Gravis Finally Fixes Those Computers

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[Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] oh hello everyone uh oh my voice is probably quite a bit louder than the music was uh sorry uh anyway we're here though uh oh wow my mic is pipe one moment this might be loud my mic is pointing way over there we go there we go that's a little better uh yeah okay hi chat there we go uh we do have some audio issues don't we all right one moment [Music] thank you [Music] okay did that do it I think that did it uh wow that sure does not look like we're in mono mode can you check that mono check box hun that's checked now close and reopen the advanced audio settings something is amiss something's not right there we go okay so what happened there is that OBS lied to us I had checked the mono box but did not in fact apply the setting I guess because we were in studio mode um good yeah good times and great food yeah hear it uh Spencer's uh anyway okay uh um anyway um I'm yeah well I'm definitely still left gravis just different uh yeah I did not realize that apparently Studio mode and OBS which if you're not familiar Studio mode basically uh when you hit Studio mode it splits off a copy of your entire environment and lets you work in that and then when you hit transition it moves the changes you made over to uh the live uh actual uh production environment well if you've never hit transition then it never copies those settings over well I had been for some reason under the impression that the mixer settings were not part of that um that I could go in go go to Studio mode edit the mixer settings close Studio mode and then transition scenes and it would be fine but it turns out that's not how that works who knows uh so uh now I know anyway um so we've done uh we're doing today or sorry what I've I'm doing saying two different things at once what I've done since the last stream is I've gone home and uh I have let's just get this guy out here I have healed this motherboard one hopes so we can't be sure but there is a good possibility that what went wrong with the last um the last stream was that the motherboard I was using this guy here in the big boy was unwell uh the capacitors on it were going and uh let's just take a look here so this this is the board in question this is a uh Pentium three and I've recapped it I had a whole bunch of blown caps so you can see that now I went ahead and just replaced all of these ones up here Focus Focus bud there we go uh so I've replaced all the Caps up there um as well as this one this one this one uh not that one because I ran out of caps but I put this on an ESR meter a crappy one but all the same and it came up with very little losses it said it was 1100 microfarad so I decided that one can stay also it looks like it's probably relevant to the ISA bus primarily so I'm gonna go ahead and ignore those um at least for the moment anyway and then we've got uh one more down here so hopefully that's going to be sufficient to solve the problem I ran this I did a full I ran a mem test86 let that go for like uh half an hour so it did all tests no problems um and then uh I loaded up nopics on it it loaded that fine and then I decided to install Corel Linux because I had that laying there and I had a spare hard drive and that went fine you know I ran in a whole bunch of programs that came with Corella no problems so I'm pretty positive that uh you know nothing went wrong here the solder job I don't know like it looks like what do you want me to tell you um can I even tell where even are let's see where would that be you can see there's all the Schmutz this is some of the contacts are under there and uh yeah I don't know I don't know I probably did a bad job is the thing of it I'm not very good solderer but anyway uh so we're gonna go ahead and reinstall this board in the machine and then obviously like Windows NT is corrupted so we're going to go ahead and take that from the top so we're gonna do a full reinstall on that and then this board here is hopefully going to help us with the os2 situation last time if you weren't here we got os2 installed after quite some tedium but then it wouldn't boot uh just wouldn't boot wouldn't boot wouldn't boot so I uh I came to the conclusion that it was probably some sort of hardware and compatibility with the machine which is not terribly uncommon with os2 it is a fragile piece of uh so um this is just another board I'm hoping it's different than the one that was in the other little baby at machine I don't really know it might be the exact same board for all I know uh it certainly has some similarities um it's got the Dual ATX power it's got Onboard video so uh there's a possibility this is pretty much the same damn board and we'll have the same damn problems but uh you know it's also possible that board is damaged or something like that so we'll just roll the dice on that one and see if we get a better outcome so that's going to be later first off we have to rebuild this machine and uh why are we OS chewing um you know it's that's going to be a nice that's gonna be a nice treat if and when I ever finish getting the os2 machine working you'll get to finally find out why the hell we're doing all that but it actually uh it comes down to I have a piece of hardware for a very wacky product that will only work in os2 so uh there weren't a whole lot of those so I figured this sort of justifies itself as a task but um yeah uh we're we're doing it because we have no choice if I'm going to uh if I'm going to show off this this particular Hardware so let me put that there and let's let's go ahead and start putting this motherboard back in all right I need to work on my I need to work on more options for my overhead because this obviously doesn't work all that well but whatever I think we'll survive that's surprisingly tight um confines in this case here given how big the case is there um there we go huh do I just have this like way off base here probably there we go oh okay some of these some of these standoffs are really not in at all and and all right good enough there we go okay and as we're putting this back together I'll I'll go ahead and talk about some of the uh components and pieces and parts let's see looks like the motherboard standoffs are all fine thread which I think is not Universal uh oh nope okay I thought this thought this standoff was missing but motherboard's just riding up real high so there might be something pinched underneath it let's see uh did the ATX connector end up under there nope that seems fine I'm gonna go ahead and plug that in now just so we're not fighting with it later wow again it's kind of peculiar how taut things are in here given what a huge case this is you'd think this would give you lots of breathing room but it really doesn't there we go all right that's in yeah the uh the ceiling in here is really really tall so we can't really Mount anything directly to it the rafters are just up there way up there and uh it's been kind of a bummer about this studio like as much as I like it it unfortunately it's not like working in a normal house or a basement or anything where you've got you know direct access to the bones of the structure you know here we we certainly have some you know there's a we can attach stuff to the walls we've got some big wooden beams so we can screw things to but generally speaking the ceiling is off limits because it's just way up there so surprisingly inconvenient [Music] like if I had my druthers I would have a pipe Grid in here like a real Studio you know and we would have a grid of lights and and microphones and all sorts of stuff overhead but no bueno wow this motherboard is like not very well supported what the hell did I didn't drop any standoffs did I when I took this thing apart I don't remember that but it sure looks like there's even more okay there's one foreign down there and I only have one more standoff screw oh and I see where that goes so apparently uh this chassis just doesn't yeah this chassis is just lacking some of the whoops some of the ATX uh attachment points oh there we go well there's one up here that I didn't get which actually means I'm short of screwed how does that happen they should all be right here but apparently not so I must have dropped one or there was one that wasn't in there all right whatever uh okay so that's our board and then I think the first thing we should do is probably hook up these scuzzy cables because they go right up top here we don't need to mess with the Ram or anything CPU is hooked up so let's go ahead and connect scuzzy 50. and there we go there we go okay and then scuzzi 68 which I think we flip over like that yeah okay uh I'll plug that in there I actually have a scuzzy 68-pin drive so we can potentially use that oh and then this is the other scuzzy chain okay that oh right there's one that goes out the back and then there's one that goes to the far side where the drive bays are all right so we'll take care of that now we need to handle our IDE connection which is going to be uh oh we do the floppy Drive first that goes underneath yeah right no we do the IDE first the floppy goes over it cable management was essentially impossible in these days the cables were so nasty now God willing I think I'm actually just going to leave this out and not reinstall the IDE controller because uh I think um pardon me let me think what am I saying here uh oh right so I brought a scuzzy drive it's not super ideal uh turns out they're a little harder to get than the last time I checked so uh the IDE drive would work fine it's just that one it's it's you know not it's not what's supposed to be in here it's not what the spiritual energy of the machine desires um but secondly and more importantly um I don't want to put the promise 100 controller in here I don't entirely trust it to not have caused the problem that I had the last time so I figure it's uh this is good a time as any to just get rid of that also in case you weren't here last time the uh graphics card we're using is uh called an Elsa Gloria synergy and it is a 3D Labs per media 2 3D accelerator with a Vivo functionality video in and video out here on the end and uh this primarily just acts as a normal graphics card for us I'm not really sure how to use these features I really want to look into that later but this was I think actually part this was part of a machine that was originally built to uh to run the exact same Hardware that this machine was built to run so although this didn't come in this machine it came from another machine that was being used for the same purpose so this really is uh spiritually appropriate so it is AGP which was contemporary at this point that guy in there okay there are other cards I think for the outset what we're gonna do is we're gonna skip some of these other cards that were in here there was this guy for instance and he is I think an MPEG or mjpeck encoder or something like that but I'm positive this was not part of the original system well you know actually it has a serial number on it so maybe it was part of the original system so maybe that should go in there I have no idea what drivers it takes or anything certainly we need the sound and we need the network so let's go ahead and uh oh before we do this let's take care of the front panel headers oh I'm not thinking all right that's not too hard to read let's see speaker is upper right got that off by one not that we actually need the speaker because it has an onboard Piezo but okay let's find reset that's this guy sorry if my head's in the way okay power light is gonna be that guy and then power switch is gonna be that guy there and what is this blue cable standby that we don't need that no one wants that yeah okay all right so let's start with sound card oh which uh I guess we can put this in the bottom slot I think that's where it was to begin with it kind of fights with the front panel headers though no actually that won't work that will not fit that card is only suitable for a half or like quarter length ISO card that's kind of a bummer okay wow the uh it's not going to be easy to see on the camera but the I can still see all the contacts on the end of the ISA connector so it looks for all the world like it's not all the way in but it is all the way in huh don't like that there we go and then this situation oh right because okay normally this would be the CD-ROM cable for the uh audio from the sound from the C ROM into the sound card but there was an mpeg-2 decoder card in here and apparently they use special cables for past you on it I had not realized to that so I think are those wired differently yes they are yeah wow look at that that one's no no I'm sorry no they're wired identically okay so you could get those backwards although I don't know if it would matter but I'm not putting the card in here so I have a way to hook the CD-ROM up which is not a problem because we weren't going to get any audio out of the CD-ROM anyway but you know brain had to think about it hey you know I always forget about the fact that uh machines like this only had even though it's got three Isis slots down here it only actually has two usable because if you look if I put a PCI card here it hangs into this space if I put an ISO card there it hangs into the exact same space so you actually can't use both of these at once so if you have a machine that's loaded up with PCI cards you're not going to be able to use a ISO car all the iso capacity although the probability of that happening is pretty low I mean who's gonna need all that stuff repopulated at once probably not a whole lot of um a whole lot of people are going to be in that situation this is not wanting to seat there we go all right cool now here's our network card which for the record again is a 3C 905 CTX 3C 905 C so when we install nt4 it's going to ask us to choose a network card because it doesn't do auto detection for that stuff and this time around we're going to choose that I hadn't done that last time and I always wondered if I'd be able to get the networking working the 360.95 is a good card big fan oh that's right now I remember the sound card was not in the bottom slot because what was in the bottom slot was the Breakout so of course it wasn't down there all right I imagine we're all here last time but if you weren't this is the card that this machine is built around you can tell because of all the fpgas this is the Pinnacle Top Gun or Pinnacle real time wow that guy is sitting in kind of a jaunty angle but I guess I guess he's where he belongs he's hot glued on so that must not have moved but anyway so yeah this is our real time whoops sorry this is our real-time video processing card I'm gonna go ahead and slot this guy in here by the way this is a card that despite being from like 1998 this is a card that's so long it actually takes advantage of the old school full length bracket see that's actually taking advantage of the uh the slot over there you don't see that too often except with like gigantic host bus adapters and stuff like that so pretty cool and that is missing the slot there we go ah feel seated yeah those are a throwback to the uh original IBM PC the 5150 I think yeah right no the 5150 didn't have the slot didn't have the uh the support brackets I don't think let's get into rails I go look at mines in the other room but pretty sure it didn't you know um here's a cool thing see if we can get in here yeah check that out that poly cap is sitting right below the aluminum rail there so it's a good thing I chose a cap that was smaller than the original because if it were taller it would actually have been impossible to install the Top Gun card and this would be a very short stream wow that is a that is kind of comical actually really glad that did not end up being a problem anyway all right so then these coaxial hoses go down to the VGA pass-through Port so we've got to mount that down here signal hose you see you put the signal in the hose and it's coaxial so it doesn't leak out I mean it's just basic science well that's annoying there we go okay all right uh I think we have a damn computer here so let's just spin this guy around love that look it's even better with the MPEG card in there although you know it's kind of anyway uh let's um get this guzzy drive mounted so the original IBM CGA card was long enough to take advantage of the Rails but I don't know that they actually put them in there like they certainly could have there's no question about that I just don't know if they literally actually did um I mean this is a really easy question to answer it's just not a sufficient priority I could Google it okay the 5150 does have rails all right cool yeah I I thought there was a good chance foreign yeah I think it's really irritating rails have not come back to the ATX standard because uh honestly there's no reason we couldn't have them and obviously there's a need those silly uh graphics card supports are not adequate they really aren't everyone knows it they're uh they're and uh we should expect better but no let me let me rephrase that we should demand better we should expect nothing because if you expect anything you're not going to get it and we'll go ahead and plug our power in now I should be I forgot to mention this but the hard drive we're using here is not actually a scuzzy 68 pin so this hard drive uses sca80 I think is what it's called SCA 72 something like that basically it's a standard for scuzzy hard drives that go into servers and drive arrays with a single connector it does both data and power so to use it here we're going to be using this crappy little adapter and uh these come in a variety of quality levels this one is not the worst I've ever seen they're all pretty miserable but this was the drive I could get because I had it um so the thing that sucks about this is just they are very wobbly you know they they try their best but this is simply not how that connector is supposed to be used it wasn't designed for this so it really isn't meant to be just dangling on a on a cable like this so you know if you look at that you can see there's some wobble there now I've never personally had a problem with these um I don't think I've ever actually literally had one of them fall off or anything like that so in terms of is this a liability only theoretically I don't think it really truly is going to be a problem but it's just worth mentioning now it doesn't even matter until we get the operating system installed and all the software and everything so okay I think we're ready to go I burned this machine in pretty hard before I brought it in so I don't really have any doubts that this is going to work um we just need to do a fresh NT install because I hose the last one so uh yeah okay uh I need to go to break briefly so I can set this thing up and get it powered up and everything and then we'll be back and uh we'll get started [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] all right we're going to fire this guy up now Bonk nt4 workstation looks good so far looks like I didn't get the keyboard and mouse backwards hooray I won okay IDE Drive wait a minute hang on where's our CD-ROM oh damn it where's the CD-ROM huh yeah uh cable must have fallen out all right hang on [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] oh my God okay let's try this again so apparently when I was rebuilding the machine earlier I managed to clamp the IDE cable for the CD-ROM completely under the motherboard like it was full way under there screws tightened down on it and everything so I just had to take everything out basically like half the stuff to get the yeah there we go chappy CD-ROM uh I had to uh I'd remove a bunch of screws take out the graphics card pull all the cables in order to uh loosen that I'm not mad about it don't tell the news that I got mad uh yeah I'm afraid that uh YouTube chat pretty much does not permit links no matter what because it is the only way to prevent spam there's simply no other option the fun part I mean there was no way like I was I was under the desk with my ass up in the air trust me there was nothing fun about it all right meanwhile so this bastard machine here sorry for the noise this thing this motherboard I don't think wants to play well and it doesn't matter because it's the exact same motherboard I just got SP 97b oh yeah it's the same board it's the exact same board literally the same board right SP 97v it is the exact same board it's identical God I'm dumb uh well I don't think we're gonna os2 today to be honest I don't think we're gonna get this working now I will check one thing I wonder what CPU this is uh hmm oh he is stuck on there isn't he somebody use like uh adhesive for that well you know what this machine's useless so what do I care there we go uh I mean not useless but it's not gonna do for what I want and oh yeah there's a k6 under there oh damn I bent some pins ah I did not want to do that I do have a replacement chip but uh just gently there is no other way to do this than what I just did unfortunately so wow I might break that chip getting it off fortunately they're not terribly rare or anything but this is a bummer I'm gonna break the ceramic I know I am that's not coming off well all right uh computer well that sucks uh yeah I I no I don't think this is glued that doesn't seem likely to me I think more likely it's just uh it's just stuck on there real good whatever all right um you know there is such a thing as a repair install but no we'll just do a full original install and we don't need the scuzzy driver yet and I think I did find that this was not happy with installing on a hard drive any larger than four gigs so I just went ahead and and did that now if I pick this can I tell it to format yes I can oh but it does take a while um okay I'm going to try and do a reinstall this is this is dirty but I'm going to try and do a reinstall on the same drive because I really don't want to reformat it takes a really long time all right this shouldn't take too long all right well I guess that's kind of all I've got for the moment because my other machine ain't working so much so I guess we'll just chill on this well yes I could delete the partition but then we would have to wait 30 minutes for it to format the drive who wants to do that yeah YouTube blocks all attempts to post a link because they're under it onslaught of literally millions of bots they're constantly being updated with new tricks to try and get uh scam links into comments it's the entire reason that YouTube comments exist at this point as far as the entire you know petty ass criminal underworld is concerned every single YouTube video on the entire website has a bunch of comments with like random Unicode characters telling you to click this link to a telegram to collect your free prize and people are constantly constantly falling for it I have no idea how you can be that dumb I'm sorry if you've fallen for this I you need to go to a clinic or something like I do not understand what could possibly make you think that that is a real like oh yeah yeah definitely cathode ray dude definitely made an account with a bunch of like letters inside little circles in order to ask you to go talk to them on Telegram in the comments definitely that definitely happened like come on my God uh well if I ever make partition is still going to take notable time to wipe and I just don't want to do it the one I have is perfectly fine I'm just going to install on it I I mean it's not like the drive is dirty just because there's a second copy of Windows on there uh let's see I wonder what it's you know it says that it did something but what exactly would it have done oh it must have run check disk that's what it must have been I was trying to figure out why Why didn't it just proceed with install must have run check disk yeah but I mean what they're gonna spend okay so they whitelist well it turns out anybody can make a page on Wikipedia so Wiki slash join underscore my underscore telegram underscore 4 underscore free underscore prize if you make have you ever heard the phrase the bomber always gets through comes from World War II like if you are being attacked by hundreds of thousands of enemies one will get through so the only thing you can do because one is devastating you lose if one gets through so you have to act as though uh uh literally every single front in the war is the only front and apply all possible Force to it when you're facing a uh attack surface like that and uh to wit YouTube has been fighting this for years and years and years and years and made no progress like functionally you would think that they've made no progress just look at Reddit look at our YouTube it's just nothing uh nothing but people complaining about spam Bots and this is after almost two decades of YouTube fighting this effectively they've made no progress because there are thousands and thousands of people who are sitting around all day long with nothing to do other than try and find a way to get past those blocks so they just sit there trying one link and then another format and then another format and then another format and eventually the bomber gets through the bomber always gets through because you're talking about thousands of them you know it's you can't fight it they only have so many people and at some point um you know they just start coming up with ways to shape links to telegram that look like natural language and there's nothing you can do about it so all they can do is treat everyone like a criminal yeah that was interesting it came up but it just hung on the IDE detection but then I I reached down uh to reset it and I found the CD-ROM drawer was open because it's it's actually broken the CD-ROM door is cracked there we go uh because I kicked it by accident the other day uh so uh I think because it was jammed open it didn't want to uh for some reason it was blocking the IDE scan that was very weird [Music] wow Trevor that's that's quite a sentence there winning looks like a stalemate man what a way to put it yeah like if YouTube wasn't winning then I wouldn't have any comments because people would have given up a long long long time ago on on even trying to communicate with me what would be the point like the spam situation is so bad you know what you're seeing if you see three spam messages you're not seeing the 50 000 literally that did not get through like yeah I don't wanna honestly this is the thing that irritates me when people go like oh YouTube isn't doing anything about this oh they should do something I just want to say like what what do you propose do you have any ideas because I'm sure they'd love to hire you if you think that you have a solution for this you could probably go get a job today what you think they want this they don't want this oh it drives engagement or some no it doesn't that's not how it works come on uh no they don't want this to happen they've been working on solutions for this for eons I've watched it I've watched it evolve and they really are trying this is just really stupefyingly hard network card not present all right we'll have to figure that out turn off these because it doesn't hang on Startup at least it's installing the networking I'll be able to install the card later I have a 3c905 c so maybe that's different from the normal 905 yeah I'll just skip that that's fine yeah and I mean okay you turn off comments and replies all right then exactly what happened to uh uh now uh minus Tech tips happens they figure out how to compromise your machine or how to compromise your account which yeah you know they got fished effectively but that's beside the point as much as we want to talk about like you know oh you shouldn't fall for this stuff that's all well and good but the oh that's weird oh oh this is it I'm you know I'm sorry I just realized this may be installing to a new windows folder but it still has the program files folder and uh that's the one from the newer sp4 version of NT so I told to go ahead and overwrite those files things might be a little weird on Startup but then I'll run the sp4 installer and we should be fine but anyway yeah the the thing is there's always another layer there's always another layer so what happens is you've got the droves of people standing up front at the beginning of this process 20 years ago who are just going to the comments and posting like click here to send me you know it's just a PayPal link and it's like click here to send me fifty dollars if you like this video and somebody clicks on it and sends them fifty dollars so YouTube bans PayPal links so the next so that person goes ah damn and then they wander off to find some other scam because if they add a if things were working out for them in life they wouldn't be trying to scam people they would just have a normal job if that was practical for them so they're gonna do this one way or another so they wander off to find some new scam because they don't know how to get past this well another person steps up to take their place and that person starts going hmm well what if we use a link shortener service let's try that so then YouTube bans link shortening Services okay well what if we you know and and and and and so on and so forth okay so we make fish we train everyone on how to avoid fishing and we make sure that everyone understands that if you get a link that looks like this so if you get an email that looks like this that that's somebody trying to steal from you okay all those people now turn away dejectedly and wander off to find some new scam a new set of people steps up and goes okay okay how do we attack this what's next what do we do with the person who's already been trained how do we get them to fall for it anyway and the process starts again and it continues and it continues and it's been going on at this point fishing specifically has been going on for over 20 years it's never going to end yeah you know I'm sure that Linus Tech tips is going to do some retraining it doesn't mean that there isn't somebody out there going who's looking at the exact same retraining going okay what do we do next what do we do next what's next um and uh so the bomber will always get through sooner or later eventually if it's not nice Tech tips then it's somebody else and if it's not by fishing then it's something else because there's just thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of people sitting around who have nothing better to do literally you know they have no options they've the the you know they cannot get a regular job or it will not pay enough for them to uh uh to live you know D you know with any kind of of dignity so they have to do something and they're not doing anything else they've got nowhere else to be they might as well just sit at the computer in a net cafe and just go well let's try this what do I have to lose let's try this let's try this let's try this and they only need to win once I'm sure we all know where that line comes from but same difference yeah I mean I I personally do very much think that uh no matter what your views are on the concept of crime uh if you want it to go away you could just pay everybody in the entire planet a thousand dollars a month to not commit crimes and I promise you that the number of crimes is going to plummet and you can get mad about that but show me what other strategy we've taken that has worked uh I'll wait like I I you know what do you propose you got any ideas I don't have any ideas maybe we should start thinking about radical Solutions because what we're doing is not working everyone is miserable especially the people doing the scams they're not having a good time they're not thrilled huh yeah you know all those YouTube videos are just like I scammed a scammer yeah imagine if those ones were shaped more like you know I no I'm not going to get into that those things piss me off um anyway I promise you nobody's doing this for fun nobody is doing this for fun it's like two guys at Berkeley and nothing else like everyone doing this is doing it because they don't have any other options I cannot get mad at them but the fact of the matter is that uh they're always going to be there unless we have a massive Improvement in conditions globally because same deal if there's anywhere that has both internet access and uh severely depressed economic situation where most people are miserable and and starving uh this is going to happen so you fix one place it just moves to another you fix that place it just moves to another you know either we fix everything or this just continues forever so and you can have as many you know whatever debate you like about that we're dropping frames yeah why are we dropping frames I'm hearing that we're dropping frames uh it doesn't look too bad but at any rate um here's the thing you know I'm not necessarily saying like oh well then instead of complaining about this you should just fix all the problems what I'm saying is don't complain this is no point there's just no point like this is how it is and uh any you know any solution is going to look brutal and unpleasant uh because the problem is just so massive it cannot be solved okay um so so we've installed Service Pack four we're still getting some some driver failures on Startup I'm a little worried about that hopefully I didn't Host this install hopefully I won't have to wipe the machine uh but anyway we're gonna go ahead and uh these are the drivers for the Elsa Gloria Synergy so we're going to go ahead and install those this Pro this installer program is kind of weird this lets you pick any of the programs that's on this disk at first I thought when I first loaded this up I thought it was going to install all of these but no this is just a menu for selecting what you want so this comes with sp3 which I hadn't actually noticed but I already installed this before uh and then this has a whole bunch of options here so this is the driver for the Elsa Gloria uh Synergy card uh without the composite video input and output support this is the version that we need for the card we have in here and then this is the uh this is interesting I did not realize this if I had an alpha machine I could actually use this card in it that's kind of cool and then the rest of this uh is accessories for other programs I don't know what main actor sequencer is I guess maybe I'll install that now I think about that might be for the video input output um Hardware so that could be cool uh yeah Microsoft media player Microsoft NET meeting obviously those are just cool utilities and the rest of this is drivers for specific 3D programs so AutoCAD 3D Studio Max all plan logo CAD Spirit 7 and then just some other various utilities so that's interesting offline reader Elsa www server I wonder what the hell that is I don't want to break this computer so I'm going to go ahead and skip that one anyway let's uh install these drivers oh watch this this is terrifying watch this so in modern Windows there's a procedure for automatically installing drivers what this is doing as far as I can tell is it is using like Windows send message apis to click the buttons in the windows uh we need to look at this what the hell uh wait someone's saying we just got a 503 in chat so it might be uh it might be YouTube that's at fault well YouTube is complaining that's not receiving enough bandwidth you're dropping the YouTube always does that dropping tons of frames what why why would we be dropping frames I don't know but you are what do you mean dropping tons of frames explain that I walked in and we've dropped 2000 frames since I've been in oh this only says 63. what the hell all right well uh this sucks um I'll have to fix this in a moment but I gotta finish uh with the Elsa driver here uh then I'll stop The Stream and restart it or something anyway so yeah it like brain slugs the dialogues and just clicks the buttons automatically there yep there we go I was waiting to see if it was going to finish that there we go now it's done just very unsettling that that's how it does it uh also I do want to point out the title of this window is winner wear that's what they call their their driver package all right I'm going to restart this and uh we're gonna do a break for a moment I'm gonna restart the uh stream and see if it connects to a new ingest server so fingers crossed [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] okay well so uh it's possible I'm having some sort of issue with my ISP here because I uh well I just ran a speed test it only came up with a 15 megabits but maybe that's because the stream was running at the same time I've adjusted my bitrate down to like 12 megabits probably looks like crap at 1080 but let's see how this goes uh OBS says I'm not having nearly as many drops oh internet connection here is crappy Comcast it's like 200 by 20. it sucks super bad but old building you know nothing else we can really get so what can you do anyway uh if this looks all right right now then we'll just stick with it all right okay uh so yeah uh nt4 has restarted and a new graphics driver has been installed let's go ahead and set so this is a pretty good card so we can drive pretty much whatever we want I think it'll technically it'll do 1920 by 1080. obviously we can't do that but uh let's go with uh air base 600 for the moment it's true colors so that's dope right now the last time we did this on the previous install of Windows uh one of the things that was concerning me is that it seemed like the demo apps and the samples directory here it seems seemed like these were not running correctly versus the first time that I set the machine up so we're going to try and launch these we're going to see if they work any better we're also going to copy these supposedly there's some mpegs in here I need to I don't know that I have an MPEG player on here right now let me see if uh I don't think we have media player installed I don't think that came with this version Oh we do okay well we should be able to play this then let's see I do notice I don't think we have a sound card installed right now uh which is probably because there's no uh there was a beep just now why do we beep huh I don't know what that was uh anyway so there's no sound card and that's probably because it's an ISO card and certainly nt4 if nothing else uh is not going to um not going to uh uh detect that yeah let's see there we go auto adjust there we go that's a little better so let's see if we can add a sound card so like I was saying the last stream nt4 has absolutely no device manager instead there's a whole bunch this thing devices here is not device manager it's just service management uh so to install a scuzzy card you get a scuzzy adapters to install a sound card you get a multimedia to install network card you're going to network they're scattered all over the place it's kind of sensible honestly in a certain way it makes it makes logical sense but uh it just means it can be really tough to figure out where to look to find a device so anyway if we go to add here pretty sure I have a sound blaster 16 compatible in there so let's just try adding that and see if that works I'll put the NT disc in okay oh boy I have not seen the CD menu for nt4 before that's gorgeous aesthetic 220 probably no okay try I don't know I mean I'm sure it's 220 so ah crap all right well I guess we won't be getting that working so at least it's nice enough to check instead of just letting you install it and then failing uh whoa why did this explore window open like that that was weird cannot determine the device type from the given extension that what that can't be right these should just be plain old uh let's show all files display the full title single window okay yeah that's MPEG so maybe this doesn't have an MPEG encoder installed oh yeah this just is oh right this just does avi now I remember all right let's swap this out yeah there might be it hadn't occurred to me that the the menu or the the media player um installer might have included an MPEG codec now the last time I did this the auto run crashed the OS and I I think partially contributed to corrupting the uh operating system so I'm holding down shift and control and hopefully that skips the auto run I don't know if they'd added that on this version of Windows yet fingers crossed waiting we might have dodged a bullet I'm waiting for the disc to spin down I want to be absolutely certain that we skipped it okay I think we're good all right let's do probably Ms apps I'm guessing um okay we've got any one of these could be it so a movie let's see what this is oh active movie I don't think that's what we what we need we're gonna install it anyway okay let's get a media player plugin and codex so let's try this this might be a newer version of media player 2. I remember the first time I got to answer T1 slash land in one of those speed questions and actually mean it because I had 1.5 Mega ADSL um in like 1999 something like that uh it felt incredible a million bucks what's up let's frame this up a little better there we go wow that has taken a while I guess yeah it has a lot of codecs to install there we go oh right yeah there's that gorgeous Internet Explorer uh like what three two delightful ancient all right let's see oh there we go yeah that's fine but we should get nice smooth MPEG playback oh and we are foreign delightful delightful I wish that I had sound but I also am kind of glad that I don't because this is a deeply and intensely cringe-worthy uh video made by the the Elsa is a German company and this is a couple of like programmers from their team that decided to make like a little narrative fictional narrative video about the Elsa Gloria it's very silly but anyway so we've got MPEG playback let's see what this other file is I think it might be the same thing just different yeah huh see what 352 by 288 33 Megs and then this one 2x28 32 Megs huh I don't know what the differences between those all right whatever anyway let's run the opengl test as well because I was having problems with those last time oh okay this one this one was working fine oh you're right that's right I I thought I remembered the one that I that I had been sent was um was in German but now I remember it was in English that's right so yeah I think you're right all right so that program works but that I think worked before so let's run this one okay we get that error okay there we go the last time I ran this program it just kept restarting over and over so there was something funky going on right this is looking a lot better so like I said this is a 3D Labs uh 3D Labs per media card under the hood it's been you know repackaged and it was manufactured by Elsa but it's largely just a 3D Labs per media I don't know if the Vivo features I'm pretty sure the Vivo features are built in so I think this is pretty much uh what we'd expect from it and this is running a 800 by 600 and it's getting an average of probably 30 FPS it looks like um I don't think oh okay there are can we actually can we control this manually I have no idea we've Frozen it but I don't seem oh there's our FPS in the lower left I do believe if we resize this okay yeah there we go yeah so we get 100 FPS at that's probably a 320 by 240 roughly window size I wish I could make it go again [Music] there's a lot of options in this program but none of them make the car go again let me let me let me restart that I want to see that smooth 60. it says it's still running at 100. interesting still running at about a hundred and then suddenly it seems to drop down to 50 just abruptly uh Vivo is a video in video out also I believe this is a pramedia 2 card but don't quote me on that anyway all right so the 3D card is working well let's take a look at right same deal here this program was the last time I ran this it just kept restarting over and over so looks like we're good there okay so 3D is working so let's proceed uh our next disc here is going to be Adobe uh there we go Adobe Premiere RT 5.1 this very legitimate copy of it and after that we just have to run the real-time installer and then the title Deco installer and then we should be ready to actually make this thing go and then you'll actually get to see what the hell it does aren't you excited Let's see we need the serial number for this from my very legitimate copy of Adobe Premiere don't worry I did pay for this I was saying last time that uh you know nt4 it seems Charming but it isn't it like well I I guess I guess you could say that it's Charming perhaps but good not at all definitely not not actually good just uh it has a certain energy oh and I got this error before this is a where's version of this thing so it's missing the rest of the install file so it doesn't have the DirectX or the QuickTime installer that is not a problem I had no issues with it last time the only issue I had was the machine blew up if Windows NT had not corrupted its own file system just by breathing which is so typical we're actually fairly close to being done here this might be a relatively short stream because things are going pretty well I'm putting the real-time disc in now all right it's really silly the installer itself refuses to run uh unless you set the screen resolution to the minimum supported I have no idea why they would do that instead of just saying that when you try to actually run the software weird weird okay found premiere rt51 have to pick a video format all right I guess it lets you pick both so oh listen Joseph I'm so far beyond jinxing like it doesn't matter what I do at this point I'm just like come at me bro uh I'll I'll I have so I have stuff blow up on me with such incredible regularity and through no fault of my own and then other times I just here let me show you something I got a uh I'm just gonna cop to this because I'm gonna make it right later I went to the repeatc yesterday I got this and uh someone is gonna freak out I'm guessing when they see what this is so I found this in the miscellaneous boards bin uh didn't have a price I got you know priced at 20 bucks uh you know because I just needed a board and and you know it was interesting but I looked it up on eBay I couldn't find any price for it someone's like ah whatever and I'll give you 20 bucks for it uh so yeah um maybe you recognize what's weird about this right off the bat maybe not let's just uh there's the CPUs the Dual Pentium board in an arrow and that was really not a thing uh this guy just goes in here and then you've got uh you know the the Dual Ram Banks it's at only which was shocking to me it's not uh not even ATX um somebody asked what this was I've been told that that's an extension a special extension for certain cards mostly like adaptex scuzzy cards um but anyway so uh this is a very interesting board and it's worth 500 American dollars and I'm going to take it back because I I really had no idea that I don't want VPC to go out of business I really don't um you know somebody said like oh that's that's worth a lot more than that but I thought they were gigging me like I thought they were just giving me but no no it I don't even think they realized quite what this is worth so uh I I don't need this it's it's just gonna be a computer it's gonna start up it's gonna say C I'm gonna type dur you know I do not need to keep this and I don't want to destroy my local computer store so I would much rather they have you know most of a week's pay for somebody but the point is uh with that and then you know the damn uh when I bought uh the other baby at Tower that I got and then found out very quickly that the uh uh the card that was in it was that like Saturn on a card um that Nvidia made as their the first product uh and that's worth like two thousand dollars if it if it sells like I paid so little for that so I just you know to a certain extent like I kind of fall ass backwards into cash I really do not need to keep this just because right like oh it's cool what am I gonna do stick it in a closet I'm never gonna use it for anything um it's probably not very reliable anyway so yeah I uh I have no interest in defrauding them um it's one of those things where sometimes you just I don't know you sometimes you just don't know you know until until you do something you look back on and you're like oh crap I didn't quite realize what I was doing there uh okay so let's run uh this is the crack there's Bob Dobbs all right okay and I think we're ready to go uh hey hun can you uh step in here and hand me the breakout box yeah actually you know what no I'm gonna go to break for a moment yeah I set up some video Gear Well let's see if Premiere starts first let's let's save ourselves some time let's just see if Premiere even starts Bonk okay so what should happen here we get the Adobe Premiere splash screen and then we should get huh can't initialize oh you know what uh I need to restart the computer I just realized before running this I needed to restart this is the in the air when you gotta do that I'm gonna go to break for a moment and we're gonna set up some gear and I'll be right back [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign so I had to restart the machine and start Premiere to see if it was going to work and it did in fact work recognize the card so I'm going to go ahead and hit uh yes on this box here what this is going to do as I'm going to explain is uh this is going to Output a calibration signal because this card is actually doing VGA pass-through so we have a connection from the graphics card output going into the real-time card and then from there into the Monitor and the real-time card has to actually look at the look at the output from the graphics card to figure out where it should be uh it has to calibrate itself so it knows where to Overlay the video so when I hit yes we're going to get this weird stuff and I don't know what it's encoding in that but yeah it basically is using that to uh to figure out where the uh what the shape of the VGA signal from this particular card is all right and now we have editing mode real time think and this is how we know the card worked this is a pretty normal interface for Adobe Premiere the only thing that's unusual about this is the real-time performance monitor that shows up here okay so what we need to do now is I need to pan this over here so we're gonna need video input and output and to do that let's just tour this as we did yesterday all right is that focused I don't think that's focused maybe it is here let's make sure there that's focused there we go all right cool uh so this is the real-time breakout box and it has this great big enormous umbilical coming out the back that's like that big around because it's all coax cables and that plugs into a huge 64 pin breakout on the back of the real-time card and then this gives us our video inputs and outputs here so we've got composite s video and component and then SDI serial digital over on the right here uh that's actually not active unfortunately you have to have an add-on card for that which I don't have and probably doesn't exist anymore we've got the same on the bottom here and then we've got two channels of analog audio you can do either balanced or unbalanced so we're not going to bother with the audio right now because natch uh anyway so for a video input we're going to use this VTR here let me just uh let's get set up thusly and set a preset one moment there we go all right so uh this is connected to the output of the real-time card so we're not seeing anything right now this guy here has a tape in it this is my littlest tiniest babiest dvcam deck this here is some footage I shot a long time ago for a video uh it's kind of dorky because it was meant to be dorky because you're supposed to see it on a little tiny screen down the the corner of the video I think if you go back and watch the what's my favorite thing video I think you'll you'll see this I think that was it no was it that I don't what was it no it wasn't what's my favorite thing right no is that something else gosh I remember what this video was yeah I honestly can't remember huh well anyway one of my videos uh you can see this uh down in the corner uh playing on the the dsr50 while I'm saying something else so I'm kind of acting like a clown here because that was the point anyway uh I love this uh this little deck here this is the DSR 50. no sorry dsr45 is the model number on there uh it's pretty much like the DSR 250 that little portable dbcm deck except that it's not portable it's kind of the same same general idea it's really tiny got the little preview display on here which is why I love it uh takes both the small and large tapes uh and uh get your little audio controls your volume controls over here you got your little tiny red LED time code display just a wonderful little device a source so let's go ahead and pan over here and let's do a video capture so okay what the real time card does the great big card all the fpgas I showed you it's its purpose is basically to do video capture and video output this often takes a couple of tries before it starts working so let me mess with this for a moment I might have to go in and set our capture source that I may not have actually set that so let me go let me go see about that uh let's go to it must be in the project settings I can never quite remember where this is do we go to movie capture recording options okay there we go I just saw the real time initialize so I think if I now close this and then go in and do capture again there we go all right okay this is the capture preview window and I'm going to hit play on our DSR deck here oh whoops I forgot to set the input that's right so we have to go to settings and we go to input we set our video input to component there it is there it is outstanding Okay so this is the video image that's coming in live from the uh dvcam deck and this is being overlaid on the video image so this this picture does not exist in software right now like Adobe Premiere cannot see this I'm going to show you what I mean by that I'm going to hit record okay so it's recording right now and it's saying uh we're so we're dropping a bunch of frames and explain why that is in a moment uh but we're up to about 20 Megs okay I'm gonna hit Escape basically the hard drive can't keep up with what we're recording and I'll I'll talk about that shortly uh so here's the clip that we just recorded all right now you may not be able to see this I'm not sure I'm going to go ahead and zoom in and see if this is visible one moment let me Focus well I'm not sure if it's visible or not but it's interlacing so it's uh it's bobbing back and forth between two sets of fields and so you can just barely see it jiggling up and down so this is I don't know whether this is a digitized input or whether we're seeing the analog video being scaled in the analog domain I'm really not sure but what I can tell you is if we click off of this oh see that see how it changed you probably guess what's going on there but just to be clear this is being rendered by Adobe Premiere this is being rendered by the real time and you can tell it's in the analog domain rather in the digital so let's get back in here okay you can see that it's warbling you can see the interlacing Bob you can also see it's kind of low resolution I mean look at this this does not look very good but if we click off of this hey look at that the color is different the contrast is different it's got more dynamic range the uh the resolution is higher it actually looks better so as far as I know this is basically analog domain inaccuracy in the real-time card itself because you notice it's not even scaled correctly see if we click on this we're losing some of the top and bottom and a little bit off the sides I'm not really sure yeah it's actually scaled incorrectly and I'm not really sure if that's because the card is miscalibrated if it's old or if it always did that um it seems pretty seems like a pretty severe problem and uh I'd like to compare playback with without the real-time card but if you click off of this it all just always stops playing and the reason for that I believe is because the real-time card its whole purpose is to encode video into its own proprietary flavor of M jpeg which I think is worth talking about for a moment so mjpeg is a really interesting format as the name suggests it's motion jpeg is literally a video file comprised of a series of of jpegs it's it's literally uh you know what if you took uh what if you took a whole bunch of jpegs uh of of a video just broke it out into files and put them on the hard drive and then just played them by displaying one at a time so you've got your typical jpeg compression artifacts uh yeah you know and it's typical jpeg decoding overhead right so this sounds wild like oh jpeg looks like but and don't quote me on this I'm not super sure where the the general wisdom is on it but for a long time mjpeck was actually considered the uh sort of the gold standard for this stuff like high quality jpeg is pretty good especially for standard definition I think it does fine but I think was even being used for HD for a while so yes video is a bunch of frames one after another except that most video codecs that we're familiar with are interframe codex meaning when you start playing an mpeg-4 file or at h.264 file or h.265 or any of the modern codecs really anything that you've used since virtually anything you've ever used honestly when you start playing the first thing that happens is that the file contains a keyframe it begins with a keyframe the keyframe is a compressed but still complete copy of the entire screen so you could take that first keyframe and decode it statically if that's all you have you can decode that keyframe then when it gets to the next frame the file doesn't contain the whole frame it only contains the differences between the first frame the next it's a lot more complicated than that but that's pretty much how it works so interframe codecs are very efficient for storage because they're only storing more or less the Deltas from one frame to the next you save on gobs of space that way the trouble is they suck for editing they're miserable suppose that you want to jump to frame 3000 in a video file well if it's MP4 the only way to do that is you click on frame 3000 the media player sees that the last keyframe was at 29.65 so it has to skip back to there read that frame and then play forward 40 frames to get you your frame 3000. and every single time that you move the play bar it has to do this again now normally this isn't a problem because typically uh when you play a video file you are playing it Forward right it's so interframe codecs are more focused on playback than they are on editing or on um what the Brits would call trick play the ability to jump around play at different speeds that sort of stuff all becomes much harder with inner frame codecs but that's just usually not a big deal it does make decoding circuitry especially silicon like dedicated chips much simpler inter intra-frame codex on the other hand every single frame is a self-contained uh image so with motion jpeg every frame is literally a whole jpeg so the amount of time it takes to decode any frame is known it's consistent and if you have a silicon chip that's doing the decoding then that chip as long as it can decode one jpeg will always be able to decode any other jpeg in the exact same length of time so you can trust any chip that can play mjpg in real time will work on any file also for editing you don't have any decrease in quality between frames every frame is top quality so if you set your jpeg encoding to a level that's satisfactory the entire file will be that good it's a little more complicated than that because there is still non-linearity between the content density of Any Given frame and the compression ratio so if you're uh if your jpeg is set to I don't know level 12 or whatever and that looks good for a frame that doesn't have a lot of visual noise in it it still might not be good enough for a later frame that's more busy so you still have to tune the codec to get the level of quality you need for the entire video but once you get that you can trust that the entire video is going to be that good or um if not Overkill it also is effectively it's still variable right if you set your compression level to 12 if it doesn't need all that uh bit rate it's not going to use it right it's still going to tap out once it's it's encoded uh enough detail to capture the entire image so you're really just telling it as as you're telling it the maximum level it's allowed to go to uh other intra-fame codecs uh the only one I can really think of off top my head uh prores is well known uh DN DNX dn8 whatever the hell it is there's a couple other ones they're virtually they're virtually non-existent outside of video editing mjpg has the interesting quality that up until uh really up until MPEG four uh mjpeck was still a major player in uh portable consumer cameras if you had like a mavica those recorded mjpeg if you put them in video mode a lot of other consumer digital cameras did there were very early solid state flash camcorders that uh that did I don't think any of the hard drive camcorders ever did I think those were all mpeg-4 MPEG 2 but anyway the point is that mjpeg is actually quite as nut is actually quite nice it's a good format but it's not very efficient because it's intra frame it's going to be a lot bigger than any other competing codec uh in the consumer space so if this recorded in MPEG one it would probably record very small files well actually MPEG one is limited to like one and a half megabits something like that so certainly but mjpac just can't get that small at least not at decent quality settings well the other thing about mjpec is that there's no standard for it at all I was just reading about this the other day there there is no specification for it it is sort of a de facto standard everybody did it differently so there's a whole bunch of incompatible implementations of mjpg so from what I understand uh real time the real-time Hardware encoder card encoder decoder card the codec card that's in this machine speaks real times unique variant of M jpeg so I'm not sure if Adobe Premiere is using its own mjpg codec when we switch to this is presumably being software decoded now there is a software codec for the real-time mjpeg format on the disk but I didn't install it and I don't know if Adobe Premiere is just able to decode this with its built-in mjpeg support or if it's using the real-time codec or if this is some plug-in I I have no idea what's going on here but I suspect that Adobe Premiere is not actually capable of playing this file directly sure it could grab a frame but I don't know that it can actually play the file um I'd like to install the software codec and try it so we're going to go ahead and save this clip or actually no we're not going to bother because this clip is actually messed up and the reason for that is the uh the bit rate on this file I'm going to close this we're just going to throw this away the bit rate on this file is very high and the hard drive can't actually handle it so if we go in here to capture we switch the camera over here so this is pretty cool um pardon me this thing here lets you select what bit rate you want to record at and I want to point out that that is not megabits that is megabytes so you have to multiply it times eight to get the megabit rate which uh uh I'm sorry um my basic times tables I'm so bad of them what is what is six times eight it's a bunch anyway it's quite a few megabits per second but even six megabytes per second is a bit much for an old crusty like 20 gig hard drive which is what we're using here uh but this is giving you this basically is giving you the all the information you could possibly ask for right a lot of programs are not nearly this nice these are not independent settings you look at this and go oh God I don't know how to set all this it doesn't matter because you're not setting all of this all these sliders are related there's only actually one setting here and it's the bit rate everything else is just informational so the lowest this will go is 0.29 megabytes per second which is a nearly a 69 to one compression ratio so almost nice but not quite and it's telling us that that's going to be about 10 kilobytes per frame and on this hard drive it can only run for about 4 000 seconds or an hour and 45 minutes and also it's telling us this is categorized as quality level one and it gives us these nice little categories so it's saying uh if you're doing well I don't know what offline means exactly but that might have something to do with uh that might be talking about like we would normally nowadays we would use the term proxy I think to refer to this meaning that it's so low resolution that it uh it's so low low bit rate that you can play at real time even on low powered Hardware so that's probably what that refers to um then we have S video which I'm assuming is saying hey if you're capturing over s video there's really no point going any harder than this you're not going to have any any Improvement uh this one's just called high then we have beta cam SP which again is supposed to imply that if you're capturing from betacam SP which was a very very common uh commercial format at the time that this will capture uh enough quality to theoretically you know represent all all uh represent the quality of that tape um so most people would have been working off this setting because uh digital formats were not we're only just coming up in the world at this point this was about 1998 and DV had not yet taken over and then we just have super high and highest so I did read a Usenet post that says that six megabytes per second was so so good that they actually thought it was uncalled for and that the three megabyte setting was actually imperceptibly uh only imperceptibly degraded from the original footage but still I would prefer to go with the six megabytes so that's about 200 kilobytes per frame and it's only a three to one compression ratio and as you can see this is going to eat up our hard drive really quick it says it's only going to uh only let us capture uh 300 seconds of video about eight minutes now with this thing cranked all the way to the max this is this is completely uncalled for I don't think anybody would ever need this kind of resolution but uh with this cranked all the way to the max there is no compression which means this is probably effectively like the Sony D1 video just like raw bit stream uh and this is 680 kilobytes per frame which if you do the math that's quite a lot it's going to eat up our entire three gigs of hard drive space and only 92 seconds so that's pretty cool we don't need it so we're going to turn this back down to where we started six megabytes per second is perfectly fine but still this hard drive can't actually keep up with it so that's why I put the scuzzy drive in here they recommended that you actually use a set of striped scuzzy drives which is really not messing around that's that's uh that's a tremendous amount of of throughput but at the same time Circa um want to try to say here Circa uh 1998 and maybe your typical scuzzy Drive couldn't actually deliver that kind of throughput um I'm not actually sure oh you know what speaking of which we did not install the drivers for a scuzzy card Whoopsie Daisy just close this here fortunately I have them on a floppy disk now again like I said you have to install all your drivers from different sections so this is the scuzzy adapters control panel this is where we're going to install our scuzzy driver you can see we've got the Cassidy ROMs attack ecd-roms are actually scuzzy under the hood there's always a driver for that any operating system made in the the modern era but for anything else we have to add it foreign I guess I could have just hit OK there honestly there we go there we go I don't know if it would have searched for it and this is a oh no this is the wrong controller oh oh crap that's right ah crap um I actually got this driver originally from the motherboard driver disk which I no longer have I sent it back with uh oh but you know what but I copied it to the hard drive hey who's thinking with their ass I'm smart we look for things to make us go now I just have to remember which model it is because there's a few that is a 29 you think it's this one are these different 78.9 I'm pretty sure it's this one fingers crossed uh oh God uh it's mad at me what did I do wrong oh I'm supposed to hit Uh crap it doesn't let me change words ah exit setup yes irritating yeah nt4 primitive not modern some parts of it are like kind of surprisingly modern and then other parts really really aren't let's try this again okay the path is C colon slash I got everything wrong like I said 7900 as well there we go okay let's restart our computer huh pixlet never heard of that and also I think uh Steve I think you mentioned uh DV that was another intra frame codec which again is because uh DV was developed for editing it was also developed for being decoded by uh silicon fixed function silicon so intra frame works really well for that uh it's also why DV has a stupidly High bit rate the uh the the little baby tape that's in this guy here actually records at 50 megabits per second which is a ridiculous bit rate for the time uh but even before that when mini DV tape came out in 1996 that was recording at 25 megabits per second which as a shocking amount of storage at that time I mean again like I don't think any consumer hard drive could actually handle that when when DV was first released um so uh later on it was possible like by the time the iMac DV came out things had improved but I think in 96 I it would have been hard but besides that just storage uh I did the math once and a mini DV tape the little 60 Minute mini DV tapes that came out for the first camcorders in like 97 stores about 12 gigabytes which was larger than I think virtually any commercial hard drive in the consumer Market at that time that could be wrong um there might have been 12 gigahertz drives at that point but still you if you ripped an entire DV tape to your hard drive you're going to fill up your entire hard drive at that time it was ridiculous um DB was just like stupefyingly high bit rate for what it was considering it was it was a consumer product all right so uh we're back on the stage of History here I keep getting this service failed during system startup I keep meaning to chat check on that let's check on that real quick I know it's because I reinstalled windows but let's just see oh it's because the network never installed okay so that's nothing to worry about I thought it was because I reinstalled windows but it isn't all right so now the scuzzy let's see if the scuzzy adapter loaded it looks okay yep there there's our hard drive so now let's go to Disk Management it's called disk administrator in this version and when it comes up it should say hey I've never seen this hard drive before there we go yep okay so the hard drive was blank terrific that's what we want to see so let's go ahead and create a partition here all right and we'll do uh we oh you have to manually commit partition changes which is actually kind of cool you we don't have to restart which is neat and we can do a quick format which uh is also pretty cool uh I oh it says unknown capacity that I you know what I don't trust like that so I'm going to go ahead and restart Disk Management last time I formatted it even though it said unknown capacity I didn't seem to have a problem but on the other hand that disk later corrupted itself so let's uh yeah it still says unknown capacity so I'm guessing that's a bug in how they coded this dialogue yeah that's odd well anyway we can do a quick format so that's good so we'll call this footage okay right now we should be able to store plenty of footage like maybe even an hour [Laughter] oh and now you'll get to see the real-time Splash being so it does the Adobe Premiere startup and by the way this is the real-time version of Adobe Premiere which has been customized for for real-time Hardware support now it's starting the card I can see the pvm is flickering and let's do a lot of flickering holy crap time to move the camera over oh there we go okay and now we'll get a second splash screen if the card didn't crash there we go all right and we're ready to go so now we're going to go in we're going to go to movie capture all right we're going to go to scratch disks and we're going to change our temp captured movies to the footage Drive preview attempts to the footage Drive audio preview attempts to the footage Drive okay and now we're going to do a capture I'm going to hit play here oh you know what bad news I left that videotape playing so we have to wait a little bit for to rewind uh but if we look here we're up to almost yeah 30 Megs we've only dropped two frames and that's actually normal so we've got enough throughput on this drive that we'll be able to record at at least six megabytes per second let's actually mess with it here uh let's throw away that file I just captured that's obviously useless let's crank this and see how hard it can go just slam that guy up there now this is fixed bitrate as far as I can tell now I said earlier that it would be variable but I think I was actually wrong oh no you know what I said to 20 megabytes per second but that's obviously not recording 20 megabytes per second we're only up to 40 Megs and it's been 13 seconds so yeah it's variable all right so I'm gonna fast forward our tape here we're just going to land on video at some point theoretically anyway huh man where's the video geez uh maybe I'm still not rewound far enough let's see I'm gonna cancel this so it doesn't fill up our Drive you know uh I didn't check Let's uh yeah close that let's take a look at the record settings okay so at 20 megabytes per second we can actually still capture 28 minutes onto this hard drive that's what you get for having it drive that's bigger than anything you could get at the time but at the base six mags which as I understand is really all you need we can get an hour and 34 so not as much as you might hope [Laughter] uh yeah that seems pretty reasonable oh you know what oh it turns out there's much better footage on this tape I didn't realize was on here I was just scrubbed right I was scrubbed past it so I got these tapes on eBay and I got them from some kind of like youth Film School kind of thing all right so let's hit record okay yeah there we go so even at six megabits this is now counting up a lot faster so it definitely was using sort of a variable bit rate so that's capturing this is yeah this is like some sort of student um student TV show at uh Film School somewhere I can't remember the name of it uh yeah I cannot for Life remember the name of it but uh I watched through these there doesn't seem to be anything like too terribly mortifying in there so I don't feel too bad about messing with the footage um there's no like weird behind the scenes stuff you know anybody embarrassing themselves so all right we're now on 20 megabytes per second can it do it oh yeah look at that uh it's not quite hitting 20 meg so apparently the scene isn't quite complex enough for that but we're definitely hitting it pretty hard yeah we're up to it's been 10 seconds we're up to 120 Megs uh but we're not getting any dropouts here yeah looks like it's just killing it so this scuzzy drive is definitely capable of it you know the funny thing gosh I can only just barely hear the head going but it is going so anyway there's our uh there's our first video file so let's go ahead and save that this thing is doing what it's supposed to be doing by the way just just to be clear uh the hype one save that God the increase in dynamic range when you switch to software decoding is just ridiculous and we're gonna go install the real-time mjpeg code I can see if we can play this in the software I'm guessing we probably can't uh I'm going to drop this down to six megabytes per second we're going to capture another clip all right yeah see that's that's counting up a lot slower it's still going though that's a lot of data you know remember this is this is an absurd bit rate even by by modern standards it's a ridiculous bit rate um modern like impact 4 you're talking about you know 5 to 20 megabits megabits not megabytes per second typical and um for even for for like serious you know like 4K stuff you're talking about what maybe 200 megabits which um it's not a whole lot more than than what this is capable of recording at and yeah for standard deaf it's really good let's go ahead and save that this and also notice how smooth this is like we're working on a Pentium three machine here but this would have worked on a Pentium and because the hardware is assisting with everything it should have been about this clean so this is uh this is quite impressive so I'm going to go ahead and close premiere for the moment and we're going to go back to the real time um driver disk and we're going to install this the Codex I forgot to do that I'm really pleased because so far this seems to be working pretty smoothly this is how I had it before this is what we want to see so we got the e Drive there yep here's our 325 Mega file and our 253 Meg file and if we try and play this this should fail I'm guessing oh is it working oh Lord okay well uh so I don't need to install any codecs apparently but oh this is absolutely eating is triangle yeah there you go this is a this is a Pentium three so uh not top of the line actually for the time this came out uh the Pentium 4 was not out yet but this is not a top of the line Pentium three um so uh sorry pardon just a moment oh yeah no you're right it's an absurd bit rate if you're not shooting 4K or 6K but uh yeah uh some certain bit rate especially for 1998 geez oh look at that you can see there's the interlacing uh let's uh let's get in there now you know you will notice that the the image is a lot crisper than it was with the real-time card itself you know it's definitely cutting Corners to render that in a hurry but uh yeah look at that interlacing that's really good okay well that's looking pretty good let's uh go ahead and uh oh you know what that was the 20 megabyte per second file let's uh try the six Meg and see if it can do any better boy it's struggling even to open it nope nope it's not actually really doing any better all right so we don't need this looks like it already installed the Codex so let's just go ahead and jump back into Premiere now everything I've done so far is stuff I've done before with this machine we're about to go try doing some stuff that I have not done before I have not to date actually used the editing features so you're going to get to witness as I try these for the first time and uh yeah I'm really excited if this works then uh real-time video editing without rendering if this works then I'm set up to to do a proper video about this which is uh really exciting and for anybody who's not aware exactly what the hell this is all about um I don't know that I can demonstrate this easily but uh so back in the day back when when this version of Adobe Premiere was current if you were editing video even like MPEG one video uh it it took a lot of well here actually I can show you this now that I think about it I'm not sure why these files didn't load into into Premiere I'm gonna have to investigate that but let's go to our desktop here let's get our MPEG files file is an unsupported type what that's horseshit wait Adobe no this version of Adobe Premiere could work with MPEG what are you talking about what I can't accept that oh no QuickTime never got installed oh uh I didn't realize that quite mattered in that way uh shoot um give me a moment I need to figure out what we're going to do about this because we I would really like to have that but I don't know that we have yeah that's no this is the real this is the real-time mjpeg codec that's definitely already installed well here's an ADI we'll start with that you know what maybe we can make this work I'm going to go ahead and copy over just a static image let's take all this just dump this right here and we have anything else we can work with I don't think so I don't want to use I didn't want to use the uh the real-time demo footage that we just recorded because that that'll have to decode on the card I'd rather show you something that can actually decode on the uh on the CPU itself so this is just some bars so it's not very exciting unfortunately [Music] um and I think oh that's uh that's title Deco ah crap and it's not what I wanted although well we'll get to that bear with me a moment do I surely oh uh the windows folder there we go that's what we can do we go to the windows folder and we should have some ah where is it is it under is it under system 32 is that where the I'm just looking for the wallpapers I can't remember where the hell the wallpapers are I think they might have ended up in system 32 come on where are those bmps uh uh okay apparently they're not in here config fonts media oh nope that's not it man really I know this comes with uh with wallpapers but where do they live browse oh okay supposedly it's just right there in the windows folder I guess I missed it oh there they are okay so I don't have any good video files to demo with but uh we'll just have to survive here so let's let's do some imports I don't know why these aren't going into the project bin I I guess I don't know what the hell I'm doing I mean to be fair I've Barely Used this oh clock.avi we can use that too I've got some media here all right terrific okay so we take clock.abi I'm on you bastard we put this on video track a okay and look at that nothing happening right there's no output and then let's take uh when NT dot BMP and we're going to put that on track two okay and notice uh wow it's it's really struggling geez eventually this will eventually this will populate boy maybe not all right well whatever um let me go to the let me go to the uh the transitions here okay we're gonna get a barn doors transition we're gonna put it right there okay so at this point you should transition from track a to track B but we can't see anything nothing doing what we have to do is we grab this control here we scale that and we go to Project we say render selection oh yep we do have to save that all right and now it's going to build preview all right now it's working its way through the through the the timeline and remember we're talking about like a maybe a 320 by 240 video here might even be a lower resolution than that uh single BMP and some simple transition effects and this is what a couple frames per second if that like it's stupendously slow honestly I don't even think it needs to be this slow I think this is this is I mean Adobe Premiere legendarily was not a very efficient program and I think when they went to Premiere Pro which is actually the lineage of the the current version um Premiere Pro came out a couple years later I believe and I think that they basically rebuilt the code base because it was very inefficient there's no reason this should be as slow as it is but there we go now look at that we can we can scrub I I guess I messed it up I guess I probably should have truncated the uh yeah I I I guess I was supposed to truncate that I guess I don't even know how to use this program Let's uh so so here's a good example right whoops now we have to re-render so we get a project we got a render selection and we have to wait through the whole thing again you remember the uh the office space joke where he's shutting down his computer and it has a progress bar and when that finishes there's another progress bar and when that finishes there's another progress bar so what this is doing is it's rendering the video into several separate Clips right so it first has to process the unaffected portion of clock.avi then it has a separate clip where it's doing the transition and the third clip where it's just the BMP on the screen so now we can scrub through this what wait oh there we go oh oh there's a brief Dropout I guess I didn't line up the clips correctly anyway we can now hit play yep oh okay I guess there's no drop out it's just because I was scrubbing it but you can see how slow this is right so awful awful right now if we swing over to our uh our pvm here you can see that it's outputting exactly what's on the screen unfortunately the old red camera is not synced to it it's a bummer but if I hit play over here you see it's outputting this live and that was a huge deal at the time and and oh my God this is very funny when this NT workstation 4 on the pvm delightful um so obviously this sucks and this is how it was at the time all video editing used to be just just dreadfully slow it was it was exactly like what you just watched every single little thing required a manual re-render and that was incredibly time consuming you made the tiniest change you had to wait I mean you noticed that I had to oh my God I never hit stop on the DB thank you Steve I appreciate that don't want to run out of footage here um imagine if every single time you made the tiniest change you had to re-render that part of the video right and uh actually if you look at the uh they did try to mitigate this for instance if we look here at the top of the timeline you'll see that we've got blue green on that little bar there and then if we adjust this come on God yeah I don't even know ah there we go this has turned red which means this portion here because we didn't do anything that affects this portion of the video this part will still play I'm still getting a preview right now but if I scrub back to this part we just get a red X on the screen because it needs to be re-rendered now they did mitigate this a little bit right it only invalidated that part so we can select that part and hit render selection and now of course it's going to have to uh go through the whole render process but only for that small portion which is uh you know it's better right it's better than nothing but look at this can you imagine why people might not have wanted to switch away from just a b role video you know just letting your editing in the face of this right you look at you go like oh why would you ever not use an nle they're just obviously better I would not call this obviously better this is kind of obviously worse in a number of ways um so this sucked this sucked so you could probably infer that the purpose of the real-time card is to make that uh unnecessary so let's see um I'm not great yet at uh I'm not great yet at demoing this thing I've barely gotten it to work before it broke the first time so uh I did have some trouble trying to figure out how to how to make it do its magic but we're gonna I'm gonna give it a shot here so I'm gonna delete that transition okay and now we're going to zoom back out and what we're gonna do foreign need to do first is I need to uh oops sorry I'm not used to this program so I just zoomed back in mouse cursor there we go all right let's just invalidate the timeline here let's put the BMP first and the clock ABI there okay and I believe in just like basic software based Premiere this would still work I want to say oh maybe not yeah because even this part isn't isn't showing up the uh the Avi here all right so Premiere just can't play this Avi just can't do it uh without without rendering right so let's get rid of all this all that crap and let's go to import and let's get our two AVI files we're going to put oops and put the hype one here and the hype two there let's just scoot that forward okay now the first thing you'll notice is you know it's just working right like it's just playing the damn file and I don't know if I did something wrong before but it couldn't it didn't even seem to be able to play just the file by itself this on the other hand look at that it's just absolutely instantaneous scrubbing this was a huge deal oh this was such a big deal instantaneous scrubbing was mind-blowing nobody had this so uh I remember reading a Usenet uh test audio from somebody who'd gone to one of the shows and seen a demo of this yeah this was from 1998. um Somebody went to uh to a show and saw the the pre-release version of this thing and they said that uh instantaneous scrubbing which is blowing their mind they couldn't believe it was possible all right so that's uh if we if we hit play here you'll notice that now the real-time performance monitor says it's playing these frames so these are actually going through these are going the card is actively involved in playing all this right now we go to the top of our transition box which you can't see because it's being covered up by the dam there we go now the top of the box we have Nitro magic which is for a card we don't have then we have real-time magic so let's go ahead and take that and now we get a whole bunch of transition modes so we're just gonna go ahead and pick this one and I just realized why my previous um editing attempt didn't work uh the problem is I've got these backwards I need to transition the other way around or it's going to wind up with the wrong video on the track so give me a second put that there put that there put that there I think this is how we do it all right now let's put our real-time magic transition back okay and now what's supposed to happen let's see if it does it's just supposed to uh to do it whoops I did it wrong everyone I did it wrong put those back the way they were maybe had it right the first time ah man like I said I'm new to this I'm new to this nobody judge me all right oh that doesn't work either what huh well maybe what I have maybe there is the fact that I haven't cut this so maybe it's noticing that the other image is never going to become visible so let's razor that you know the other thing I noticed is that the transition is very very long I think it's just gonna pop for one or the other oh oh okay sorry the transition is working it's just very very long whoops there we go and look at that yeah let's make that a little bit shorter just like that look at that folks look at that yeah baby and the the footage is from the mid-2000s the editor is from 1998. let's go ahead and take a look at our analog output and of course it's doing the same thing over there just like that so this this in 1998 was magical magical well okay Joseph yes that's that's more or less the right response but I do want to mitigate it a little bit what was special about the video toaster which I need to stress the Amiga version existed at this point the windows version did not and that matters because the Amiga version was uh let's see it was analog only it did not speak component so I will say that by 1998 the auction using the video toaster was really starting to look long in the tooth because people were working with you know beta cam SP input and output they were working with a component all over the place they were doing um you know high quality uh high quality um uh digital copies of things and and stuff like that have been doing so for quite some time and the video toaster was still based on the original 1990 platform you know they well I'm sorry that's that's not true they had produced The Video Toaster 4000 I think it was but it doesn't matter it's basically the same device so for all intents and purposes the video toaster only works with composite video and yes it is only normally a real-time device a real-time like live production device they had a thing called the flyer and I need to be honest I do not know how it integrated with this it is possible I really don't know it is possible the flyer would allow you to I know it was an a hard drive based nle so it is possible that it would let you do pretty much this by piping the two video streams do an analog converter then into the video toaster card and then doing the mixing and analog and capturing the result I have no idea I have no idea maybe it did that so oh uh 312 I'm sorry I didn't even notice the you're right it does say 3 12 12 on the on the lower third so yeah I'm sorry this probably is that that probably is accurate 2012 seems likely um I was I've not paid attention to the content in these videos at all it's just something to put on the screen um but anyway so the the VT uh the video toaster was not intended for what we're doing here it may have been possible they fully kitted out rigged to do something like what we're doing here but it would not have been it would not have been as high quality it would not have run on a modern computer keep in mind that the Amigas that the video toaster was using uh they aged very very quickly so by 1998 there's a very good chance that most Amigas that were still around were getting very long in the tooth and starting to basically you turn it on it wouldn't work you then have to turn it off take the case off pull all the cards and put them back in it really it it started to get bad really fast and nowadays that's certainly the case if I were to drag in my Amiga 4000 and turn it on there's a very good chance it just wouldn't boot or the video toaster software would just crash until I basically shook it so um yeah it was it was just a very old device it was not up to this sort of of shenanigan and uh actually the the the video toaster NT when it came out a little bit later in 1999 was capable of doing this but um offhand I don't think it spoke component at first no I think that's I think that's false if you had the Bob it would speak component I believe so anyway there was competition I want to be clear about that there was competition but it was from matrox it was from True Vision it was from companies that you haven't heard of uh certainly in the last 15 20 years because this used to be a niche market whereas uh these companies were over in their area doing their thing and selling like 90 units a year total whereas new tech was over in their Corner doing a completely different thing and when they finally finished it in like 2001 made it was actually salable they also sold like 90 units a year I'm sure but they were just two very different markets so um uh the the video toaster started as a linear editing well it started as a live production Appliance it could also be used for linear editing if you had two vtrs and a third VTR you could pass both signals into the video toaster and take the output into the third vcr and you could do transitions Fades transforms Etc um just like any other you know live you know video effects unit but with the addition of the flyer it became a non-linear editor and I have not used the flyer so I don't know what it was truly capable of but I get the impression that it was relatively modern anyway all right we are this is fantastic everything's working I'm super happy I don't know if the machine is going to continue working it may blow up just like it did before but um the fact is that um the uh uh it's doing exactly what it's supposed to do and I want to stress that what you just saw it do this is what it does just that that huge card you saw with all those fpgas it does this it takes two video streams in a proprietary format only and performs a series of transitions between them that's it uh it's not quite true it's a little more you can also have a static graphic exactly one so let's let's test that let's let's see um oh uh Steve um I don't know anything about the Avid Cinema card but probably I I think you're probably right because avid Avid was also in this space I don't know what they made as far as as Standalone cards I know that the Avid media composer if you're a patron you'll have seen my video about this the Avid media composer was pretty much this just bigger and older because they started making them in like the mid 80s but it's essentially the same concept you have a card whose job is to take two videos in in probably a proprietary format and mix them with various Transitions and that's like 95 of its job because that's 95 of video production it's just doing that one task you go from A to B and a little while later you go from B to a and the one other thing you do is you put titles on the screen so there were a lot of cards that could do this released between like 1985 and like 2008 when when computers had just become overwhelmingly fast enough to do it on their own and they all pretty much did that two video streams a transition and then maybe a title or a graphic layer so oh okay Steve I did not know that was you sorry oh geez um Let's uh let's let's pop over to do bunk it's probably overhead here all right so I'm told that we can put a single graphic on its own layer so let's just try I don't know what the restrictions are let's just try like when nt.bmp and see if it can just overlay that it looks like it did it oh yeah look at that uh but ostensibly if we then do one more layer uh oh we gotta manually add a layer there this is It's not like modern uh modern nles uh how do we do this we do project create how do we add a layer will let us maybe we're limited maybe we actually can't maybe this just doesn't let you add a layer manually maybe that's just not a thing in this version of premiere like I honestly have no idea I have very little experience with it uh that's not it wow like I'm I know that normal Premiere would let you do this but maybe real time is actually gimmicked it so you can't you might need to read The Help file oh Quicksilver is that how it works oh okay it's really funny how a lot of people on here uh I probably have talked to you elsewhere but I have no idea who you are sorry uh the internet uh jeez can we yeah I just don't know if I can add another layer here let's uh do we have a help file we do have help file okay let's it's not it's not called a layer it's called a track I'm remembering now uh let's go to whoops let's go to index tracks adding and deleting okay the timeline can normally support up to 99 video 99 audio tracks so click the triangle below the timeline window title bar is that it oh there it is there we go so we add one video track okay now will this just automatically stop working nope it's still happy so far but now let's add one more hmm still seems happy let's try adding a different image or actually let's let's scoot this a little bit interesting and interesting the impressionist wouldn't work but uh you know maybe I misread um hmm oh you wrote me the acronis the acronis live Media email yeah that was fascinating [Laughter] uh well at any rate um yeah by the way for context uh my Discord is no longer Open Access um there's I once a while invite people but I straight up I'm telling you that uh that don't ask the answer won't be yes um if you get invited you get invited if you ask you almost certainly aren't going to I have too much Social Anxiety I had to shut the Discord down so I just add people once in a blue moon uh okay supposedly this will also do titling and to do that we have a thing called title deco which is a dedicated titling program and I don't know how we're supposed to use this do we do it from I know I drug a title Deco file in here earlier and that just worked but I don't know how we create one from scratch and supposedly this is supposed to be cracked but it doesn't appear to be uh the crack didn't appear to take hmm well I'll have to figure that out anyway so uh this being a title generator basically you could make uh arbitrary text and probably Graphics that usually yeah title usually refers not just a text but to any any Associated um artwork that it'll you know be floating on and sometimes just artwork on its own but so for instance there we go you always get these nice rich Styles it's like css2 the sequel to CSS uh let's add let's add some text oh is there a I think there's is there an input carrot there nope doesn't seem to be oh there we go uh there we go let's uh make that a little bit smaller how do we do that it's always fun learning how a new uh oh wait each of these it's always fun learning how a new graphics or editing program like vector program works you can always catch it by surprise this one's kind of strange wow this this has some really strong um the more you know energy now we can't even right click on this it looks like how do we bring this sure we got to bring this to the front there we go okay so now we should be able to save this and then import it into why what why can we only see the C drive what what is that about huh uh concrete yes uh it's it's been weird it's been weird I had a friend tell me that they were talking to someone the other day and the person was like oh my God you know cathode ray dude wow you're so cool and uh they thought that was very strange I think that's very strange you know I don't know what to think of that that's that's uh that's pretty weird am I upset uh well so people can be strange you know so I like it when it's when it's to my benefit but at other times boy howdy it could be stressful okay so when you drag in a title Deco file it opens title deco and minimizes it and now it's I'm guessing it's gonna be like sort of married to to premiere yeah look at that that just appears right on there so that's certainly being accelerated and my guess is if we open this here then we change something Oh weird oh it opened title Deco but it didn't open the file in question that's strange but I'm guessing that if we open this and we change something um how do we do that we go to face there we go you select go out Shader and then oh that's how we do it okay we select that let's make that green oh wait that it doesn't like take effect in place oh that's weird so like I was saying like there's just really uh um every Graphics package is just so different there we go okay now if we go back to premiere it hasn't taken effect yet but if we save this oh oh wait there's no save option here anymore so I think this is running in integration mode oh no there we go I was like sort of in a in a nested object okay now we can save it I would think that this would update right away okay you gotta back up and go for it again that's not too bad that's not too bad now I will point out um pardon me just a moment okay let me just point out look at this shape here this circle I know the camera's at a bit of an angle but still look at that Circle and then uh look at this circle they're different aspect ratios so uh Steve made the point earlier that ntsc uses non-square pixels I'm pretty sure those are different aspects I'm looking at it now I wonder if that's true yeah I'm pretty sure I'm pretty sure that's squished because I think that's like five four and four three and yeah well yeah I know it's not literally a circle but still it looks more squished it yeah that's more of a circle [Laughter] let's save that also you notice that um it's Alpha Blended right can we make this preview image bigger actually can we put this in single Window mode yes there we go that's a little better oh that was weird you see that the title disappeared for a moment oh oh that's interesting so right now we're getting the output from the from the real time card we're getting the the uh analog overlaid output but if we click over here it reverts to Premiere and look at that the title Deca disappears so yeah it appears the title Deco is being uh is being matted in in Hardware now can we can we fade this in I think the only way we can fade this in is by using a see this is where things get interesting I don't know if we could fade in this title like this should work oh right right uh uh shoot because we're starting out on okay so we have to we would start here oh no right because that's um hang on a moment how do we do this because we're not actually transitioning that we're uh if we transition it we're going to lose the original footage right which I I mean there's a you know right we have to trim this manually like I know I'm stumbling through all this but can I just point out that look how fast I'm iterating right I'm just just slamming right through make an error try something else instantly test it again that's an interesting point huh okay so let's address that so pan Landis asked uh what if we set one of the colors to the color uses for Chroma key so you see that blue whenever I click away if I click over here we get a flash of blue there as far as I know this is literally doing chroma key like it's looking for a hot blue and using it to Matt in the uh uh the the the video and uh so one does wonder what would happen if we embedded that blue I also wonder um you know now that I think about it it's realized that's an always on top window what if we were to set the the color of a of a grayed out title bar to the blue that it uses for matting in Windows I wonder if we get it to shine through let's find out if we didn't just crash the machine oh it's having trouble uh if you take a screenshot it just shows up with the the hot blue so um well machines hung rot row [Laughter] oh no oh oh there we go all right let's try this again thank God I was gonna say if I ever reboot this machine like non-gracefully I know it's just gonna blow up so all right inactive title bar we're gonna pick this we're going to set this to the hottest wait a minute oh oh my God the card's engaged right now I don't know how this happened I tried to get to do this earlier it didn't work look at that oh man well there it is it's Kirby King [Laughter] oh that's so good oops oh man oh look at that how cool is that that's so awesome is this the hottest blue I can get it doesn't look fully saturated it's not there we go there we go oh there it is and it's definitely doing it in the analog domain partial keying oh yeah can you see that it's very faint it's very faint oh this rocks I I was not able to get this to work uh the last time I tried it I think I've got it wedged you know in kind of a state um hahaha [Laughter] oh that's so fun you know what uh nt4 does not I don't think it includes solitaire oh bummer I wanted to play Solitaire over the over the video yeah I don't think I think it's solid.exe right hang on let me go to Windows setup add and remove programs oh there we go hell yeah we may not have been able to os2 but boy howdy were we able to uh to Windows we Windows real hard we're still windowsing and yeah it's literally just using the the whole it's using like the intensity of the blue Channel I think because you know what you can still see it holy crap if you look close see this Shadow right here huh Focus I'm going to turn the brightness up a little bit here it's kind of hard to see but it's there so yeah it's a very liberal uh chroma chroma key uh circuit apparently this is using a chroma key from um oh geez what's the company ah shoot Aura Vision something like that I think it's Aura Vision like a-u-r-a could be wrong um but basically it's using um an off-the-shelf third-party um overlay card so oh we can't change the background color I thought you could oh that sucks but wait a minute wait a minute are the cards getting matted no those are just the edges ah shoot oh can we change the card back though deck oh oh I don't think there's anything that really oh there's there's some business going on there with a couple of these but I don't think enough oh no it is there you can just see it it is there oh that's so fun what about uh do we have any other what do we have any other video James uh mine sweeper has no blue in it I don't think freestyle has much blue in it I don't think we can change the background color or anything nope nope what about we can hack the game but I don't have the tools for that handy what about um pinball anything oh that's full screen I mean that should work right because it's happening in the analog domain oh it's struggling oh the machine is hung right now I hope this was not a bad decision [Laughter] well I think I think we've seen what we're gonna see so uh wow that that was a lot of fun that was really really cool uh yeah I didn't expect to I didn't expect to get that far let me tell you um it looks like it works perfectly I'm gonna have to do some more research I need to scan in the book I do have the book but I need to digitize it so I can learn what this is supposed to be capable of and test out all the features but uh the uh overall the thing clearly works at least until Windows NT corrupts itself again but the hardware seems to be fine and and um the next time that Windows NT corrupts itself again I'm just going to do a complete wiping reload it won't make much difference but at least whatever anyway the scuzzy drive Works clearly has the throughput I need yeah there you go so I can make a video about this cool I think what I need to do if I was gonna if I was going to do this right what I would do is I would get an iMac DV and and stack these up next to each other because I'm under the impression I I could have sworn that an iMac DV with like the original iMovie could do more or less what this just did without rendering I could have sworn and uh the math there makes sense because I know it was doable on Pentium class Hardware you could take D1 video and as long as you had a card that was helping you decode it you could and put it into memory uh you could uh you could mix that video in software on like a Pentium like 166 or 200 with or whatever the the top end of that line was uh at real time so I know it's doable and my my strong suspicion is that Premiere absolutely could have done this without the it could have done the basic video playback for sure and it should have been able to do at least some transitions I really think that this Hardware is a solution to a problem that shouldn't have existed I think it really is just software and efficiency because roughly contemporary with this uh in syncs Speed Racer I think was able to do just what we were doing in real time with only a decoding card which was the the early Video Toaster NT card now the iMac did not have dedicated video decoding Hardware unless there was just something intrinsic to the G3 I don't think there was and any any talk at the time about the the G3 being massively more performant than than PC CPUs it wasn't true it it it it was it was more or less true in a few fairly synthetic tests but for the most part what made the Mac better if it was better at the time was just better code quality so I'm going to reset the machine it's clearly hung so uh oh let's see it's an interesting question um we're gonna see if this machine can we'll see if this machine can boot again or if NT corrupts itself um anyway the DV question is interesting oh okay the G3 had Vector extensions all right that may have helped especially because again the DV format which is what the I mean let me say this right so the iMac the iMac DV was sold with the understanding you were going to edit DV on it right now that's a lot of bit rate but like I said it's oops it's starting Windows engine setup because I've got to take the CD out it's a funny thing they didn't add the uh press enter to start setup until Windows XP I think I want to say I don't think 2000 had it might be wrong about that but uh so for a while if you had the windows disk in the CD-ROM and your machine had El Torito boot support then it was just like having a floppy disk in the drive if you didn't take it out it would start up into the into the installer really irritating anyway I don't know whether the iMac DB could do real-time compositing in iMovie or whether there was some delay whether it could do it you know it might have been half frame rate for all I know or something like that I don't know whether it could do it with MPEG or if could or move or if it could only do it with DV files so it is possible that they used the g3s vector extensions to load up a little baby um a little baby uh uh DV decoder 25 megabits is a lot of hard drive throughput but not a lot of bus throughput and it it seems reasonable that as long as you can get it off the hard drive into memory in real time which at that point seems practical I could believe the CPU could handle it but I don't actually know it's the sort of thing that the impression I get is that it worked but impressions are often wrong uh from this era okay okay so the vector accessories roll into G4 so yeah I'm really curious if the iMac DB could actually do it I don't have a G3 I have two G4 Max so that doesn't tell me anything so I might have to track down an iMac DV in order to do this video justice but that'd be pretty cool I would really like to because I think the DB I think the iMac DB came out in 1998 or 99. I think it was 98 wasn't it could be wrong about that but uh basically um it would have been the most direct competitor certainly based on the Usenet posts I found what this was doing was apparently revolutionary on the PC so I have to assume that nobody had really seen anything like this I also do know that there were real-time cards for the Mac so everything must not have been hunky-dory over there because The Matrix made the RT Mac for instance which does exactly what this card does it just did it two years later in about 2000 or 2001 I think so things must not have been peachy if iMovie could do DV editing in real time it must have been either very limited or absolutely restricted to the DV format this is a really interesting Avenue to go down I think I'm gonna have to look into this okay late 99 for the DV okay uh well all the same this card was first being demoed in 98 the card that's in this machine so I think I'm okay with saying that maybe nobody actually had it until 99 so maybe there was like a nine or ten month Gap there I don't know but I'd be willing to say that they were pretty contemporary so I think if I want to do this video Justice if I want to make a proper video about this topic what do we need to do is to get a contemporary late 99 PC and do some research to find out what people were using for video editing and the software domain at that time Adobe Premiere obviously is uh pretty pretty sad but I wonder uh if something else maybe early I think like Sony Vegas or something before Sony acquired it may have been out so there might have been Alternatives that maybe did better so I should look into that and I would want to get an iMac DV ideally failing that maybe a G3 Tower because they should be relatively equivalent and uh okay oh and the G3 blue and white was also 99. okay interesting so wow in that case the time this came out very possibly nobody never really seen this done on a PC before uh sorry any PC in the general sense any kind of of personal computer so yeah I think this was ahead of its time I think it's a pretty impressive card I don't know how much it cost I want to say a couple Grand maybe a little bit more I don't remember if I got a I think I was looking for a price I don't think I found a price so at any rate I'm glad it works it's gonna be a bit before I can make a video about it but the the primary reason I was doing these streams well besides the fact that you know you folks are paying me I should uh let you in on what I'm doing you know not just sit here like ah maybe I'll throw your bones someday you just you just sit there and wait and you'll be lucky if you get something uh I should probably you know try and and produce more content and at least you know this is something I where I do a lot of the trouble with like I tried to get myself to do like patreon videos and what I realized very short very quickly is that it takes as much effort to do a patron video as a normal video uh it's exactly the same amount of effort uh as far as like brain space you know you it could take me three days of uh lead up to making a proper video for my main Channel during which I'm just completely paralyzed I can't do anything else it's like I'm sitting at home like well I finished writing the script but I can't shoot the video for another day and a half so I'm just gonna sit here because I can't think about anything else turns out the same thing happens with patreon videos no matter how simple they're supposed to be I'm still sitting there going how should I do this how should I play this how should I you know Etc and uh so those end up consuming a lot of um resources and then not to sound ungrateful or anything but I post them on on patreon I don't really get much response um it makes sense because the ratio of Watchers to you know uh Watchers to commenters Etc is is already pretty low right like 45 000 people watch a video and a thousand people comment uh which is not you know unusual for me well that's way less than one in ten you know so way less than uh I'm bad with math but it's not a lot anyway as 145 what am I saying what am I thinking Jesus uh anyway so you take that and you multiply it by you multiply that ratio by like 250 or 300 views which is typical for a patron only video and yeah you're not really going to get much interaction and the thing is that I do this I get tons of interaction right and I'm producing something people can watch it's not Patron exclusive nobody seems to care about that so uh um if everyone's happy then I'm happy and and at least this way I'm like getting a lot more done because yeah with a if you're trying to make a finished video of any kind that you can't really get anything done while making it right you're gonna spend hours producing the video and but you have to have done all the work ahead of time every time I've tried to make a like a recorded video about something that was not yet working like here let's try and record the process it was always a disaster um so what I like about this is it's a disaster that people are willing to watch and enjoy apparently so yeah hopefully I'll uh hopefully I'll do uh-huh uh hopefully I'll do uh more of these uh I like the setup I think the PTZ camera is a game changer right because if I was doing this without the PTZ camera I would have to have darya in here um moving cameras around it would just be a miserable I'd have to be going to break all the time you know with the PTZ camera uh does exactly what I wanted this has been great I just want to put two more in here right you know hang one over there and and maybe um put one right here so we can get a straight shot on onto some you know just put these damn things everywhere trouble is it turns out that the the three uh PTZ cameras I got in that eBay deal that I was really happy about they're not very good um compared to the the value HD they're just not nearly as effective so I have another one coming in the mail but I don't think I'm going to be able to to use it necessarily certainly in the short term it's not going to be nearly as convenient if nothing else um and then I'd have to get a couple more of those and then I'm kind of stuck with these other ones that are kind of broken and and not that great to begin with so anyway yeah uh to wit the studio is becoming a studio right yeah exactly you know that's you think about you think of a studio and you're like oh yeah you're gonna have like lights and mics and and and cameras everywhere right now what I have is there's one camera here and there's another one floating around somewhere and I just sort of move them around and I temporarily set them up on a tripod and I put them away and the rest of the time like you'd be shocked at how how limited my resources are here uh as far as that stuff goes so um anyway but the uh the moral of the story is that uh this has been fun and productive because now I can get this machine uh put away um it's been sitting out here because I wanted to get it working I I had it for some months I finally got the software for it from uh um panlantis and and I wanted to uh I wanted to get this machine working and like dispositioned before I button it up and stick it in a corner and pile stuff on it so I can pull it out you know I'll pull it out later but in the meantime I just I need it to be a thing I can stack stuff on top of but having put some of the effort in I didn't want to stop and then have to remember what the hell I was doing six months down the line and start from scratch at this point I should be able to pull this thing out and just use it so thank you all uh it's it's been a blast um I don't know when I'm gonna do my next uh studio video like this um because I don't have other projects like this on the docket so uh just like the last two it'll be completely random so I'll see you there everybody have a nice Friday I think as they say bye [Music] [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Cathode Ray Dude Gaiden
Views: 1,887
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 94zOFG04cYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 187min 16sec (11236 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 21 2023
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