Greenpeace's Ex-President Reacts To Extinction Rebellion & Greta Thunberg

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give me your thoughts on extinction rebellion they're really really stupid and bad elaborate on your thoughts about extinction rebellion well because you you come from right you come from greenpeace co-founder of greenpeace and extinction rebellion there there seems to be people could see some sort of lineage or progression or connection you know it's an environmentalist movement no there's no lineage or progression we didn't dress up like cult teams of occult movement like all dressed in really stupid looking red uniforms that are somewhere but a cross between the inquisition and uh a cartoon uh and spraying blood on buildings and this sort of thing actually i signed off when people started chaining themselves to other people's stuff um peace peacefulness pacifism is non-violence right but it doesn't include inciting other people to violence against you that is not pacifism in other words by you making the first blow or you chaining yourself to someone's tractor who is trying to make a living with it that is not peaceful and yet they they were basically saying that anything short of killing the other person is peaceful almost you know it it's not peaceful to interfere with other people's livelihoods in a way that threatens their livelihood that's not peaceful but they think that they think that this is a really important and just worthy cause they need to get attention and people aren't looking so they need to do more so why don't they go with the taliban that would be good then they'd have machine guns and they could kill anybody they wanted and have mass murder uh to destroy the human race you know that's more or less what they're recommending as far as i can see so i think they are i think they are evil there are good people and bad people and people that are sort of in between like actually most people are a little bit good and a little bit bad but these people are evil that's what i think of extinction rebellion what about greta thundberg the other one of the other horsemen of the environmental apocalypse yeah well it's funny that people didn't notice right away that she is a young girl with pigtails because uh that's what stalin and mao and hitler all used young girls with pigtails in their photographs that's all been well documented um i don't know what the pigtails has to do with it but uh dictators all often it seems almost always use children as as a front to make it look as though they're nice i suppose i'm not sure what they're she's danish though is there's someone someone in denmark sending her over is that some totalitarian leader in denmark trying to get greta thumbberg to no the movement is totalitarian right and the movement the movement controls her uh green she's she's she's there's all kinds of photographs of her on trains with the head of greenpeace etc i mean and and of course al gore and the list is endless and her speeches are written for her obviously and she doesn't know anything much about climate change or science so what what is she then she's simply a tool right she is just a tool nothing more she is not a wise person telling us what we should be doing she is being used by hollywood actors and phony politicians like al gore uh none of none of whom actually have any science what scientist is behind greta thundberg tuneburg i should say it sounds like you've got a problem with the delivery mechanism especially for extinction rebellion and i can absolutely agree with you there i don't think that going and hammering and chiseling the front door of banks or trying to erect structures in the middle of london bridge i don't think that that's a fantastic way to get people onside simply from a human psychology perspective if you want to compel people to be a part of your cause you need to convince them not terrorize them that being said yeah yeah but i mean gluing your breasts to the street for example has that happened yes gluing it gluing your breasts what like so lying face down and and gluing your breast to the concrete so that you can't be moved so that you're blocking the traffic or whatever okay right so that that's the kind of thing they do and i i agree that it's very sensational and everything but it has absolutely nothing to do with the issue whatsoever whatever the issue is i don't even know what their issue is is it that humans are should be exterminated it seems to be that would be basically their issue and so i recommended that a man glue his penis to the top of a of a subway car and somebody did a cartoon of it on twitter as a result of my suggestion unacceptable words either no no um you can disagree with their methods but there is an awful lot of well-known people who appear to have credentials saying that we are in a climate emergency which we are aren't we no we are not in a climate emergency i don't know people say to me well all you have to do is look outside to see that it's a climate emergency i i'm looking outside and i see a beautiful green mountain with a glacier on top of it where i live and a whole mountain range right next to me and the whole of vancouver island is as healthy as can be and yet they say it's been strip mined of all its trees no it has not what do you think they mean when they say climate emergency i think they mean the end times are coming it's just another way of saying we're all doomed right because if there was an emergency it means that if you don't do anything about it you're doomed it got upgraded right it was climate crisis and then within the last couple of years it is now climate emergency precisely and i can't imagine what more extreme word they could now invent after they've come from you know crisis to emergency change crisis emergency yeah there isn't you are right there isn't much left but there's there's so many differing critiques around what the impact is that humans have had on the planet so the world's getting too hot for instance increases in the temperature that's something that's happening is it not the world has been warming ever so slightly since about 1700 when the little ice age stopped getting colder and started getting warmer there have been these thousand year cycles for the last 6 000 years of the interglacial period known as the holocene which we are in now which is about 12 000 years long since we emerged from the last major glaciation which peaked 22 000 years ago which was one of 45 major glaciations that have occurred during the pleistocene ice age over the last 2.6 million years which is the first ice age in 250 million years since the previous ice age ended after a hundred million years from 350 million years ago to 250 million years there was another ice age the previous one to this one since the last 250 million years until recently which was 2.5 million years ago it was warmer than it is now at all times it is now colder than it has been even in this interglacial period during this pleisoscene ice age which has gone up and down and up and down and up and down in cycles of 41 000 years for the first 1.6 million years and in cycles of 100 000 years for the last 1 million years in concert with the two milankovitch cycles related to the tilt of the earth changing and the orbit of the earth changing shape this is caused by the gravitational attraction of jupiter on our earth and so these people want us to think that the world began in 1850 when we started using fossil fuels but for 150 years before that it was also warming and during one of those warming spurts because when the earth warms it just doesn't warm continuously it goes up and then down and then up and then down and then up and then down but net warming net cooling looks like this down and then up down and then up down and then up there's cycles within cycles within cycles we understand very few of these cycles we certainly don't know what causes the onset of an ice age such as the one we are in now and we have no idea when it will end because actually at the bottom level it is still getting colder and until we came along only 150 years ago we started restoring a balance to the global carbon cycle by putting some of the carbon back into the atmosphere that had been taken out by life and drawn down co2 to the lowest level it has ever been in the history of the planet which is 4.6 billion years thank you very much for tuning in if you enjoyed that then press here for the full unedited episode and don't forget to subscribe makes me very happy indeed peace
Channel: Chris Williamson
Views: 11,466
Rating: 4.9287128 out of 5
Keywords: modern wisdom, podcast, chris williamson, climate change 2021, climate change documentary, climate change debate, climate change explained, climate change news, global warming 2021, global warming short film, global warming explained, global warming documentary, climate change, science, climate, environment, global warming, news, Greta Thunberg, Extinction Rebellion
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 25sec (625 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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