Green Chopping in a Beautiful Meadow! l Harvest 2022 (We Ran Out of Fuel)

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hello and welcome to gear Rock farms in today's video we're going to be doing a little bit of green chopping and when I say green chopping I mean we're going to a field that hasn't been cut yet or anything and we're just going to use the foil Chopper and chop straight into a feeder wagon and then bring the feeder wagon back to the yard here and uh feed it to the cattle it's October 8th today it's a beautiful fall day we had a bit of a freeze last night I think last night it got to a low of 30 29 somewhere in there degrees Fahrenheit right now my daddy's cleaning up a feed lot and he's gonna haul some manure and my brother he's cleaning out some of the feeder wagons that we're gonna use I'm gonna grab the 7510 here and get it hooked up we're gonna head up there and hopefully start chopping right away foreign of attack is is we got the two feeder wagons my brother Mason he's gonna grab the one with the 1650 Oliver and haul it up there I'm gonna grab the other one with the 7510 we have the foil Chopper up there yet my dad just unhooked it there we'll uh hook up the foil Chomper to this Chomp into those two wagons might be able to haul them back and out of that um out of that steep valley with the Oliver but if not we'll for sure be able to get it out of here with 75-10 [Music] it's starting out to be a busy morning I think we got a cow having a calf so we might have to go help her come on Mom foreign she's about five days late [Music] so what happens when she's pushing he's pushing all that fluid into the nose the nose will kind of go down a little bit after it's up and running around well that worked out good got that calf pulled out it's like Mom's happy and calf seems okay so way to start off the day now we got a heck of a convoy heading up the hill we got Dad out front with the 7405 and the cooling manure spreader so we got myself with the 7510 and the first feeder wagon and then we got my brother with that Oliver and the other feeder wagon so we're gonna divide and conquer a little bit today my brother and I will take care of the green chopping will my dad holds some manure he's going to clean out another building take advantage of the nice day I wanted to remind you guys if you haven't already the Subscribe it's free and it means a lot to us so we'd appreciate it if you subscribe and if you enjoyed hit the thumbs up button that helps us out as well [Music] you guys hate that when the hitch just isn't at the at the and you gotta get out and move it before you can just back right up foreign [Music] there we go how does YouTube like that plug there we go okay we got everything hooked up time to start chopping foreign [Applause] [Music] foreign so I got my brother chopping now better give him a go at it it's a lot different than uh running our normal stylish Chopper that Gail we got either one of them and it's a lot different than chopping corn stock bedding since it's a lot wetter and heavier it kind of comes out in clumps it's a lot harder to control what I've noticed this is the first time I've ever had a green chop with that foil Chopper and it's a little bit tricky if you're not used to it [Applause] another thing too doing what we're doing versus chopping normally you know going into a feeder wagon you don't have a backboard and the area you're trying to get it into isn't as wide and it isn't as easy to catch it it's a little bit trickier that way but we're gonna move that all [Music] [Music] some of you guys might be wondering why we're using a flail Chopper and green chopping this we were initially debating on if we would do this field or not if we would just leave it because we've already harvested two crops off of it and we're down in a very shaded Valley this is kind of the first first maybe the second year I guess you could count of uh actually farming this down in here it's turning out okay other than being a little tight turning around in here anyways pros and cons of the foil Chopper versus normally chopping is it's a lot smaller a lot easier to get around and uh it's a lot cheaper than a normal Chopper disadvantages would be doesn't chop it up as fine it doesn't make As Nice of a quality feed make it none of that you just show up and chop and being small like this in this Valley this is actually probably a perfect unit for down in here this time of year [Music] [Applause] foreign cattle around and you can put it in front of them right away they'll eat it up and they'll get some good value out of it the way we look at it we're taking advantage of a field that might not have been productive otherwise [Applause] we got all the main stuff finished up and we're gonna try to clean up some of the edges along the woods I'm gonna make sure we don't have any stumps or anything like that in the way he's gonna go mess around with that dip over there try to get some of that so hopefully we can just be done with down here and and pull that whale Chopper back home [Applause] [Applause] just die on you or what yeah did it throw a coat or anything just turned off I didn't hit anything with that no that wouldn't have killed the tractor yeah fuel issue right [Music] it's butter at all dang it that's all it is that sucks though don't crank it anymore it could have been when you were up on the hillside and then I'll have to go get some fuel makes the day a little more interesting I guess oh that stinks so we're gonna grab the Oliver head back down the yard grab some fuel maybe a filter wrench hopefully we're able to get it primed and going again hopefully it was just for he caught that side Hill and then the the fuel went to one side of the tank and suck some air in but hopefully we're able to prime it back up and get her going quick [Music] look who I found heck yeah it's the new Mrs garrock we got our diesel fuel and we're gonna head up there hopefully we're able to get her primed and get them loads down here oh my God it's a YouTube catastrophe so that's how we're gonna prime it there's a little air valve on the top of the fuel filter there and there's a little pump right here so hopefully we're able to get her to take fuel back on otherwise that can be a huge pain if it was a gas it wouldn't have been that big of a deal but diesels it's not fun running out of fuel [Music] [Music] [Applause] you Prime and okay Mason try it [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] oh why is it leaking it's getting the air out of this system okay try it [Laughter] guys hey River [Applause] hopefully you didn't get blocked up [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he found a small cow crazy river foreign okay so we finished shopping we got him all narrowed up he's gonna go up the hill first he should make it up no problem but then I'm gonna try to make it up the hill with this load and we brought the 686 back so we had a bit more weight we would have brought the 7405 but that's Fred manure right now and uh the 7810 that's kind of big and clunky to get down in here we could have brought it down in here but I'm confident I think we'll get out here and if not he'll just have to come with the chain and and assist me so I get up the hill I'm not worried about power I'm more worried about just wait and spinning out halfway up [Music] [Laughter] [Music] man man that was impressive it must have just had enough traction that's for team red out there I don't know if the Oliver would have did that [Laughter] so that's gonna be it for the video it sucks that we ran out of fuel mid job otherwise we would have done it a lot faster but all in all happy that we got out of there and everything went good and then so when the cows are happy anyways thank you all for watching leave a comment down below if any of you have done any green chopping and what you thought of it anyways we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Gierok Farms
Views: 16,823
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Green Chopping, Ran out of fuel, Chopping Hay, Silage, Third Crop, Alfalfa, Making Hay, Chopping hay, chopping, silage, alfalfa, farming, agriculture, John Deere, Case, New Holland, Meyer, Oliver, Gehl, Dairy Farming, Milking cows, Wisconsin, tractors, farm, life on the farm, happy, life is good, making hay, hayliage, feed, crops, agronomy, Cow Food, International, Tractors, Antique Tractors, drone, drone photography, drone work, day two, part two
Id: y0bWXYhltzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 15sec (1215 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 25 2022
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