I Cycled 100km Every Day For A Week & This Is What Happened!

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so it has to be said i love a challenge i've beaten my dad he was on an e-bike i've burnt ten thousand calories i've done the longest descent i've ridden from paris to leona a hundred year old by but what is next what could i do wow tank i think i've got an idea for you i did a half marathon for seven days over on gta i gotta say it was seven days yeah it was flipping hard but i did a pretty good job i think it's time to pass the baton over to gcn so what's a good equivalent what you're gonna say 100k aren't you yeah i'd probably say that's it yeah 100k for seven days around work that's a good idea right i feel like this one's gonna hurt sleep deprivation hours on the bike sore legs sore muscles lack of sleep right you're on i'll do it for gcn you might think riding a hundred kilometers a day for a week would be a walk in the park for me but you'd be wrong for this challenge i'll also be doing everything i'd usually get up to in a normal working week and then squeezing in those miles it's just going to be tough both physically and mentally luckily just like mark on gtn i've got some help in the form of nutrition from newszest and i'll tell you more about them soon but i should really get onto it now right stop procrastinating let's go [Music] good morning it's day one and i am off to somewhere in wales i'm about to hop in the car and head off to meet connor because because today i am riding 130k to see how long it takes conor to bonk i'm hoping i'm not gonna get too damaged because it is only day one but i am starting off the right way with a protein shake and as per usual i'm running late here we go sorry [Music] so day one into my 100k a day and i've surpassed 100k already on my first day i'm on 119k work has got me riding the corner until he bought and he's bond [Applause] day one is complete and i am shattered that was a way harder ride than i was expecting 130k with efforts trying to get connor to bonk and it took longer than i was expecting but he did bonk in the end my only worry is that is day one day one done six more to go 600k to go and i'm hoping it's gonna get easier but i don't think it is right time for some sleep so before i start my next working day i should probably mention how i'm getting myself through this challenge to give me the best chance possible in making it all the way to sunday and 700k now i have teamed up with the guys from newszest who have sent me a bunch of their products now i'm going for the clean lean protein now this is all plant-based and it's also done with pea protein so that way it's really good on the digestive system i've also got some vitality mix now this has got 75 of high quality vitamins and minerals now this is really good for the mornings to give you that extra little boost now it's best on an empty stomach actually because that way it kind of gets into your system that bit quicker i've also asked the guys for some sachets now these sachets are good because you can just chuck them in your bag instead of taking a big tub when it comes to doing those split days and that way you know you're getting the exact right serving for your post ride i better stop procrastinating and get on with the day and it all starts with a cream protein shake after a really early 4am wake up and a three hour plus drive i found myself on the south western tip of the uk in cornwall now this is where i've been told i've got to fling myself off a pier in the name of science yes i've kind of given up asking questions now well coming up to lunch time and i've still got to do my 100k so i'm getting a little tired so hopefully it's not going to be too hard time to leave the beach and head out onto the road legs are very heavy from yesterday's 140k so i'm hoping i'm gonna manage it it goes [Music] so it's not going too well i've only done 30k and i've got a puncher nothing like a 20 climb [Music] to wake the legs up ah 20k and then i've done my 100k my last 50k have ridden into a headwind [Music] so there have it finished where i started back at the sea 100k later that was tough right i need to go and get rest and recovery and get a protein shake inside because tomorrow it starts again it's only wednesday it's wednesday and today is again a difficult day because well luckily i've gone i'm gonna have some company but my plan is to ride to work do some filming uh we're gonna be filming on a uh on costco racetrack in the south of england which should be fun and then hoping to squeeze in a few kilometers after work i say a few it's gonna have to be like 60. i had a good breakfast good protein shake but i'm still pretty sore so i hope i can suffer my way through what's going to be another hard 100k but luckily i think i meet my dad along the way [Music] only this time i'm racing him so we can treat it it's like an interval [Music] so i'm still filming the light is getting lower dad's getting tired and i've still got 70k to do oh my 100k a day [Music] 50k i'm halfway through i'm shattered [Music] foreign oh i am hurting so i didn't manage the 100k today i managed 75k so i'm gonna use the 30k extra i did with with uh connor on monday and i'm gonna call that 300k in three days so quick update i am on day four genuinely really tired i've been getting my protein shakes in thanks to the guys at newszest so that's been helping my muscle recovery but then it cuts then it cuts on to how i'm sleeping and i've been averaging on my whoop i've been averaging a strain of 20. so the last three days i've been getting high strain score and in order to get properly recovered and to stay in the green i've been trying to get as much recovery as possible and as you can see i've been sleeping pretty well too so i think it's just because i've been so tired i've as soon as i've hit the pillow i've fallen straight asleep and i've got a good solid eight hour sleep in nice deep sleep meaning i get good recovery i am feeling pretty nailed though and i'm gonna do everything i can keep well fueled to get through these next four days today i'm going to be riding to bath doing a swift ride and running back oh i could literally go to bed don't sleep for a week gosh right approach shake and i'm good to go day four and i'm off let's have it [Music] these hills [Music] they're not doing me any favors [Music] horrendous how are we feeling today sun is shining the wind's not blowing for once and i'm a headwind and everything's looking pretty good i feel all smug i feel like i should do a dance or something whoa right i should not have done that [Applause] [Music] made it to the office in time 40 kilometers on the clock nice time is 8 30 and i've got 50k to go so i've got another hour and a half ride just finished the work day i've got to say i'm going to struggle because there's a lot of cards right here goes nothing once i've done this that's 400k in the back [Music] it's coming up to 10 o'clock and i've just done my 100k i've actually done 120k including the zwift ride [Applause] so that was around 45k to get to work did 30k on zwift and then another 40k back fed served on my 100k today so i've racked up at least 400k over 400k in four days and i've got three days to go [Music] coming up to 12 o'clock one o'clock i've had a bit of a busy morning so i'm gonna try and jump on zwift for my lunch break that way i can get some kilometers in before it gets too late so i don't really want to ride in the dark again how am i feeling i mean i didn't get enough sleep last night so my recovery score on work has dropped off the cliff so i'm in the red down i'm only seeing it 30 which basically means that i need more sleep to recover and i didn't get to sleep till like 12 last night because of my late ride so i'm hoping my legs are gonna feel a little bit better than my head but right now i'm gonna try and cook up some case for some inspiration i'm gonna watch the donegal 500 with [Music] all connor that's 70k done now back to work and then i'm going to finish the last 30k tonight my legs are so sore get the protein in all about recovery so just finishing up day five last k before i've got 500 kilometers done in five days and it's nine o'clock i'm absolutely knackered and i've only got two days left so i need to make sure i get as always as much sleep as possible because i was in the red on my woo so if i can get some more sleep hopefully i'll get me in the green tomorrow we'll see [Music] good morning as you can hear from my voice i'm absolutely shattered two days ago and as a cheat i thought i would uh treat myself to some croissants this morning after all it is the weekend it's saturday i've done third i've done actually 50k on the on zwift and now i'm heading out with my buddy for um for another 40 or 50k that way i've made up my 100k and i've only got 100k left but i can feel like there's gonna be rain in the air and i'm praying it's not gonna rain so i don't have a cape but here it goes [Music] and then we've done 600k for seven days on two i didn't work out the bastard james is [Music] all right current situation i forgot my cape school boy era 5k from home it's so wet get absolutely dumped on so just got back and it was a bit of a dirty ride as you can tell uh you can tell who was sat on his wheel well i was on the front the whole time they're always talking about all the time it's sunday and my last day of my 100k day it's fair to say i'm feeling rather tired legs are pretty sore hopefully i will get through this last 100k and then i would have done 700k this week dr oliver bridgewood has come out to give me some support because i've got this my last 100k me yeah hank's told me that he's flagging so i'm gonna try and drag him around so it means i can sit on all his wheel um thank god so it should be a fun ride actually i'm looking forward to this one this is sit here so we're an hour in pretty sore but i think this is why it's quite key to have someone to come out with you like a teammate or a friend because it really helps motivate you to keep on going even if you're feeling pretty rubbish right he's ready to go i'm babbling right let's go we got around about 70k to go 60k in still 40k to go always on the job right flapjacks volley at the coffee shop do i have a profiterole i might get here i might get coffee cake actually go big we'll go oh and it's starting to rain great it's not stopping us though it's ollie no hammering through here be about three hours i reckon all in 100k oh yeah [Music] there we have it 100k done ollie thanks for that three hours three hours easy nailed it so there we have it i have survived seven days 100k a day and i have to say it's been a really good challenge it's been pretty brutal like i have found it pretty hard trying to stay on top of sleep luckily had whoops try and find out how much steep i can get and trying to get enough sleep to feel recovered for the uh for the the next day for the the next 100k and then i try to stick on my nutrition making sure i got enough protein in to you know help the recovery in the muscles so massive thank you to news s for helping out with this challenge and making sure i'm sticking to a good recovery routine now i'm done i'm pretty happy that it's over i haven't done 28 hours on the bike around work in a long long time and my legs definitely feel it and i can definitely tell you i'm pretty knackered but i've enjoyed it and if you guys want to take on a challenge yourself it doesn't have to be 100k a day it could be 20k a day 30k a day 40k a day but make sure you get one good sleep and two you get good nutrition so you're getting your good proteins in you're getting good carbohydrates and you're replenishing all the carbohydrates and calories you've burnt that is absolutely key good luck to anyone who's taking on any sort of challenge and believe that you can do it and then just stick to it i always like to tell as many people as possible i'm doing a challenge and then there's no way out anyway if you enjoyed this video give it a big thumbs up let me know in the comment section below what you thought and uh i guess i'll see you in the next challenge and talking of news zest i better go and get my protein shake
Channel: Global Cycling Network
Views: 481,268
Rating: 4.869092 out of 5
Keywords: whoop, nuzest, recovery, protein, fuel, food, eating, nutrition, fitness, endurance, consecutive, week, 7 days, every day, night, stress, fatigue, 100km, vegan, plant based, sleep, rest, performance, affect, muscle, muscles, science, challenge, work, job, around, eat, GCN, Global Cycling Network, Sports, Cycling, Bike, Bikes, Bicycle (Product Category), Road Bike, Cyclist, Road Bicycle, GCN Cycling, velo, james, lowsley, williams, sec-feature, sca15, gc21s, ិ, ꗧ, ଐ, c1, ꗶ, n1, v1, Ղ, ཋ, ሙ, ସ, ଙ, ホ, パ, ィ, ꗪ, ଛ, ዩ, ꔹ, ፕ1, ヵ, ዾ, 4304
Id: xJ2i6goGKWQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 9sec (1209 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 18 2021
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