CHICKEN FLORENTINE A Fast Easy Delicious Dinner Recipe

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hello everyone today I'm going to show you how to make chicken Florentine it's a really delicious very fast and easy dish to put together you can serve this over mashed potatoes pasta or rice now Chicken Florentine like chicken cutlets they're golden brown and then they're served in a creamy sauce with spinach all right you guys ready I'm going to bring you over here and let's get our chicken started all right we are using two large chicken breasts that are boneless skinless what we're going to do is cut these in half lengthwise so we can make cutlets out of them I'm just going to be putting some gloves on I like using these gloves people ask me about these gloves all the time and this is what they are they're disposable nitrile gloves they're they come a hundred pieces to a box and you can get different sizes I use the large and you can find these in my Amazon store link Down Below in the description box where you can go to and find them in my store there all right so I'm going to take a large sharp knife I'm going to take my chicken breast and we're going to find the center and then we're just going to slice through it I'm going to hold on to it and go slow make sure you're going right in the center there we go so just take the chicken breast lay it flat hold on to it with your hand take your knife and then just drag it through very carefully keeping it centered all right until you get four pieces all right we're going to be done with the gloves just pull them inside of each other okay what we're going to do now is thin these out and make sure that they're all the same size going across that way they cook evenly so I'm going to take a sheet of plastic wrap lay it over the chicken I like to do two sheets and another sheet for the bottom there we go I'm going to take a meat mallet and I'm going to thin out my chicken breast and then just make sure they're all the same thickness all the way through let's say about a quarter of an inch okay those are looking really good all right we're just going to take that plastic wrap off now and then just toss that all right on a large Skillet I'm going to add two tablespoons of butter maybe a little bit more and then we're going to add one tablespoon of some cooking oil that looks good now before I turn that on I am going to create a dredge and it's just a light flower dredge for our chicken cutlets so I'm just using a pie plate because it's really easy to get your chicken in and dredge it and I've got about half a cup of flour and then we're going to start seasoning this up we're going to put in one teaspoon of salt half a teaspoon of pepper quarter teaspoon of onion powder quarter teaspoon of garlic powder I'm just going to put a little bit of smoked paprika in a quarter of a teaspoon all right I'm just going to take my Fork blend this together you can season this any way you want chicken Florentine is just a very simple easy dish but it's full of flavor and it's whatever you put in it that makes that flavor I'm going to get our Skillet onto a medium Heat and then we're going to bring the butter and the oil to a Sizzle now as that's happening we're going to come over here to our chicken breast now I'm going to do these two at a time that way I don't overcrowd the pan because you want these to get nice and golden brown and get a nice sear on them so I'm going to take my chicken breast cutlet and place it into my flour mixture Pat it down make sure it's coated very well whoop got the fan going on so it's blowing my flower all right Pat it down that looks good let's place the first one in shake off any excess let me get the other one floured and get that in you want to be quick with these so they cook the same time there we go now these are going to cook for about four to five minutes on one side until it's nice and golden brown about halfway cooked up the sides and then we'll flip it over and then cook it again until it's nice and golden brown on the back side now you can see that it's starting to turn white around the edges that's good that's when we want to start turning these over yeah all right we're going to cook these another three minutes probably now keep an eye on them so you don't burn them move them around just keep it on that Medium Heat I'm just going to check the internal temperature make sure that we're over 165 and as you can see we're good we're gonna remove these oh yeah that looks really good we're going to place them onto a plate all right we're going to cook the other two all right I removed the pan from the burner just to cool it down just a little bit and then I put it back on we're going to go ahead and dredge our other two chicken cutlets and then put it into the pan and finish these off now these are going to be a little darker because the oil and the butter are a little darker in the pan just keep it on that Medium heat though so you don't overcook your chicken we'll make it too tough let's take that out I'm going to turn off the burner for a minute we're going to take some foil and we're going to cover our chicken keep it nice and warm then we'll set this off to the side and start making that cream sauce back into our Skillet we're going to turn it on a medium Heat we just wanted to cool it down just a little bit so that when we add our garlic it doesn't go burning everywhere on you so I'm going to add one tablespoon of minced garlic try not to get the juice if you're using a jar we want to keep all the juices in the pan because you know that's flavor we're just going to cook this for 30 seconds and we're going to get some chicken broth and we're going to add in a quarter cup all right deglaze your pan and deglazer pan just means scrape up all the bits from the bottom incorporate it into that chicken broth which I'm going to add another quarter cup so we're going to do half a cup all right we're going to stir in one and a half cups of heavy cream okay we're going to raise the heat to a medium high we want to bring this to a boil now if you don't have heavy whipping cream you can use half and half or you can use regular milk now it's not going to thicken up as much as if you used heavy whipping cream so if you're using the milk in the half and half you can make a cornstarch slurry by just adding a tablespoon of cornstarch to a little bit of water mix it up together and then pour that into your dish that'll help thicken it kind of like if you were doing the heavy whipping cream all right we're gonna go ahead now and start flavoring this with some Italian seasoning and then what we're going to do is taste it to see if we need any extra salt or pepper before we finish this dish off so we're going to give that a stir and I'm almost guaranteeing you're going to need some salt so let's get a spoon K it in yep we're gonna need some salt probably a quarter teaspoon there we go and I'm going to add some black pepper a quarter of a teaspoon and get that mixing oh yeah that's good okay all right we're gonna add in half a cup of Parmesan cheese now we're going to turn this down to a medium low that way we can let it simmer there we go I always overfill everything that's the best way to cook right all right we're going to stir this in oh yeah look at how thick that sauce is nice and creamy we're going to add some spinach to it fresh spinach about six ounces it'll cook down oh yeah now anytime I add spinach or a vegetable to a dish that's already been seasoned I'm going to add a little bit more salt let's find out there it is we're going to mix this all together until we get that spinach nice and wilted all right we're going to bring our chicken back over we're going to place it in the sauce just lay it right on top gonna take some of that sauce and spinach place it over the chicken we're going to let it simmer all right I'm going to add in one tablespoon of butter and we'll just stir that in once that butter is melted this is done turn off your burner what do y'all think of my chicken florentine let me show you what we're going to serve it with okay I am serving it over mashed potatoes which will really be delicious with that creaminess from this chicken Florentine so let's go for a bite oh that was so tender yes look at how tender that is that's delicious that chicken is so tender it's got that delicious flavor you all know I took those mashed potatoes out of a Bob Evans container for my store doctored them up with some salt pepper butter some heavy whipping cream heated that up in a pan you know why go through all that trouble of making homemade mashed potatoes when it's super hot out there just heat some up all right y'all give me a thumbs up on this one it's very delicious it's very easy to make very fast to put together you can have it done in lickety-split all right if you're new to the channel don't forget to hit that subscribe button down below that way you'll always know when shows like this one here are posted all right I'll see y'all on the next episode you don't even need a knife it cuts really easy
Channel: Catherine's Plates
Views: 18,819
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Nf_UJdkbVoI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 18sec (798 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 25 2023
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