Graphics for Microsoft Linux WSL2 Requires Windows 11

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hello world this one i'll do audio okay so on my previous videos i actually advanced my work system my sort of static state such as it were what i'm working on top of and i like to have usually about seven virtual screens set up in a ribbon and you always see me going from left to right and i have very specific meaning for certain locations that i get the advantage of of fixed location static state stuff so my first window is always my vim text editor with my daily work journal in there this goes on for some you know many many lines if i shift g to the bottom of it when i'm not in edit mode you'll see that's uh 230 i'm up to about close to a quarter million lines of of journal stuff now as you can see there's a lot of lists in there and i'm not very efficient so if i g semicolon back where i was you see i always add my new journal entries to the top and you're seeing a lot more windows widget tree around my full screen terminal because i like to see my obs uh light go on but generally not generally i when i'm not live casting i do a a function f11 and keep this thing full screen so that it's zero distraction right that's a much better environment one more control plus on the text and there has has everything exactly the right size now for you know for blogging really i use it for blogging actually it looks a little better that size and similarly here now is full screen it's not quite full screen yet but it is standalone jupiter lab which i can make full screen i presume with that same function f11 i got to remember that's function page up and there you go that's full screen and along with this little simple toggle here that turns on and off their tab system see whatever your tab you're on if i had more tabs in this i know from being in my experiments directory you know i can create more tabs here's another untitled 8 inside that directory so i tend to have a lot of untitled inside of the experiment folder but whichever one you're you're on when you turn on simple mode it will lock that in get rid of the tab system and lock that one in a control b it's on the drop down menu as well will get rid of the you know left rail you know uh whatever user interface stuff so this is pretty good full screen jupiter lab right this is focused mode when you really want to get down to do some coding in the rebel environment and for people who aren't into jupiter yet if you you know set x equal to one very typical programming thing you can examine x but it's never done running you could say x equal or plus equal now i'll say x equals x plus one no reason to make it over slick before it's time run x and there it's two if i do that again it's three if i do that again it's four and it's four if i run it up here too so i put a bar in there so you can see you can run things out of order it's a rebel environment it's an experimental you know playground place where you do ad hoc work before you lift it up and put it into some other system like extract packages or create scheduled scripts and whatnot so it's full-fledged python it's python just like any other python it does happen to be version 3.8 i moved myself personally to 3.10 so that's really the other thing going on here in my change of setup i put jupiter lab full screen here which means that the third screen is always going to be the web browser right you see my youtube streaming stuff there but yeah i am always in forever in my work now really gonna know in my mind to go to screen three for a web browser it's no longer on screen two with the jupiter as the first tab in screen two because now that jupiter runs standalone jupiter is screen zero so or screen two so you know they're using numeric they're not using zero base numbering so i guess i'll use the same terminology screen 1 journal screen 2 jupiter screen 3 browser screen 4 tends to be a wild card i have obs in here i'm going to actually move obs over to the next one because i would like to show you here as i bring a terminal up with my control alt t keyboard shortcut it's the same thing as double clicking that i am now in python 3.10 as you can see from my venv prompt this is the standard convention for a lot of these virtual environment systems to change your prompt to put the name of your v e v in the prompt so you always know when you look at it so i'm automatically in the github directory when i open a new terminal so excuse me there's both a activating of a virtual env a python virtual env not to be confused with containers and virtual machines and all this other stuff out there that's similar in nomenclature it's even similar tech but python has its own containerization technique so you don't have to use a docker or lxd or any of those things if you're virtualizing your python only dependencies if there's operating system stuff it's another story but i digress what you probably ought to know about this in addition to the fact that i upgraded myself from python 3 8 to 310 so that i can start using some of its touted new features especially regular it's not regular expression but it's pattern matching they have a new pattern matching system that works a lot like a switch a logic switch that has been or a filter that's been kept out of python for a long time out of guido van rossum's personal preferences you know dictionaries or switches use a dictionary and i tended to agree with them but this new api for uh search filters uh brings new features uh pattern matching really anyway um i ought to show you my dot bash profile because both these things are explained why am i in that virtual environment and how did i get into my github directory well it helps if i'm in or i can just do it and put the path in here i don't even have to change my home directory but tilde slash means home directory so now i'm loading bash profile into vim from tilde slash which is the same thing as us which is the same thing as probably as here it is slash home slash ubuntu that's my home location so you can see i could just type profile in order to do this same command as i actually just did in fact i'll exit out and i'll show you i have shortcuts for commonly different things and there's a whole bunch of interesting stuff in here not a whole bunch but a few interesting stuff if i wanted to open the location i was cd into all i have to do is type open and there is all my github repos and that's actually defined here it says that the word open is equal to explorer.exe command which is a proprietary windows thing of course and then the dot which says current directory or the directory i'm in so i like having that open ability i saw that done on the mac from a mac terminal and i was very jealous 90 percent of the way windows terminal works now is better than unix on on the mac so when i see these little things that are mac niceties i try and find the windows equivalent so i don't have any mac envy less and less of a problem lately due to microsoft's confident job of blending linux into windows really which is exactly what you're seeing here and some of the other stuff you're seeing that is kind of important is uh oh yeah of course here is the activating of the python virtual environment and then here is the changing of my current directory into github that's why whenever i go to a new screen and do my keyboard shortcut for terminal it looks like this i'm both in that that and i'm locked into that so i can always exit out of that and uh oh the last thing i ought to point out this is actually quite interesting i find it interesting and it's very tied to this video i made the subject of this video into exploring microsoft's graphics for their uh linux subsystem so it's really graphics for wsl2 official from microsoft which by the way is wayland based which is different from being x-based so that's what i'm getting at here i actually am one of those people out there who you know bit the bullet and jump the gun and whatever other metaphor you want to get graphical linux so if i were to type x eyes i'll have a pair of eyes that follow me see it's hard to to manipulate it because it's kind of a crappy little library here that's doing it but it's one of the two mega popular ones and you know i could do the same with x-calc and i even have all of chrome installed this way so and if it doesn't come up right away so you've got these issues like now that i'm full screen i actually have to do function page up to get back the interface and i can see my x-calc is put over there so this is not a windows graphical system that's happening here this is a very unix linux graphics system that's happening here because of this piece of software i'm running right here i'll see if i can bring up its user interface it's called vc xrv vcx rv vcx srv vca vc xsrv anyway this is what i'm using in order to get linux graphics and there is a command in here that's the magic mystery command that exports to my environment variables um the ip of the port that that server works through because it changes all the time so this this magical mystery command export just i'm not even going to read it out it's so confusing uh allows communication to occur between that x windows server which is really a piece of software running on the windows side here and the windows subsystem for linux i can talk to the windows side if it knows ips and ports through the virtual lan and all that so that's how that's working and it's it's fun it's been fun it's been one of the more driving sources of uh views on my youtube channel there's a lot of people interested in this i use it hardly any at all but since i'm doing these big updates to my system including you know being on python 10 and full screen um jupiter lab i'm in the spirit i'm in the spirit the next big thing i've been waiting to do is tear out my old hacky way of getting linux graphics and putting in the microsoft way so that's what i'm up to right now oh yeah i was going to show you if i go to my channel youtube my channel and we go to any of our analytics or anything right show you some of the back end of my system i'm a real weird youtuber youtube for me really not so much for you so i am not very sensitive or empathetic with the audience because i'm doing what i need for myself and i just keep forging forward in that way and so um you know i get some 10 000 viewers almost and i i never seem to much get beyond that because you know i don't edit i ramble on et cetera et cetera so um let's see analytics oh i guess right so what i really want to show you is studio youtube studio analytics and then uh i guess most popular videos just come to the top there it is there's those xi's people love those xi's um for the period we're looking at so this is uh 28 days i'm not that big in youtube right in 28 days i got 433 views on uh this excise video and i've done this a number of times this is another one that's kind of related to that people are interested in my channel for my stupid linux tricks so let's get on with it right this is native wsl2 graphics there's some other keywords i could use for this but um that's october 5th 2021 and it's from microsoft so it's a tutorial from microsoft from last month and so if anything's going to tell us how to do it right if anything's going to be up to date it better be this we're looking for key keywords such as wayland there it is it's right at the top so it supports x11 and wayland but it supports wayland which means it's like way better than just x11 it'll have faster performance and almost certainly better integration with the windows desktop this is a pretty big exciting one i've been waiting to do this for a while and i just cleared out some heavy duty work from my work job which uh makes it a bit makes it possible for me to do this as one of my morning projects before my phone calls really start because it's related you know i do chrome automation from you know the linux side as little pre-runs on my local machine before i push them up to headless cloud servers so i would like my chrome automation when i turn the the the viewing of the chrome interface on to pop up under wayland instead of popping up under x11 um in fact it's been so long since i did and i'm tempted to show you all of chrome coming up under linux just to just to hit that point home maybe i can chrome browser i think is the term they use for it no chromium browser maybe think think and don't don't get hung up on it either chrome uh let's see i should probably cd into one of my automation scripts but i don't want to tip my hand on any of my uh stuff in case there's proprietary stuff in there so um chrome browser i already tried the chrome and i tried chromium on its own okay let's just uh do one google before i move on to the actual getting it working here because it's a nice before and after google chrome probably tried that one yay i get to show it to you how nice so yeah you know how many people are you going to see out there who can pull up actually the linux version of google chrome on a windows desktop that's exactly what you're looking at look at how the user interface looks slightly different and um the menu i'm sure will be slightly different my pointer is this teensy tiny c pointer you get uh when when you run with this interface so when you go out to the windows owned part of the ui you get your old pointer back when you go down to the linux zone part of the ui it turns into that micro pointer so anyway if i close that it'll release it out of the terminal there so that's a good before and after i just got to remember that google hyphen chrome is how we get the graphics so that was a before and we want to look in the browser now to how we do this the official microsoft instructions so wsl 2 enables the linux gui applications to feel native by the way when we get up to this all i'm going to do is go over to here and right click on xserve and quit out of that because it might conflict we'll find out uh the benefits of it you can pin it down and now integrate both windows and linux applications into your workflow for a seamless desktop experience see i could already do that you you can now no wait i could already so seamless it wasn't so seamless you can see the seams and the way i was doing it prerequisites you would need to be on oh you can't do it without windows 11. it is my first reason and to upgrade to windows 11 to get graphics for the windows subsystem for linux official from microsoft the wayland way join the windows oh and you have to okay so it's double double unstable not only do you not have to have windows 11 but it's going to be one of those faster slow tracks because you've got to be on the windows insider program to get those builds so i have to push my machine over the edge of flaky to do this and then it's going to require special graphics drivers which i'm sure i'll have because i'm on real microsoft hardware so i'm in the sweet spot for this actually working it would make a good video but this is a great example how my work my daily workflow is actually more important to me than pandering to youtube views i know this would be a huge video and i know there's arguments oh why don't you make a virtual machine and do it on the virtual but you know it's just such rabbit hole stuff that i hit a gotcha and this was a live video i taught a lot of interesting stuff and uh you know it's not really so necessary for my daily workflow so this has been a rabbit hole evaluation right so i'll document it here we need windows 11 and one of the track versions dev developer track insider windows insider versions per because we have a url so i'll know for the future when i when this comes up again this is where it told me so i'll document that in my journal for future reference and i guess that's pretty much it this isn't going to um it was a it was a good one to explore i feel a lot more prepared for my next go around and at some point i'll give in to the windows 11 shelving from microsoft i'll allow myself to get shoved over the edge of that cliff but the the same way i objected to using the dead snake repo to get uh python 10 i object to being on the windows insider program to get the graphics subsystem for the linux subsystem on windows not worth it instability isn't worth it and then the final note on instability if you all get an instability if you're all feeling unstable on windows that's because new drivers per all the arm 64 hardware is percolating out over all the distributions makes everything volatile but particularly arm 64 hardware it's november it's uh you know holiday season so what you feel is the pain the vendors and nested sub vendors because we're talking drivers here it isn't a pretty thing scrambling to get their drivers stable for the holiday that's why your bluetooth is breaking i just throw that in as an extra bonus on this video in case you're on any you know bleeding edge hardware like the uh surface pros and stuff and all your you know uh devices are going wacky there is a um a driver cambrian explosion going on it's like a cambrian explosion of drivers on windows because of the surface pros and stuff and on mac because of you know the m1 processor and there you have it that's your extra little bonus so you know i like it stable i'm on a uh just a i wish i could pick it up and show it to you but it's what i'm recording on i'm just on one of these little old 800 dollar microsoft laptops from a season ago or whatever it was old when i bought it but it was the best uh you know adhering to the 80 20 rule to get a killer piece of hardware with a really thin light monitor no kickstand issues of the surfaces so it's really a lot like a surface but it has a nice fine stable keyboard a pleasure to type on the whole thing is lightweight closes to almost as small as a surface but it's a laptop and it has x86 hardware in there instead of the arm hardware so i don't have any of these stability issues sure my battery life might not be as long as some of you uh arm 64 people out there but small price to pay for nothing going wrong as these uh platforms stabilize i'm not a bleeding edge person other times in my life i have been right now i am a make it work make it work well reduce the surface area reduce the lines of code reduce the things that can go wrong and it's not over conservative because as you see i'll get uh python 310 when the when the allure when the siren song is strong enough i will override that tendency and uh dabble in in the bleeding edge but i like most of the blood to dry like it has with python 310 as soon as it's in the standard ubuntu repo i'm gonna re-jigger things around so that i have the standard ubuntu repo three to python 310 and not this one from like dead snake society or whatever that is any who thanks for joining me uh hope to do some windows graphics subsystems for linux with you in the future uh sorry this one didn't work out so well and don't forget to subscribe
Channel: Mike Levin, SEO in NYC
Views: 210
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tA72yGbgpbo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 3sec (1623 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 10 2021
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