GREECE GETAWAY: Tips and Tricks for a Fun and Hassle-Free Trip | Greece Travel Video

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what's up YouTube back with another video that's right exploring every bit and today we are going to Greece um so far so good we're on time we got two hours before the before the plane leaves So currently we're about to get us something to eat and then getting ready for this grease flight layover is London so of course me being who I am I'm going to explore every bit in London for those 8 hours I'm excited my first time to Greece Van's excited her first time to grease so let's go YouTube don't forget subscribe like and keep these videos is fully Ved depart following customers l [Music] n [Music] [Music] delay of if you need any us may I remind you to keep your SE whenever you are SE it remain securely fastened whenever the out sign is on when [Music] [Music] what's up YouTube just a quick update on my trip to Athens Greece I had a six 6our layover um currently here at London at the bus stop it is cold and it's wet um the plan was to kind of venture out London a bit um I've been here before a couple years ago and I pretty much tored out the entire thing but my girlfriend is new to London so I wanted to show her around but it's cold it's wet and we're not prepared so we're going to go ahead and hang out at the airport for 6 hours unfortunately and um see you in Greece rajy Raj checking out what's up YouTube finally made it to Greece after 6 hours of traveling today not including yesterday so we're here at the um here at the airport just got our luggage about to pick up the rental car and about to go to the hotel beautiful trip so far so good ready to explore every bit I got a question though YouTube am I the only one that think we should bring back um getting your passports stamped am I the only one that think cuz I've noticed I've traveled a few different countries and I asked them for stamp and they said no we no longer do that but luckily for me today we're able to get it stamped at Greece so so far so good looking forward to exploring every bit in Greece I'm going to show you my entire travels we we have 4 days I think to travel and I'm going to try to see how much I can get into all right stay tuned [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] got the room key now head to the room welcome to the wind Grand Hotel this here is the bathroom very nice very nice now I'mma take you here to the bedroom [Music] [Music] this is where Scarface stood right here and said the World is Mine [Music] [Music] [Music] getting ready to get on the tour bus take a quick tour of Athens see what happens after offer I had already saw the announc and I [Music] [Music] saw no not at that time but when they started the chapter she had transferred [Music] what is this is this um as you guys can see it is very very crowded down here okay there's a lot of people I think this is a blend of tourists and natives but majority is tourists um but just so you guys know if you guys come here on Sundays um you guys can get all the museums you guys get entry for free so just an advice if you want to get in some of these Museum that could be costly come down here on Sunday and you getting all these museums for free right now we at the flea market and I'll take you to the museum in a bit but look at this guys it's like it's like a parade down here so right now we're going to head up this hill and we're going to go to the side where they have all the little [Music] shops so when you come to Europe you're going to see a lot of um music being played outside [Music] this is part of Europe guys [Music] so just a real quick update um we just got done getting some food and now we're pretty much Museum hopping um so we're we're utilizing the Hop On Hop Off tour bus which is a great way to get around in my opinion um a lot of the museums they're not too far apart from each other but it's still a lot of walking so the best way to do it in my opinion is to get on the bus we pay $20 20 for me and 20 for her and um we're able it bring us to all the important locations that's the museums the um what else um the flea markets um but what thing I noticed about this location downtown Athens it's a lot of um Tangerine trees right every block we go to there's a tangerine tree so we've been wanting to stop and pick some tangerines and since we're here and we're waiting on our bus we figured why not pick one of two tangerines so let's see let's see here all right so already asked we're not going to get arrested we're not stealing right um anyone could pretty much stop and pick him um so let's let's test them out and see but if you look at the ground here there's like a thousand of them on the ground so let's see what we got here let's do a taste test woo so I tell you what if you're sick if you're sick got a bad chest code and you need to get rid of it then you might want to come and pick on these tangerines these things are sour man I see why all these tangerines are on the tree and they're on the floor cuz these things are sour Europe is beautiful you should come fore [Music] [Music] [Music] so we have made it to the uh aalis how do you pronounce this Museum Acropolis Acropolis Museum and as you can see it is packed here everybody's out to look at it so we're going to try to maneuver through this crowd and get in there and see what the museum has to offer but it's currently um 400 p.m. here at um here in Greece and we've been out all morning just exploring every bit all right so heading to the museum once I get in there I'll show you guys so we're staying at the um we're staying at the wendam Grand and we can actually sit on the patio and we could see this all the way from where we're staying which is one of the reasons why we start the inquire about this place and now we're here so let's see if we can get in wow look at this view look at this View [Music] so we didn't get a chance to make it into into this um Museum cuz it's currently closed but just to give you a look at the outside from um approximately 100 ft away that was quite of an upset but uh we definitely found some gold here wow look at that view y'all look at that view we had a hike all the way up here just to give y'all his view so make sure we subscribe and like all right I had to I like a mile up here just to give y'all this view right here Grace is beautiful y'all when you get a chance make sure you come to Greece beautiful place Beautiful People beautiful culture beautiful food and the food is very very [Music] affordable all right we out of here so we we drove in last night from the airport um woke up this morning and got on the Hop On Hop off bus then we decided it's time to take this rental car off of spin um definitely um the best way to get around in my opinion it's definitely more cost effective um but one point I would give you that is that in Greece the drivein is very very aggressive um and the roads are tight so if you decide to rent a car make sure you're safe or make sure you you know you're driving as safely as possible um another reason why we rented a car is because um I did my research I found out that it's not a bad place the drive and on top of that the steering wheel as you guys can see he on the left side which make it easy um um but for the most part driving is not that bad it's getting us around um getting to to do a lot of different things that we probably wouldn't have done if we didn't have a car um just make sure a big pointer is to make sure that you have a GPS right um and the only way to have a g working GPS on your phone is to get a SIM card once you get here so once you get here you get a SIM card I believe is €1 right but getting a SIM card will allow you to use the GPS here in the hair and grease um if not you're going to be stopping and asking everybody for directions and you're not going to have that much of a good time because it's going to constantly be interrupted um but yes so far so good what's up YouTube rajy Raj day three still in Greece the beautiful Greece we just had some amazing Greek breakfast we decided decided that we're going to explore outside of Athens so we decided on the beautiful city of Nai oh if I mispronounce that I apologize I'll put the correct um I'll put the correct title in the the description as well as the video I'm extremely bad with names okay but we had a lot of amazing fun in Athens we explored a lot of it so now we're going to take the excitement to a new city um that City I just name I'm not going to say it again I'm not going to butcher it but have a lot of exciting things to do so we're going to explore every bit we're going to do most of it um after after that City we're going to stop at L TR another beautiful city so usually when I travel I don't stay still I go from one city to the next I see what's next door and I going to explore there right so um we getting ready to get in the car and we getting a ride out see y'all soon checking out rajy Raj exploring every bit always see y'all on the road let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] I got you every time I I get the sounds of the when it come she understand I can't take her everywhere [ __ ] I in the feel like treas the corner I can hear your tears when they drop over the floor can't mad at yourself cuz you can't leave me alone M ain't what we [Music] doing severe rain warning affected area ahead please proceed with [Music] caution the rain ain't going to stop us we in [Music] gree with no [Music] roof's I don't know where the roof is only in America we driv we Ain Got No Room so we are here at the at the beach the water is beautiful and the water surprisingly for this time of the year is not too cold and it's very clear as you can see but yeah this is beautiful beautiful view so any stay here I stay in um we're staying in um in Athens in Athens yes sir where's I I asked you uh you're looking around here yeah you are here with car yeah I'm here with car yes so I have a very good uh tip for you uhhuh if you have time I have time I think I have time yes sir I think uh do it I was uh six years to this guy and I showed all the things was beautiful for me not to the right as cook and Prospect I show them the life in GRE and something beautiful so to go out on TR to go the road here to pass this building all on the beach you come up you are look Blue Lake Blue Lake is written also in in Blue Lake English but the name for Blue Lake Ison many and it's a light Tower there if you come there you stop but go also small Road kwer oh beautiful is it serat seroni and monos so we are still in the beautiful city of lat traki very beautiful city very quiet here everyone seems to be um nice we definitely feel welcome here um and again it's a lot of places to eat here in LR lot of pastries lots of coffee every block you walk there's going to be a small place to eat and again the food here is very very inexpensive here go a a side street these look like Apartments down here what they call flats and to your right is the beach so this is actually a very nice strip I can imagine on a weekend that this strip is very much alive and there are people hanging out know English come on pork chicken extra large vegetarian rra I'm going to have a pork gyro Pork yeah pork rra everything everything yes okay here um I'm going to eat here thank you what are you getting um what is the other gyro the not the pork not chicken lamb lamb you have a lamb gyro chicken pork Oh only chicken and pork Oh only chicken and pork I'll do pork pork gyro pork two pork in an order fch fry and one fch fry okay thank you yeah there's a lot of these places here small places to eat on every BL every corner that's your bicycle it's a beautiful bike beautiful so she's shaving off the me today she's going to sample her very first zyro I don't know which way take it from oh God we fix that what you just said that sounds wrong that sounds very wrong okay she's sampling the fries fries are good A1 are very good okay you didn't get no meat in that I did okay how was it very very good I don't know if this is um this is the pork gyro that's the pork gyro amazing and this place is called the Peter bar the Peter bar y'all make sure y'all come thank you brother very good food man very good food thank you very much right all righty now so just had some very very good food at the Peta bar and um now heading back to the car and we're going to venture out a little bit more in this beautiful city and you remember when I told you guys about the graffiti um there's not too much graffiti here in this city compared to a Athens but as you can see graffiti is everywhere and these people here they don't like the police too much but uh beautiful beautiful city if I had to move the grease excuse me I would definitely move here and live in this city if y'all come to Greece make sure y'all visit this small little city here and to be honest with you it's not a bad um City to to stay in if you're visiting and Athens would still be about an hour away so you could come stay here in here in this city and you can still venture to aage and honestly if I had to do it all all over again I would have probably got a hotel here instead and stay here Athens is beautiful but it's uh it's a lot of it's very tusy it's very tusy very congested um so I would definitely stay here where a was was a little bit more calm and um drive to Athens and hang out there and come back here but here's the be beach the beach is right here on the strip it's under construction currently let's go this way how do you pronounce this city again lat traa what is how do you pronounce ITA lat tra yes yes sorry so this is lat tra and as you guys can see again the mountains so we're walking on the inside currently by the beach to get back to the car look at this view y'all beautiful and the weather is great for this time of the year very beautiful weather so we are um heading up to the mountains to the what is it called again we're no we're in latria um we're heading up to the mountains of what is this mountains called oh the masonary we're heading up to the masonary um but if you look at some my previous videos you see um there's footage of those mountains so we will be going up into the top of those mountains right now definitely looking forward to it me being the adventure junkie that I am but yeah y'all listen um latria is very beautiful if I had to choose between staying here or Athens I would definitely stay in this city I'm definitely excited I kind of ventured out of Athens um Athens is beautiful um but it's very again very tusy and very congested um um but here it's it's less tourist um more residential more residential um so if I if I consider one day move in the Greece this is where y'all find me right here in this beautiful city look at this look at this view if you look all the way to the top there's a house um that's where that's where we're heading all the way to where that house is that's where we're heading so as you can see it's going to be um a lot of driving to get up that high but again y'all this is beautiful I think we definitely made a good decision by choosing to venture out of um Athens and coming this way and tomorrow we have another city to explore also looking forward to that and of course we're going to explore every bit together so don't forget y'all make sure y'all subscribe and like okay these trips they cost a lot of money and um this is me sharing it with you so if you guys decide you want to come to the city or come to this country I should say it gives you an idea of what to expect um I like to give out some pointers in this video to make your stay a little more easier than mine um so it's been a good state so far but it's been an amazing stay so so far no regrets at all no regrets at all we decided to stop here and get this amazing view um listen this view right here is worth a million dollars y'all all right this view is worth a million dollars um I'm doing this for y'all okay I'm sharing this experience with you guys if you guys come to latria there's not too much tourist presence um as we're going the mountains we're probably three cars up um so this a good place to come where it's not crowded you get to enjoy the view oh man can you see me you get to enjoy the view while you're coming up but this a must do can you see me must do so we finally made it to the top of the mountain and to the monastery except we're not quiet there yet because now we got to do the rest of it on foot and it's quiet some ways up but as I promis I would share this experience with you guys and if you hear my voice I'm already out of breath that's how high up we're going we're probably at the highest point in Greece right now this is definitely some workout this is why you don't Skip Leg Day people it's not about Leg Day about [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so we are officially done here in the city of laki um I can't repeat enough how beautiful the city is I wish we had more time to um to check the city out but we want to get back on the highway before it gets too dark um but again beautiful city beautiful beautiful people um we went to the went to the mountains we ate some food here and we kind of drove around and spoke to some of the locals um beautiful city again can't repeat it enough um and now we're on our way back to Athens the busy City okay so [Music] um live live music all over Greece look at that [Music] I like that though so we left Athens as you can see we're back in Athens can clearly tell we are officially back in Athens completely different vibe um so we're back we just parked the car and now we're heading to get some um get some pastries which pastries are not hard to find pastries on is on every corner on every corner and look as you guys can see the prices are very affordable 250 250 that's €250 yes P pastries and coffee is on every corner in GRE [Applause] careful [Music] oh not doing that man this traffic here is crazy on this traffic here is [Music] crazy trying to cross the road and not get hit I prefer the other one this one is too small and it's more so outside a lot a lot better yeah but it's outside I don't want to we to sit outside yeah this all I'm here see that's where's the where see p p these are Pizza another one what was the one that we just left no the big one by the house where we ate it the first night oh that one yeah by the hotel where is it it's right here here more pastries so you get this entire pizza for $3 you don't you sure you don't want to eat here no so that's a smaller um Bakery we're going to go to the bigger Bakery down here I want to get like the cake with I got cake Gore there are you show them the fruits you got at the market oh you did you show who oh so it's currently 6:30 in Greece Athens Greece cut through so this is a oh look at this gelato is that gelato yes so this is the bigger bigger baky right here oh chees take chil they got everything here everything B hello hi oh [Music] [Music] to the Greek [Music] restaurant hello sir how are you very good my [Music] brothering great [Applause] [ __ ] very good traditional very okay well we hope so beautiful beautiful hotel oh we love it this sat in Greg [Music] [Music] I'm jealous I'm jealous look at this pretty delicious [Music] [Music] so this is the part of Athens they don't show you um it's currently 10:00 at night on a Tuesday and this is we're still downtown Athens um in the day time is a lot more clean but at night what they say the freaks come out at night it's extremely sketchy down here at night downtown Athens there's a there's a a lot of um homelessness down here as you can see these are all homeless people these are all homeless people down here I ain't listening to them all homeless [Music] people and mind you these this is again this is downtown um you still have five star hotels down here this is where the tourists in this areas where the tourist hangs out and again just to kind of give you an idea of what downtown Athens look how it looks at night this is what you get still a beautiful city and the police presence is very heavy uh and this explains why the police presence is so heavy down here um the crime rate is still extremely low um I haven't seen anything um violence wise since I've been here everyone is still Pleasant um I had a guy earlier not too long ago um telling me not to record cuz he saw that I was recording some of the sketchy stuff so he told me not to um but I'm still recording and again we are downtown Athens this is downtown where majority of the five star um hotels and resorts are we kind of walking around looking for a bar yeah it's it's nothing everything is like 15 minutes away driving distance like 6 minutes but walking distance like 15 minutes so there's a there's a lot of prostitution and lots of homelessness still can't believe this little guy told me not to record this guy's like 52 100 lb yelling at me don't record so as you guys can see here is a City hotel got a bunch of tourists getting ready to check in so it's still a nice area to be in but it's just just what you get in [Music] Athens all I'm getting is a video your head all people back their and even the shows and stuff going just go get the car oh it's already 10:15 so even though was um even though was a even though it's a bit sketchy down here as you can see people are still hanging out despite how sketchy it is um the homelessness is is very well much um prevalent but they don't bother you too much but um this is a lot of people over here leaving the show oh this is beautiful currently on the way tooo n pleo [Music] sup YouTube so we just pulled over um we're on our way to n fleo another um big city in Greece um all the locals they're talking about it they tell us it's somewhere we should go um so we're taking a hike today and this I'm telling you this this view this place is breathtaking like look at the view little photo bomb back there but look at the view we just pulled over because we just had to stop and capture this amazing view like this is just amazing look at this look at this just amazing so we have just we just entered the um this city definitely has an historic feel to it um they said is one of Greece's most romantic cities as well but yes it's it's beautiful beautiful city um it's surrounded with water Countryside mountains and it's very known for its Castle it's called Fortress of camatti so this is the Fortress of katti's 30 minute hike up there so again can you see a lot of are on their way there a lot of schools a lot of children so I'm going to definitely do this for my viewers so make sure you guys subscribe and like I'm going to walk all the way up this hill for you guys as well as myself but I'm going to take you guys with me all right um but yes uh this city is definitely touristy in comparison to LR l traki where we went yesterday which was more resident residential lroi I'm again sorry for mispronouncing these names um but as you can see it looks like a a um a tour bus of kids I think they might be doing it for their school um wish I had that option back when I was in school my school definitely did not have that option but again very historic I'm going to pretty much explore every bit of this city as much as I can and I'm going definitely take you guys with me better this hike up these mountains up these stairs I should say it makes you sweat you got to start stripping down the further you get up it's a lot of walking and if you don't like heights this probably will not be the best uh option but just a pointer because I mean but it's so worth it just a pointer all the museums you have to walk up a mountain or flly or some stairs to get to them just the point of so prepare yourself when you come on these Adventures sseeing excursions make sure you wear comfy clothes and comfy shoes go where we want want we decided to oh okay it's nice in the top there is a prision of our national hero good to see you guys man let's take a picture of them man they're good guys [Music] hey hey he [Music] he [Music] so we are still currently in Naf Pon um we just made it down the mountains um it was it took two hours of our day um it was worth the hike but after hiking up there we found out that you can um drive as well so what I would recommend is instead of hiking unless you have a couple of days to waste unless you're feeling adventurous instead of hiking just kind just drive to the top but now we're on food Adventures hello smells really good so I would um I would definitely recommend coming here um but I I'll definitely recommend giving yourself more time maybe a full day get here in the morning early and then start venturing out and see what you can get into I love I love the drive here if you're leaving Athens um it's a beautiful drive beautiful Scenic Drive um I definitely recommend it um I got out the car a few times just to kind of look and see where I was and just take it all in um very beautiful drive good here 9:30 on a Thursday night downtown Athens this is what it looks like everyone out and about wait look at the not look at the menu [Music] no pictures yes they do downtown Athens the city that never sleeps so when you come on vacation just know there's always going to be something for you to do there's always going to be a bar or a restaurant open where you can enjoy some fine Greek cuisine and this literally this way until about 2: 3:00 a.m. um most of these restaurants they close about um 3:00 a.m. in the morning um well not so much restaurants more so the bars the restaurants majority of them closes at around um 1201 um but the bars are open till about 3:00 or 4: a.m. so I'm going to sample a tradition Greek bear oh that's [Music] dope very good it tastes like a tastes like a hinein but a little bit more stronger than a hinein but it has a similar taste very good it's called My Soul Greek beer my soul meos is it meos I'm sorry I thought the te I thought I thought the te was a l from this angle the te looks like an L but my my thoughts very good you're you're drunk no no I'm not drunk but it's a very good beer I like it one of my favorite beers is hinin and a Guinness and this is very close to hinin so good choice on my end [Music] oh a [Music] [Music] [Music] we talk about all the alleys in Greece every corner there's an alley with a ton ton of stuff to do so right now we are walking through a back alley and this is what the back alleys in Greece look like unlike the back alleys in America these are the back alleys of Greece it's a lot of Celebration a lot of people walking around lots of restaurants right now I am on the hunt for um some souvenirs to bring back to the States um today is officially my last day our last day in Greece um we board the plane at 8:00 so we're trying to find some last minute things to get into just kind of look around one more time and get some souvenirs um but I must say this trip was absolutely amazing I am not ready to go back home I would love to redo this again um I tried my best to explore every bit um a lot of things were left out but for the most part we had an amazing time um the people here are amazing the food is amazing very inexpensive um what I would recommend to y'all though if y'all come here try to rent a car probably the the best way to move around and the most inexpensive way to move around this country that way you can explore more and not just be stuck stuck in uh stuck in one location or spend a bunch of money on Uber this was the best choice we made renting a car [Music] [Music] but it's currently 2:00 2:00 in the afternoon here in Greece Athens Greece [Music] [Applause] [Applause] me get that she [Applause] [Music] what oh [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we received a free shot on house um we're going to toast to our last stain grease um every restaurant you go to here they give you free shot or free dessert so we're going to do our final toast air and grease Oppa Oppa tastes like licorice wow that was good was good that's what they call a Greek vodka thank you Greece we love you Greece see you again at some point beautiful trip
Channel: Exploring Every Bit
Views: 695
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: greece travel guide, greece getaway: tips and tricks for a fun and hassle-free trip, greece travel video, greek islands travel guide, greece getaway, greece travel tips, greece ultimate travel guide, best places to visit greece, travel greece, greek islands, what to do in athens greece, things to do in athens greece, greece travel, explore greece, travel tips, greece vacation, athens, santorini, mykonos, crete, travel guide, vacation planning, travel hacks, exploring every bit
Id: -cZj7EGE9PU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 35sec (3935 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2024
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