Grinding and Milling Flats & Dovetails on a Lathe Compound - Monarch Lathe Restoration Part 23

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[Music] hello Keith lucky revenge machinery org well guys I'm still working on the monarch lathe and we are getting closer and closer to getting this thing finished we got the saddle now all finished we have the cross slide all finished as far as the scraping and milling and all that stuff goes really the only thing left as far as scraping is concerned is the compound and this is the part that fits up on the top but you can of course rotate to whatever angle and I've got this one off and apart and we need to start working on getting this thing Trude back up and back into as new specifications so let me zoom you in here and kind of show you what we're dealing with come up with the game plan and we got here and shop and get it done I'm over here at the surface plate and we're gonna first off do some inspecting on this so this is the compound again it sits down on the top of the cross slide there's a pin and this pin will press out but the pin goes in here and that's what it rotates on and then this part down on the bottom just spins on top of the cross slide piece there and there's of course there's two bolts here you can tighten it down to fit in whatever angle you want to adjust this to and of course there's a scale that kind of goes along the outside here to help you at least get close on that angle so the first thing I wanted to do was to see how parallel these two cross slides are again it's going to wear over time and to do that I took two gage pins here and we want it to kind of hit about in the middle of the the dovetail and I took a micrometer and we measured across this so we start up here at the top we measured we started over it just moved down through here now doing this we're kind of averaging of the high points over the the length of this pin and then we're just kind of moving it down as we go and on this side you kind of see what those measurements for this is basically the deviation so this was the the narrowest part I called that zero and as you go to the back this is in thousandths of an inch so this is three ten thousands three ten thousands one thousand one thousand one and a half thousands so you can see there's more we're back here on the this back side as you get toward the top side there's less where and thousands and a half you know that's not too terribly bad but it's not perfect so I think once we get the the bottom ground we'll take this over to the milling machine and I'm going to go ahead and we're gonna ramil this using our dovetail cutters so we'll come in here we get this set up on the pill machine and we'll just come down through here we'll reestablish a good dovetail in here and at the same time we're gonna face the bottom of this and these measurements here are kind of showing pluses and minuses and when I had it set up before there was a couple about three thousandths it looks like I'm reading in here as far as variations go so well I got it here though I think I'm gonna do is I gonna come in here and just kind of get an idea of how how flat this is now you know anytime you're working on an old piece like this you need to try to find something to work off of this original to it something that doesn't have where surface obviously this is a where surface this is a where surface and the bottom is the where surface but when I got in here and looking this top right here this is not a where surface this is not an area that anything is actually wearing on in fact I can look in here you probably can't see it on screen but I can actually see some of the original milling machine marks in there so this is going to become my reference surface is it perfect no but it's as close as I've got to perfect so that's going to become the new reference and actually it's not too bad I came in here earlier I've got a test indicator here this is a 10,000 streeting test indicator and we're just going to go along here and kind of see where it's at so I got a set on 0 right there I come down through here it's dropping off for about 6 or 7 10 it's half at our half a cow and almost back to 0 so there's about a I'm gonna call that 7 10 thousandths in there from the highest to the lowest I'm gonna come around to the other side we'll do the same thing I'm gonna come in here and touch off and we're close to zero and we go to about 1 point whoops I come off the edge there yeah so about one point three or four and then it comes back up to zero so this isn't too bad and anyway that's gonna be my surface it's dropping I can't remember that was high or low but anyway we're gonna we're gonna use this as the surface what I'm going to do is we'll go to the surface grinder I'm gonna flip it over on that surface there I'm gonna knock this pin out we're gonna grind the bottom that's gonna be step one and I then we'll go from there so let's go over to the surface grinder and we'll get this set up to grind over at the surface grinder we're gonna go ahead and just kind of make sure we got a nice clean mag here and to put this down to mag this down I'm going to use our some transfer blocks these are magnetic transfer blocks these are basically where the magnetic flux will come through this block and basically anything on top of it will continue to be magnetic and because of the we're going to want to set this thing down right here we got this little piece here one block is not going to be enough I've already checked it I'm gonna have to have two blocks it's just barely barely not enough height on there so I'm gonna put two blocks on top of one another whoops get that out from them between there don't come back this way just a little bit all right so if you look we got this little piece here this is where we have the thread for the screw that I'm using everything in now that's gonna be sticking down so that should clear here I'm gonna set it down flat kind of centered up on the mag above I'm going to turn my magnet on now and yeah that's nice it's nice and tight so we should be able to now come in here and surface grind in this face and it should be parallel to the original mil marks that we're in the part so that's this basically we're using that bottom again it's my over the top in this case we got flipped over as my reference surface and we'll grind that in we're gonna start by addressing my wheel I've already got it set up here that's good I'm just gonna leave that down there it's out of the way if I need to redress I'll have it down we'll go ahead and raise this back up I'm over touch up on my part and start crying put a little piece of paper in here to lower this down until they're just basically grabs and pulls that paper out of my hand to get me down within a couple of tau of being right on target starting to grab there it goes so that tells me now I'm within the thickness of a piece of paper of touching the apart and I'm going to just kind of feel around here we're not going to be getting anywhere I don't have any surprise hotspots in here and barely touching right there I'll tell you what I'm on girl let's come back take whatever this is Perkin to it all [Music] taking anything off on this side I mean the clicking of the scarf I'm guessing that's not even half a cow that is driving off right now we could do the things they fairly flat because working that way let's we have to take off in his next pass I'll probably stick of 20,000 [Music] let's take a look what we got here we've got a little bit of avoidance up here please that pretty good except right here in a couple of places I will note though that it's only touching on the outside basically where this bolt hole is there's a slot all the way around so it's not even touching in a lot of these areas where we don't have contact but I'm not quite hitting it back here in the back I am pretty much making contact everywhere if it's just a very small area by there I think I'm on a down feed one more foul let it cut across and even if I don't have some of these inside areas cleaned up I'm not worried about that because we're not touching there anyway come down one more thousand and back across we go [Music] we're getting real close guys the areas we've got a few too low areas and they're really for the most part in that middle zone where we're not making contact anyway but you know there's just a couple of little small areas that I just want to get a little bit more out of it so I'm gonna take one more pass go another full pal and we'll probably just live with whatever we got on this one so that's uh Peter going again I'm glad to come back from we'll probably picked up a fart passes just to make sure these didn't flat have this bottom done all right guys I think we got it I'm just gonna gotta go back across this thing a few more times parked out completely park here there I think I can live with that like so the only places I'm not touching or some areas in that middle area that doesn't matter anyway so let's take that off next thing we're gonna do here guys we're gonna actually grind the tops here I just since this was my reference surface and now I got a ground surface on the bottom I want to clean this top reference surface up so that we have a good indication that we really were we're closed there Suns coming in the wind up there leaving some shadows on here but hopefully y'all can see what's going on I'm gonna come in here I'm just gonna do this by hand we're coming right up again that against that area there it shouldn't take much at all to do this I'm not even taking a full thousand top there's a brush-off that [Music] the other side now and for that post where I couldn't get right up close to it [Music] on mater I'm not going to crash into the post-fire in the back at my testing the cabbage want to see how good we are here so we're coming in and and I'm reading them right around at zero there will come across here and I mean this within 1/10 it moved up a little bit when I changed the ratios that's just from the yeah I'm pretty happy with that that looks when I come back it's dragging about a tenth down but that's that's still zero and it's it's not moving off of that all right and on the other side come in here so it looks like we're about a tenth different but going down long ways again it's within a tenth so there's no more than two ten thousandths of an inch of variation anywhere on that surface that's good I'm very happy with that all right next thing is I want to get these duck tails cleaned up and we're gonna do that over on the milling machine and you may ask why I'm on it not doing it on the grinder it's I don't my grinder to do this dovetail you'd really have to have a head that the tilts to get that angle right I mean I guess I could go in there and grind my wheel to the angle and do it that way it's just a clunky setup you'd have to really kind of set it up on on end like this right here because the wheel and you'd have to come in here and be dragging across the back over a large face and then cutting the bottom with that profile and then to do the other side you'd have to turn the part over which would really kind of negate the whole reason of doing it because you'd want to do it in the same setup where everything will be parallel so the grinder I haves just not set up to do that kind of work most surface grinders are but will come in here will mill this out this will all get scraped in I got this set up over in the middle machine now basically just got this clamp down to the table it is on the count on the backside but has to do with my cutting tool and being able to sweep it I'm gonna have to mill in this direction which is a little bit opposite I guess from what I normally do where I'm feeding in this direction but it has to do with work holding here the only place I can really clamp this is down this lower Parkes I'm gonna be milling everything up higher and anyway it's just gonna be difficult to clamp it down in the other direction this this way here worked out really well and we got room to do it so it's going to be fine I've got an indicator set up on here and I'm sweeping this under side of that dovetail all the way down and I've I mean this is remember we measured it was out by tau and a half and I've got it within a thousand a half from end to end on the indicator whoops it jumped when I hit the end of my travel here but anyway I'm happy there we're gonna go ahead and get our cutter in here and we're gonna basically get everything Trude up on either side I think we're set up over here on the middle machine now and what I've done is I've kind of figured out where my high spot is I think my high end is gonna be on this end at least on the bottom side of this I'm going to kind of touch off over here I think I'm gonna do this kind of make sure we're getting a good cut across the bottom on both sides so I get my height set right then we'll come in and start working on the dovetails and I'm just going to basically clean them up on the each side and make them parallel to one another so just some power going here [Applause] time to get the bottom [Applause] this past May cleaning up all the way to the place here through this sigh of clean all the way up it might only need medic tower to you on that one corner back there come on out this way the other side we may need a little more depth on that side there finish cleaning it up [Applause] like we're gonna say it outright pulling it to the end funny I don't need much my good come out to the very end here we're putting that all the ways out there come back over to the other side and this the definitely cleanup on this side - I'm pretty sure [Applause] and come out to the end so now I should be ready to come in there and cuts off on the dovetail and clear up on side [Applause] I'm just gonna bring it in just to barely touch with that wall let's feed down through here now barely touching I may have to make another path to get a good head on we're ready to take another pass through here I'm gonna take another to foul off that's the plan there we go [Applause] to get a job hi guys I'm gonna take one more pass it looks like and we get out here toward the end setting at the top of the dovetail they're not going all the way down to the bottom and tell them on do this time I'm gonna take a marker lack in that face in there [Applause] I can tell what I'm cutting a little bit better so we're ready to feed on through [Applause] I'm looking down in there we click all that black out so that tells me I got a good five now [Applause] and bring into I guess barely touch [Applause] wasabi Pam should not have protected much out of it [Applause] with hot cleaning up all in the forecast they did awesome I actually put a marker mark in there where I could see so I think we're through I think we got this milled out a new dovetails cut new flats cut on the bottom so I think this is ready to go to scraping alright so now for some inspection we're gonna come over here and read 0 this so again 10 thousandths indicator it's very touchy that's about a 0 right there and we're gonna go down and so I mean we're running within a thousandth of being flat from one side to the other let's check the other side all right so on this side I'm sure you see that yeah on this side so we put a couple of tents higher on this side than the other side and we come down and again we're within about a thousand flats so I'm pretty happy with that you know these will be scraped in on the bottom so we got an opportunity to straighten that out and coming off a mill machine that's not a bad surface at all next thing I want to do is check to see how parallel these are that right there is going to be more important to me because that's going to be a lot of a lot of scraping to get all that cleaned out so let me where's mother pin here all right so I got to gauge pins it's about halfway up the dovetail and I'm gonna come in here with a micrometer we're gonna check it in multiple places coming down through here and the way I'm going to do this is I'm just gonna read it over here and then in 10,000 so we're at six and I'm gonna read my scale here I'm gonna call that 6.3 our six I'm going to put 63 so that's 63 10,000 so I'm going to come up a little bit we'll map this out it feels good right there so that's I think it moved hang on a second that feels good right there and we're at 67 okay I see what that looks like right there looks like just a little under six for maybe right on seven we call it seven oh all right so this is my smallest measurement some will call that zero just right here's a three hours for 67 that's four ten thousandths okay 63 273 is going to be 10 ten thousandths or one thousandth this is going to be it's gonna be six ten thousandths and this is going to be seven ten thousands so that kind of tells me what we got and again those are in 10,000 so really one thousandth of an inch wider here than here and then it comes back down a few tents up here so that's gonna help me when I start scraping this I know I got a little bit more in the middle than I do on the ends but uh looks like we're in good shape I'm pretty happy with what we got and this is ready to go to scraping I believe well there we go guys one more project well underway here we got our compound the base of our compound all machined and ground on the bottom milled on the top and it is now ready for scraping to get it in and I'm gonna do the scraping in a separate video we will start by scraping the bottom of this to make it perfectly flat probably just do it over here using the surface plate as our reference once that is done we will come in and machine the flats on either side here again using what we're using a straight edge in that case is our reference surface but then coming over here and making sure they're parallel and in the same plane not one is higher than the other we'll do that on the surface plate as well and then come in and start doing the dovetails we'll do one side make sure that it's straight and then we'll come and do the other side and we'll start checking for parallelism and getting that worked out so that we don't have any one side wider than the other so good bit of work to do there and again that's probably going to be in a couple more videos coming down the road but with that that's gonna be a wrap on this one and one step closer to having the monarch finished up so that'll be a wrap guys as always thank you guys for watching if you haven't already please subscribe to the channel and with that we'll catch you on the next time around thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: Keith Rucker -
Views: 43,763
Rating: 4.9559507 out of 5
Keywords: Machine Shop, Machinist, Lathe, Milling Machine, Restoration, Vintage Machinery, Metalworking, Keith Rucker,, surface grinder, Landis surface grinder, dovetail cutter, keith rucker youtube, monarch lathe restoration, vintage machinery youtube, dovetail cutter milling machine, dovetail cutter 60 degree, lathe compound
Id: rj15tMz5TJo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 22sec (1702 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 07 2018
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