Gravity Falls Season 2 Episode 11 and 12 Group REACTION | Tale of Two Stans

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episode 11 and 12 of gravity falls h man is laughing even more because he said he can't help it when i do the intro because he's like what is happening he's speaking words he's being loud h man are you ready for the [ __ ] apocalypse editor we got a sense of that yeah what he seems grunkle says how many seems i am really excited for to find out the machine in the basement i need to know yeah yeah you know yeah then click hurry up and click play you know what else hit the like button subscribe yeah patreon early thinking but it's [ __ ] get ready it's already starting let's go what is this liquid can't be too careful with this stuff it's grunkle stan okay oh now the timers are sunk up uh-huh oh are we gonna have the the from the intro when they're floating yeah maybe it's time uh-huh let's look another dimensionally bro if this is happening now it's about to get crazy oh man mcgucket oh no i just i wish i knew what he was trying to achieve i know everything changes today so bro the way they handled that i i want to go back and see the book it flipped through a lot of those pages mm-hmm i want to know i think it's probably just going to be a lot of pages we've seen already if i had to guess h-man's just like [ __ ] you we're not rewinding yeah we're not gonna do it now okay okay he's like i don't care i want to know what happened we can always go back after okay that's charlie that's true those dangerous illegal fireworks without me without me yeah you see how far his hat sits down though it completely covers like his forehead like he does it does go low your head is bigger than grunkle stands i can't confirmed absolutely do you have a permit hey look look see they just they just do their best like when they get owned they take it not just a great uncle the greatest uncle damn they beamed right in the head right in the face [Laughter] plenty of summer left oh he doesn't want them to leave something i should tell you do you think it's going to go to like back in time i or freeze time i'm going to sooner or later what what is that ladybug oh [ __ ] no it's a get down oh no target secure take the house what i yo this escalated way more than i was expecting not the window come on thanks again somewhere hidden in this shack is a doomsday device nah grunkle standing evil he wouldn't try and like end the world he just wants money man oh that's cruel he's gonna look that is whoa he took her icy pop into work break down the door or maybe not not worth the part-time job no no no you don't let them touch that machine time for a repair damn to become a repair man let's go see this just put one in my mouth [Laughter] [Applause] that that's a ripoff of uh punkt maybe yeah yeah i punked yeah charity with ashton kutcher yeah that's the mystery shack surveillance tapes we could prove oh no we just need to think of a way out of here it would prove as innocent but it would also cause other issues yeah interesting bumper sticker [Laughter] oh that's amazing you're lucky you're alive dude i mean he survived a zombie apocalypse your uncle scammed the whole world that's [ __ ] up that's [ __ ] up what god damn the power of twins right it's just a baby-sized earthquake ah baby sized that town their brains are [ __ ] what [Laughter] [Music] it's so funny that he's like he's got it partially back but he's still just [ __ ] in the head or is it a face i think metaphor oh my god she still has it uh-huh a grappling hook forever always always grappling hook gift shop tuesday not for that long oh no stan you didn't to the next camera find out about the vending machine waffles wait i'm alone [Laughter] oh [ __ ] what is all this trying to hide your real identity well he's a scam artist yeah well true you're not wrong that sounds like that was a hit no i think i think he is i think that crash happened and maybe he like walked away from it you know but like give me a pause real quick yeah i don't know so that that seemed like that was trying someone was trying to kill him because it said like literally they gave you every like stereotype scenario breaks cut this you know the car crash fiery death like well i feel like he i feel like that's a fake death like like because look it says it's four miles from the highway so like i feel like that is easy like that that's like but they also have like unnamed like they show him so i'm assuming whoever that i i don't know man this is getting wild which side of the pines are we on here like is this stan or did he fake his death but the real question is if because the the the government took him into custody yeah so they should already know that he isn't stan pines because stan pines died unless like it's been i don't know like it got overlooked all right all i'm gonna say got this thing hidden read read the bottom of the of that the paragraph right there mighty says it says yeah so it's the rookie cop so i think it's i think it's the old man sheriff guy who got done in by being called lame like i don't expect top-notch investigation from you from those cops in gravity fall like i'm just saying it like it's it's easy to bamboozle them c3 i've never seen a code like this wait i have the vending machine oh [ __ ] we're down to 13 minutes how long does it take to unlock handcuffs what the [ __ ] bruh hey we've known about his badass boxing skills for a while i know but like what crazy what the [ __ ] what is happening he stole the wallet you won't get away with it see cryptostan just wants money in about to go to the basement oh bruh this is about to get rid of like what happens when the timer hits zero i don't think it's something so bad you know legally got adopted by stan jr finally finally we're here boys we're here and next episode dan's gonna make it back just in time they're all y'all all gonna be there when it happens it could be a time traveling thing and maybe he's trying to save somebody i don't know maybe i can't believe it was anything he said to us real why would he have those journals damn he's the author oh [ __ ] yeah paul yeah pause that what what literally a doomsday device yeah it literally is but i think maybe he's trying to stop it the machine was meant to create knowledge it just it might it might do damage it's like you know it's like when they do experiments with like particles it's like this could create a black hole but then they turn on anyways and everyone's like uh well guys ah this dude this is insane i was not ready for this i thought that episode 10 and beyond that it was gonna get crazy but i wasn't ready for this it must not fall into the wrong hands well let's find out the clock ever reaches zero our universe is doomed why are there so many switches i think to make it complicated to give struggle stand time to get there no don't touch that button if you just let me explain oh oh no brace yourselves [Music] oh my no mabel trust grunkle stan no i don't know why but i just i trust him i have a new mission now protecting these kids yes oh my god i don't know press the red button gonna hear some bad things about me and some of them are true but trust me everything i've worked for everything i care about it's all for this family mabel what if he's lying this thing could destroy what is on dipper's head yeah what is that look into my eyes mabel you really think i'm a bag it's like a constellation remember that's his birthmark oh yeah i trust you is she gonna get pulled into the anomaly i hope not but she looks like a badass floating like that oh yes she did [Music] oh oh oh no [Music] what what did it do i don't know it opened the portal it opened again is that going to be the real stan pines from the future i don't know maybe oh it's the office what his brother one of us faints oh i am so [Applause] oh i'm gonna look up that all right let's look up the cyphers before we do the next episode okay okay okay i don't know why i feel like with how intense it's getting i i feel like we should that that's wow so he is he is their grunkle yeah i think so but his maybe he's not stan maybe his brother was stan has the government been chasing him so much like that maybe they opened the portal one time as kids and then he got locked in the promotional video entitled gravity falls police station audio grunkle stan laments part one of three the cryptogram can be seen decoded using the caesar cipher backwards as the decoded word in the result oh god and the result as the cryptogram it translate to stanley is real um in the promotional so then there's a part i don't know we're gonna have to look up whatever these promotional police audio things are um but this one decodes gideon here there's other things that say my compass goes haywire the closer i get to them does this mean i what i think it does the answer may be underground uh government government but like government uh the original mystery twins referring to stan and his brother stan's license plate on his cars s-t-n-l-y mbl 33 30 years and now he's back the mystery in the mystery shack yeah we're here oh all right let's go i'm ready yeah you should keep her oh [ __ ] backstory dad whoa it's so creepy in here triangle bro literally a perfect look at look at the cut on the top of it too stanley and stanford so they their names are like the same too yeah bruh this can i get like did either of you guys think it was gonna get this crazy when we started watching this i did not predict a twin brother who was the author no no i like i expected the madness that we get on you know most episodes but this overarching story has been so good wendy just walking away from the shack earlier still one of the funniest moments mm-hmm just like some new pictures yeah they added the him holding the book yeah you could tell it was like a young stan oh damn grateful don't expect me to mabel here quick question what the heck is going on mabel here stan you didn't tell me there were children down here and some sort of large hairless it's a damn they're your family charming's grandkids full finger friendlier than normal i like this kid she's weird i i can't believe it author of the journals i'm waiting for so long to meet you i don't know what to say calm down different calm down [Laughter] what have you been doing all these years your knucklehead yeah uncle stan no more you took my name what's last shard beach new jersey island interesting they're from jersey possibly haunted by pirate ghosts this is the greatest thing i've ever seen and i once saw a dead rat floating in a bucket what the [ __ ] you know new jersey they're so sunburned oh god i just wonder if there's anywhere in the world where weirdos like me fit in that's how he ends up in gravity falls to the principal's office oh no they got caught cheating or not or probably one of them is incredibly gifted the other one is standing outside this room and his name stanley what are you saying damn that's [ __ ] up yes your son may be a future millionaire mr pines i'm impressed oh she'll have one son here in new jersey forever oh damn that's funny i guess you better come visit me on the other side of the country oh without force is he gonna sabotage it dynamic duo i couldn't make it out there probably and now you dumb machine oh no oh no no what did i do oh damn he didn't mean to oh no take your west coast tech material no wait don't go i worked so hard oh he's damn it why would i want to do anything with the person who sabotaged my entire future you did what you knucklehead oh damn what's going on take it out of this dump all you ever do oh you make us a fortune you're not welcome in this household what damn holy [ __ ] i'll make millions and you'll rue the day you turn your back on me that's why he's obsessed with money unfortunately so did the chamois only they were chasing me with stanco brand pitchforks what what he this is why he has all the ids yeah that's the rip-off all right i know backups more wasn't anyone's first in choice bug-free dorms i'm sure you're oh god went from undergrad to phd three years ahead of schedule wrote a test it was national things that were odd unusual double dutch improbable and according to god's spider pig or spider cow roadkill county oregon gravity falls roadkill county it's daytime abandoned so that's why they ended up meeting up is stanford coincidentally i was headed to investigate the strange properties of this [ __ ] mystery shack yeah i told you he didn't build the mystery shack or any of the machines yeah but you didn't know it was his brother right but i knew it wasn't him to keep a journal the journals got excited there about the journal yeah yeah yeah you [ __ ] did i began just going to ignore that oh that's the shapeshifter oh damn i decided to call up my old college buddy fiddleford mcgucket old man wasting his talent trying to make personal oh my god be the crowning achievement of my stuff that's just an answer to this i love that we're finally getting this i know his mom was the same way as him what oh no [Music] what is it is it working what did you see oh god fear the beast with just one eye fiddleford get a hold of yourself you're not making any sense yeah it's dangerous i fear we've unleashed a grave danger on the world when i just as soon forget i quit that's why he started zapping his memory yeah he wanted to forget whatever he saw damn the mystery jack looked crazy back then mother in over 10 years wow it's okay who is it have you come to steal my eyes oh oh oh well i'm sorry i just had to make sure you weren't uh it's nothing come in shape shape shifter yeah yeah terrible destruction wait so did he fake his own death because he was so paranoid i think so that would make sense well they only finally want to see me after 10 years and it's to tell me to get as far away from you as possible stealing you that's kind i've been to prison in three different countries i once had to change my way out of the trunk of a car you think you have problems i've got a mullet stanford meanwhile where have you been wanted me to have it so i'll do what i want with it my research how can you how could you want him to get rid of it and then not get rid of it i know right like he kind of got a point i think it's just the idea of it being destroyed is what bothers him like at least if it exists it's like you know his work isn't gone what he's got like a brand oh no oh my gosh but there's not two other books which means that stan is technically the author too right no he made all three it showed through the yeah it showed he made all three ah come [Music] strange spooky experiments it had him before he was a cop trainee oh and those are the ghosts right there oh you're right 15 bucks a person wow [Music] and this is where it began oh oh [ __ ] i can assure you that is in no way permanent i paid 15 oh my gosh [Laughter] wow old me was dead and i faked a car crash to prove it my day oh so yeah i'm trying to bring the real stanford back damn he's been doing this for 30 years oh oh man i was so spellbound by your dramatic tale i forgot all about those dudes same that's it i think i know a way we might be able to defeat those agents he still has that of course wait are they all going to accidentally lose their memory because that is everyone plug your ears i don't think they will sir because i'm trying to like understand where the season goes excellent i don't either i have no idea we have so many left from washington according to this the episodes very real report the power surges in gravity falls were actually meteor shot of here before i have your butts court-martialed uh yes sir apologies sir look at mabel [Music] hey at least it was only one time blast though they'll be fine yeah true wow mind if i ask you a couple billion questions about gravity falls i've been waiting so long to ask questions i mean if you spent an entire summer like i get it like i get it but at the same time dipper's just fangirled so hard he spent an entire summer stan has spent 30 years seuss calls wendy immediately he cleared the next 14 hours give me my house back you give me my name back and this mystery shack junk is over forever you got it you really aren't gonna be are you cause as far as i'm concerned they're the only family i have left what about your sister her their mom i don't well i don't think he's close to them stanley but the first stan was stanford but we didn't know look at wendy's came out of the portal it's three in the morning okay okay i understand anyway act two stand still [Music] dude this is nuts wow i was not ready for this yeah that was the thing now i think the best part about that was like zeus literally did describe it perfectly yeah yeah he he did it's just i can imagine why that would sound confusing at 3am when you're just woken up we have bill cipher triangle um there's literally that's one of them literally bill cipher triangle yeah that's what it says uh another one a stubborn tough new jersey native philbrick wasn't too creative having twins was not his plan so he just shrugged and named both stan uh wow another one sixer um which reveals the message backups more university you tried and then here's the other one um which i think is from before wasn't it my compass goes haywire the closer i get to them does this mean i think it does yeah the answer may be underground so that was in this one again so they're really trying to point us in that direction yeah dude this is why because that's that's what's crazy right it's like yeah where do we go from here i mean how what do we got eight more episodes right twelve so it's 13 14 15 16 17 18 so we have four four four videos eight episodes uh we obviously know bill is still involved bill has made it very clear that he's i think he's on the other hand i think he's on the other side you think that's like he's chilling in that portal yeah like i think i think like he can only come over here when he's like summoned okay i think i think that portal like if it stays open it gives him a way to come over permanently okay i mean it is a triangle literally with a circle yeah yeah the one eye and he said the one-eyed monster would bring the doom yeah because we could we have him we obviously i'm sure are going to hear whatever the hell it happens in that dimension right from ford and i this i don't know i mean eight episodes like when you think about it like gravity followed because you know the entire story is we've only watched 32 episodes so far so like eight episodes is a lot like this is gonna be nuts yeah like the episode we just watched i would have expected to be like episode 19 yeah and then like we get one big yeah one after that to tie up everything like last season though it was like oh 19 20. here you go a little little together so they're kind of just ripping it out from under us they're like nah you're not prepared you're not ready we're gonna find out how much more are we gonna record today i don't know but if you don't wanna wait swing over to patreon you get it early it helps support the channel and helps us edit all these things and and keep the lights on the mics on and all the stuff so we really appreciate it thank you for all so much for the support and be sure to click the like button subscribe for more remember we're doing this we're doing owl house and uh we will be doing that amphibia one that's another one a lot of people are requesting that will that will come at some point i don't know when that's something probably by the time this is on youtube i wouldn't be surprised if we've started it or something we'll figure it out yeah there's a lot there's a lot of comments subscribe to the channel you'll find out all right we need to figure out what's going on ford hi we'll see you later ford bye lord
Channel: Sorta Stupid
Views: 153,268
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, anime podcast, nani no anime, nani no anime highlights, nani no anime podcast, ruffsenpai, seeohknee, gravity falls 2x11 reaction, gravity falls season 2 episode 12 reaction, gravity falls 2x12 reaction, gravity falls, gravity falls season 2, anime reaction, first time watching gravity falls, group reaction, gravity falls season 2 episode 11 reaction
Id: pPCWBTbs8cw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 31sec (1711 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 15 2022
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