A father tries to find his young daughter after she goes missing during a traffic jam. | Gridlock

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[Music] yes emma's with me listen can i leave her at yours for just a couple of hours i know but karen karen can't okay she's not i already had a big argument with her about this okay it's not an option i really need you to take it can i just drop her over to you please yes [Music] yes she's in the car with me right now [Music] okay fine i'll talk to you later daddy where are we going nowhere apparently [Music] emma can you stop doing that please gonna go check what's going on okay you stay right there i'll be back did you see what happened on the road is uh come on girl emma emma emma emma emma oh bloody hell here he comes excuse me please keep your hands off my car my daughter where is she stay away from my car please my daughter was missing and you're getting short with me so what's going on my daughter she's six years old she was in my car right in front of you i left her for two seconds to check what's stopping the traffic and when i came back she was gone did you see her you really can't leave a kid that young by herself she was right in front of you you would have been staring directly at her how could you not seen what happened i don't know let me think um stop trying to remember it just happened hey did you see my kid a little girl yeah where's she well i saw her with you i mean she's yours isn't she where is she i don't know she's gone i left her for a minute she's gone well i mean the people behind you probably saw hey hey man's looking for his kid we're really sorry about this how could you not have seen her well you didn't see your eyes yep you were in the driver's seat though what difference does that make we'll help you look first you can't go that far unless you got snatched i'm sorry what i mean look at the window do you see the way it's warped someone got in don't be sick we would have noticed if someone broke into a car and kidnapped a child right in front of us yeah you think so wouldn't you that looks normal to me nah that's forced entry if ever i've seen us my money's unsnatched [Music] have you seen my daughter she sicks her name's emma she's black hair she had a doll with her you haven't you see people think they're safe in a crowd but you're not i mean they like crowds they're opportunists they see a kid they grab it it's an animal instinct the more people around the more vulnerable you are could you stop talking about this hey you see my daughter i watch the news and every other week there's a story just like this and nobody thinks it can happen to them until it does can you roll down your window please what do you want i can't find my daughter have you seen her she's sick she's black hair no this is pointless no one's seen her we should be looking off the road who owns this car hey this car who wants a silver car i said who was a [ __ ] car calm down this guy just went mental in my car the dog what that's my daughter's dog this is about a doll it's not the doll his kid is missing she disappeared she had a doll with her and now it's in the backseat of his car it's my doll it's my kid's doll where is your kid she's at home and what age is she ten she's ten ten-year-olds don't play with dolls well mine does who do you people think you are you're compassion up my car accusing me of being a based on nothing the doll it's a [ __ ] doll every kill hasn't wait wait it was broken her doll it was a a string you'd pull on it and the sound would come out it was all it was all wrong let's hear the doll man all right get out of my way [Music] it's not even one of the talking ones wait a minute this had a string on it it was pulled out during the struggle probably how about i'm job in your build [ __ ] away for my time oh yeah get lost hey i'm only saying i mean if you did take her she'd be in the booth i mean where else could she be he did seem pretty paranoid about his car just open up your boot this can all be over [Music] no was that so hurt hey here you know that was unpleasant but it's probably what we should do just get everyone to open their boots yeah we should start with him what are you saying about me i'm saying we should search your car my car yeah i'm the only one who's trying to help i mean you two are still the prime suspects really it's the respectable couple is it not the lone creepy weirdo oh yeah i mean like couples aren't always doing this kind of thing i mean you never heard of myra hindi no because i'm not an expert in child murder you know way too much about this stuff oh you wanna look at my car fine i've got nothing to hide listen man sorry we got into it there a little bit you know if it was my kid i'd do the same thing you know there's a tinker camp it's the other side of those woods there i now have some of them over there real skull i wouldn't put it past them you know if you want to head over there i'll go with you i know how to talk to these people what do you say hey we need you to open your boots this is serious a little girl's gone missing and we think someone has taken her it's not personal we need to check everyone can he hear us oh he can hear us always can't she i mean and he's just sitting there i mean who doesn't want to defend themselves against this that is a good point we need you to open your car because we think you're a child raping murdering scumbag piece of [ __ ] i mean does that not upset you hey you're not going to do anything about us alan alan can you can you hear this it's like a faint breathing yeah maybe so how much further almost there i definitely heard something i mean she's in there hey should we go get the guards no time no time she's running out of oxygen i mean who knows how long it can be in a booth [Music] of nowhere and the horse rared up i put on the brakes i tried to stop you hear that what there i don't hear anything emma [Music] okay sir for your own safety i think you're gonna have to come with me i'm not going anywhere see what we mean there's no reasoning with them yeah oh i raise them with them try it oh yeah come on don't you think that's a bit much why don't you arrest him he's got a kid in this booth come on where were you i was hiding you were hiding i had to hide from the monster don't worry your daddy's here now there's no monsters did you see the monster no but i could hear it scratching it said my name emma where was the monster in the car everyone get back all right i'll rest you all get back to your cars [Music] we're gonna run now okay we're gonna run as fast as we can so you can't let go no matter what is the monster coming after us yes it is and that's why you gotta hold on tight and don't let go no matter what okay what's going on hey [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Omeleto
Views: 30,276
Rating: 4.9355254 out of 5
Keywords: gridlock, drama short film, omeleto
Id: wtLEERCi5xw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 38sec (1178 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 23 2021
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