Greatest Proposal Speech EVER! guy proposes to his best friend on the STEVE HARVEY show!

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zach has something important that he wants to share Zach young I come take a walk this don't take walk with what Deon our friendship means more to me than than words could really Express and I've known you for five years now and I've seen you you grow and I've seen you developing to this awesome individual I seen you develop this passion that you have for the young people on even in your kids I think you're an awesome mother and though we've come you know to the show to talk about you know the business are there some other things that I desire to share with you I remember angel when she was in the camp and germench and she played around and toyed with the idea or maybe you should hook up my mom and I were circumstances at the time would not allow us to entertain anything other than what we developed and that's a great friendship but that's the pass in our situation and circumstances have changed and so in this new season I didn't bring you on the show just to talk about your business I brought you on the show to tell you that I'm crazy in love with you that I love you far beyond our friendship beyond I no longer want to be your friend anymore I want to be your friend and much more then I want to be your protector I want to be your provider I want to show my three boys if you're having how to love a woman I want to give them an example of what it is to love a woman how to be there how a man takes care of the house I want to show them how to cut the yards I want to show them things that we do as men but most of all I want to love you properly and be that example for them and so instead of just talking about it I came here today to be about it I love you beyond measure I want to give my all to you and I'm gonna actually that you do the same deal so I brought you here today I did yah McDuffie will you marry me oh my god yes I'm so damn glad you said yes first of all let me say it is Zack your speech off the chin yep well you ought to get it you I don't this going on YouTube just one of the greatest speeches
Channel: Wise Bexley
Views: 2,278,775
Rating: 4.93957 out of 5
Keywords: steve harvey, proposal, wedding, marry, married, life, beautiful, happiness
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 32sec (212 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 27 2016
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