Grian being the most humorous, comical, amusing, uproarious hermit for a total of 18 minutes

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we then all split up and went our separate ways but everything changed when Mumbo decided to follow me green I'm following you just because you you look like you have a purpose I'm just heading North I was just like man he looks like he knows where he's going he looks like he knows where his stuff is I have to take down this whole tree and then I have to replant it wait you've got it why have you gotta replant it well because I can't I can't just I can't DeForest things dude I am set up look at this oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah look at that Flex here we go you're gonna replant that grass can you briefly explain why you're just wearing a Hawaiian shirt uh what do you mean just wearing a Hawaiian shirt I have shorts oh my goodness you thought I was just to be fair they are pretty close to my skin tone aren't they now I'm looking at them it's like I've got like a reverse tan line explain why you're wearing a red jumper you know I can't remember you know what you know I was born with this okay going on there's like a full-on wall yeah I swear we're just in here just mining literally Stone like our own business what would you do if I did this oh mate I'm excited we are quitting now I know we've been playing Minecraft for a while but I would call this winning oh you I thought you were gonna show me something well I thought you were in general we just thought you were making an announcement look at these guys [Laughter] [Music] it is unbelievable [Music] I'm fixing too hard oh no let's go potato boy who's that is that scar yes I think it is I can't see past your massive waffle oh my gosh I can't believe my luck here okay dude okay stay on dude just just go go without me beat me on the shore thank you well it's been nice knowing you green yeah yeah are we gonna are we gonna reverse boat up I like to imagine that we can just just get in this boat and then it just goes let's do it let's wheel it into existence oh my goodness oh wow that was crazy that was wow wow wow what about you guys impressed 1.17 what an update what an update oh there's a village oh dude this is perfect I can't tell what's on your shirt it might be pineapples it might be mangoes or it might be potatz I'll be loaded with the potatz what's a potato green that's it's uh one of these a spud oh a fancy British word yeah I like it yeah it's a common British word also then you can you can call them Pats for sure potatoes you call them pants no you got them you could call them pants hats yeah yeah what what is the what is the like Benjamin in a blanket you guys call it a jacket potato or a jacket Pat yeah yeah so it's like a jacket yeah oh yeah a packet you just call it a packet can you do your American accent real quick you know there's compilations of medium American accents now thanks to you gotta go and put some pants on pants you need some new pants pants and this is the this is the case and cliffs update and there's a cave in a cliff there's a cave in a cliff we did it update completed all right well this is it let's mark let's mark this this is the spot I'm gonna mark it with this bench crafting crafting let's put a torch on it it's like a birthday cake and the boat on it wow he got a scar on it I still got the arrows in my eye but you can't see it are you trying to put the bed on the boat on oh wait a minute is there one of these fellas oh no I can't click it this is the most iconic founding of a village I've ever seen there's somebody under us by the way the home totem oh imposters joined the village look at that he's on he's part of the totem this is [Music] you're probably wondering how I got here I hate putting people on the spot but does anyone have a name for our little thing that we've got going on here it's the bottom Pole has anyone got those people they're a civilization don't say anything don't say anything get up get on the boat and pole no no wait wait wait wait wait I'm crafting a boat there's no time there's no time to explain no time there's no time no time to explain somebody get somebody get her a boat I'm sitting here we go there's no time to explain look I'm I'm under here right now no you need to be on the top boat that's green yeah you're breaking the [Laughter] this is what season eight looks like everyone oh oh yeah no yeah we can we can also add this into the mix if you want to Freestyle it a little bit oh they gonna fumble okay let's get let's get off the boat and Poets it's dangerously close to falling hold on I've got to touch them all one second there we go no no all right now does this mean she's in charge of the boat and pole I think she's in charge I think you should make a set of instructions first because I don't think if you're asking for instructions you're in the wrong place okay let's make ourselves the all important enchanting table foreign that was really anticlimactic yay hold the dragon egg I got the dragon egg all right that's it season Eight's finished we're all done we got we got the egg that's it and we've completed Minecraft so overall I think this works oh and not to forget the copper blocks so if we go and have a look inside I'd um I did I didn't have time to finish the whole thing it took me a long time to make the front and I'm not quite sure what shapes I want to do at the back no this this won't be like the Mansion I promise this won't be like the mansion in fact we'll probably finish this later in today's episode it looks ridiculous oh man the amount of people that must have been like no no he's done it again eventually this will go all the way to the void and there will be a true sacrifice but I think for now we should just go up there and do a fake sacrifice who's gonna be the sacrificeee yeah last one are we talking about this last one you're gonna break through no wait I don't know if anyone's behind me or not I have 43 levels please stop me come on you're broken by his car thanks for the assist Pearl what happened you're welcome I was sabotaged you know what I thought on the way up I thought oh for once it's not scar Ed I was doing so well too okay the boat and pole is back and now it's above oh the bottom hole and now we can sacrifice scars to the bottom hole oh no did we change your mind I think we changed our minds um no jumping right anyway you gotta stand up [Music] careful with the jump though you might hit your head on the boat [Laughter] that was planned I do he couldn't make the jump oh what a cheese okay from that can you make that jump I think he can make this jump yeah there you go [Music] [Applause] it's happening oh gosh okay I have a question if someone sacrificed themselves here right the survivors get his loot right right now all right I've got I think I've got everything of theirs okay up to the top oh no this is this is one of my better ideas a hole that you can die in over and over again genius and it turns out that my house has had a bit of a makeover as well while I was gone I saw you were struggling with the back of your base as always hmm so I fixed it for you peace love and plants see I I expected this and you know what I'm not even like I'm not even that annoyed by it because I for some reason it seems to work Mumbo has decided to plant a bunch of trees on the back of my house and it actually makes me want to plant some trees as part of the build what the heck is this mustache patat doing what is going on here well you know the other day when we were in the boat and you called me potato boy I was like man that has a ring to it so I've become a potato I wish you could see my face in real life you look like a wrestler I mean it's a real look isn't it it's a strong it's a strong Vibe it's a very strong tater [Laughter] I'm not quite sure what I'm looking at no neither am I I must admit you know it's it's hands as well oh whatever yeah the hands have been added and then sometimes I just hold two potatoes for effect just because it really just drives home the potatoiness of everything that's going on you know I logged in earlier briefly and I thought you were just wearing a gold helmet like I feel like I'm a pretty good mascot for it I mean but can you imagine this on a poster I can yeah I can I can confirm you are a potato [Laughter] uh it's nice to see you buddy um your face looks cool and uh I guess I'll get back thanks thanks for finishing the back of it for me that's quite all right dude so does that end the war by the way like the the planting thing is that done oh no oh no it's just just begun you best not close those draw doors suffocating I am whoa this is amazing it does it does hurt it really it does hurt quite a lot oh my goodness I'm on a I'm on a roller coaster around the village what is that what is that it looks like a Tower of goats I've not really done anything with goats they they don't seem to do anything they're a bit useless really what do goats even do what oh my goodness what is this yeah you're looking at it it's called The Goten Paul Green I think what do you think it's approximately double the height of the boat and pogrien so what do you think about that huh I think I think the goats do nothing they make a lot of noise yeah they they scream and that's about it well listen the goat army's coming so you know I'm just saying you took the Moss dude I told you they'd be retribution we didn't we didn't do anything we just made the tower out of boats yeah and you took our Moss from our shipwreck this is what you get it was actually we found it first find us helpers all right that's your story we got our story get goated dude I'm gonna put this screen back up well I'm declaring this place a no goat Zone look I just I spent this morning Gathering some wither skeletons in fact I accidentally managed to get one too many so I'm pretty much ready for a beacon but I think I'm gonna have to launch this underground but for now I'm just gonna freak out everyone in the village by creating a pumpkin with a Boop I don't know why I was mildly scared then that that was going to turn into some sort of weird pumpkin wither now scar did tell me he was super proud of his interior so I thought I'd come and have a look it looks actually pretty awesome I think the interior for my base is gonna have to wait till next episode wow now that is a very cool design for a little plant and downstairs we have we have a no boom what did you did you saw that right they got they climbed ladders now oh mine oh mine no no what do I do what do I do I don't know what was here I'd be guessing at best um yeah I just I just wrecked Scar's base so the best I can do is let him know that it was uh it was me why does scar never light up his builds I've known the man now for about three years and I've never known him to actually light up a build literally the best thing I can do foreign I'll message him to tell him what happened but this is hilarious there it is we're here finally can I make this jump but I sure hope so [Music] it was an incident what do you mean there was an incident on my base uh I mean at the wagon yeah come see yeah so if you just uh pop upstairs with me I I just have you know you were talking to me the other day about how happy you were with your interior so I decided to come out yeah um oh what in the world there was an accident and I didn't know how to fix it so oh my gosh there's a freaking cookie back here what the cookie is my face yeah you look like a cookie I don't you look like a chocolate chip cookie in a delicious one at that great I appreciate that well basically the problem is that you haven't lit up your base as per usual excuse me mister Creepers it's called mood lighting it's called mood lighting it's called creeper spawning dude I'm trying to create a Vibe here is the vibe small explosions
Channel: lemonty
Views: 295,793
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, hermitcraft, grian, clip compilation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 55sec (1075 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2023
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