Great Reset: The Leaders Colluding To Make Us Powerless

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the Highly Educated the people who are driving this will all be fine in other words everybody in Davos and the Davos universe will be fine if you're worried about Davos perhaps thinking that the great reset was a real thing then it's not going to alarm you to hear Eric Schmidt sorry the Davos universe will be fine that might as well have been Darth Vader the Davos universe will be fine what about that planet you're blowing up to our upset Princess Leia oh no they're in this episode of our great reset series we'll be looking at Eric Schmidt talking in Davos and reading from Naomi Klein's article in The Intercept to pose the question are big Tech and governments colluding to prevent us having any meaningful power forever what is your vision for the future state of the digital economy new developments in the machine intelligence will make us far far smarter as a result and this means everyone on the planet it's pretty clear that these kind of leaders these influential and Powerful figures see technology as the solution to all of our problems there's no doubt that technology has solved many many problems but the idea of a technological Solution underwritten by capitalist principles I think is terrifying because it could involve giving massive amounts of data to companies that have already shown that they will misuse it and massive amounts of power to companies and states that are becoming increasingly less interested in simple things like civil liberties Naomi Klein had this to say it's taken some time to jail but something resembling a coherent pandemic shock Doctrine is beginning to emerge she's using her own phrase there where Naomi Klein says that you know often Wars are used to usher in new laws or tragic events like 9 11 and its relationship to the Gulf War or how in many Latin American countries uh disruption was provoked by a secret service agencies and then solutions to those problems were provided I suppose what Naomi Klein is asking is is the pandemic even if it's an entirely legitimate medical problem being used to fortify power of Institutions that already have a great deal of power she says the solutions were being offered are far more high tech than anything we've seen during previous disasters the future that's being rushed into being treats our past weeks of physical isolation nor is a painful necessity to save lives but as a living laboratory for a permanent and highly profitable no-touch future one of my concerns when the regulations around this pandemic became further entrenched was they may well be necessary to stop the spread of coronavirus but a side effect of this necessity shall we say is that it's beneficial to very powerful interests Amazon benefits the state always benefits from more control and if a particular situation benefits the most powerful interests in the world how will people without power ever challenge a return to ordinary life or normal life in the same way of course but it doesn't matter to powerful interests that there are poor people or homeless people or mentally ill people so the measures that are offered will always be measures that do not affect the interests of the powerful now we have something on a global scale that is representative of a paradigm we've seen in action for a long time there'll be so so many IP addresses so many devices sensors things that you're wearing things that you're interacting with that you won't even sense it'll be part of your presence all the time well that's not terrifying I'm not even sensing some up meows probe that's making decisions about how I travel to work well when I say work from the bathroom to the front room to sit blithely staring imagine you walk into a room and the room is is dynamic right and you again with your permission and all of that yeah yeah your permission Mission but you'll be on a very very long boring document that you won't want to read hey why are my nipples buzzing you gave your permission you're interacting with the things going on in the room a highly personalized highly interactive and very very interesting World emerges we've got already with our eyes and ears and noses and Mozart and God and pets and love and one another Eric not everything has to be coming at us through a phone it's all basically because these smartphones are really super computers talk to the people that I meet with For Whom the arrival of the smartphone is the most important thing in their life perhaps besides that of a child when I think about my my best experiences in my life there's the birth of my first child that was amazing the miracle of Chopper second child feel like I'm really part of family but when I got this little guy hold on where's my phone where is it get them children out onto those streets just find my phone Siri Siri 400 million people in the past year got a smartphone and if you think that's a big deal imagine the impact on that some on that person in a developing world of course like we all love our devices but surely at this point in history we're beginning to question the deal we may have made with technology that we have a device that offers us connection but Minds our data that manipulates our attention for me when I see Eric Schmidt saying imagine the impact from a developing world I don't think it's going to be great I think that's terrifying it sounds like a terrifying prediction Klein continues that the doctrine being offered by Eric Schmidt and his Davos acolytes includes far fewer teachers being employed fewer doctors and drivers a future where Society accepts no cash or credit cards under the guise of virus control a future that claims to be run on artificial intelligence but it's actually held together by tens of millions of anonymous workers tucked away in warehouses and data centers content moderation meals electronic sweatshops lithium mines industrial Farms meat processing plants and prisons where they are left unprotected from disease and Hyper exploitation the phone is an interesting metaphor isn't it because it provides us with a beautiful Gadget with a shimmering screen that gives us access to products and people but behind it are the contents of the phone the the necessary minerals that go into it we're being offered a culture like this that seems if you are in a position of privilege to be shimmering and attractive but it's held up on the labor of millions of oppressed people perhaps the post-colonial world or even the feudal world has always been like this but we can't now with the benefit of hindsight present it as a Utopia we have to acknowledge it for what it is an unfair corrupt and exploitative system we can't draw a veil over the mill millions of oppressed people simply by saying look at what a great job we're doing of delivering Commodities or providing interesting and intricate apps we have to owe the shadow of these technological advances and unless the ideals behind them are altered changed put in the hands of ordinary people we are advancing accelerating a terrifying rate to a future where you have no power or influence over your own life the globalization that this forum and that all of us believe in has produced Ties That Bind you cannot isolate yourself anymore oh we caught US to ourselves anymore well you better tell everyone I know baby because I've seen tapping on the Windows having mental breakdowns so if I go forward I imagine a whole new generation of technology and ideas um think about a computer that gives you enormously personal helpful advice you don't look very nice today that big tie clashes with some of that skin under your chin your chin skin is crashing with your tire sure shut up it's giving me this helpful advice you bastard turn it off there's no off button off what should I do today what am I interested where should I go how do I make these choices whatever to give my computer the free to choose where I should go what am I interested in I can choose that for myself if you don't know where to go and what you're interested in what kind of life you live in where should I go what am I interested in stay in Doris don't do nothing okay until we have total control over the entire population then you can pop out and look at a Barren Wasteland and laugh maniacally to yourself we're on the cusp of an acceleration of the level of impact of that and it's almost overwhelmingly good well this is what Naomi Klein has to say Eric Schmidt is at the dead center of this new shock Doctrine using the pandemic to facilitate further tech power and less power for you Ordinary People she says well before Americans understood covid-19 Schmidt had been on an aggressive Lobby and public relations campaign at the heart of Schmidt's vision is seamless integration of government with a handful of Silicon Valley Giants with Public Schools hospitals doctors offices police and military all Outsourcing at high cost at high cost Mark Q many of their core functions to private tech companies essentially this is the privatization of the state through a technocracy so the state will no longer be something that you even feel tangently or remotely belongs to you it is the property of big business and you are now officially a consumer now people like me have argued for a long long while hey is democracy really that meaningful if it doesn't matter if you vote for this person or this person you're still basically going to get this kind of government that agrees with these policies that's responding to these lobbyists that's going to be involved in these actions in the Middle East is going to tax you in more or less the same way what's the meaning of it well now that's like Last of the Summer Wine we're in like proper territory where people with immense power immense power an immense ability to control which I suppose is what power is I'm moving towards the end game I think this is a time it's very very important that we awaken it's a good job that uh the laws to protest aren't being radically ordered to prevent you going on the streets hold on sorry what's that oh uh stay indoors forever I never argue with anyone are we as an industry creating jobs why are we killing jobs faster than we're creating them let's posit that the Highly Educated the people who are driving this will all be fine that's part of that CEOs of silicone Giants will be fine well yeah they probably will may but listen to this all these companies have repositioning themselves as benevolent Protectors of Public Health and munificent champions of everyday hero essential workers but many of them like delivery drivers will lose their jobs if companies get their way in this um technocratic Utopia that Eric Schmidt is describing it's pretty clear the way it's going I mean look at what's happening in the pandemic already who's benefiting local businesses shutting down you can see that anywhere you go the core question is an economic one can you afford to stay behind in a technological or business opportunity or does it more make sense to become more efficient all the laws of Economics tell you that a globalized solution that is more efficient ultimately produces better wealth for everyone oh no I'm not sure about that mate there are no laws of Economics it's a mutable and changing ideology it's can't really properly be called a science it's the imposition of a philosophy that benefits who ever you know benefits from the philosophy I suppose it's the cyclical thing this reality is perpetuated because the people that believe in that reality are in a position to influence and alter the reality those are not laws of Economics those are the laws of power and saying that unless you you he's actually saying get on board or die that's what he's saying isn't it if you go oh hold on a minute we've got a different set of priorities the happiness of Ordinary People cohesion Community bonding people feeling empowered in their own lives sooner or later I pray people will awaken to the reality that you are in Limitless space in every direction that you are a human being that culture is an illusion look up into the Starry Sky at night if you can still see it amidst the satellites and recall that all human culture is laying upon this Earth none of it is real it's all constructed through our Consciousness it's all a result of ideas that have passed through human consciousness none of it is absolute so if the results of it are ecological destruction if the results of it are alienation isolation increased addiction and mental illness then you have to start querying whether or not we have the right Central tenets to our ideology this is what has to be questioned we're not asking is technology good or bad technology is a tool and potentially neutral if it's in the hands of the right people if its intentions are empowerment diversity of interests freedom of speech the right to control your own destiny if it's concentrated Consolidated and you get contracts between nations and Tech Giants it's pretty clear to see what kind of outcome you'll get and what will happen to anybody who opposes these ideas so often the question is then asked well what happens to the person whose job is lost well it's the same thing that happened when people stopped farming and started using tractors and so forth they find new skills and new services children's book wow do you remember before the tractors Old MacDonald that poor guy had to just pull his car on the back of an oxen but Betty got that tractor didn't he hold in a minute mate agriculture is quite complex people to this day still debate whether or not agriculture is the right solution but whether or not we should have pervert cultures whether or not we should have localized farming where we eat produce that's grown around us that's a really bad example that you've offered up there Klein says until recently public pushback against the Silicone Valley Giants was surging people were beginning to realize hang on they've got too much power democracy was turning out to be the single greatest obstacle to Schmidt's Vision the inconvenient exercise of Power by members of the public has from the perspective of men like Schmidt and Jeff Bezos maddeningly slowed down the AI arms race keeping fleets of potentially deadly driverless cars and trucks off the roads protecting Private health records from becoming a weapon used by employers against workers preventing Urban spaces from being blanketed with facial recognition software and much more their intentions are clear that's the future they see that's the future they're heading towards without public opposition that's where it's going and as long as we live in a kind of a reality that's determined by a certain economic imperatives I mean the goals and incentives of these already powerful organizations then that is the solution technology is most certainly a key part of how we must protect Public Health in the coming months and years if we are indeed seeing how critical digital connectivity is in times of crisis should these networks and our data really be in the hands of private players like Google Amazon and apple well on the basis of stuff that we already know thanks to Edward Snowden who's coming up soon on Under the Skin my podcast that you can subscribe to on luminary forgive my own capitalism right there then you do have to be bloody careful if public funds are paying for so much of this technology and that's what they're lobbying for they're lobbying for all this AI have been funded not they're not going to come up with it from investors they want you to pay for it the government don't have any money it takes it off of you the government's not got a business selling sandwiches somewhere the government's money is yours it's your money so in a democratic so you go well I'll give you 50 40 50 of my income through taxes but would you mind telling me what you're going to do with that money and could you possibly do things with that money that I agree with does that seem too rough to ask well let me tell you now it is too much to ask if public funds are paying for so much of it should the public also own and control it if the internet is essential for so much in our lives as it clearly is should it be treated as a non-profit public utility clearly client's question here is a rhetorical one Naomi Klein is what you might call us or I don't know traditional leftist liberalist but I would say to you even if you are an Ardent Trump person or a cue person or a non-person because I know they're separate things How Could You query anything Naomi Klein is saying here do you want your life control by Silicone Valley giant do you want the internet dominated by private interests do you want your government using your taxes to fund the Endeavors of these organizations that have already shown what their interests are and have it's already been demonstrated that they're beyond the reach of governmental regulation and intervention we need governments to do one very important thing which is to give us your money which is to help build and license this infrastructure to make this incredible future happen as quickly as possible license means give us power help build booms give us the money all we want is your money and your freedom is that too much to ask there's this enormous meme in the society where everyone assumes that This Time It's Different somehow no one's going to have a job in the world and it's you know it's just going to be the Davos Elite and we're just going to have a good time and everyone else is going to be in rioting or some stereotype like that oh there's a Davos Elite on Battle stereotype everyone gets smarter because of this technology because it's free or very inexpensive it's been a transition from the elites remember the elites were the only people who could read those Pilates Elites right now then everyone could read you can't say the elite isn't handy because everybody can read we don't read Because mostly it's those sprawling 500 page contracts telling you that Apple will be stealing your data as a result of a deal you've just clicked and ticked with them elitism is alive and well and only an elitist would dare to claim that that's not the case we are all participating in this enormous transition where billions of people are joining our party equality real quality cannot be achieved by giving people access to these devices and therefore theoretically the products that they might be able to gain through them or the utility of a like a really good Compass or app that does whatever real equality means the ability to control your own life and in fact a bit of space to even consider what kind of life you might want to live I mean don't you increasingly feel that a life where you have a relationship with nature some time with your family the ability to move freely about to live a life that isn't continually Tethered to your ability to consume or your ability to work who are you Schmidt seems to be focusing on Technology's ability to potentially connect people to expand our lives and Horizons but isn't it part of your reality your lived experience but it is shrinking Our Lives putting you in a position where you don't have real lived interconnection and communication with other people as Naomi Klein describes Schmidt's vision for the future is a future in which our homes are never again exclusively personal spaces but are also via high-speed digital connectivity our schools our doctor's offices our gyms and if determined by the state our jails you can see how such a reality would be very convenient to the state and their powerful Partners in big business and it's becoming clear to me that without meaningful opposition it's a foregone conclusion and I think the evidence is that the winners in every Market were the ones that use software and machine intelligence most effectively if you're not using it you're going to lose to somebody who is that's right let's use the old terra to drive you onto their software networks and that sort of sort of where we are and that's going to be true for another decade for sure maybe two for God's sake get outside and fly a kite shake the hands of a stranger eat a peculiar dish you've not eaten before from a culture you've never visited know what it is to be human know the Limitless expressions of humanity that are all around us the beauty the love the ways of loving the ways of being these are available to you it ain't yet over evolution is still happening the glory could still be about us we can remold and change the sight however we want to I think you'll find that's unrealistic the happiest day of my life was when I got this little guy right Bertie I love Eric why are you wearing bad tie again shut up about the tie I think those are the best words we could end this session thank you very much this is a place and a space where we're interested in developing evolving And discussing these ideas please uh subscribe to this if you like it go over to and sign up to my mailing list if you wanna but most importantly recognize that you are a free human being and you do have the right to direct your own destiny that your life does not belong to powerful people who don't care about you foreign
Channel: Russell Brand
Views: 1,421,735
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Russell Brand, Brand Russell, BrandThe, Russell Brand video, Russell Brand news, Russell Brand politics, News, Brand, politics, Russell, great, reset, the great reset, great reset, davos, WEF, world economic forum, google, tech, big tech, silicon valley, eric schmidt, amazon, facebook, microsoft, bill gates, power, technology, jeff bezos, naomi klein, klein, naomi
Id: dgIYd23hemk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 13sec (1273 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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