Great Horned Owl

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all right uh this week we're going to be working on a little hiking stick I uh have a fellow that wants a little uh Great Horn ow on this so we're going to try to cut one of those on here cut it out and uh make it look nice here we go all right so we're starting out cutting the carving the uh little Great Horn a uh drew his face on here a little bit just to get his uh see where his eyes were going to be and where that uh his forehead and his beak were going to be I'm going to leave that uh beak sticking out there the farthest so everything's going to get carved back from that [Music] [Music] beak this is a uh fairly simple little carving uh I'm not going to go into a lot of detail with it because I'm going to paint it so I'm going to probably just smooth it out just makes it easier for painting it's found that uh if you carve in a lot of a lot of little details that sometimes hard to get to pain down in [Music] [Music] there this uh stick is a piece of my lauca that I've had for oh several years now it's just been uh hanging out drying had it stored inside most of the [Music] timey [Music] I uh forgot to turn the camera on there for a second so I skipped the little piece there but uh just basically cutting out the body of the [Music] bird [Music] I enjoy doing uh carving owls cuz they I just just like the way they uh like the way they look and uh they uh look look good on hiking sticks and logs they they fit really well don't have to carve a lot of way to get to an [Music] out there's a lot of sticks and logs out there with in them just got to just got to find one and dig it [Music] out [Music] here's that tapered endmill a little bit on that uh just uh some of the finer details around the eyes and then I'm also using a uh one of the diamond grit bits they're just little cheap things from Harbor Freight um most of them uh some of them I picked up at a garage sale I picked up a box of them uh somebody had out for sale and uh been using them I use I use them a [Music] lot this is a uh a drum uh Burr this is a brand new one that's first time I used it I think and I'm just using it it's a real light grit uh and it is uh just using it to take the bumps off a little bit smooth smooth the bumps off and and then I decided to go to something a little bit more coarse one of my old bits and remove some wood here to make a tree stump for of bird to sit on [Music] [Music] oh my tree stump didn't have much uh definition so I decided to cut a little hole in the side of it there and then uh put some uh old worn uh lines through it make it look like an old stump sticking up I flip that stick around uh anytime you're carving on a hiking stick like that you can turn them around several different ways just just whatever is comfortable for you for what you're cutting don't be afraid to move it around a little bit [Music] [Music] okay I started painting them up I I went ahead uh the first thing I did is paint his eyes gold um just cuz I was going to use yellow over top and I think the gold just shines through it a little bit makes them seem a little brighter and I went over the whole bird with a uh I think it's a burn Umber and then a uh burnt sienna for around his eyes just using different colors of Browns that I had um just to give it a little bit of uh depth and seems like uh more variations you put on there the more camouflaged he gets just like a real [Music] out adding this first layer of white in it's a little bit almost looks gray whenever you first start putting it on and then uh as you uh you can put a little bit more white to it and make the feathers on top a little bit brighter [Music] white I had a good reference Sho for this and uh showed a lot of the details on the front of them really well so it was made a pretty easy work of the details on the [Music] [Applause] front once my gold dried I took a a medium yellow almost like a skull bus yellow and uh painted the yellow part of the eye let it dry for a few minutes before I add the black in the [Music] center and I don't think I show it but I actually took a little bit of a brighter yellow and a little bit of orange and I put the brighter yellow in the top corners of the circle with the where the yellow is so it's a little bit lighter yellow towards the top and then uh actually took a little bit of orange and put down at the bottom just blended it in a little bit and uh guys really had a neat look to them [Music] up [Music] [Music] up nice about acrylic paints if uh you get a little bit too much on there you can just take your finger and kind of smudge it off a little [Music] bit [Music] I'm going to use a lot of the same same type of colors a little bit differently in the in the log cuz uh these owls they they camouflage just to match the wood colors in the forest and so they have a lot of the lot of the same colors that you see in on the trees right in her feathers Blends them right [Music] [Music] in [Music] liking how this one's turning out and uh thanks for coming along with [Music] me all right well I got another one done uh you seen me carving this one here and painting it up so uh this one turned out really cool um love his eyes eyes turned out really neat and uh anyways you like the video give me a thumbs up and uh thanks for watching see you next week
Channel: Random Acts Of Carving
Views: 451
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mark Spurk
Id: bpx7w9Cd-oI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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