GRINDELWALD SWITZERLAND: Top 10 Things to do & see in Grindelwald (First, Cliff Walk, Jungfrau!)

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hey guys welcome back to our channel if you are new here my name is alexis and i'm louie and together we make videos about swiss travel and living so if that sounds interesting to you click the subscribe button and stick around in this video you saw it in the description we are going to be talking about all things grindelwald so this is a really popular destination in switzerland and for good reason yes beautiful it's a great alternative to interlochen if you've already visited there or just want to stay somewhere else it's at the foot of the jungfrau and really accessible to a lot of different activities and sites that you might be considering in switzerland so in this video we're going to cover the top 10 things that we think will be the perfect itinerary you can do it over two days if you're really active but we would recommend doing it over three days and we think it's just the perfect way to spend some time in switzerland we've tried to make this video a few times so you're gonna see footage over a few different trips to grindelwald in some different seasons we love it and it's a great destination to visit all times of the year we get that question a lot so you'll see footage from spring from winter from fall but we'll go through our top 10 recommendations and hopefully that's helpful to you in planning your trip let's get into it so for the purpose of this video we're going to give you our recommendation for a three-day itinerary and the reason we're doing this is because we recommend that you get the top of europe pass so this is a trade pass for the jungfrau grindelwald interlaken region so most of the transportation or even all the transportation we'll be talking about in this video will be included in that pass i'll link in the description where to get this pass and there's also a video linked here if you'd like to learn a little bit more about it we compare and contrast some different passes in switzerland so the reason we're doing this is that top of europe pass it's a minimum of three days so purchase that and then you'll be all set to go through everything we're discussing in this video so i'm gonna kick it to louie to start on day one it's gonna start with the bang and day one is going to be a busy day but there is so much to see in this region and we know you'll enjoy it so yeah thank you very much for the for the first day what we recommend is to start with the grindelwald fiesta so this is reachable from the village of grindelwald from the train station you'll have to walk maybe 10 minutes in that very cute uh little village we really love it and so you get to the grindelwald this is included in your top of europe pass and we recommend you go all the way up so you'll have gondolas all the time you just get them and show your pass and get to the gondola and so you have three i think intermediary stations you just stay put in the gondola enjoy the scenery you'll have beautiful views on the iga on the mountains on on the valley it's really really nice this little ride is quite long it's 20 minutes so you can enjoy and even have a little picnic and when you're on the top so at the fiest the first activity that we would recommend is the tiso cliff walk so this is on the mountain on the cliff actually of the the mountain you go all the way across it's a little scary it's still very manageable and and very safe and at the end you get to that quite famous place where you you get sort of an opening on all the mountains uh of the region and it's really beautiful that was the the first one that i would recommend in the grindelwald fiesta what i recommend after the teso clifford is to go on the hike to the bajal posey this lake is about an hour i think from uh grindelwald it depends on your depends on how quickly you could alex says you didn't really love the the uphill but it was only like the beginning maybe the beginning five ten minutes and then it was really manageable you had kids that were on on the hike an hour an hour 15 minutes to get there and then you have a beautiful view of the lake and an amazing scenery it's kind of a an infinity pool this lake and then you have the scenery i really love it so i would say this is to get to the lunchtime and then you can have lunch there picnic and then come back in fiest you have other activities that we would recommend and this is actually going down one station below and from there you have a lot of very cool activities we tried the fiesta glider i think so this is your harness and uh and you go up and uh down and it's really when you're flying basically but but there are two that you can do that are really fun and from this uh intermediary station then you have the possibility to either hike down or you can take the gondola down or if you are quite uh adventurous you have the mountain bike carts so they're essentially kind of like little go-karts but they're not really motorized they're just wheels because you're using the downward slope of the mountain to make you go down so we saw kids doing this it's really fun the only thing i'll note is just this is obviously seasonal because in the winter this is not possible so i'll put on the screen and i'll link in the description the different times of the year where these things are open that's a good point yes yes so some things are open year-round some of the things we mentioned are only open for the quote-unquote spring season so we'll link everything in the description and put it on the screen but there is things to do here all year round winter spring summer so any time of year you go there's different activities to do they just might be a little different so just check it out before you go and this is going to have filled up quite a lot of your day in kinderwald you can take more or less time you can eat also at the restaurant on the top but this is for us a beautiful day to uh to spend in the fiest you have a lot of activities to you to do and this is uh our first day of our three days itinerary so after a day full of hiking and going up to the fiercest and lots of activities you will need somewhere to stay our recommendation is the hotel credson post this is really right next to the train station in grindelwald so assuming you're taking the train there it is super easy to just get off the train drop off your luggage and then you're really right in the heart of everything it was very convenient we absolutely love this hotel we stayed there when we were in grindelwald it's been family run for the past few generations which we think is really really nice it's a small boutique hotel they have a lot of icar view rooms so if that's something you're interested in you have really gorgeous rooms with a view of the eiger they also have a really great restaurant so like really nice gastronomy if you're looking to just settle into the hotel eat in the same place you can do that all here but the reason that we chose this hotel when we stayed in grindelwald and the reason that maybe some of you i think would be interested in it they have a beautiful rooftop spa so after a day full of hiking your muscles might be sore and this is a really great place to kind of just relax and unwind so there's different saunas and hot tubs and a foot pool and there's an outdoor terrace and there's just a lot you can do to relax your body after a really kind of busy outdoorsy day it's nice to be able to have all of that in your hotel so check it out we'll link it in the description i think it's a really nice option that's well located everything you need and just a really friendly atmosphere so day two is the big day and day one was really fun we kept it more local to grindelwald day two is gonna be the day that i think a lot of you are considering saying grindelwald in the first place and that is going to the jungfrau yes so the jungfrau is uh is the top of europe it's the highest mountain train in europe so this is why they call it top of europe it's uh quite an experience and i know we really recommend it that's why also we recommended the top of your pla pass so to get to the jungfrau you have to get to the grindelwald terminal which is a little bit confusing because this is not the main train station close to the croissant post hotel this is a big terminal that has different gondolas that are going from and this is 10 minutes away from kinder wild by walk 10-15 minutes you can have a train that goes there or a bus or you can just walk to the terminal and from there you'll be able to take the eiger express this was in itself i think a cool activity to do it was a huge gondola that you can have like 25 people really enormous brand new it goes super fast and you have a beautiful view on the on the whole region you have a view on grindelwald and then on the on some glaciers and it goes into the mountain to the train that will take you to the top of europe so once you are at the iger express terminal you get to a train that will take you then to the jungfrauer so once you get to the jungfrau yak it is really really quite an experience so unlike some of the other trains that take you to the tops of mountains in switzerland where you get out and then you're outdoors and you can kind of just walk around or go on a hike it's very different at the jungfrau so most of what you will be doing will be you know within this piece of infrastructure that is built so there's a few things to note there you're going up really really high that's no joke because you you go up that altitude very quickly so you'll feel it once you get up there you might be a little bit out of breath just walking up and down the staircases in the piece of you know in the building so just know that take your time yes another thing to note is if you're doing this in the summer specifically bring additional layers because there are places where you can go outside there will be snow all year round it will be much much colder than where you departed from the terminal so bring an extra jacket something like that if you if you go up in your summer clothes that you were wearing down in the village in grindelwald you will be very cold so those are just two things to prepare you so once you get up there it's really exciting there is so much to do it's very well indicated there's a lot to see but some of the highlights for us there is a lint little museum and chocolate shop there it's really really cute yeah it's really great if you have kids or if you just like chocolate or it's really really fun there is a place that's called the sphinx where you can actually walk out of the building and you can see the glaciers and it's an elevator that takes you up yeah it's amazing you can go outside you'll see the snow you'll feel it and you get a really nice view of everything the fact that you could just get up there with the train is quite remarkable there's also a really really beautiful ice cave so again this is another great reason to pack layers because it you're walking through ice it is very it's really very close to freezing if not just around freezing the air temperature in there but it's really really beautiful there's some ice carvings and you can walk through the ice that's been carved out of the glacial ice there's a lot to see at the jungfrau the last recommendation when you're planning this trip we just have this on the second day because in our opinion it's a nice activity to do for a full day versus like one of the travel days on either end of the trip but there is a webcam i'll link it in the description so you can go ahead and check that out and and switch the days around based on the weather because if you happen to be there and you're lucky when it's sunny it is really an amazing experience a lot of this is indoors so you can have a good time in any weather but check out the webcam because it's a nice resource to have that you can predict for the weather in advance yes so once you're done with the activities on the youtube i think you can spend at least two hours maybe three up there you will take a train down to klein scheideg so i recommend doing something different than just taking the eiger express on the way down you can go to klein shy day it gives you another view also of the region on the other side of the valley and then you can take another train back to kendall wilde and from there you will arrive slightly below in the world but that's walking distance to hindu if you are like me a fan of these summer luges uh i don't know how you say in english like to bargains yes there you go you have the possibility to do this in grindelwald close to green if i pronounce it correctly that has that summer rouge and also some other activities gives you another view on the valley and so for this you have to take an other gondola that will i think not be included in the top of europe past but it's quite cheap and it also allows you to get to that cool activity so that can be a nice end of the afternoon activity one thing to note also if you are interested and if you are maybe a group of a few people four to eight people they offer some sky dinner in a gondola it's pretty cool and it's i think 95 francs i i always recommend it to you to people that are staying in the world because this is quite unique so you can do the luge and then also have that dinner there so this is a nice way to end the day in general otherwise you can just rest maybe walk around in the village in grindelwald but this is it for our day two of our itinerary like louie mentioned if you don't want to do all of that the the second half of the trip with the toboggan the summer luge you can't just stay in grindelwald the village is really really beautiful so i'll overlay some footage there are a lot of shops and restaurants and if you just want a relaxing second half of the day there's a lot to do and see there so you can really just kind of hang out in the village take it easy there's a lot of temperatures also yeah bars and terraces for like happy hour kind of thing so we also just loved hanging out in the village it's really really cute so depending on how packed you want your itinerary to be or the pace that you tend to travel know that just relaxing in the village after the big activity of the day is an option or if you are like louie and you want to go go go there's plenty to do that is a little bit more active in the region so day one we did first day two we did the jungfrau day three we will use grindelwald a little bit more as a base to explore some of the amazing region around again everything that louis will be discussing for day three is in that top of europe pass so we're gonna take full advantage of it and explore kind of everything that is included within that train ticket yeah so what i recommend to start your day three is like day two you're going to get to kendall wild terminal which is not the main station but you'll know already by day three and from there you will take the main lesion which is included in that uh top of your pass i was actually kind of blown away when i took the that gondola in the winter by that the view of that gondola light was kind of the one that you don't really hear about because you have so many core other trains and goals but i really it was almost my favorite view that's my nation view because you were seeing everything from there you were seeing all the different villages from merlin wengen lauterrin and grindelwald you were seeing all the different mountain tops it was quite a yeah i really loved that that view there was a little hike also that we did we can we could go to a little crown it's a like 15 minutes hike to have a view also then on the lakes tune and uh so you have i think the one of the best views in switzerland in in that mention so this is something i really recommend so one thing that is pretty cool for for the medicine is that you can get from one part of the valley from grindelwald get to the top have that beautiful view on all these glaciers and everything and then you have actually another gondola that is also included in the top of your pass that goes down to vengeance and vengeance is kind of the bird's eye view on the lauterbrunnen valley that is my favorite valley in switzerland i think and i think a lot of people think the same tolkien also they thought the same it inspired him for even this uh this valley it's just crazy it's it's beautiful and what i recommend in vegan you can also walk around in the village you can go all the way to the church uh there is a little chachana that will have a beautiful view on the mountains and uh and the valley so this is what i would recommend in wengen then from wengen you can either maybe have lunch there this will be maybe the the times you have lunch you can have in different places and then you can take another train and this train ride is a is really nice you see it a lot on instagram i think because of that also to go to lauterbrunnen and i think i can you know let alone so you can maybe yeah explain one of our top that is really really beautiful so many waterfalls are there on that top yeah so known as the valley of the waterfalls there are 72 there so it is really really incredible if you are there to see waterfalls which maybe you are there's something really special you can do in the spring summer and a little bit early autumn and that is the trimmerbot fella i'll put some clips of that here these are 10 glacial waterfalls that you can access by going inside of a mountain yes relatively inexpensive for switzerland it's 12 francs and it's very very cool you take a mountain funicular inside of the mountain and you see interior and exterior waterfalls so really something unique and loud to burning is the valley of the waterfall so definitely recommend checking it out and it's also not that can be like if you don't really like to hike but you like to walk from lauterbrunnen this is 35 minutes away so this is also a nice hike flat to that trimble bar filler you have buses also to uh come back but this is for this day this this would be the the highlights that we really recommend you seeing and from la tourinan you can easily get back to grindelwald uh by train you'll have to change but uh a lot of people do the same you take the train from that one in direction interlaken you'll have to change and get another train to kendall it takes like less than 30 minutes to roll so this is uh pretty easy to get to it's very easy to do you will certainly not be the only person doing that there's a lot of people that go between lots of red and interlock and grindelwald they're all really connected so don't be intimidated by the amount of public transportation that is within this trip if you are confused at any of the different points of transportation don't be uncomfortable to ask people they're happy to help they're used to having tourists in in this region it's very very popular and you will not be you know the first person that gets a little bit confused with with the different you know trades and stations in all these locations okay so we hope you enjoyed that kind of itinerary video and the top 10 things that we really like about grindelwald so again we recommend doing this over three days if you want to do it over two days you can cut pieces of this trip out but you will still be paying for the three days top of europe pass so if you're buying it already we recommend taking advantage of it if there are some other things you would like to add to this itinerary like interlaken like murin we have full videos for those destinations which i will link in the description because these are easily added to this grindelwald trick but for this one we wanted to centralize it on grindelwald because i know so many of you are interested in traveling there and i love it also yes we also love it so hopefully you enjoyed this video where we pulled in you know footage from a bunch of different trips we will be getting back out there and traveling again soon so stay tuned for some more videos if you are planning a trip to switzerland and you still need some additional guidance you can reach out to us by email or instagram if you'd be interested in having us plan the trip for you we have started offering this service and we're in the beta phase of testing it out before we fully launch a website so if you think you might need an extra one-on-one help i'll put our contact information here and you can reach out to us that is it for this video hopefully you guys all come to switzerland this summer this winter and we will see you in the next one bye guys bye guys hey guys thanks for watching thanks for watching if you want to see more videos like this please make sure to like and subscribe we'll see you soon
Channel: The Traveling Swiss – Alexis & Louis
Views: 172,013
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: switzerland, grindelwald, grindelwald switzerland, top 10 switzerland, top 10 grindelwald, jungfrau, jungfraujoch, jungfrau switzerland, grindelwald first, grindelwald first cliff walk, switzerland cliff walk, lauterbrunnen, lauterbrunnen switzerland, first switzerland, wengen, grindelwald travel guide, swiss, how to switzerland, the traveling swiss, hotel kreuz post grindelwald switzerland, grindelwald village, first cliff walk, jungfrau region, top of europe
Id: _-QTahIWeCY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 31sec (1231 seconds)
Published: Fri May 06 2022
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