Grasshopper Tutorial - Window Mullions

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however one this is hacker today I'm going to talk about one of the useful tools in grasshopper to add window modems sometimes it is just okay to do to do it by hand but imagine if you have tens to hundreds a piece of Windows to do I believe these tool will save you a lot of time so now let's get started this is a time window to add morning's to and we use surface at the input set the input as original surface offset the surface give it distance to offset and this distance is actually the depths of a muling in my case it is I the JUnit is millimeters so I put 150 you can change it accordingly if it's in the wrong direction connective here and you should be offset in the opposite way and now we need to deconstruct the braaap to find the right edges so my technique is to fight the right edges and divide the edges into the sequence the points connect the points to the according points under the offset surface and make the lines and love the lines to make the moon is quite straightforward and I will show you if you do not know where the better lines on the tool bar just press ctrl alt and left-click and shows the exact location of it and when now we need to find stuff the right edge the way we do it is to find the first to find the middle points of each edge and to construct the points which gave you the the z coordinates sort the edges by Z coordinates of their middle points and you can check by list items the default input is 0 which means the first element in your list 1 negative 1 gives you the last element so we have the lower level where lower edge and the upper edge divide the edge divide the curve by length and now we need to input our muling spacing in my case I just use 1500 which is 1.5 meters in this case you see the moon does not touch the end of the window so the first way to solve the problem is to get the gets the number of points first and keep and give an estimate so we have divided the edge into five segments which means six points and now we can divide curve by number as we say that say it should be it is actually six points which means five segments so now we should divide turning down by one which we turn us a list of six points group the four batteries and save you time and we do the same thing for the lower edge we've found the right points and we need to do the same thing for the offset surface double-check inspir out so we need to find the curve on the closest point and inputs the points this upper to upper lower edge to lower edge let's see upper points to upper points lower post or points but we have noticed that say each list of the points of the lines to actually in a list if we use loft to make the Moonies we need to graph it first Preston press shift so she adds you liked the little plus sign oops the order is reversed I believe it is because when we the consumer actually explode the original surface into before edges the ad gusta our order like one by one which means the end of one edge is actually the start of the adjacent edge so we just flip either of the final edge yes correct now we have the Moody's here comes another challenge sometimes we do not really once the edges of the Buddhist and the very ends of the size of the windows how do we do it well my technique is go back to the points there's one tool called cow index use zero as a first input which means the very first element in a list do it again and now we put negative 1 as the input which cuts the their last element out and we do the same thing for the lower edge so upper edge to upper edge everything is updated accordingly lower edge is lower edge now we've got it like the rest invisible and we just show the Mullins see is here it will pick it out into the mood Ian layer and that's our Mullins what tasks with irregular shapes say we have a curved window glass see and it's also there baked it it's working all right now let's come to the cool part let's say we have three different sizes of boxes which represents three different houses or architectural masses we need to add lootings to filter inputs set multiple surfaces and you would like to select them all and this will return us the moon is four or glass windows like the mouse and that's our set of little rulings thank you if you like it you're also welcome to visit wise thanks for watching bye bye
Channel: Hacken Li
Views: 4,940
Rating: 4.6923075 out of 5
Id: b1Mr35RYrpE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2019
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