Graser's Mistake - Minecraft Far Lands (Ep.13)

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[Music] thank you hello everyone and welcome back to another episode of far lands with stacy we're here we're back at the house house we are back at the house house and let me tell you it was an easy easy task what i just said it wasn't easy i thought it was pretty straightforward we just simply had to walk in a straight line and then we were here there were there were issues and i think i think actually we're gonna cut to some of the things that happened uh as i was getting back first of all this episode will go down in history grazer did you know that oh it's a rocky the 13th oh it is the unlucky 13th episode of farlands this episode is going down in history as the episode where stacy killed a hundred sheep oh yes you did i killed 100 sheep on the way back here i feel very delightful about it why did you you asked me like a hard math problem i just had to figure out how many people 100 minus a stack okay all right anyway so that's history making number one of this episode okay and number two this is the episode that will ever be remembered as the beginning of spamming anvils oh smiley anvils spamming anvils which you don't even know what we're talking about yet so roll all of the clips of us getting here just stop recording yeah just in case yeah i'm in a there's a treacherous jump okay jump dog sofia jump okay good did you have to go across did you have to go across a lot of water or no yeah yeah yeah you did i called that the lake between her so like separates the new and the old [Music] huh the lake between her yeah the lake between her between between between okay enderman enderman enderman should i take him should i just take him on just take him on yeah yeah yeah get him get him get him no but my dog my dog oh he is angry for blood i'm hopping in this water and i think i hit my dog with a sword my dog's trying to kill an enderman owl oh i think he died oh oh he's here okay so did you get an ep i did not i think we need to make an enderman farm yeah is that just like a dark room no we go to the end and we do that thing that h did on the cube oh i see so yes in order to get ender pearls to activate the end we should go to the end genius why didn't i think of it oh wait there's a very logical explanation for why i didn't think of it because it's dumb [Laughter] i'm sorry you're you're a nice robot don't cry crazy i'm not crying i don't like this rule that a dog would go after a skeleton if the skeleton like even if the skeleton just shoots me what i found more dogs oh i can't it doesn't make sense to try to get you guys because oh my gosh it tamed i'm gonna have to go in the boat to go over the in-betweener you just accidentally get a dog yeah i just accidentally tamed dogs not you all right we got another dog but this dog's not gonna doesn't that always happen to you like oh man another dog i'm in the in-betweener in between her she's coming through [Music] so what do you want to do with this book i the the reaction was clear we need to put it on a sword okay so power what or looting looting it's looting because that one gives you more stuff when you hit things with the sword yeah that's the racer will it work for enderman yes that's why they want us to get looting together oh our viewers are smarter than us it's just great oh i lost my dog oh no another one i don't know grazer i don't know where i lost him like i had the lead affixed to him and oh that's sad yep diamond sword sometimes a sheep is one hit sometimes it's two iron axe always one really and that's an enchanted diamond sword what why is that oh cause the ox does like a way more um critical damage it just takes a long time to swing back i know but that's just like why have they not fixed that because that's just dumb isn't that the they did that on purpose did they not why what's the point of having an enchanted diamond sword then someone's just going to come back with their ass you can't pvp someone with an axe with the ring of how slow it recharges grazer my dog magenta teleported to me oh so she's not gone no that other dog is gone this is a different dog wait which one sofia or whatever no sophia is still here which one left magenta okay magenta has returned so then you're good well i mean i could have had another dog but sure okay i might be on the right track here finally stacy i think i my brain has picked up memories of this terrain that was beautiful [Laughter] i don't know where i am stacy i'm at one i'm at positive a thousand at this point oh my gosh i've been going the wrong way you're the wrong way the whole time went down to start mining and my brain was like wait why am i going bigger negatives i have to be going less negatives so i turned around and stripped mine the other way and since then i've been going that direction okay grazer yes that was a birch forest this is kind of like a little plateau that looks it looks familiar to me no it doesn't i'm gonna i'm gonna come over here i thought oh i yes i see a sitting wolf i found the house house no she won the series guys i won the series time to spam anvils oh they don't know that you gotta go watch grazer's episode to see the beauty that is uh spamming anvils that was a pretty good uh good bit that we did grazer like it just randomly was like i was i was excited because i was collecting a lot of iron and he was like what are you going to do spam anvils it to hear it all right which means you're gonna have to go to my episode now and listen to the original recorder oh brother oh it feels good to be at the house house crazer all right i am in a birch forest no one cares okay so now that you are all caught up we are back at the house house and i have lots to do grazer what are you going to be working on by the way by the way oh by the way i when we got back here i heard doors being opened and closed so i want to see do we have the same amount no no difference here so sorry they're like trapped inside the doors yeah there you go oh there's still just two you thought we're gonna we didn't even have the chunks loaded stacy they were gonna spawn more what do you mean okay now they will though because we're gonna be doing grindy work after i'm going to enchant it at looting right now looting on a sword so that we can kill endermen and get one of the pearls should we do it on an iron sword yes right or diamond one why iron i don't have any diamonds oh wait do i not have any diamonds oh i have some i have some of my uh e chest okay so i think i might make like a little library for our enchantment table i don't want to go too crazy because this is not our househouse house this is just our house house yeah can you go ahead and spam an anvil because i need to do this enchant and i don't think we have one oh do we have we do we have we made him hand pill or not oh my god i don't think we do have a danville this is so appropriate all right ready in three seconds we cannot go back from this okay what do you mean from the looting wait are you enchanting like are you enchanted it'll be a diamond sword looting three yes wait what was looting three sharpness one or just this is a diamond sword looting three no but if you enchant the diamond oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah good call stacy oh my gosh i almost messed it all up really almost messed it all up all right sharpness one looting three in three seconds we can't go back okay all right three okay two wait sharpness one sharpness one jarvis one looting three you don't wanna kind of get that sword like can you get like an unbreaking on it or something ah i mean i don't think so like like look at this how many levels do you have how much leather do you have we have we can make books so we could yes close your eyes all right oh yeah all right i'm just gonna enchant these and waste all my levels so that i don't get a level 30 and here we go what are you getting why are you just throwing them on the ground what's happening we got an efficiency are you trying to get in on breaking yeah no ah you can't find it what level are you doing do we need bookcases for uh no i'm just doing level 1 yeah i'm getting the bass power i didn't get it i'm breaking i don't think oh feather falling won congratulations is your inventory full or something no yeah it is he's just launching books everywhere so we have a lot of books can any of those go on the sword at all um [Music] no i'm guessing no i mean i got a sharpness and then there's those are for the bookcases we have two sharpnesses sharpness one so can't we combine that into a sharpness to wait no what yeah you can you can give me it wait wait you would need to do it because i have no more legs legs okay hold on so you want me to make a sharpness 2 book yeah okay now you want me to put that on your existing diamond sword that you made yes yes yes yes there you go wait no no no no no why'd you do that that's what i was saying you have to okay wait do you have a sharpness of water you said to do it i have a sharpness one diamond sword i do yeah okay but let me see i know how to enchant grazer i was disciplining you after i told you to do it i was like are you sure okay i've made a sharpness three diamond sword give me i really wish we had an unbreaking book all right do the looting confirmation all right we're gonna have a good sword sharpness three looting three jeez yeah done yep do you have the blind steel you have it all right so we're doing a q a this episode now that we've done that enchanting now that we've done that enchanting we are in fact in fact gonna do a q a because we're gonna we're gonna work on our you know solidif solidifying of our stuff we need to make farms and stuff like that to make sure we have the resources and so while stacy does that and i just you know jump around doing nothing for the app i'm going to ask questions all right let me let me in there we go there's a ladder in here now i'm gonna put down some wait they can't climb ladders out right no villagers can't climb ladders why aren't you guys making a baby all right should i start [Laughter] all right i'm going to start on the questions here stace like i think you guys should really okay yeah start with the questions all right so stacy tweeted out she said uh i gotta hit the twitter first thing off what uh where do i get to like yeah she said four lives q a go tweet questions about the series or random question marks wait wait for me and grazer10 what it's just a really beautiful sunset right now oh it is look at that so you have um over a hundred questions one series one from megan's boyfriend john estana do you think grazer10 will lose his who loses marbles and turn on you uh oh why does he think that we're gonna that's not gonna happen this is a team effort here john this is a group series this isn't some wow like you know i don't know unless do you think i lose my mind i'm not crazy i'm normal with a few jokes in my tank exactly do you see jokes in your tank like in my back pocket that i just toss around every once you're letting them go no are they well i was about to make a trap door what i did it makes sense we can why wouldn't they be able to because they're not smart [Laughter] all right well thank you john e for the question no grazer better not turn on me uh i'm not going to turn on stacy until like episode 92 probably um uh yeah so and then there's another person that says to be honest he already does that sometimes so i guess i'm already like gearing towards that path anyways all right the second one is something oh no i'm not gonna read that one i don't like that one as much so i'm gonna skip it um what are three okay sierra maguire that's interesting i had a musical teacher named mr maguire are you his daughter that would be pretty cool sierra maguire what are three words to describe each other all right so stacy is the book smart like the the the literate you're illiterate okay that's my first word okay literate i like literate but all right literary just means i can read doesn't it yes you're you're very you're sarcastic which goes amazingly with my jokes in my tank and then the third is well i need one from you first before i give you all these compliments and then you just go and roast me [Laughter] what do you think you give me two um my words for grazer are yes silly okay silly i can deal with that one i can do with that one um loyal i'll go with loyal loyal okay i'm very loyal thank you yeah i'm a loyal loyal person so that's two and so my third one for you is you are very wise this is very wise wow you're probably the wisest person i've met just out of my yes i just used a looting three sword on an enderman and did not get an ender barrel yes i did so those would be my three words for stacey all right well i will think of a third one and i will let you know sounds good next question we have uh let me just go back to twitter oh is the musical episode actually gonna happen because i'm seriously looking forward to that that is one of the top replies which means that is something that as you said is very anticipated now top replies what is that the one with the most likes so this this reply this reply has 15 likes oh my gosh so there's a lot of people that are you know they want this to go down so what date is it gonna be oh no [Laughter] just like schedule it um i see a lot of mobs i don't know okay so you don't think you don't know where it's going to take a lot of planning so you want like a beat and everything and like like like a 15 minute soundtrack that we like sing to you well yeah okay is that we just sing everything that we were going to say in the episode for that yeah before we actually plan out a musical number that takes place within an episode oh if we did the musical number we could build the stage maybe at the house house house hey so now you guys have that to look forward to in the future is if we do it that way yeah i feel like it would be at the househouse house yeah um i love how we're doing all this grinding and stuff for the house house but it's it's a it's such a good position because it's right next to the end we just gotta conquer that what's gonna be your first action when you see the far lands in person like what are you gonna do other than like take a big sip of water i was thirsty what you're gonna do is take it yeah i'll be like oh yeah because we just traversed through all those far lands to get to the far lands i would be thirsty wouldn't you sure okay yeah after i've satiated my unquenchable no you just have to throw one in every episode don't you satiated satiated is that saturate is that quenching it's not clenching it's quenching yeah i got it right so it's not a word i don't know you can't mark it down um i'm gonna be really excited like i'm excited to see if we lag and okay i'm just excited to see the far lands i've never i've never have i gone to florence ever in minecraft yes that one time did we like three years ago yeah in your dog craft series episode like five you went [Laughter] no you've never been there so i'll be excited will you guys have a baby please please have a baby you just keep checking that all right i'm gonna do something all right i'm gonna scroll through to find the next question um how long will it take us to get everything um [Music] exactly how many episodes will it take well i don't know i feel like it's one of those things it's not it's not i i don't know what episode beyond 13 we're on 13. but we are lucky a couple of things well yeah the thing with this series is i don't know because i knew this i knew this series was gonna start off a little slower but once we get like we already have a looting three sharpness three now like once we get a lot more gear like that we're gonna be flying through this like yeah easily like if we can get a cartographer villager that can help us find the woodland mansion i think that's going to be a problem yeah wait wait wait we have an enderman okay in our book i think i don't remember what it is we do have chords to something though oh my god what i got four ender pearls from the one kill no you did not unless i already had some in my inventory you probably you had to have okay are you serious well how many ender pearls do we have total right now like how many do you have a diamond i need two diamonds how many diamonds do you have two okay oh really yeah i really need two diamonds there you go that's all [Applause] you created a big problem for nothing all right so we have four ender pearls total so we need like six more right by the way um wait no i have ender pearls i have three wait so how many dimensions you need left here there you go like three um you could go find out but you should keep asking us questions oh yeah well that would keep the q a going though [Laughter] oh he just wanted paper right yes he wanted paper oh wait you're addicted to this villager farm here loser pass me hold on look at this look at this hold on can you pass me a stack of those books yes they're in the chest in the house don't you have oh do you have any emeralds yes okay how many emerald yes i have one here you go so what do you need all these ingredients for watch this oh no come here sir i'm in the lab yo what's good give you that and i'm gonna give you that four oh no what a deal no you can't do that that's not fair i got the fire aspect 2 book do you want to see if we can put it on the sword uh you did yes let's do that i only have five i already have five how many do you have i have four so i'll give you four and you'll have nine yeah sure no no no no oh we need to sleep here if we died right now we would go all the way back like thousands of blocks oh okay give me give me the sword give me the sword this is gonna be more than five levels by the way just so you all right there's no way crazy with what with 11 levels we can get sharpness 3 looting 3 fire aspect 2. okay do we want that or you mean put the fire aspect on another book or i made another sword yeah it's up to you i had to get that by the way just ten books for an emerald that's a horrible trait yeah i know that's so bad i needed it though it didn't matter i needed the advancement so do you know i got all confused because i thought that um i really thought that the uh advancements that i did on xbox were like the same as the pc advice oh yeah and you're not so like getting all of the sheep died is like not even like worked on it it's not even an advantage well um celebrity crush excuse me that's the next question [Laughter] i have a lot of celebrity crushes i'm not gonna say one because then everyone's just gonna be all up on arms about that chris pratt chris pratt um i don't know like i have so many like i can't even think i can't i can't even think of one that would be like the one on top of all the others in my head you know what i'm saying like really okay yeah i plead the fifth um that's an america whatever that means are there any other mods included gabby tucker asks there's no mods in this series there's a plugin what is a trick question i wanted to see what you would say it started off saying will there be a halloween special also are there any other mods included so yeah just a plug-in and uh yeah we would probably do a halloween special most likely really well we'll just dec yeah we'll decorate our house with pumpkins and stuff and like you know that sounds lovely what about the house let's not decorate the house let's decorate the house house because i don't feel like going back to the house i think we're done with the house yeah that was like way long ago okay when will you and g10 build the house house house so they're getting impatient they're waiting for this oh come on yeah come on okay hold on i'll i'll answer this question though we're not gonna build personally i think i think but maybe you'll disagree with me i don't think we're gonna build the house house house until we're at the far lands oh yeah i mean i don't why would we need to like the the end is going to be the biggest thing that we go do that's going to take a long long time yeah because we're going oh yeah because the series is probably going to end we'll see advancements are up not when we reach the far lands oh no no because you need no the advancements are side quests yeah i don't know i'm just saying where else on our quest like okay so like if you find an ice spikes biome then you pick up a piece of packed ice that takes two seconds if you find a mega tiger you pick up a piece of puzzle yeah you're right you're right second tier house because the end is so long might actually be our second biggest house in the series i feel like we're not gonna need to build like a house with a farm and everything again we'll build like little houses but if we want to build like a house house where it's like multiple rooms and like yeah really try to do something cool i don't know if we would do it unless we're going to really use all the command blocks and so then we're going to like oh have a look we should use a command block let's waste one no let's not waste one but like do you understand what i'm saying like we would have a base and then from the base we would go on adventures yeah i got you then we would build the househouse house perhaps it's up to you well i mean really it's up to me because if i don't agree with you then all right next question come on all right next question um another one about the musical so they're really excited about that why did i say that um so it's mainly just questions about uh farlands the series because that's what you said in the tweet yeah so have we ever what's the matter with you uh oh another one about halloween but it's kind of the same thing uh can you do random challenges during the episodes you know just for fun so kind of like that diamond one we did yeah i think we should do that all the time here's what i'm thinking though if this is our second biggest house do you think that throughout the sea the duration of this series we are never gonna plant a command block here like we could plant it and then not do anything with it for a while we can have like a command block room you're right we will definitely place one here at this house house exactly all right i made the command block room by the way if you want to come witness the placing of the block excuse me it's down here in the house house i built like a little cave here hello welcome to the basement i put it like dumb cobble designs on instagram stop placing cobbles and now in here in the middle right here replacing block do you think that after you complete farlands you guys would have a second season or a farlands two with new quests no no i hope you really gone from this is like once a week like a little commitment but goodness no no i would hope that that by the time farlands is done it would be like okay you know do you think we'll make it to the floor because what happened here actually i think i have a glitch oh you're here yeah um do you see like i just planted some seeds but they're like invisible to me it might just be a texture package um there's only one that's invisible is this one that i trampled oh really yeah i can't see seeds here but i planted them those are watermelon seeds okay good yeah then there okay i forgot we had all these things yeah beetroot pumpkin melon and just seeds oh if you had wings what would they look like by jillian what would the wings look like yeah if you had your own wings blue and white stripes obviously blue and white stripes okay well my i would be black and red black and red black and red um do you guys like getting visits together no also how many episodes do you guys think you're gonna make for farlands probably like 90 or so um yeah yeah we'll make 90. and then we just won't make those final 10. i'd like to make 98. hey what do we need to do do you think grazer is is capable of this series yes we need to make a library do you think i'm capable anymore we need yeah i got wood so i'm going to make something you're going to make purposes i how many do we need in total i think we should make what is it like um what is the pattern it's like um here let me block out the pattern with dirt wait where are we making this library like we don't have um like a room for it i just made it in the basement oh you know what we should do we should connect the basement to this villager place like i'll start digging oh yeah i'll start digging here it's all coming together i love it um okay i'm i'm digging to you so go down into the basement all right i made four things are you in the basement i'm not in the basement i am now going down to the basement that you've covered up yeah ugly all right i'm in the basement now oh i see you now can the can your basement be three blocks high because i'm feeling very claustrophobic with just two blocks uh and can you dig my pickaxe broke uh no because my pickaxe broke so i will go and i need to make a new one too let me do that real quick oh questions questions um i keep forgetting about that sorry um it's just like the same questions over and over again kinda really um yeah just like how many episodes will go am i cool um would you use a command block to keep inventory on which we've already answered um uh what's your favorite part about working with grazer haha because you you don't work with me you used to always work against me so it's a change of pace now if you know what i mean sure let's go with that is that your answer is it's a change of pace i just love that sweet sweet change of pace oh yeah i can't find any more new questions that's impossible grayson did you just pull up a creeper yeah is it bad uh no it just blew up like half the sheep farm but none of them are getting out so okay when you guys record is it just one big recording or is it split in the episode no yeah do you have something in the series you're not looking forward to attempting to complete by a mishi happy planner i don't think so oh no you didn't fix the thing fix what they know the sheep are getting out and stuff fix what uh you were kidding i thought you were no i thought you was a joke you actually blew up the sheep [Applause] [Laughter] i was wondering why you passed it off as something so casual i was like does she not care oh my gosh no chris you have the wheat come into the sheep farm you were holding weeds go make a lead [Music] [Laughter] all right so what was the question favorite part of working with grazer was that the question no it was something in the in the future we're not looking forward to happening oh i guess we asked that before that just actually don't know if there's something in the series i'm not looking forward to i'm really looking forward to the woodland mansion yo we should go find that right okay okay well that's pretty much all of the cues they were just kind of like the same like repeat that's not true you're just like bad at actually looking at twitter i want you to know that if you can make any vanilla minecraft mob come to real life and to live with you which one and why um [Music] the creeper i mean i kind of did it with my cat milk toast like well that's made him no because i would say that another mom a vanilla yeah but they're cat are they cats they're cats right once you taste them yeah it's just that they come from an ocelot background okay so i would hello um i'm i'm not thinking of something yeah you're really not well look the first thing that comes to mind i think would be mushroom okay i would love to have a merch i would also really like shulkers to be real if you had a mushroom though if you had oh if you had a mushroom oh yeah if we had a mushroom though [Laughter] oh you made me lose my trail of thought oh yeah a mushroom would be good because you'd never go hungry and you could open a mushroom shop because it's unlimited so it wouldn't cost you any money to produce and you just like sell them stacy's magic mushrooms for like 10 bucks each yeah i'm not gonna have a magic mushroom shop [Laughter] all right so i have made i have 10 bookshelves i have 14 bookshelves i have wait give me some of the spruce 17 bookshelves um okay here's the remainder 17 might be okay 17 are you sure all right i'm gonna say i think it's two stacks it's two you gave me four pieces of spruce that's all i had left i needed to make a stair okay look this is as far as i know correct me if i'm wrong but like you need to have the enchantment table like there and then as far as i know it needs to be for optimal um enchanting yes then oh oh oh yeah yeah yeah i know what you mean in like the u shape yep but like um oh i'm placing it okay yeah i don't know no i just wasted them um but it looks better i guess this is and then so does it come around like this and then does it like does is like it comes together i'm pretty sure okay so that's all we have for now we're actually making our bookshelf thing yo i'm gonna go make the rest of it okay [Laughter] all right well i think that we've done a good job grazer this is yeah window to the outside world that's going to be lovely i don't know if this is exactly how it's supposed to look i think it is so i can enchant it it'll go to 30. yup yes it does we did it all right cool so we have nine more to mess with you can like design this room how you want if you wanted to look like a library or something oh [Music] well we need one more stair but i only have four pieces of spruce wood oh perfect here you go [Music] yeah one more oh okay i have five crafting tables okay so put one down and then we'll utilize the other four later in the series i'm gonna i'm gonna put it here now i think like oh that's really cool like that yeah all right yeah and then we can finally get back up because i'm getting the stair the stairs been placed all right now i'm comfortable ending the app pleaded to my satisfaction yes i'm gonna have to wait we need to sleep we need to sleep and set our spawns here no no we don't just set spawns because right in the next step we're gonna go to enderman [Music] right yeah but if you die killing an enderman you're gonna go all the way back to well no yeah we'll just set the spawn but we won't actually how do you do that just go in and then leave right away how do you know leave there our spawns are set because i know you wanna i didn't know okay it's proven really yeah well i it worked in past versions unless they've updated that but bye guys go rescue a cat let's prove oh you want to prove it you want to prove it okay we've already have you died in parliament [Applause] i told you all right guys thank you for watching this episode of farlands grazer was right that's a neat trick that i did not know uh we're gonna continue the house house and hopefully get some more ender pearls and we keep the rain on foreign how many more do we need um like three so we'll probably get to the end next step okay we'll see you then but until next time paige and molly love you go rescue a dog [Music] you
Channel: stacyplays
Views: 353,806
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Stacy, Stacyplays, Stacy plays, Stacy vlogs, Far Lands, Graser
Id: sCiMcipQcNY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 1sec (2641 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 06 2017
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