GRAVITAS - Kind Of Like Portal But Not And It's FREE

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hey guys welcome awkward intro is awkward we're gonna be playing gravitas grab it grab a table gravitas das my nickname in college we're gonna be playing gravitas graviton to say it we're gonna be playing this game today it's actually a lot of fun I played the first two levels so I thought I'd share it with you if it wasn't any fun I wouldn't have shared it with you so so there you go um it's free it is free to play so that's the best part beefy kids there we go confirm gallery of refined gravity we're in space grab-grab oh oh I forgot I can control this right away pupil pod is now docked this beautiful beautiful space oh how I love me some space depressurizing guys so basically this game is kind of like a puzzle game and as far as I could tell so far that was wild you use blocks to get from point A to B [Music] [Laughter] [Music] using your face that's the way to do it before we go in there let's take a look at these guys this is the feel double Q so I don't know I've only played the first two levels like I said so I don't know if these are actually cubes that you get to use in the game this is the wire cube aesthetically delightful unsuitable for regular regular use in the gallery due to its delicate structure so guessing I don't know I have no idea but let's check them out anyway one good hit can turn this cube into a series of thin cylinders so like it could break it and this is made out of cylinders okay got it which are not remotely allowed in this gallery these cubes now serve primarily as a lightweight decoration and on sunny days a very comfortable hat we've got this one this one's beautiful come on the feel double cube is a scientific marvel made out of love and duct tape the most advanced cube in the gallery you may find them and later exhibits be careful though packing that much technology and a beautiful bundle makes them gorgeous but heavy not unlike elements now elephants on elements getting all scientific and stuff the crimson cube the crimson cube is a powerful superhero in the cube world searching for the villain that killed his parents and took a piece of his head as a trophy his is a tale of revenge and betrayal enhanced by the fact that he is a cube spending his life searching for a smaller cube yeah it's got a piece missing you see that yeah that's what he meant by or it meant by they took a piece of its head and then we have the hollow cube there was a prototype for creating a lighter easier to move cube however somehow she managed to misinterpret the blueprint and now it weighs over 14 tonnes where is the extra weight come from we just don't know all right so there's the hollow cube let's get started here this is gonna be fun guys this is gonna be fun here we go appreciate this so I know what to do but he wants me to do this so you can use the left side of your brain let's do it the theatrics algorithm oh these are one of those that here's the superhero cube and then there's the hollow cube look at that it's beautiful I know all my cubes oh this is a different kind of cube that I didn't get to or this one either interesting bathroom anybody need up body break no just me cool let's keep going room one this is pretty simple I call this one a cinch ascension good this is good three good guys free all right so our goal is to get to the top of this thing be ascension we have to ascend okay so I totally understand what there was something about consent to being observed and recorded there let's take a look around and what we've got we've got this thing right there this field okay we've got this field alright so can I get back up here no I can't oh here we go there's our first step perfect so we got to get to the top there so next what should we do probably this okay then go up here and we see oh look there's a little bit of a gap here well that's not not that's not a problem at all okay now I forgot what I did before aha oh it's got a little yellow things too there we go you could have done that all in one shot okay well back up we go we're gonna do this all in one shot now because we're professionals no we didn't okay so we got here now let's do this this is where the cubes come in so you can preview the gravity fields check the size there's a cube wait a minute how do we get that cube over here well that's pretty easy and self-explanatory done just jump over we're looking good I did it that's level one easy peasy lemon squeezy let's move on to the next okay so we've got to get there clearly we cannot make this jump so we've got to find a way to actually make that happen so let's go back up here and we can see every once in a while there are these cubes there is also these energy fields perfect bringing you goals in sight by disrupting nature scaring deer and confusing the birds judges you we got to wait until that thing comes around it'll get sucked over by this gravity field any second now there it comes perfect okay actually we should probably just leave that there yeah let's just leave it there oh no well it's gonna deactivate on anyway once we activate it again all right so next one okay this one bring that over there now bring that over there and I'll cancel the sky is the best at this little robot okay there we go the curator as he likes to be called then we've got those two guys up there so let me go up here creating ripples that disturb the imagination the wavy imaginary must distract Sudhir who runs away immediately into a tree the fifth stone is a metal stones have now the stones have now all's around there we go and we did it evacuating is now okay so here that's where I left off I have not played after that this could get a bit more time please rise for you I've added a few new things to this next piece to maximize your appreciation of my genius I'm so excited welcome to the second piece of my gallery I call this one and watch your step if you like feet watch your step if you like feet okay now all right let's do this so there's a gravity field it's gonna suck me right in isn't it all right so we probably just have to use this thing yes Bala Q which is good because he has neither skin nor eyes really sensitive okay so wait where are the that's shooting from there right so I'm guessing we just do this uh-huh uh-huh now should we pull it aha yes let's right there can we not pull it out maybe we're a little bit off okay that's fine perfect perfect now how do we where are we supposed to go that is a good question it looks like oh we're supposed to go up there perfect all right so we're in here now Bartholomew is still there the only thing to do here is pull him this way and now drop them this is interesting now can we do this I don't know if this is a thing that we can do let me get on top of this oh yes we can this could get a little tricky though so let me here let's grab this over here and now let's do this what is that let's highlight something okay right there all right so we could technically drop down now but [Music] how are we to get underneath it doesn't look like you can actually pick it up over here let's see let me think about this a little bit well I think actually what am i doing of course let's go this way so if we do this okay let's do this there we go peripheral polka tune you must truly understand why the mind fears death but you also must get in because if you fall in you die these jokes okay so let's do this can I go under this I can can I do this can I go underneath the thing aha okay good [Music] perfect uh-oh oh right there bonus room three look at these cubes there's a lot of cubes and I haven't seen any different ones so maybe we're just gonna oh that's that's adorable that's the exact same model just slightly smaller [Music] hey listen buddy all right so we do this that's not really doing so we got to just destroy some glass I think methinks is this the exit right there probably so let me think here okay okay [Music] beautiful this guy is amazing okay so now we're here looks like we've got to go over there hit a switch now the question is how do we get over there and I'm guessing that switch will release that cord and will break the glass below it but that's just a guess that's where I came in so I think maybe I have to actually jump on this thing but then know uh if I put a energy field there or gravit gravitates up me towards it but then I can't really do anything after that so maybe we'll do this right at the bottom I don't know if this is gonna work hmm it does not seem to work so how about this can we stand this looks like it could be a platform Oh nailed it okay I could just jump it's more glass okay I think we gotta like really really let it have it here nice I don't know what's going on I don't know why he's freaking out beautiful okay it looks like I could just do this uh-huh look at that guys we are so smart SMRT more cubes adorable more plants more bathrooms do they have a bathroom at every stop that's very okay I see so how does this work oh I can move the cube and then I can use the q I got it Oh interesting all right okay so it looks like that works all right okay that's kind of cool sounds like fun so let's get this up there okay so let me think here let me drop it let me do this oh that sucks it towards it though I don't want that I want to go that way so let me think here is this this is where the cube comes up I guess I have to have it down here somewhere okay all right all right okay uh oh I can do that let's get this thing up let's push this I have a feeling oh it just grabs a new cue and it breaks the old one okay so we got to break that glass it seems pretty easy done okay now can I can I bring it back here is there a there's no gravity field there so maybe we hit the button get another one oh there's one of those guys too right there and now can we all right okay let's see if this does anything for us here can't really stop staring at me like that alright alright alright let's break them both so we just have to I think all we have to do is that's probably good right there okay now now I think I got it so if I switch positions here the problem is I need this guy to pull that guy so let me let me do that okay and now let me do I don't want both room let's cancel this perfect okay now this uh-huh now drop now here we go done look at that guy's I think that's it that seemed a lot less difficult there at the end like I thought I thought that was gonna have like a whole bunch of stuff maybe I did something wrong so I'm going to build a new piece just relax here meet some cute fancy and I'll let you in when it's ready there's food in the bathroom just wash your hands cube drill [Applause] Oh what is happening here 12 okay that is amazing all right let me go over here now we cannot yet in the way of this thing it will murder us because it's heavy um okay so let's I think we got to drop that down on the ground actually which is kind of a bummer because I think we got to go wait a minute we can't go yes we can we can go back we can go back go back oh I forgot I was gonna get murdered by lasers interesting so I talked it over there actually got an idea okay alright like this I don't think I can make this jump though um this is an interesting oh I almost fell right off this is an interesting one I don't even know where I'm supposed to go I'm supposed to go right there actually so I somehow have to get this thing over here hmm and how do we do that oh oh the lasers okay nevermind that's cool uh okay got to think about this one a little bit too wait a minute wait a minute I could shoot through glass I forgot that part oh god this guy's the greatest okay so now we have to get there so I'm guessing we got it that's what I'll do I'll completely know you so so I'm guessing how to make this [Music] okay okay so can I do this I think that's what I wanted so I wonder if I can drop them this may have been yet it's getting kind of lonely all right it's really dark in here oh these are lasers more lasers many many lasers perfectly polished work but now that I have your attention I have another surprise for you I decided that I'm going to keep you here oh no so long story short I've been struck by fantastical inspiration by my experiences with you I'm feeling a new phase coming on a phase of constant and rapid iteration an agile sort of methodology if you will allow me to explain in the past the process of creating a piece and refining it to the point where I'm not ashamed of showing it to people eventually just turned into a waterfall of tears but since you've come here I've been starting to suspect that my work obtains dramatically more meaning when viewed it's weird but bringing in new pupils is a very costly and time-consuming process because someone just had to have a gallery in space I need as many views as possible as such I'm just going to keep you here it's brilliant I'll make a new gallery every week and have you experience it now to smooth your transition to full time appreciate or I'm going to set you up in one of the small one-bedroom apartments inside of my special blue cubes you may have seen them around they are the peak of efficiency as there is exactly enough room for you to fit inside of each one so very exciting he's crazy it's crazy I contact okay so I think I've got to do something here there isn't anything for me to grab I can't travel through glass myself I wonder I wonder hmm what do I do here this is a this is a bit of a confusing one we gotta get through here somehow or through there somehow or maybe both okay so now I'm in here oh oh oh they're coming down oh they're coming down there we go this is the main room that sounds fun check it out do I just go this way Oh cubes oh there there ye [Music] oh that was really good that was really good guys it's a free game go ahead experience it yourself if you've watched this entire video now you know how to solve all the puzzles so maybe that's why you're here maybe you want to know how to solve all the puzzles but there it's a free game just play it fantastic hope you guys enjoyed it I'll see you in the next episode of something please remember to click like button and remember to subscribe if you haven't already it's free it's totally worth it turn on the notifications - then you'll know when I upload a video if you enjoy my voice I guess thanks bye
Channel: VintageBeef
Views: 28,100
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: action, adventure, portal, free to play, puzzle, gravity, playthrough, tutorial, walkthrough
Id: suoFgd60Jqk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 50sec (2390 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 05 2019
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