Grilled Mallard Duck | 2 EASY Appetizers!

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how do you like to cook your duck or goose let me know in the comments section below most people only have one or two things that they do a duck and that can get pretty boring so today I'm going to help you out with some ideas for two easy duck appetizers and we're using things that you probably already have in your kitchen I'm Joel Strickland and this is surviving duck season [Music] surviving duck season is presented by mojo and high and dry waders hey everybody it's a great day I'm glad you're here now first of all I wanted to say thanks for all the great feedback we got on last week's video it was an epic flooded timber duck hunt and if you missed it make sure you check it out but today we're in my kitchen like many of you we're staying close to home for a while now if you're like me you probably have a bunch of ducks in the freezer I love figuring out new ways to cook them so I thought I'd give you guys some ideas on things that you can do with duck today I'm going to show you some appetizer ideas but these could easily be part of a meal just as well so let's get into it now I've gone through the kitchen to see what I've got to work with my wife and I are both chefs so we do have some things around here that a lot of you may not so what I'm gonna do is limit myself to things that aren't too unusual so as I'm looking around the first thing I find in the refrigerator is barbecue sauce now I've actually got a cabinet full of barbecue sauces because we love the barbecue but the one that I've chose for a recipe for today is made by a good buddy of mine Mike Utz he has an incredible line of barbecue sauces this one is actually a mythos style barbecue sauce which is my favorite kind of barbecue sauce it's bold and you know got a little kick so it's you know it's got some pepper in it it's the perfect choice for this duck recipe then as I continued looking through the kitchen I found a bunch of Asian sauces because we love the Asian food as well so I've picked out these three this yum yum sauce I love um you know sauce is great on just about everything this is a sweet chili sauce and then this is a teriyaki so what we're going to do is we're going to take these three sauces and make a little concoction with them and just to use it as a dipping sauce or or to drizzle over the meat after it's been cooked so I'm gonna take some teriyaki and really you just do this to taste until until it tastes good to you it's really good and then this is this sauce chili sauces got a little kick to it it's kind of thick as you can see and then we'll just stir it up and if it needs a little something else you know then I'll add it trial-and-error no big deal you can always keep adding more of one or the other until it's right okay oh yeah that's really good okay first what I'm gonna do is get my duck that I have thought out and this is it right here this is a mallard I'm gonna take this duck right here and this thin side and we'll peel it back see the see how the meat just comes right off just work your finger in there and you can you can take a knife but really it's pretty easy to do this just with your with your fingers and I'm gonna peel this back all along and you'll see you kind of see a better idea in a minute when I get done with it what I'm what I'm trying to do here okay so now you can see that I've got the skin peeled back about half way and then I'm gonna take and cut this off I'll show you just like that okay and so now what's going to happen I'm going to use this for a different appetizer here in a little while let's see what you got left is you got this nice piece of skin left over and then we can wrap this entire piece of duck with the skin like that so before we do that I'm going to season it a little bit I'm gonna do this other one real quick and then we're gonna season it okay so next what I'm going to do is I'm going to season this meat before we wrap it up and I've got this barbecue rub right here we're going to use that you can use really any type of barbecue rub that you like that works for a while steak seasoning work also if you didn't have a barbecue so now what we're going to do is we're going to wrap this up and just get the skin all the way excellent so that's the process that we're doing for the the first appetizer like I said we're doing two of them and so I'll show you how to do that one and then we'll take them both out to the grill and cook them up so just like like I showed you on the last one I've got two long strips what I'm going to do is I'm going to take one more of these and do the same thing with it I'm gonna cut it long ways just like this and I'm just going to dunk them in this olive oil right here and then we're just going to lay them here on this pan and I'm going to hit it with some kosher salt and steak seasoning right there you could use a BBQ rub you could use any kind of steak seasoning that you might like all right now we're going to take them out and put them on the grill okay so I've got my grill hot and I have a cast iron flat skillet that I'm going to put on the hottest part of the fire let it get good and hot now I don't have coals underneath the entire grate just about maybe two-thirds maybe half of it does that way I can pull the the skillet off to the side and not be directly over the hottest part of the fire but we've got a hot pan on the grill and move it out of the way and then I'm also going to cook some on the grate itself I'm sure you've noticed the skewers I have here with the pineapple and the duck on it that's going to be for another video coming out soon I'll be using the cast iron skillet to cook the duck with skin and then we're going to put the skewers right across there I'm gonna go ahead and close the lid right quick so we can start hitting hot inside this is not gonna cook real long I mean we're wanting everything to be medium-rare to medium so like I said it's not gonna take long to cook all this all right let's take a look and see what we got it's only been cooking for just a couple minutes I'm gonna check this in the skillet here yeah see it's getting Brown I'm gonna leave it on that side for just another minute and let's look at the oh yeah see you've already got some grill marks going right there you see that so what I'm gonna do real quick is I'm going to baste this right quick with some barbecue sauce and then I'm gonna flip it over because it's not gonna be long before it's completely done yeah those are gonna be done like lickety-split so I'm gonna put some more barbecue sauce on this side and this is a nice bold barbecue sauce memphis-style barbecue sauce and then we're gonna flip this over there we go and then we're gonna close this up let it sit for another minute okay so now we've got all the meat grilled up now it's time to serve it up this is the good part our daughter Hadley is up from her nap as you can hear you're gonna want to eat one of these Hadley we have we call everything chicken right now so I'm tell her if we're gonna have chicken and she'll love it it can be ham it can be chicken turkey anything but you got to tell her it's chicken or if you won't eat it okay so here's this we're gonna take these oops I like that and we'll take this sauce and we're just going to do this [Music] okay here is my Asian know that's really really really really nice I like that a lot okay in the last one we've got is the barbecue I'm just gonna kind of drizzle a little bit now obviously if you're going to be serving this to a lot of people you'd want more but there's just a few of us here at home so we're just making a few of these to eat yeah barbecue sauce is really good mmm that's really good okay so that's too easy duck appetizers and I hope that you guys will try them and if you like this video smash that like button and also tell me in the comments below what you think about it it really helps me out to get your feedback that way I know if you're interested in the content that I'm making now we have lots of duck hunting related content right here on the surviving duck season channel not just cooking but we do have more cooking videos as well but we also have duck and goose hunting DIY projects tips and tactics videos so make sure you check some of them out and until next time I'm Joel Strickland good hunting and god bless
Channel: Surviving Duck Season
Views: 3,914
Rating: 4.984252 out of 5
Keywords: grilling duck, grilling mallard duck, duck, duck hunting, duck recipe, Asian duck, barbecue Duck, BBQ duck, cooking duck, grilled duck, grilled mallard duck, joel strickland duck hunting, surviving duck season, catch cook clean, cooking goose, joel strickland wild cooking, Mallard hunting, how to cook duck, how to cook wild duck, cooking wild duck, waterfowl hunting, duck breast, Easy Duck Appetizer, duck hunting vlog, roast duck
Id: 6Gc_cJ7H33c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 6sec (726 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 08 2020
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