Gravitas | Study: Humans can live up to 150 years

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in britain they say long live the queen in india while blessing you elders often say may you live a long life but how long can we really live how long can a human life possibly be the oldest person currently alive is 118 years old her name is kane tanaka she lives in japan's fukuka a woman named jean luis clement has lived the longest till date she was 122 years and 164 days old that's a long life right it seems unimaginable but research says you can live even longer than that it is possible for us to live up to 150 years this is what researchers in singapore and new york have found they say that it has it is between the ages of 120 and 150 that humans display a complete loss of resilience meaning we lose the ability to recover 150 is more than double the world's current average lifespan what is the current average lifespan in the world 72.81 years if you're watching us from india there's bad news for our average lifespan is way below the global average it is currently 69 years so what do we do in order to live longer in 2016 a woman named emma morano was the oldest living person then in 2016 and she was asked the secret of her life her long life and she gave all the credit to eggs murano said and i'm quoting i eat two eggs a day and that's it and cookies but i do not eat much because i have no teeth a lot of books and bestsellers promise the secret to a long life you must have heard of ikigai it's a japanese term it's japanese for a reason for being a book by that name is the current social media favorite it also promises to reveal the secret of a long life now ask the person next to you what must be done in order to live long and you're likely to get an answer on the lines of stop smoking stop drinking and so on but jean clement the oldest person ever only gave up smoking apparently at the age of 120 she said that her secret to long life is olive oil port and chocolate that doesn't mean you should smoke my point is even if there is a secret it cannot be applied universally what does science say let's look at the longevity project it is one of the largest ever studies on life expectancy it says people who are relaxed do not necessarily live longer well then who does people who are prudent persistent well organized they're known as the conscientious people scientists say these people tend to make healthier choices which includes who they marry and where they work the study also burst some popular myths number one do not work so hard and you will stay healthy wrong says the longevity project religious people live longer again wrong thinking happy thoughts reduces stress and leads to a long life wrong get married and you will live longer definitely wrong retire as soon as you can and play more golf to stay healthy and live longer wrong and wrong so when should we retire a neuroscientist was recently asked this question never he answered even if you're physically impaired it's best to keep working never retire the longevity project also says that work stress is not necessarily bad for you several studies show that genetics and diet play a sizable role in deciding how long we live what kind of diet let's look at blue zones what are these places on earth where people consistently live over 100 years which are these places okinawa in japan ikea and greece sardinia and italy nicoya and costa rica and loma linda in the united states now look at this map all of these places are close to the sea what do people living here normally eat 95 of their food comes from plant or plant-based products they also eat a lot of lentils and beans and while they eat fish meat is eaten only around five times a month people living in blue zones also have other things in common and some scientists have listed it out for us this is from a paper in the american journal of lifestyle medicine it says the world's longest lived people do not pump iron run marathons or join gyms instead they live in environments that constantly nudge them into moving without thinking about it they're always active people living in the blue zones grow gardens they have a purpose in life okinawans call it ikigai nikoians call it plan the veda okinawans stop eating when they're eighty percent full they say this mantra is called harahachi boon centenarians in the blue zones put their families first aging parents grandparents they stay at home or nearby and since we're speaking about life expectancy and longevity here's something worth noting your life expectancy changes with age and time and as you age your life expectancy decreases a country's average life expectancy also grows as it progresses this is interesting in the 1800s life expectancy in in india was 25.4 years the average lifespan of an indian in 1950 it was more than 35 years 1980 more than 53 years 1990 57.66 years and now we are at 69.96 years so how can we live longer than our average lifespan i'm afraid i don't have the secret and given a choice i'd say i i would pick a shorter but healthier and more fulfilling life whatever your choice he is wishing all of you good health ryan is now available in your country download the app now and get all the news on the move
Channel: WION
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Keywords: humans, long life, living long, secret of long life, life, reason behind long life, how to get long life, gravitas, gravitas news today, gravitas wion, wion, wion news, wion news today, world, world news, international news, latest english news, english news today, english news, world news today, latest world news, english world news, world news in english, global news
Id: 0m3fcfLfDsM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 43sec (343 seconds)
Published: Thu May 27 2021
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