Gripen Factory✈️ Manufacturing SAAB Fighter Jet JAS-39 SuperSonic Production - Assembly line

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foreign [Music] [Applause] the main production line is sob and the place where greipen Fighters are also manufactured is linking in Sweden griping is produced since 1987 and primary users are Swedish Air Force South African Air Force Brazilian Air Force and Czech Air Force on 24 November 2021 Saab announced that the first six gripene Fighters were ready to be delivered to the Swedish and Brazilian Air Forces you will see a footage of the movement of griping from Sweden to Brazil in the second half of this documentary [Music] the subja s39 Gripen is a light single engine multi-roleum fighter aircraft manufactured by the Swedish Aerospace and defense company sub more than 271 Griffins of all models ATF have been built to market the aircraft internationally saab-formed Partnerships and collaborative efforts with overseas aerospace companies on the export Market early models of the griping achieved moderate success with sales to nations in Central Europe South Africa and Southeast Asia the crypani has an overall length of 15 meters wingspan of 9 meters and maximum takeoff weight of 16 500 Kilograms the maximum speed of the aircraft is Mach 2 at high altitude will the speed at low altitude is 1400 kilometers per hour the one-seater aircraft features 10 pylon stations which enable it to carry reconnaissance pods weapons and external fuel tanks its turnaround time is 10 minutes in air-to-air configuration in 20 minutes while carrying weapons for air-to-ground combat the aircraft's internal fuel tanks with a combined capacity of 3-4 tons are approximately 40 percent larger than those of its former version The increased volume is made possible by moving the landing gear from the fuselage of the aircraft out to the inner wings the gravity features a digital cockpit with three large multi-functional displays including a few 3D screens the cockpit also features a Hands-On throttle and stick which provides Superior situational awareness for the piled the Empire test pilot school in the United Kingdom has used the Gripen for advanced fast jet training of test pilots under wet lease Arrangements since 1999. it operates a gripe in the aircraft griping can operate from runways only 800 meters in length that is less than a third of the Golden Gate Bridge Japanese air-to-air turnaround time is 10 minutes exactly the time taken to boil an egg following hungary's membership of NATO in 1999 there were several proposals to achieve the NATO compatible fighter Force considerable attention went into studying second-hand aircraft options as well as modifying the nation's existing MiG-29 Fleet in 2001 Hungary received several offers of new and used aircraft from various Nations including Sweden Belgium Israel turkey and the us although the Hungarian government initially intended to procure the F-16 in November 2001 it was in the process of negotiating a 10-year lease contract for 12 Gripen aircraft with an option to purchase the aircraft at the end of the lease period well the Hungarian Air Force operates a total of 14 Gripen aircraft on the lease in 2011 the country reportedly intended to purchase these aircraft outright however in January 2012 the Hungarian and Swedish governments agreed to extend the lease period for a further 10 years according to Hungarian defense minister the agreement represented considerable cost savings the first cereal produced Swedish gripe in the aircraft designated 6002 has now entered the joint verification and validation program to mark that important step in the program sop showed the aircraft for the Swedish defense minister and representatives from the Swedish defense material Administration and Swedish armed forces the 20 December in Lincoln the aircraft 6002 performed its first flight in November and is now part of the joint verification and validation program which is a cooperation between Saab Swedish armed forces and FMV where the organizations together from the outset in the development test and verified the aircraft and its functions all the way from basic systems up to full operational capabilities the Gravity program continues to deliver very good progress and is on track to deliver in line with Saab customer agreements in November this year the delivery phase to both the Swedish and the Brazilian customer will begin last year the deliveries to the Joint griping e-test and verification program with the customers started one aircraft is stationed at malman Air Force Base in Lincoln Sweden and another one at the gripe and flight test center located at the Embraer plant and gave yapixoto Brazil with that together with Saabs being facilities in linkaping there are now in total three test sites in two countries the speed is not only increasing within griping e-flight testing the same goes with the production facilities where the capacity continuously increases and is ramping up for full production rate in linkoping during next year production of around 30 gripe in the aircraft are currently underway which means that Saab has started manufacturing of close to one-third of the fighters currently in the order backlog in the production facilities in lincolnping Brazilians and Suites are working side by side structural assembly insulation final assembly and other production related activities currently employ more than 1 000 employees prior to the above mentioned stages of production there is also a substantial involvement of both external suppliers and in-house detail manufacturing workshops relating to Parts production and structural Manufacturing new airstructure plant in Brazil reached a new Milestone when it started assembling the griping e-wing box currently the plant has five segments in production with the first forward fuselage in the last stage of assembly and units of tail cone and air brakes in the process of delivery the plant has also started the initial assembly to manufacture the rear fuselage of the single-seat fighter the production of the wing box is carried out in six phases and it started at sop in linkabing Sweden subsequently the air structure was sent to the factory in Sal Bernardo ducapo for the assembling of the main structural parts of the wing in three stages and to perform pressure tests after these processes the component will be sent to Sweden to finish the assembly the manufacturing technology related to the wing of a supersonic aircraft like the Gripen represents a substantial leap in capacity for the Brazilian industry the wing is arguably one of the most important and critical parts of an aircraft and the stringent operational requirements for a fighter like the Gripen have led to an extremely optimized Wing design Saab is a Pioneer in this robust High Precision assembly process in Brazil as part of the technology transfer process Brazilian assemblers underwent on the job training in Sweden where they had the opportunity to carry out the same tasks they now perform in Brazil Saab also selected a team of experienced Swedish operators who are now at the factory in Sal Bernardo dedicated to supporting the production of aerostructures for a period that can vary from 14 to 36 months in order to monitor production guarantee process quality and share knowledge with Brazilian operators
Channel: Milan's Factory
Views: 277,214
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gripen production, saab gripen production, gripen manufacturing, fighter jet production, gripen factory, saab gripen factory, how gripen is built, how gripen is made, gripen assembly, gripen assembly line, saab jas gripen e, saab gripen jas 39e, saab jas 39 gripen, making of gripen, building of gripen, gripen jet production, gripen fighter jet timelapse, gripen timelapse, gripen production line, gripen production plant, saag fighter jet production, saab gripen fighter jet
Id: d5ot-u8gxWU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 26sec (506 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 11 2022
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