Greatest Raphael's weakness ; Beyblade theory
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Channel: Beyblade Dad
Views: 85,034
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Keywords: beyblade dad, byeblade burst, Greatest Raphael, Rashad Goodman, Greatest Raphael & Rashad Goodman, How to defeat Greatest Raphael, beyblade burst db, beyblade burst theory, beyblade theory, beyblade dad theories, beyblade burst db episode 31, beyblade burst quad drive, phenomeno pain, phenomeno pain beyblade, prominence phoenix, New Greatest Raphael.Over.High Extend+', beyblade burst, who will beat greatest raphael, rashad goodman evil, rashad badman, rashad new launch
Id: t9b3ASz02RA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 3sec (303 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 27 2021
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