Cooking Healthier with Tom Kerridge: Lamb Shoulder & Greek Salad Recipe

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one of my favorite things to cook ever is a shoulder or lamb [Music] okay now this is the shoulder alarm a whole one with the bone in okay and the best thing about that is the roasting on the bone it keeps its kind of its shape but what it also does is it means that the flavors are amazing okay it needs that cooking that long period of time this dish superstar it's amazing so to go on top of the lamb i'm going to put a rub a kind of like a flavor enhancer a marinade almost so in a bowl i'm going to grate three cloves of garlic then into that i've got here some dried thyme here i've got some fresh rosemary lamb and rosemary together is absolutely amazing and then with my knife i'm just going to chop up those kind of rosemary leaves and a good pinch of rock salt and a drizzle of olive oil and then just mix it together if it's a little dry just add a little bit more olive oil and then with a shoulder of lamb and a sharp knife to score quite deeply the meat okay cuts one way and turn the lamb and then the other and then do both sides okay the top and the bottom and this is where most of the meat is okay then rub in that lovely garlicky and herby mix both sides top and bottom make sure you get it in all the cracks so all that flavor starts to kind of work its way into the meat you stick it onto a roasting tray then here got 500 mils of chicken stock pull that into the tray and to go with it got a lemon okay i'm gonna cut the lemon up into chunks so the lemon chunks go in so the stock is gonna stick it in the oven 160 degrees for three hours so the lamb's in the oven roasting away that's in there for three hours now for the last hour of cooking we're gonna add to it some lovely veg now for me lamb is one of those flavors that you know i associate quite often with greek style cookery i love the flavors of greek cookery the kind of the freshness to it the roasted veg that you get and this is gonna be no different so to go with it peppers i'm just gonna cut them and create chunks if there's a few seeds floating about don't worry about it then i'm gonna cut the red onions up i'm gonna cut through them quarters flavor-wise again a lemon we've already got one lemon in there cooking i'm gonna put another lemon in okay to give it another layer of freshness and zestiness when it comes to it so again the lemon cut into quarters and don't be shy with the bay leaves what's that ten ten bay leaves going in and then flavor wise there's something here that absorbs it all okay halloumi cheese so as this cooks it's going to absorb all the lovely flavors so you're just going to cut it into cubes you're going to get about eight cubes per halumi all right that goes into a bowl and then to go on top of that a little bit more in the way of the herbs okay so the rosemary take the leaves off the stalk this is fresh thyme and again just like the rosemary you get the stalk with your fingers you just pull down on the stalk and it pulls those leaves away from it just get your knife and run it through but i'm not really looking for finely chopped herbs here i just want the flavour of them all right throw that on top of all the mixed veg courgettes quite big chunks here i've got one tin of chickpeas all right now this gives just a little bit of substance a little bit of the carbohydrate that you're going to get through it give them all a good mix round and this is ready to go into the lamb after it's had three hours of cooking put that to one side now to go with the lamb to serve with it i'm a big fan of kind of that yogurty minty dressing that goes with it and this is a really simple way of doing it and honestly it's not even got fresh mint here i've got some natural yoghurt and some mince sauce mix the two together about half a tub of yogurt two tablespoons of mince sauce dressing is ready vegetables are ready so when the lamb comes out i'm going to add this veg to it cook it for another hour all right and then that way those vegetables will roast they'll take on all that lovely lamb flavor and then after that i'm gonna finish it with some fresh green olives and some raw cucumber just waiting on the lamb to be cooked the lamb has been cooking in here for three hours and oh that gorgeous smell of slow-cooked lamb with the stock and the lemon and the herbs this next bit it's a little bit tricky gently going to lift the lamb shoulder out with two forks i'm just going to put it onto my chopping board then i'm going to put in the pre-chopped veg in the bottom of this tray and i'm going to put the lamb back on top that already looks amazing i mean i'm so excited about this and we still got another hour to go so at this point the oven i'm going to turn the temperature up to 190 degrees centigrade 190 and the lamb and the veggies go back in for one more hour right then i know you're the other side of that lens but i cannot tell you how good the smell is in this room the lamb has been cooking there for four hours the veg has been roasting and poaching in the stock at this point just gonna gently take the lamp put it on the plate here and just leave it to rest for about 10 minutes and i'm going to take this veggie put it into the bowl you can see the pieces of halloumi they've kind of kept their shape and they've baked they've got crispy crusty top bit of it they're still nice and soft and gooey and one of those lovely flavors the lemon that's gone through that is amazing really fragrant and then any liquid gonna make our gravy in a pan hot as you can bring it up to the boil reduce it down by about half just gonna finish the top of this veg with the cold but chunky cucumber and then pitted green olives if you think about it [Music] no thank you siri no one thanks siri so the fitted green olives or foam greg wallace goes on the top and you are ready to serve an amazing roasted veg with baked halloumi cheese this slow cooked marinaded lamb we've got the minty yogurty dressing and then here a little jug of the sauce yes it takes a bit of time but oh my god it tastes incredible this recipe is in the comments below subscribe watch more let me know what you think see you soon
Channel: Chef Tom Kerridge
Views: 165,616
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tom Kerridge, recipe, tom kerridge recipe, food, cooking, lamb shoulder, cook lamb, lamb shoulder recipe, greek salad, greek salad recipe, tom kerridge, recipes, cooking equiptment, cooking video, chef, food inspo, cooking hacks, cooking skills, cooking tips, michelin star, michelin star chef, best chefs, food video, satisfying food video, food ideas, how to cook, cooking lessons, kitchen tips, kitchen, beginners, kitchen tricks, tips and tricks, professional chef
Id: oUqCZEK4qX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 28sec (448 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 21 2021
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