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you want to leave longer you ready you got to get the walls today you make them mad yeah go read that thing that stuff ain't good like it used to be daniel i got roy good morning guys welcome back to the channel finally i think we are going to start cutting wheat today i just got to do a few little things to the combine uh what i didn't finish up yesterday afternoon and uh they weren't getting on the road so uh dan pa headed to the new land got josh mart right there that is not a diesel tank even though it looks like a diesel tank uh we actually put water in that and that's for fighting fire so they're gonna be filling that up with water and putting air on it and uh we'll pull that over to toggle bill too got roy right here getting the truck ready the blue freightliner uh we're gonna take that over there and uh once we get everything over there we will um oh yeah james is gonna finish up bedding panther creek i think today so that'll be great before the rain um once we get everything over there first thing we're gonna do is we'll cut a little bit and we'll check the moisture and the moisture has got to be 13 to haul it straight to the uh to the buying point so we'll get everything over there check the moisture and uh then we'll get to cutting so like i said i got a few things to do to the combine um then grease it up and grease the header god magnet then grease the header then we'll be ready to get on the road fill it up with diesel and death and then we're out of here so uh y'all come along hope you enjoy the video i did bring my drone so hopefully we'll get some good drone footage of uh cutting wheat on this video so uh i'll see what we can get done gotta tighten up the elevator chain it's just a little bit loose but uh we'll tighten it up right now [Music] did the wrong thing turn in the wrong bolt all right we're doing something now this is this is pushing the top of that elevator pulley up and it's essentially tightening the chain up down here that's probably it well no we didn't okay good i got one more thing i forgot about uh this feeder house drum right here uh it has to be in a low position for grass for grass seeds and um a little bitty that piece right in there anyway i gotta loosen you gotta loosen it where this drum will sit lower uh to this floor right here now all you gotta do is loosen that bolt just kind of loosen it and then twist it a little bit but you have to prize up on the uh you have to prize up on the feeder house drum so you can turn this little bitty plate that uh a little adjustment plate so roy is going to get me a piece of wood i'll keep looking over keep looking over the combine make sure i didn't miss anything because i missed that oh goodness i can't get this thing you need a pipe all right all right all right that's done now we're in the low position right i think that's it time to grease up put diesel on death and then grease the header and uh we're ready to rock and roll get on the road got a three hour drive three hours over there so um we gotta get going [Music] [Music] come on back bro come on come on come on come on back a little more come on back a little more right come on back a little more right a little more all right oh whoa pull up a little bit that's a hell all right it is warm out there today but we're ready to go uh just filled up with diesel uh the whole convoy's about to get on the road so uh hopefully we'll have a safe trip on the highway and uh we'll be over there in three hours so what a long drive but we are here and golly the wheat looks ready um we're gonna get hooked up here and then we'll jump out there and try it we'll test some moisture and see what it is but it looks dry so we'll see looks good all right i got the header hooked up and i just uh combined a pass right here i'm going back on my second one and uh the first thing we have to do is we have to uh get the moisture right um we have to calibrate the moisture sensor so uh i've combined a little bit and it's given me an average moisture of uh 15.2 [Music] so what we'll do is we'll go back there and get in the tank and we'll uh take our checker and we'll take three samples out of the tank and get an average and we'll plug it in there and see how close we are the seed looked good take a scoop tighten this up all the way till that's flush all right i put it on wheat number four now i was running 15.3 so i'll check it in three two other places and i will get an average okay so the moisture was uh i didn't even i mean it calibrated the percentage error it was zero because it was dead on 15.2 so um moisture is correct so uh what the step number two is is to calibrate the yield but i'm gonna go ahead and just cut one load and then uh we'll get the grain cart down here and all that and uh we'll start calibrating the heel and get the yield right but um beautiful looking wheat looks good big seed um i think it's gonna be good all right i finally got the combine set up it's running perfect turned out to be a pretty decent week i think the whole field is going to be good um just just making a few passes out here in the middle and looking across there i don't see any weak spots looks like it's going to be good the whole place which is uh which is excellent this is this is dyna grove plantation wheat variety we uh planted a little bit of this last year and it did really good i'll stick with that variety till it lets me down moisture field average is 13.6 you know it's jumping anywhere from 13 to 15 but it's averaging out overall at 13.6 if you'll look i'm gonna show you the ipad and it'll show you the yield instant is what is instantly combining um so just look where my finger is on the ipad and that'll be what the yield is as we're going through the field so i'll take that every day of the week i yield like that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] here's weight [Applause] there's no moisture i don't know if we had the planter over here right now we probably be planting uh just under the irrigation and we'd be running that irrigator to get them up but if we didn't have irrigation we'd probably have to wait on the rain because you don't want to put beans in dry dirt that's pretty clean isn't it these case combines you can't beat them they will they will give you too clean a sample well unfortunately guys this is going to be the end of the video i hope you all enjoyed it because i enjoyed uh finally getting over here and getting in the wheat field it's been a great day for me but um we're all full grain carts full i'm full roy's on the way back we're just short staff of one truck if i had another tractor available i would have both of our grain carts out here but all our tractors are out doing stuff so um we'll just do the best we can and uh we'll go at it hard when we can so um anyway guys if you don't mind give me a thumbs up and uh if you haven't subscribed to our channel come on because uh gonna be a lot of videos like this coming up and um we'd love to have you well i'm gonna get off this combine and get back in that ac so uh we'll see y'all on the next one see you guys
Channel: Triple R Farms
Views: 81,129
Rating: 4.9577761 out of 5
Id: UCsZV0uVx1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 3sec (1263 seconds)
Published: Fri May 28 2021
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