Greek Style Roast Lamb with Lemon Potatoes

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about welcome back to eject the grape for another episode and today we have something very special and traditional to Greeks and what we have is a beautiful lamb roast with lemon up despite others yes what that means is we're going to have roasted lamb with potatoes infused in beautiful olive oil and lemon and of course we're going to cook it all on the cross for a barbecue in all these you're taking us around closer to ours to cook our lamb roast with our potatoes just because we want to keep the rest with the potatoes so you know what will make it all now red put all the lemony no olive oil we're good around 150 mils of olive oil beautiful just like that then we have some beautiful homegrown oregano guess what that put about three full big chunks like that we also have our salt put about a tablespoon of salt and a tablespoon of pepper just like that so as you can see beautiful marinade I'm not gonna cover the entire leg of lamb in it because obviously I need to keep some for the potatoes so we'll mix it up just like that and put it to the side just here yeah it's time to get ready now beautiful hands yeah I'm not going to be much to it I'm just gonna put a couple of the holes just like this one in there that and one in the back just like that did one just there what I'm gonna do is put a couple bits of garlic just like that turn it in the house just push the garlic in and that will create some beautiful smells and aromas while it's cooking and it's gonna infuse all the way through the meat now let's put it straight in right just like that robust and bring a little bit closer to us so let's say we've been with blue begin on a Maronite well olive oil lemon salt pepper and oregano beautiful a little bit over just like this a bus just like that beautiful and I'm gonna keep the rest o for the potatoes just like that water at the bottom of the tray just to keep it moist then we're going to cover this with foil now for in about an hour and they're gonna cook it on its own and then we're gonna come back and we're gonna prepare our potatoes and our onion and obviously the risk of our garlic it's not putting footy in the potatoes from now what's gonna happen is they're gonna get too soft it's gonna be around two hours so putting the potatoes in for two hours it's gonna just overcook them so nobody across for a barbecue burners on high and it's sitting on around 350 degrees and that's what's gonna cook for around two hours and we're gonna cook it again on the top grill that's one of the benefits of the cross-trained barber deep if you need the cook on the bottom room poop on the top bun to marinade our potatoes becoming close I've got a good bunch of potatoes here and if you notice I've cut them all into quarters but so that need and cooking for too long I'm gonna have them in there in total for around a 45 to 50 minutes so well marinated first and then I'll explain how we're gonna cook our potatoes so we had our premix earlier they're olive oil oregano salt pepper and lemon I'm just gonna pour that all over our potatoes just like that oh but that's it Coralie we're gonna mix them around that's like that listen marinate them I prefer to do it in a bowl especially when I'm gonna be cooking this this dish limb or not this but that this is what it's called lemon potatoes so we're good at potatoes now looking a bit of a mix make sure they're all coated beautiful lemon olive oil all the salt and pepper in the Oregon OH we're also going to cut up some onions and we're going to finish it off with some more garlic but let's get out let's get our meat out of the barbecue it's been in there for around an hour on around 350 degrees when I close for a barbecue we are going to put more foil on it again so we'll try to keep this work so we don't have to get some more nicely get me under here look at that and you can see at the bottom it's just got the juices that are just coming from the lamb and a little bit of the water that we've had in earlier so I'll do is we'll just grab our potatoes put them all the way around like this beautiful leave a little bit of room for your onions cuz you know that some family members love raw onions especially roasted on the cross for a barbecue just like this put the potatoes and that's it anymore and we just put this beautiful lemon on top as well beautiful just like that inside that's just like that there we're good our onions we just cut them in half just like that any quarters again a little bit big these ones put them in just move them around wherever you want doesn't matter where you put them and just kind of mean like this beautiful and finally we'll put our garlic I just like to grab the cloves is a homegrown garlic that's why there's a little bit smaller than normal the smaller ones just put them around and get ready for the smells that will come from there just like that now we got our boil we looked at the Kipnis do you wanna destroy it save some money there on the blue so we're gonna cover it we're gonna put it back in the crossroad barbeque with all four burners on high for another half an hour on the cross-strait barbecue with all four burners on high you may have noticed earlier if you're one of my special viewers that you would have noticed that I had some spare potatoes so what I've done is I've made another small little dish as cooling in it amazing and I'll show you that before we take out our lamb roast I've got it on the side here just here and you weigh out a see look at that well fast and what I've got here is over the few potatoes some hot chillies tomatoes and mushrooms and what we're gonna do with that we're gonna leave it in there for another 20 odd minutes while our lamb roast is gonna Breann but that's gonna be a little busy we're gonna have on the side so let's put that back here that's gonna need a little bit more time our roast lamb and have a look and see how it's going if you're a bimbo we put in our potatoes around about half an hour ago and we covered it with Florian ah smell that beautiful you can see now look at that beautiful you can see now it's ready it's ready for us to take it off and put it in the Crossrail barbecue so we can let all this meat and the potatoes brown up and become nice and golden so we're gonna put it back in the crossroad barbecue now for around half an hour om roast has been in the crossroad barbecue for in two hours with all four burners on high we also had a little busy put on the side and we should be able to prepare it all together so let's just take it Emma's here first come in close and have a look oh but look at this Oh past look at that music beautiful view ah that smells beautiful nice smell the chili ah okay so this was gonna be a last-minute decision we never plan for this so what we're gonna do is make a small mezack and again just to remind everyone I had the leftover potatoes look at all that leftover potatoes I threw in a couple of mushrooms couple of fresh tomatoes from the backyard and a little bit of capsicum and look at with me here a beautiful beautiful little dish just like that look at this and it's a bit of a mosaic you have a bit of everything but what check the grapes gonna do with this well little secret under here you're gonna grab your beautiful authentic great yellow tea yogurt what we're gonna do is just put a bit of yogurt on top and this would be just beautiful just get a spoon and what we'll do is we put it on the side just like that grab a nice hoodie and just put it like that good nearly go and that is our little Mizzy we made out of some spare potatoes earlier today potatoes some home homegrown tomatoes some capsicum and some hot chilies now for the main dish look at this oh and if you watch and all the little paths we just fall off when I grab it look at this fantastic look how the burn just comes straight off the leg so let's grab our lame put straight in there just like that grab a potatoes put them around put a little bone to see I kind of forget that you've made it sacrifice as well and put our potatoes in like this I like to keep my potatoes a little bit on the soft side just like that the onion you could see it's coming through as well now so I'm just finishing up now with our potatoes but put them in that into our pan now before we do finish we're just going to use the bottom of what's in this tray on the crossroad barbecue like that we're gonna sit there for a couple of minutes just warm up again and just sear up like that and we remove the tray that I had in there and put it up there what we're gonna do you're gonna make a little bit of gravy water in there just mix it around Tiny's fantastic put that gravy just here just like that look at that beautiful beautiful look at that nice and lumpy gravy if you love this rock bass look at that [Music] turn across my barbecue put this stuff away just like that and here we have our meal we have our main meal a beautiful lamb roast with potatoes we have that gravy here to complement it and our beautiful Museum at on the side which is but sweet top sweet hot chili potatoes with mushrooms and tomato with a little bit of Greek yogurt or bus Jack the Greek
Channel: Jack The Greek
Views: 8,408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cook, cooking, food, lamb, roast, roastlamb, potatoes, outddorcooking
Id: 0UnEc_2n7iE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 5sec (785 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 14 2020
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