Great Favor | Palm Sunday | Morning Service

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blessed be the name of the lord ah yes yes yes yes yes [Music] my goodness my goodness my goodness wow you seem like a people that know you serve a good god and you come to give him a good praise because he's a good guy oh come on i love it i love it when the people of god begin to praise god because then god inhabits the praises of his people whereof we are so so so so glad about it amen god bless you god bless you to those that are here and to all those that are streaming welcome to the presence of the lord one more time it's good to be in the presence of the lord in the lord's house ah it's good to be here yes it is amen the song says not just what a god we serve but what a mighty god we serve come on he's an omnipotent god he's got all power amen nobody has all power but god he's an all-knowing god nobody knows everything i don't care if you think you're einstein or how brilliant you are there is nobody that is omniscient but god there is nobody amen the wind they said well the wind is everywhere there's some places the wind is not and that's why people die and are consumed there's no wind but he said when it comes to god i'm the present i'm everywhere at the same time [Applause] he's here in the house of god and if you're in the club last night he saw you there [Music] oh come on he's everywhere he's in your he's in your your house he's in my house he's in the white house he's in every house he's in the hospital amen god is everywhere you need him to be because he's a mighty god and i'm so glad he's an on-time guy he's never late you can be late but he's never late girl i'm just waiting on god and he ain't got here yet he won't be late the reason he ain't came yet it ain't time yet and in the right time god will come and do just what you need him to do and you'll be glad you waited on the lord oh come on that's the god we're praising this morning we're clapping our hands and giving him the glory the honor and praise truly god you are a mighty guy and we love you so there there very much ah yes yes yes yes yes amen and i'm still excited about being in his presence i've never taken it for granted amen i don't want to know what it is to be out of his presence so when i come in the holy ghost show up oh jesus and the spirit of the lord is in this place and in their streaming come on it causes me to throw my hands up it makes me clap my hands makes me do my dance oh because your presence means everything to me [Music] david said whatever you do don't take your presence from me moses said if your presence don't go with me then i don't want to go nowhere i don't want to go anywhere out of the presence of the lord some folks like well i got this i can handle this no no no no no no the only reason you've been doing half of what you've been doing all these years it wasn't your gifting it wasn't your talent it's called the grace of god and the presence being with you if god lift his grace up for one second [Music] you'll find out how much talent and strength you really had but oh i'm glad i know where my help comes from i said i know where my help come from my help comes from the lord which made heaven and earth see david had to get distinct because there's a whole lot of false gods out there a whole lot of false idols out there but he had to be very distinct and very explicit to let you know exactly who we're talking about he said i'm talking about the only god the one and only god that there's none like him in all the earth the one that made heaven and earth the one that created all mankind the one that spoke everything into exist that's the one i'm talking about that's the one i'm lifting up my hands to that's the one i'm praising this morning because he's deserving of my praise and he said let everything that have breath praise the lord and if a praise is what he wants a praise is what he's going to get from me so excuse me while i praise the lord in my own way [Music] oh well i give him a personal praise between the lord and me i love him i love him i love him i love him so very much blessed be the name of the lord jesus i love him so much amen well we are so grateful amen the lord has blessed us to see the fourth sunday in the month of march wow we have almost come through the month of march this is palm sunday and we're pressing right in onto next sunday which is the resurrection sunday we will be into the month of april by the grace of god celebrating what he's done and everybody you know we appreciate christmas because that's when he came but i'm glad that he didn't just come but he did something after he got here oh a whole lot of folks died but he is the only one that was resurrected and the fact that he died and was able to have conquering over death and over the grave that means that these old feeble bodies that we have death can't hold you down because after a while if you're in christ you're going to rise after a while or if he hadn't risen then we wouldn't ride we would just be dead and in the but the fact that he rose and he made it possible that we all [Applause] i'm glad i don't know about you i'm glad he ain't giving me what i deserve but he's given me how much he loved us grace allows us to rise again [Applause] rise and inherit eternal life so it's a special we appreciate the preparation palm sunday that leads us into amen easter sunday but right now we're thankful to be in the number one more time and glad to know what the lord has done for us all right we're going to bring on our bishop and we say this often but we mean it we thank god that god is yet putting the word of god in the mouth of the man of god we want the truth honestly we do we want to make it into heaven and so i can't we can't speak for what everybody else is doing but we know what's happening up in here we know what we're getting up in here well well i just think them people over there just boast on they passing all the time well surely something wrong with a folk somebody don't respect their own house [Applause] and we don't respect our own pastor how can we expect you to respect him and we're not respecting folly but we're respecting the god that's on the inside and if you know that you know that you know everybody in here got a testimony that you prayed something and your prayer didn't go nowhere i'm going i'm gonna make him god has proved that your prayer ain't really went nowhere god took the man of god and put a word in his mouth and you saw things change in your life come on you changed after the word of god you changed yes you did so oh that's bishop mike [Applause] i thought he's trying to jump in there so when we come in here we appreciate the god that's on the inside of the man of god appreciate every word that he had i don't ever want to get common with the word of god i don't even want that to get common so every time we come and god speaks a word you ought to grab onto it as if it's your life because it is a part of your life for the next dimension that god wants to take you to and if you don't get a word from the lord amen you just not gonna make it [Applause] you don't just want it but you need it so when you're praying amen make sure you pray for the man of god let them always stand here flat-footed bold and preach what thus saith the lord whether you like it or whether you don't because a whole of a lot of us we like it we like it we want to receive it so we want to encourage him this morning and he needs prayer just like we need to pray for you you need to pray for him and we need to pray one for another amen that god will take us and keep us in these last and evil days let's put our hands together now as we bring forth our bishop prophet philippi owns as he comes to bless us in the word of the lord give the lord praise bless you come on and give god to high praise he and he alone is worthy of all praise all glory and all honor come on i will bless the lord at all times his praises shall continue be in my mouth come on and magnify the lord with me and let us exalt his name how god bless you amen you may be seated in the presence of the name that is above every name a little bit more back there amen god bless you doctors being standing throwing up fabulous job god bless you [Music] looking blessed as always god bless your heart god bless you may be seated amen in the presence of that name that is above every name the name of jesus who is the christ he is the son of the living god he and he alone is the way he is also the truth and he is the life anybody in here want to live forever give god praise ah bless his name [Music] [Applause] to be absent from the body is to be present with the lord our resurrection will be amen just like jesus but little reversed when he rose from the dead he rose from the dead but his journey came from hell he literally went to hell for you he died for you he took your place he's the perpetuation for your sins so he took your place on the cross your sins should have nailed you to a physical cross you should have died and went to hell but he died for you and then he went to hell for you but when he rose glory to god he rose from hell back into the body when you rise your spirit is in heaven your soul is in heaven it is your body amen that's here it may be going to dust but it's here the body will be recomposed together the spirit and the soul from heaven will reunite with the body amen glory to god and you shall be changed and you shall amen live with him for more ever and ever in the good he went to hell for you any good that you don't have to get nowhere near hell you only have to smell it he went there so you would not have to go there somebody saw glory to god amen god bless your hearts amen i don't know just a little bit more right here i think a very little bit somebody say god is good amen glory to god let me move on quickly i don't know i want to stay on hell hell is real beloved hell is seriously real and hell amen glory to god is forever if you know the bible and the fact where it holds you until judgment day then hell and death glory to god and all that are him and all whose names are not written in the lamb's book of life they will all be cast along with the devil the antichrist the false prophet they will all be cast into the lake that burneth with fire and brimstone forever and ever unconceivable there is no movie predictor productor or producer or screenwriter that can put together a vivid picture of hell they cannot depict what's called eternity and you have the opportunity here regardless of all the sin that you've ever done to make peace with god through faith and live forever you don't deserve to live forever but all grace upon grace and mercy upon mercy oh man i need to get into the word today let me i cannot amen preach this to you without giving you the experience of it i've had the most wonderful journey getting this particular word amen it was oh thursday going into friday thursday going into friday night or maybe three or four o'clock in the morning the lord woke me up and just spoke uh two words to me which is my subject today two words to me great favor great favor not just favor but what great favor that's it and i um i'll give him praise great favor now it is uh it is it is it is the qualifier that is so uh important god does give favor and god does give more grace but when it comes to great favor that's a different uh category altogether amen oh bless his name so i have to experience that late night experience i don't know why god likes to talk to me at three or four o'clock in the morning and i'm not complaining father keep it up hey man then i go back to bed and i wake up and um a matter of fact just those two words were like uh a pillow it was almost like a sleeping pill uh i went to i went to sleep with such joy i cannot ex i cannot matter of fact i went to sleep saying it over and over and over and over hey man it just was just a wonderful experience i woke up in the morning and and on on friday morning i'm usually god usually gives me the message for sunday so i'm very anxious to get to the word and he blessed his holy name he took me to a scripture that i had to read three times before i really got the understanding of why he gave it to me i did not hook it up with the word the night before amen because i felt like maybe god was telling me something but he took me to the book of exodus dr owens he took me to exodus the 30th chapter um verses 1 and three verses one and three verse one says please and thou shall make an altar to burn incense upon of wood shalt thou make it read word and thou shall overlay it with pure gold the top thereof and the size thereof round about and the horns thereof and thou shall make unto it a crown of gold round about around about good let's go to the pictures give me my first image guys give me the first image sorry there you go there it is that is called the altar of incest if you'll stay with me god bless you this morning the altar of incest it was placed in what was called the holy place you know the tabernacle outside court then inside the first veil is called the holy place then another veil glory to god then another small room that's called the holy of holies this along with two other items there was a table of shoebread and there's a manure the menorah is the candle the seven candlestick if you will symbolizes six days of creation and on the seventh day he what rested so you have the table of shoe bread you have amen the menorah then you have this item here that's called the altar of incest and that powerful now it's the placement of this this was placed right in front of the veil that would lead into the holy of holies and the high priest once a year would go into the holy of holies to make atonement for the people once a year but before he went in and took his finger and dipped it seven times in blood and put it on the mercy seat he first took his finger dipped it in the same blood and he had to put it on the alt or the horns of the altar of incest right let me have my second one in the middle guys uh the second image of it this is extremely important because normally we don't really preach from the altar of incest so to speak the ark of the covenant is what we're usually interested in but this one amen god amplified to me now on the second image you see actually the incense going up can we see that good good good good good good good good that's a better shot where i'm at okay that's better okay you can see that you can see the incense going up and the priest will go in twice a day in the morning he would make sure this incense is burning all day long at night he will go and make sure that it is burning so it burns or densest comes out all night long he would make sure glory to god that the menorah in the morning again would be lit and it's burning so it burns all day and at night he'd go back in the evening and make sure that it's lit so it burns all night long all right so this will be a continual instance everybody got me the symbolism of it let's go to the third one first let's go to the third image there we go that's a little close up and you can actually see the top of it and you actually see the incense coming up i'm trying to make a strong point with this that god was not just after uh perfuming the holy place that particular instance that was coming out amen symbolizes amen we've always been taught the prayers of other saints i take to take a little further this morning or shall we say a little deeper it is also the prayers of the saints but it's interesting that amen before he went into the holy of holies to make atonement he would have to take blood and put it on the horn or the altar for the people before he went into tone for their sins yes let's get a little deeper understanding then thank you god let me go back to thursday morning when he first gives me this script i had to read it over and over because i couldn't understand where he was going and around about the third time um i was reading the whole chapter right about the third time he took me right to this verse verse 3 where he says and thou shalt overlay it with pure gold so he said son i'm not just after you understanding what the altar of incest was for i'm also after you understanding what i made it out of pure gold if you ever want to be blessed of god understand the pure gold that's on the altar of incest what it is made out of is your prosperity and your blessing he wasn't just doing it just to decorate it when you get a full revelation of exactly what this altar is for uh you'll understand a little bit better so now we find my god i hear your holy spirit let me take you amen uh to the book of genesis can you leave the images up so let's go to the book of um let's go to the book of genesis dr owens page three middle page three and genesis 15 and 13 says please and he said unto abraham know of assurity that thy sea shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs and shall serve them and they shall afflict them 400 years read again and also that nation whom they shall serve will i judge and afterward shall they come out with great substance now this is god talking to abraham before isaac is even conceived before there is really a quote-unquote people of israel and god is telling abraham about the land that he is standing on how he's going to give that to him one day he is talking to abraham about his descendants that would come that would make up a brand new nation upon this earth called the hebrews the jews and he literally tells them at least 600 years before they were going to bondage in egypt glory to god 600 years before he said i'm gonna take your descendants not because they are an idolatry not because they sinned but i'm going to form them a nation in affliction i'm going to let them stay there for 400 years little plus then i'm going to bring them out with great substance 400 years of affliction and after joseph died the next pharaoh did not know joseph and israel became a liability it got so bad that the pharaoh put out an edict that all hebrew baby boys will be cast into the nile to die not because israel has sinned matter of fact when they went down under joseph it was to save the known world because of the famine that would be in the land but god has special favor for those that long suffer with him i'm talking to somebody in the room now that have been waiting long time for their breakthrough their blessing who've seen other people go before them and seemingly get blessed and you've been made to wait for great favor you may have thought that they got favored and could not understand why yours just won't come won't flow won't materialize other people have gotten married and you have kept yourself to live holy and sanctified and you can't understand why god who can make a man out of a tree if he wants to ain't brought yours i come to give you an understanding this morning is called great favor great favor let me break it down great favor comes to who people god has entrusted with time he has made them wait and go through years even decades not understanding not knowing the reason why and then when he brings them out he brings them out with what's called great substance great favor when god hit you with great favor they're in an enemy there ain't a army they're in an economy there ain't nothing that can stand in your way [Applause] it is amazing how god in his great infinite understanding paul said that his knowledge his wisdom is beyond searching you can't plan god you can't strategize you can't strategize him god already says i'm gonna let him be afflicted for 400 years and then i'm gonna use that same nation to enrich you as you come out all right all right ain't he god the same one that would enslave them would be the same one that enriched them he told me said son i'm as interested and where this goal came from as i am what it represents what it really represents what that incest that goes up before god really represents it just don't represent your prayers it represents your prayers and your suffering that instance does not represent lord take me to the store and help me get the right bargain today on this mission whatever's on not that prayer that instance represents all you have been through all your life to serve him that's why in in galatians 5 and 22 we find the fruit of the spirit is love joy peace and oh what's that fourth one long suffering it brings unstoppable adolf hitler can't step without kind of favor no matter what come against you'll always have not to have you'll have in order to lend that's called more than enough hence david could well write because david spent his life in what was called the tabernacle he said i was glad when they said to me let us go into the house lord because every time he looked at that altar of incense and remind him of those either 13 or 17 years that he had to run from saul to become king it represent all the suffering god you can give me the wherewithal to bring down a giant god you can give me the wherewithal to kill a lion and kill a bear over a lamb and i have to run for some 13 plus years from this king even though you anointed me to be king and god said yeah i know to be king but let the incense go up to me every day you sleeping out in the field the incense is going unto me i ain't just hearing your prayer girl god i'm counting your tears i ain't just hearing your prayers i'm seeing how people mistreat you i ain't just hearing your prayer only glory to god i'm noticing everything that you go through in order to be what i've called you to be and i want you to know one day oh folks said it payday it's coming after a while somebody shot great favor so we find in the holy place this altar you notice that it's not just called the incense stand dr owens it's called the altar of insane and ulcers where stuff die on in order to bring a blessing from god you couldn't get your sins forgiven if the priest didn't on the altar outside sacrifice some lamb out there or some bullock out there you got to know how to get the best out your suffering you got to realize god ordained that enemy to talk about you the way they talking about you and to fight you the way they fighting you because god has chosen you to be just a cut above he ain't chosen you just amen get saved and one day die and go to heaven he has chose you to amen to portray his glory on this earth god wants to bless you so that every critic every naysayer every sinner and every hypocrite every person that has ever cursed god will have to look at you and say god is true and god is real he's trying to make you a living epistle [Applause] that's why he calls it that's why it says before you get into the holy of holies amen you've got to come past the altar of incense will your prayers end you're suffering come up before me because i reward them both he is a rewarder of those that oh you don't have no diligence if you don't have no going through you're a very sad saint to fight fight your enemies be upset with somebody when david said don't you know he prepares a table before you and on that table ain't just what he give you but he also brings your enemy in the presence so in the book of revelations we find it it's not in the tabernacle or the temple it's in heaven now john sees it john on all of patamus being in the spirit on the lord's day ain't that good it's good to live your whole week so when you get in the house of god it's easy for you to get in the spirit on the lord's day because you never know what god gonna show you and some things you need to be spiritual in order to receive that you don't let them slip as soon as you walk out of here right now you spiritual folks are bubbling over you can barely sit in that seat waiting on what god and the holy ghost gonna say through your pastor's mouth because ah you've been going through the whole week [Applause] praising god and saying no to temptation and walking upright and now you come to the house of god and you want to say lord is there a word for me opinion gossip yeah i got a word for you [Applause] please now we find this altar of incest where incest and suffering is offered upon find it in heaven and revelations eight and three doctor once please and another angel came and stood at the altar having a golden censer and there was given unto him much incense that he should offer it with the prayers of all saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne before god's throne this is before the mercy seat the one we read of now is before before the throne of all mighty god verse four doctor once please and the smoke of the incense which came with the prayers of the saints ascended up before god out of the angel's hand now now i need to bring you up to date because maybe some of y'all don't read your bible at home to those that do read your bible at home while i'm speaking you can just say amen for those of you that don't crack your bible open you just sit there with your mouth open be it all the eighth chapter of the book of revelation glory to god john has seen what's called the book that no man in heaven on earth could even look at much less open the seven seals that was on it and when john saw that no one was found worthy not in heaven not on earth and the book literally says even under the earth was even worthy to look on the book much less take it out of the father's home hand and open the seven seals and john began to weep john said i wept much because of that but then one of the beasts said to john said wait weep not john for the for the lamb that was slain from the foundation of the world he has prevailed and when john looked up he seen this lamb walk over and take the book out of the father's hand this is our savior christ of course he opens the first seal you know about the first four seals amen the white horse uh amen the black horse the red horse and then the pale horse you know about that are the four first four seals he opens up the fifth seal they see people that were moderate dr owens for the witness of christ how long will you not avenge us he said take these white robes and just rest a while that proved that saints has gone before us are in heaven waiting for us he opens up the sixth seal dr owens and my god he sees where the scripture says that uh the book of revelation not written in chronological order and then particularly this particular chapter of it gives you synopsis of everything and he suddenly sees the end of time and he sees the throne set and he sees all the kings saying to the rocks fall on us and hide us from the face of him that's set on the throne for the day of his wrath has come glory to god amen then he that's the end of all things then then he backs up glory to god and and and says now amen don't touch the earth just yet until we seal up am i taking too long with this you girl tell me seal up because everybody don't read the bible doctor do we seal up amen the 12 tribes 144 000 you know that then we get to chapter eight six seals have been opened but in chapter eight the seventh seal is open and when the seventh seal is open you have to understand the book of revelation in the book of revelations you have to follow the sevens y'all remember that seven seals right did seven trumpets to seven bowls remember that and he opens up the seventh seal watch this and when that when the seventh seal was open the bible says holy writ the holy book says there was silence in heaven about the space of a half hour no chairman's doctor was flying around god saying holy holy no 24 elders throwing their crowns down saying hallelujah can you fathom what cataclysmic event could make heaven go silent for a half hour the seventh seal is being opened in the altar of incense is being lit again heaven is silent listening to all the prayers of the saints throughout all ages saying how long will we be in this corruptable flesh how long before you reconcile all things can i preach how long before this devil and death be cast into the lake of fire how long heaven is silent but the altar of incest is lit with the prayers watch me good now and the sufferings of all the saints here we have it oh god can i give you one more situation of the altar of insist we seen it in the tabernacle we've seen it in heaven but now we want to see it in the temple the altar of incest dr owens is given prominence in the temple when it came time for jesus to be conceived before jesus could be conceived john would have to be conceived he's not only the forerunner of him just ministerially but he is the forerunner of him in priesthood moses was of the tribe of levi and john will be of the tribe of levi zechariah his father who was married to elizabeth they were what's called a barren couple all their lives elizabeth like sarah could never conceive and like rebecca and like hannah and in their sufferings and glory to god he was yet a priest and at that time there were 52 order a priest a man could be a priest and never get a chance to minister in the temple because there were so many they put them in orders but the book says dr owens that his lot came up which means that they didn't take them alphabetically they threw a lot to find out who's going to like the menorah who's going to light the altar of incest who's going to replace the bread on the table of shoe bread no coincidence but god had ordained it that zechariah's lot will come up on that particular day because he's got an appointment with gabriel i got a word for somebody this coming today your lot is gonna come up because you got an appointment with an angel called destiny [Music] pre-planned blessing even though god has made you to wait even though god has made you suffer while you wait even though god has taken care of you while you waited but kept you from being satisfied as you waited could not be satisfied kept saying i know but this ain't it this ain't it and this ain't it either god of god but i got something down on the inside of me telling me to go ahead go ahead to what i don't know what i'm going to put something down up in here [Music] y'all take it amen why is is that something down on the inside there i don't know who lit the altar of incest from me but it puts something down on the inside i don't know if my grandmother who prayed and had 11 children and 10 of the boys were preachings and she said god if i ever have any offspring i want you to choose them i don't know who lit that but man i i got destiny with the altar of incest some of my forefathers suffered greatly that this man of god would stand one day and god could give him that kind of favor [Applause] zechariah didn't know that his his day had come he didn't realize that he went in to minister to the altar of instance his lot fell on him that that would be his duty this day the book said that the great multitude was outside while he was inside they were out there praying he went in and he is he was approaching the altar of incest he is shocked because there stood on the right side of the altar of incest gabriel the angel and it scared him because it wasn't supposed to be nobody else in there but him glory to god but gabriel literally says to him fear not glory to god because you and your wife are gonna have now what's called gladness y'all been waiting all your life the books that they were blameless according to the law y'all been living for god the way you live for god even though god ain't gave you what you've been praying for all these years but you're about to get it but i'm not just gonna give you a baby zechariah i'm not just gonna give you amen amen glory to god uh uh amen a baby boy i'm gonna give you one that even jesus was said out of all the men that's born of women there is none greater than john the baptist zechariah you may have been waiting a long time but i come to give you what's called great favor he said not only will this boy make you glad but he's going to make many glad lord i can't preach it good enough it's kind of like the wine at cana when jesus went to the wild to the wedding at cana they had ran out of wine i don't know about you but now the church now has run out of wine there ain't the anointing that is around like it used to be around hey man glory got it man this pandemic has drained what little bit was left in there folk don't even want to come to church no more and ain't my god can i preach that to us it ain't it it's not the virus it's the devil the virus may be the excuse but it's really the devil keeping you from wanting to come to the house of god it has drained out all the wine declared a god glory to god and mary sat down a whine and jesus said woman what i got to do with you now he said this ain't my hour and she didn't say nothing to him she turned and said to whatever he tell you to do you do it please be seated and jesus did for zechariah what the lord is about to do for somebody in this room somebody lives screaming glory to god he said yeah i'm gonna make some wine but it's gonna be like some wine you ain't never tasted before if i could preach good to somebody spiritual i'm telling god's getting ready to do something for you that ain't been done before i know you want to remake you want to do over you want to remix god said i ain't remixing nothing i'm going to do for you what you ain't seen before ain't have not been done before he said these are the end days and my glory had been waiting a long time [Music] the hook up what the altar of incense i would praise him right there [Music] bless you please be seated [Music] second place left on luke 1 and 8 of 1-11 please uh-huh 1-11 and there appeared unto him an angel of the lord standing on the right side of the altar of incense read the word and when zachariah saw him he was troubled and fear fell upon him but the angel said unto him fear not zacharias for thy prayers is heard and thy wife elizabeth shall bear thee a son and thou shall call his name john and thou shall have joy and gladness and many shall rejoice at his birth many shall rejoice at his birth you just put that in your little spiritual doggy bag and take that home with you and just go home and kick the door open i don't mean literally but just figuratively kick that door open and jump up in that place and yell at your little apartment your little town house your house or whatever you got i said hey ho devil you have got to go with all of your depression trying to worry my mind out telling me i'm too old to be blessed the devil is a liar i got a word from the lord god has made me wait because what he have is great i didn't mean to rhyme but god has made me wait because what he has is clap your hands and loving god bless you about my page three dr owens now we fast forward a little bit to moses is on the backside of the mountain he sees a bush that is burning but would not be consumed there's an angel in that bush anthropology is what is called is when angels speak for god it's called anthopathy and theological terms there's an angel in that bush and he draws nine and the angel speaks to him out of the bush and says take your shoes off because the place you stand the place you stand is a holy place and the bush you see burning is like the altar of instance and i'm about to give you a great anointing that bush you seen burden that got your attention i want you to in days to come i want you to make a golden altar of incense and it's to burn perpetually like this bush and it's going to be in a holy place but since the tabernacle's not built yet i'm making this the holy place take your shoes off off of you what has protected you [Music] or the most tender place the bottom of the soles of your feet from the rocks because now you're going to tread on the hot places because now i'm giving you what's called great favor great for it i just want to talk to some people that have seen the bush burning but never understood it you're drawn to it like a moth is drawn to the light the glory of god but you can't understand why your life has gone the way it has gone you can't understand why you're going through been kept back from never had certain things that you believe you've been paying tight but just can't get that breakthrough the way you want it's the bush oh that's burning it's the altar of incest and god said just go through one more thing uh just endure one more thing just let them lie on you one more time glory to god you're gonna find glory to god there's something getting ready to bust lord help me god oh let me hurry um bottom of page 3 says dr owens and this is now what god says to moses at the burning bush this is amazing because it's just like some 600 years before god tells abraham yeah they're going to be afflicted by people that will enslave them but i'm going to bring them out with great substance 3 and 20 says dr owens please and i will stretch out my hand and smite egypt with all my wonders which i will do in the midst thereof and after that he will let you go he will let you go read and i will give this people favor in the sight of the egyptians and it shall come to pass that when you go you shall not go empty they talking at the burning bush ain't down to egypt yet read doctors please but every woman shall borrow of her neighbor look out and of her that sojourneth in her house reed jewels of silver and jewels of gold and raiment and you shall put them upon your sons and upon your daughters and ye shall spoil the egyptians now when he says you shall borrow if you go back i went back into hebrew looked at the word borrow that word borrow is not talking about how we talk about borrow when we borrow something we would full intentions well you're supposed to have full intentions to pay the person back or the institution back that's borrowed but this hebrew word lily means ask he said all y'all got to do now is just go and ask the egyptians and they're going to load you down amen with gold silver jews raymond and god said you're gonna have so much you can't carry just load it on your kids put on your back lord god cause you're gonna totally spoil the egyptian you're gonna spoil them like an invading army but you're not invading you are escaping you ain't stealing you just asking you ain't got to rob them hey man you ain't got to steal amen you ain't got a shoplift yeah you cannot just go to the fight you ain't got to sell drugs you ain't got to get whirly hey man hey man you're going to be in a position where you can just walk it and say god told me to tell you give it up give it up i know it used to be yours but it's going to be mine give it up guys and i'm taking you a land that you don't even own the hittites the jebusite the canaanites but they have to give it up [Music] because my greatest blessing is when i take it from your enemy and give it to you lord help me somebody shout give it up i'm closing i gotta go to my seat please be seated exodus 12 and 32. yeah yeah now you heard abraham said you heard the angel out of the burning bush say it amen let's hear what pharaoh says 12 32 says doctor also take your flocks and your hers as ye have said and be gone get out and bless me also and while you're going pharaoh said would y'all pray for me it's good when you spoil in your enemy taking everything that he got and as you walk it out the door with his stuff he said oh by the way as you go would you turn around and ask the god you sir i ain't preaching good enough i'm talking to somebody that's been under the thumb of other folks i'm talking about somebody that's been misused overlooked on the job overlooked maritally overlooked on every side of your life glory to god amen gloria and then you ain't got to steal nothing glory to god they gonna give it to you but as you walk out the same one that talked about you the same one that lied on you the same one that went to your balls falsely about you the same one that caused you so much pain up by the way [Music] by the way by the way i know i've been your enemy but by the way uh since god been so merciful to you would you be merciful to me and i'm telling you amen i'm getting ready to pray for my enemies i'm getting ready to be like job when god gave job twice as much but he made them friends come back and say now job will have to pray for you in order for you to get your breakthrough y'all ain't saying nothing up in here that's when god gives you what kind of favor [Applause] [Music] pray my strength on the lord [Applause] come on if you just not only believe it but you receive the word put your hands together and let's thank god come on for his report we heard his report this morning come on and let's put our hands together and thank him and let's let's appreciate didn't have to do it but he did and come on you better thank god for the conduits of what she did it through thank god for leadership preaching teaching the word of god and touching touching our lives touching some of the most sensitive areas of our life called suffering when he touches and puts his hand god's word touches suffering it's like a salve it begins to heal but see when you ain't been through anything or as my mom likes always saying when you haven't suffered forth righteousness sake and i'm talking about the old mess that you didn't got yourself into this word really is null and void for that but for those that have suffered for righteousness sake god takes his word and he puts a self to it and he begins to heal he begins to heal those places that are dry and looking to be almost unfertile but god in his power would just speak a word and bring forth life today i want to give you the opportunity i need you to embrace what this message was all about today the altar i need you to take time and if i were you i would not ask anything amiss right now but god if there is and you allow this altar of incense to go up again i would make my prayer count right now i would not ask him stuff frivolously i certainly wouldn't ask him of things foolishly but god i'm asking right now for things that matter to my destiny to purpose god even if it's a nevertheless not my will kind of an ass i'm on my knees and i'm making this all to count god many of us have things that are gone up before you some things that are mysteries that's why we speak in tongues we don't even know how to pray as we ought god there are some things that god only groanings can do because that's out of our suffering it's not out of our complaint but god out of our suffering we're mourning and groaning like the earnest expectation of the creature we are we're groaning we're and then some guy lord we're just bringing back the word god you said you said and you're not a man that you should lie know the son of man that you need to repent god you said he said i have it you said i'll be it you said i'll possess it you said you rebuked this for your name you would rebuke whatever this is that's coming up against me so right now in this room if you're in your home wherever you're at right now take a moment i cannot give you the prayers this is your incense and i dare you right now to take full advantage of this altar of this live stream right now and i will tell you to open your mouth don't be quiet don't be silent if you gotta put it out in an oh god if you have to put it out in tongues if you have to just remind god you said father you said lord just said if you know that you've fallen from grace and where you ought to be this is a moment to let those incense come up and just i'm sorry god i've missed it god i need you god help me we're going to take a few seconds and i'm going gonna tell this room in here it shouldn't even be this quiet at least your instance ain't going up to god but i would open my mouth i would take a time of intercession come on if heaven gets silent again just for even 30 seconds god i want your my prayers to be heard i don't want to be so prideful and so shame and i don't want anyone here but god i'm opening my mouth come on i'm pouring myself out like an altar i'm pouring myself out like incense on the altar help me if that's your prayer right now tell them help me god save me god deliver me god free me god i need you my mind needs you my heart needs you god this situation needs you god help come on i feel somebody needs to call out god help god when i don't even have any other words to say help help god help god help god strengthen me again i'm not supposed to say i'm tired so i'm asking that you strengthen me again help me god help me in the weakest areas of my life help me god and the fragile areas of my life help me in the most vulnerable places of my life help me god help me god help me you better take advantage of it because it ain't like this at home you better take advantage of it because grace ain't always afforded god this next decision is crucial help help god this next location in destiny is crucial help god got this next thing god i need jesus i need jesus i need jesus i need jesus god take these tears and interpret it i need you i need you i need you i need you i need you god i need you like i've never needed you before if you're not saved just quickly say lord forgive me for everything everything i've done that's wrong i'm sorry and i'm tired come into my heart and save me i believe jesus is the son of god he died that i could live and i receive him as my lord and my savior the bible says if you call upon the name of the lord now this should be everybody because everybody's jesus means something it needs something it's desperate for something if you call upon the name of the lord he'll save you come on with all your heart calling his name jesus come on call him jesus jesus jesus oh you're calling out of like it's just this just happened to be but god i'm calling out of desperation jesus jesus jesus jesus thank you for another chance and thank you for another opportunity there's one other incident that goes up to god and it's the praise of god's people i'm gonna ask that you stand to your feet and that you don't praise god mediocre but you give god everything and hold nothing back on this day of thanking him for his word on this morning thanking him for his report on this morning thanking him for mercy thanking him for grace not looking at me but looking unto the author and the finisher of our faith can we open our mouths and give god a great [Music] praise [Music] ah that's it put those hands together jesus and give the lord some praise up in here what a word from the lord two powerful words whereof we are glad can we praise him just one more time yes yes what a word what a word from the lord come on i like that life and favor he brought me out come on did he bring you out this morning did the lord bring you out this morning oh yes he did what a word from the lord um that's not nothing you can forget you should not forget that word two words and the word that god spoke to us this morning what were those two words not just favor but great favor and bishop emphasizes the altar of incense and you know incense is like a sweet perfume any time you go to god in prayer and you go to the altar of incense it's like a sweet it represents a sweet prayer that goes up to god he receives it because to go to the altar means that you come in sincerity you come in truth you come in humility you don't come in the flesh telling god what you did and you know that god don't want to hear you because what you did is nothing you don't ever go to god lord i've done this and i've paid you and i've done this and i did this for it you no no no when it's the altar of incense you come down as a humble servant and said lord i'm nothing and i can't be nothing except you help me i've been praying and asking you lord but it's been a long journey lord i don't mind suffering but it's been hard lord and lord if you just give me strength one more time lord i'll keep on serving because my righteousness filthy rag but you're everything but you pray like that to god and you humbled yourself before and see yourself as an unprofitable servant after a while god will put a word in the man of god step in and say you're suffering ain't for nothing you're suffering because i'm about to give you great favor and the only way you can get great favor is you got to go through some great suffering come on he ain't forgot you but he's allowed it to work out for your good bishop talked about abraham and we all sing that song father abraham and many sons many sons had father abraham i am one of them and so are you so let's okay now you singing that song about abraham that's because of what he suffered you wouldn't be singing that after you didn't suffer through that that's pretty that's a pretty song but it ain't wasn't a pretty going through abraham had to leave his family yeah family that would you just so loving so abraham had to leave everything that he had god said get up and get away from your family and go to a place that you ain't never been before as a matter of fact you don't know exactly where you're going but i want you to go because i told you to go and the bible said because he believed god it was counted to him as righteousness abraham leaves everything everybody going to a place where he didn't even really know where he's going and the bible says on his way there god you send the man there and he don't even get there until he runs into a famine how could you be sending me here and you now let me suffer for the famine the bible said he goes down into egypt waiting for this famine to get through y'all don't know nothing about no famine most of us in here most of y'all in here got too much weight on you anyway you ain't famine you ain't this man was in a famine lack of food you don't know nothing about that the bible says when he goes down that he has the weight down in egypt only for him to get there and god says abraham i'm going to make a great nation of you he said you can count the sand of the sea or count the stars in heaven that's how much i'm a bless you abraham receives that then god put the man in the sleep and said now your descendants you don't have any your descendants gonna suffer 430 years in in bondage what kind of blessing is that from god that's suffering he gets up and you know he tells me over 430 years when he gets up now he left everything went to a famine god given this dream only for him to get there and find out amen it's been 14 years and god and gave the man a son he got a word no son no nothing sarah tries to help him out now you remember abraham said the lord i love you so much take my take just take my servant eliezer let my seed come through eleazar god said i didn't tell you the seed was going to come through eleazar i told you it's going to come from your seed i'm going to play all right so 14 years he has isaac he comes out ishmael so he loves ishmael and he has them from the bond woman now god god i'm talking about suffering that's why when you sing in that song you're singing more than father abe this man suffered before god the bible says after he gives him ishmael through uh his bond woman the me the boy got a problem with his wife sarah that she's one that started he goes in there and now this is abraham now you know abraham don't have any children you 86 years old and you having your first son for the first time getting ready to have sarah said i don't like him i don't like him he's out here mocking the first time she tells she's mocking me and this mother that he's got this bond woman amen hey guys she's sitting here amen and she thinks she's better than me abraham said i i hadn't waited all this time i'm 86 years old and now my wife can't get along with my son and he goes to god you know what god says do whatever she say oh i like that bishop he said whatever she tells you to do that's what you do so abraham reluctantly says go ahead uh sarah send him away he sends him away and and hagar she suffers so much till she comes back but after she didn't come this is abraham the father abraham we're talking when he comes back the lord says i'ma still give you a son and god finally gives abraham the promised seed which is isaac when he gets isaac the bible says when isaac is weaned see the reason i know this story bishop was reading this downstairs and i didn't even know i'm upstairs reading about abraham and i didn't even know he was going to talk about it that's why i'm so fluent in this but the bible i'm talking about suffering i'm talking about see some people want to reign jesus said you if you suffer with me you reign with him i didn't understand it because the bible said after he gets him after he gets him he finds out that ishmael now isaac is being weaned so he had to be like three or four years old here comes ishmael making fun of him bishop told the story knocking him on the head i don't know what he was doing but his mother didn't like it she said matter of fact this boy is not going to be raised with my son he's jealous of them he's got a problem with him and i'm not going to let nobody jealous be raised in the house with my son abraham goes back to god he says all right get rid of them get rid of them abraham now has to take isaac and it grieves him it grieves him there he takes him and gives him some water i don't know what i don't know how that was helping but he gives him some water and he leaves with just some water and abraham is grieved and that with ishmael ishmael leaves he don't see him anymore this man didn't he didn't gave his he didn't left his country he's given up all that he know he's lost his first son he couldn't have his up he couldn't have eliezer for it to be his inherit now he's at the fact god took him now all of a sudden he has isaac look how much god took from him before he became the great man look at all god took from all the suffering he he finally gets isaac he finally gets isaac he don't have a son no more you didn't take them god reiterates if you go back to read the story he says now abraham i want you to offer up your only son and if you read the chapter he tells them three times your only son your only son okay i heard you got no your only son i want you to offer your only son the bible said he takes early in the morning he gets up and take ishmael i'm sorry isaac the promisee you didn't take takes the boy and i thought he just walked you know down the field but the bible said for three days for three days he walks with isaac knowing that he's about to get his only son up walking with him he takes the he takes the wood and puts it on eyes on his shoulders walking up three days now can you imagine having to kill your own son and you got to have them in your hand for three days three days he gets there makes the altar puts isaac on the altar takes the knife and gets ready to kill him and the angel of the lord shows up and tells him amen not to slay him for now god knoweth that you love me more than anything and when he goes through these things that's what makes abraham a great man of god makes him have the great favor that he has of god i want to encourage you today i don't care what's going on in your life what you didn't get what you should have god would get if you stay with the lord if you suffer with the lord if you keep on doing what god have called you to do don't worry about what other folks is getting and how fast they're going up god said when i make you favorites or when i give you great favor there is nobody that can take the greatness or the favor from you when it comes from god come on i received that word on this morning i receive it because he was talking to me all right you know what i i don't think i think most people ain't believing this bishop because they don't feel like that's talking to them well if it's talking to 12 of us i'm going to be in the 12. if you can figure it out then he ain't talking to you on we thank god for the word of blessed word and the blessed all to call put those hands together give it back to bishop draws i feel like it's i feel like the word today has more post on it then free man it's not like we uh preaching it to tell somebody okay now you're getting ready to go through for a long time we talking to folk that then gone already went through already then had lies and everything and then put up and on and on we trying to let somebody know and sister sanderson you next in line oh glory to god for the first shall be last but you that's been last for a long time you bout to be somebody clap your hands and go to loving god all right mercy we're getting ready to go on my dismission but i can't what's what's that old that old um i think we were singing them plumbers and i can't even i keep hearing these lyrics go through my man you know remember those lyrics i said uh whatever it is it won't last too long god what's that you can make it you can y'all can't sing you can make yes [Music] you can make good all right [Music] y'all man we should sing that back at plumbers and we would turn around and say tell somebody you can remember [Music] [Music] those tries you can make it put those hands together and know you can make it and you will make it you will make it great favor with great suffering amen we thank god for the word of the lord on this morning and just want to encourage you on this particular palm sunday i have a special message if you go back there'll be a special message on youtube today concerning palm sunday that i wrote just for you so all you have to do is go down to the link in description and you'll find the special message that i have for you on palm sunday amen god bless you we love you be encouraged and always remember to get calm because god is taking care of me and you of course we'll see you tonight for divine discoveries we're going to have a blessed marvelous time on tonight and we're going to be talking about betrayal amen if you've been going through some things or suffering and know somebody that needs to hear that i promise you this service on tonight on betrayal is going to bless your socks off or bless your stockings off whatever amen god bless you we love you and we'll see you tonight lords will you
Channel: Immanuel's Temple
Views: 998
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: great favor, great favor of god, great favor from god, gods great favor, favor from God sermon, favor from the Lord sermon, how to have favor from god 2021, great favor bible study, i have favor with god and man, having favor with god and man, is favor, what is favor of god, i need more favor, five times more favor and provision, provision 2021, great provision 2021, great provision, immanuels temple, sunday morning service 2021, full service 2021, Gerat favor
Id: AXW43xp5ulo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 32sec (5012 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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