GREAT PROFIT?? The Dubois Blackjack System Review

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hello guys welcome back this is an episode of david playing a strategy so normally it's uh not david playing this strategy it is timmy here up on deck dealing shuffling making himself useful and we are going to review a system that's called the dubois system the dubois system so the buying is 250 dollars where do i put this card i put this card somewhere and let people know right here okay and so basically it's like if you win you keep sort of progressing the units that you won sort of creating some progressive opportunity and you walk at 50 profit so we're gonna see if this is uh a peach or an eggplant i like eggplant i like peach more though that's the thing okay so peach all right good i'm into the peach do you know what those mean sarah no i eggplant parmesan hey you guys tell them in the comments what they know oh god swear to god you guys and your boomer crap ridiculous all right all right so we're just gonna focus on this system those stories it's gonna be win win lose just win we always start the video like that and there's always end up a story or two i know so just so you know whenever you see me just like if you know if you're afraid that i might talk might maybe it's best to just you know hit the mute key is there a key nowadays is there like a mute key built in sort of no you actually got to hit 50 thing anyways 250. there you go that's it that's it all right and you're going to bet you're going to so we're going to have the control bet there yep this is the control the flatbed the flatbed okay all i have to do is keep one nickel that's it yeah it's a five dollar table oh five you're not you're buying two fifteen out of ten but i'm starting at ten dollars two units two units all right let me keep trying right so you guys will see the uh the number on the the screen okay here we go ready i'm excited i like i actually like this you could bring my car put it right up on the table it's quite it's quite a djent system it is a little dj can i double down do all that other stuff i think you play yeah i think you play normal just like normal basic strategy okay so you have to know basic strategy basically before you come so we that means we do we don't know it's so we're screwed we're screwed right so insurance yeah no insurance the love of god oh okay depressing uh 15. we got to take a hit 17 we're gonna stay wow okay so this system says okay this one we just keep five right you don't do anything okay this one we have to go down a one out of one on a win wow that's okay here hit me oh that's that's that's that's okay so wanna lose i just go back to yep the first number in the sequence yeah you better keep track of that i'm like passing out over here okay two queens for the win wow okay so we're gonna go to one wow wow wow all right now i have to go to three and this one yep all right oh god oh i got a split this is where you get me dude on that one too all right so here you just take care okay here we go split them up huh nine eleven oh my gosh here and i lose on the second real so what does that mean you just go back you go back to the original we lost three yep all right see nobody plays these systems against the timmy that's the problem the timmy factor screws everything up i mean if it passed it to me factory it's a good system well then then you just you should just go all in sell the house move vegas and flip and play uh stay and a stay 12 now oh my god so back to we're just going to keep up our original yeah good thing you're keeping track of the other one because i'm already lost i don't like insurance no insurance nothing okay so here yeah double and dublin 19 there you go whoa winner okay so this is that hey let me collect the save you just i don't want you to get too tired now you don't want you to you know all right so this i go down to one wow stay oh 13. all right okay so this is just gonna collect and this we gotta go wait we gotta go to three units here working on the third win boom oh wow uh yeah [Music] okay so we're gonna collect this and this one is gonna go to one and if i win this one i go to seven units wow that's a big jump so you just alternate between the flat and how much you've won so far your profit wow flat your profit your pla i like it man you like it yeah i mean i actually liked it so far we asked insurance i might take this card uh no insurance how many aces are you going to get buddy are you due for one of them wow still no 21. man it's disappointing huh your fan base is starting to fall away i almost don't want to win oh my god what do you mean say that again exactly never mind uh well that was i'm actually happy i didn't win that because i got to go back to my original bet oh my god the comedic timing of the cards that was that was that was almost uh two oh my god do you realize you gotta count the number of aces you'll be up because i mean that's quite something that's like five mm-hmm we're not even halfway through the flipping shoe dude not even like a deck all right 15 we better hit it 17. well i'm gonna keep it that same unit this is kind of a grind a bit of a grind but there's some opportunities built in mm-hmm oh yeah all right let's uh win streak yeah you gotta hit it with oh god hit it again 21. wow i'll stay kind of like your system where you're banking on that win streak yeah you're taking back a bit that's true no that's through my crap system the same way or my system really well your power press the thing is if i i don't stay with the power press i always go on tilt and then i take back or i don't i got to stay committed oof stay all right okay pull this now that was the one so now i'm gonna go with three units uh i can use eight or nine i can use a five or six there we go twenty one wow once you pull it eight out of your ass jesus uh okay that's the three so now i'm going back to the one and oh and this is one let me oh oh oh travis check that's a traveler's check what oh wow oh my god there it was on the bottom you want to lose at the one if you guys i almost want to lose with that one yeah because the next one's seven units right that's not bad if you lose at the one you get to keep all your profit that's it i mean you're actually like hoping you lose that's not good please let me lose at the one no stay all right now back to one no i actually i i like this system too dude i mean i might literally copy this card take it with me it's so cool how we have some of our fan base they come up with some great stuff dude i mean this was submitted by a fan though yep was the fan's name dubois i can't remember okay so that's the one so now we've got to do the three right the three wow uh yeah i think i'll stay just so we're clear yeah alright so now i'm going to the one this is the one i want to lose [Music] sweet jesus oh i have a feeling i'm going to win this one ah crap now you have seven sir now i gotta go to seven units so here let's do five so we gotta throw that greedy in there holy crap oh oh no stay oh i'm actually excited for this system yeah i like it so this is look great opportunity but you wait until you have like a little bit of a streak so you don't go in too early it's nice so now you drop back down to one again yeah that's fantastic but you don't mind losing to one yeah you don't want to you don't want to win the next two because the next because that next jump is like holy crap uh stay oh next jump 15 sir oh my god oh wow so 75 bucks dude now i'm sweating oh god yeah 75 bucks sir 75 bucks oh my god 10 times five it's 15 units right 15 units of a nickel okay this is five units 10 units 15 units buddy wow blackjack dealer oh my god that's terrible that's terrible that's the worst case scenario except until you get to 31 oh my god well at least you got a six but that doesn't mean you're strong with the sixes dude i'd rather you have a ten here we go see this is where the system goes south but you walk away at 50 profit when you're up 125 or with tissue and butt wipes so internally if you win this hand you beat the system is complete game over we can end the video we might not even be eight minutes in dude there you go wow dude i love this system of course i got a three because you suck all right there we go let's count the money sir dude you know counting and wheat bro but but everybody won even this guy's got a stack oh yeah it was a really good shoe that was a good shoe for i mean that's that's un un sports that's on timmy like what that is let's see as four five five two five what's that thirty seven uh yeah count that stack again we good lord man there we go five thirty five fifty dude so i'm up two hundred eighty five dollars at fifty cents so two fifty look take out my two they got your two look at this 1 2 50 75 280 250 just like that mm-hmm i don't think worth eight but it's and i don't think we're eight minutes though i get to go home and go to bed just like that easy win mm-hmm so i think this system syrup eggplant i'm a peach peach is a good one right peachy unless you like eggplant parmesan there's a lot of people like eggplant parmesan they let david know what eggplant impeached me in the comments i know it's a fun boomer reference i'm not even a boomer just so you know okay i'm pre-boomer so the flat guy up 65 bucks so it's a very positive shoe so it was a very so the shoe yeah the shoe has to go right but that's not bad man because i mean you don't you you have to get kind of deep into the run before you really start you know whacking you know what the scary as hell is to get that 31 now you're in 155 dude but if you're already up past 50 percent you wouldn't need to get here that's right like by the time you win this hand that's 75 right so you'll be up that 50 so you would technically walk because you never get up to here you never see that the only way you see that is if you've been losing a lot before you get to here before you get yeah yeah wow um i love this system dude i really do i mean uh even even as a deal even as skeptical as i am you guys got the strat sir i think so this is a good system we'll have to play the slide but by the way those of you that ask so we're at the school and we work these systems we play these systems and try them out and then we go and play them live and that's on casino quest dot biz by the way so we get a lot of people our casino quest youtube dot com foreign quest a few people were like oh my god you guys aren't playing live casino well nope nope yep that's that's the point we're here at the school working them out that's exactly the point anyways i love the system i'm taking this no i like it too i already like myself oh look look what's on the back of that look at that that's the tippy car oh my god that makes sense dude all right buddy good job sign up thanks guys see you next time and uh good luck and all that stuff uh wait for the next kino videos coming out soon okay what's going on guys it's alex here we just finished recording our 12 minute challenge we'd like to invite you guys anyone that's interested in coming down you don't have to pay or anything like that just come down join our discord link and also join us on twitch we stream four days a week live blackjack live crafts live carnival games hope to see you soon bye
Channel: CEG Dealer School
Views: 53,220
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hBYBrCoJyLs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 28sec (808 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 16 2021
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