Gravitas Plus | Ukraine War: Are we heading towards World War III

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hello and welcome to gravitas plus i'm palki sharma padhyaya let's recap this week for you monday russia shells ukraine kiev applies to join the eu tuesday a russian convoy amasses outside kiev ukrainian president zielinski calls on the west to impose a no-fly zone wednesday russia says kerason has fallen to the kremlin an attack on kharkiv destroyed slovenia's consulate building sweden accuses russia of airspace violation 143 countries vote against russia at the united nations thursday massive explosions hit kiev the united nations says more than a million people have fled ukraine where did they go poland romania germany slovakia russia belarus do you notice the pattern here with every passing day this war is becoming bigger with every passing day this war is pulling in more countries here's a thought can you call this a world war is this world war three a british news outlet has a legit page on world war three currently it is flooded with news from ukraine in another part of the world an african politician says that his continent needs world war iii apparently it will be good for africa don't ask me how how many of you recognize this man he is dan quayle a former us vice president he recently said that the world is on the verge of world war iii our geopolitics experts believe we are already in world war iii here's what russia has to say world war three will involve nukes that's russian foreign minister sergey lavrov the british queen reportedly has a speech prepared for world war iii this is what it says i have never forgotten the sorrow and the pride i felt as my sister and i huddled around the nursery wireless set listening to my father's inspiring words on that fateful day in 1939 not for a single moment did i imagine that this solemn and awful duty would one day fall to me but whatever terrors lie in wait for us all the qualities that have helped to keep our freedom intact twice during this sad century will once more be our strength the speech was originally written in 1983 this was at the height of the cold war it was made public in 2013. the day russia invaded ukraine world war 3 was trending on twitter brings me back to my questions is this world war and is this world war three let's place the current war against the definitions and checklists set by history a world war is a war that involves the whole world or at least the majority of it world war one for example involved all of these countries as we speak only ukraine and russia are fighting the rest of the countries are not on the front line so history won't agree if we call the war in ukraine a world war but here's something else that history tells us world wars often start small flashback 1914 on the 28th of june archduke franz ferdinand was assassinated in bosnia he was the heir to the austro-hungarian empire his assassin was a serbian nationalist a month after the assassination austria-hungary declared war on serbia a domino effect followed let's pull that map once again initially only these countries were at war more joined next year and the year after the united states joined the war by 1918 almost all countries are fighting but it all began with just two countries and one assassination so that was world war one what about the second world war flashback 1939 germany invades poland on the first of september two days later britain and france declare war on germany once again it has a domino effect before you know it the whole world is fighting at least 50 million people are dead again it all began with one country invading another so outbreaks need not be massive for a war to pull in more countries even a war between two countries can escalate and become a world war world wars have clear alliances prominent countries are divided world war one had the triple anton and the triple alliance the first side had france russia and britain the alliance had germany austria-hungary and italy world war ii had the axis powers and the allies germany italy and japan were the axis powers france britain the us and the soviet union were the allies at a glance only two countries seem to be fighting in ukraine but if you zoom out you will see a divided world each country has picked aside the united nations general assembly's recent emergency vote is proof the assembly was voting on a resolution it called for the withdrawal of russian troops from ukraine voting for the resolution meant voting against russia and in favor of ukraine 141 countries voted in favor of ukraine the list includes the united states the united kingdom canada and australia four countries voted in favor of russia belarus north korea syria and eritrea 35 countries abstained these countries decided to not take sides to not get involved in a war that's neither of them making nor theirs to fight america too was in a similar position during the first world war initially it kept out of europe's war this was until american interest started bleeding things changed rapidly in 1917 the war had entered its fourth year germany had launched a naval blockade of the uk german u-boats or submarines were placed in key trade routes and tasked with sinking ships carrying essential supplies and raw materials the idea was to starve britain into surrendering between march 16 and 18 german submarines sank three u.s merchant ships there was heavy loss of life u.s president woodrow wilson decided to declare war on germany back to the war in ukraine here's what's happened in the last one week alone on the 2nd of march an indian student was killed in ukraine the same day slovenia's consulate building in kharkiv was bombed on the 3rd of march sweden accused russia of air space violation the same day ukraine said it is welcoming foreign fighters on the 4th of march russia put the entire continent in danger by attacking a nuclear power plant will countries be left with no option but to join this war if their interests or their own people continue bleeding nato is already prepared for an escalation it has beefed up deployment in eastern europe but france maintains it is not at war with russia at least not yet this was the third of march the same day french president emmanuel macron got on a phone call with russian president vladimir putin putin told macron that he wants entire ukraine macron came out of the 90-minute phone call and declared that the worst is yet to come what exactly will the worst look like will it be a large-scale european conflict or a wider armed conflict involving countries from around the world think about it our world is already fighting multiple wars experts believe china's conflict with taiwan will turn into a military conflict sometime in the next decade china is also fighting multiple countries in the south china sea the philippines vietnam malaysia brunei india and china are caught in a standoff there is a conflict between iran and israel iran and the united states the united states and north korea are arch enemies so are the united states and cuba there is also a war in syria a war in yemen israel and palestine are fresh out of a bloody battle the united arab emirates was recently hit by missiles it is hard to rule out that countries or non-state actors will cease on a distracted world and pursue their geopolitical dreams it is hard to rule out that an escalation on the sidelines of ukraine will drag in more countries it is also hard to rule out that the war in ukraine itself will intensify and swallow more nations lavrov was right when he said world war three will involve nukes countries are said to have nuclear weapons today the us russia france china the uk pakistan india israel and north korea in total there are 13 000 weapons enough and more to wipe out our world russia has put its nuclear deterrent team on alert the u.s has postponed the scheduled test of its ballistic missile why perhaps to avoid sending a wrong signal our world cannot afford to go to war earlier this week a campaigner from ukraine confronted british prime minister boris johnson she claimed nato was afraid of world war 3 but said the war had already started but here's the thing one cannot be sure of what lies ahead is this a prelude to world war iii is this the end of the post-cold war era or is this cold war ii that last question was put to you as president joe biden a journalist asked him are we seeing a new cold war it depends said biden from where i'm sitting i see ample signs of a new cold war there are two clear sides one led by the u.s another by russia then there are countries that have chosen to stay out there is talk of a possible world war signs of an escalating conflict and i see a president who refuses to back down well one thing's for sure whichever side our world swings we are entering an entirely new era of geopolitics [Music]
Channel: WION
Views: 2,216,115
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: russia ukraine war, ukraine russia war, russia ukraine, ukraine russia, ukraine, russia vs ukraine war update, russia, russia ukraine conflict, ukraine russia conflict, russia ukraine news, world war 3, russia vs ukraine, ukraine russia news, russia ukraine border, russia ukraine tensions, ukraine war, ukraine vs russia, world war 3 ukraine vs russia, world war, russia war ukraine, ukraine and russia, Taiwan, NATO, Sweden, West, China, Gravitas Plus, Palki Sharma Upadhyay
Id: qjl2QR4t7l0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 24sec (564 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 05 2022
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