetv films, Grizzly Mountain movie, Grizzly Mountain full movie, Grizzly Mountain 1994 movie, Grizzly Mountain 1994 full movie, Grizzly Mountain, time travel, movie about time travel, Dan Haggerty movie, Dylan Haggerty movie, Nicole Lund movie, haggerty brothers
Id: FhRs86dhvCo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 58sec (5758 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 20 2022
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