Graphic Organizers For Kids | Learn some ways to organize information

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foreign [Music] izers for kids today we are going to talk about what graphic organizers are and how you can use them to help organize your school work better let's get started a graphic organizer is a visual display that shows the relationships between facts Concepts or ideas graphic organizers can help increase the understanding of complex material and help keep you focused on whatever task you are working on there are many different kinds of graphic organizers have you seen a chart like this used before it is called a Venn diagram and it is one of the most commonly used graphic organizers as you can see in this diagram there are two things that are being compared and contrasted in this case it is cats and dogs the diagram shows the characteristics that are different and which the two pets share you can use a Venn diagram to compare and contrast almost anything like characters in a book two chemical elements a book and a movie two sports two states and on and on it is kind of fun and interesting to research all of the facts here are a few other examples of graphic organizers and how they work Circle Maps help you define things which means that you can write down a main idea like sharks and then write notes about what you know about the main idea these can be ideas examples or even a definition it can show you what you already know and then what new information you learn another type of graphic organizer is the prior knowledge chart like with a circle map the main topic is shown in the center and information related to it can be included in the outer circles the text can be information you already know new information or things you would like to know text connections this organizer is especially helpful for connecting the information you read to yourself to other texts or to the world using this tool will help you to better recall the information you have read chain or sequence of events this organizer can be used to show the different steps in a process or the chain of events that lead to a discovery the best part it can be written multiple ways like this example of the water cycle it can be shown this way or this way neat huh last but not least is main idea and details this works really well with non-fiction text passages and can help you organize the main idea of each paragraph and the details like so not all graphic organizers might be a great fit for your personality but it is still important to have a general idea about what they are and how you can use them to help make studying easier which graphic organizer is your favorite hope you had fun learning with us visit us at for thousands of free resources and TurnKey solutions for teachers and homeschoolers [Music]
Channel: Learn Bright
Views: 27,201
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Keywords: graphic organizers for kids, graphic organizers, what is a graphic organizer, main idea and details, text connections, circle map, Venn diagram, sequence of events, reading skills, Learn Bright
Id: U3GF5Lv3Zu8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 30sec (270 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2023
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