GRANNY SIM IS BACK?! | Don't Mess with Nanny (w/ H2O Delirious)

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[Music] gotta watch these damn kids gotta watch these damn kids hey just shut up nanny who the hell is that dude who said you got a sleepover cartoons that's my friend powder all right guys if you're watching this game this is a i i don't know what this game is it looks like a recreation of the granny game it doesn't you guys love the granny game we're not gonna put this game down too much because the creator of this game really wanted us to play it so shout out to the creator for you know quickly using like one hour of your day for making these beautiful characters that they're magnificent we haven't even played the game so this might be the best game we've ever seen so this game works just like granny but instead of a granny we have a nanny and then andy's here watching the kids and you know how you know what happens when the nanny watches bad children's and also uh christmas is over you should take you should take your christmas tree down man i'm talking about start the damn game you got to click there there you go there you go there you go 2v1 game that's what it looked like playing as a kid your objective is to eliminate nanny at any cost oh you you're going to eliminate me oh yeah you're going down granny gran grant granny name no granny died yeah granny's dead i have to watch that's what happened yeah that's what happened playing as a kid okay starting game oh my god i got i got beautiful fan art on my back and beautiful fan art my friend so whoever created this shout out to you i didn't pay for this it wasn't me i got i got my logo on my my belly cartoon is the way i was oh my god i want like i own the place this place is nice oh oh hey hey child link listen you need to put some rails up around your house no no no this ain't much this is your house your family is gone you are walking oh so i got nanny missions cartoons oh what do you got to do tell me tell me what your nanny missions are my my big booty couldn't uh apparently gravity is is very troubling on it but i got to find a tv and dance in front of it we gotta we gotta do some some some twerking i have some hairspray i don't know what to do with this don't cry don't cry don't cry no no brat no brett yeah yeah your mommy your mommy's not coming home tonight mommy's not coming home tonight i can't see [ __ ] if you don't let me the hell up oh i'm sleeping on the couch listen i better get paid double time watching these damn brett yeah this is definitely granny's house one i feel like this is a copy of that house yeah [Applause] look at my face oh my god trust me i've seen your face like death in hell and held that floor was over i look like hell there what are you doing with that put that down put that down put it down now she liked it oh i found the tv oh you want to come and watch me twerk oh this is my gym oh my god oh this is a copyrighted i'm like this is 100 percent copyrighted you're getting demonetized you want to see something yeah where are you freeze oh my god i shot myself break something else of yours that's right oh my god it's cold out there what the hell's in here i can't crouch i'm freezing my little horns off out here yeah you little devil damn little devil i knew i shouldn't uh watch the demon child wait why am i watering these i'm watering these flowers with a gas tank you're about to burn this whole house down that's what happened with granny this is what happens when you don't pay me enough to watch this damn demon child come over come over here you hide in scum that's what i thought oh my god the damage oh okay it was too powerful it was too powerful it blew me up a little breath there's a little breath i can't believe it [Applause] you are so lucky i can't pick you up and throw you outside the damn window myself are you vandalizing no i would never break windows i'm not a vandal i'm gonna collect your filthy clothes now are you serious you damn filthy filthy clothes what the hell was that did you just throw a break through the house that's what it sounded like nah i would never break a window hey never break a window i'm gonna i'm gonna call i'm gonna call someone else that cares call someone that cares for me come over here and screw me on this bed right here that's right what i don't know that's what nannies do right uh i don't know what kind of kind of nannies you've been having i was a stun gun what you'll be right here you little [ __ ] yeah yeah granny oh okay come on get it get up get up where the hell are you you're calling me granny i'm sorry nanny i'm your nanny oh now i gotta smoke a joint what i'm gonna smoke a chili i i gladly this one where where am i joining where my stash at what is stash yet oh wait a minute i see the stash i'm glad i had to turn around to shoot your ass i see the stash about the smoke the hell of it is it on your top lip huh you know your top lips upstairs is up here but the smoker joined up here i think oh my god now you know what i'm calling your parents i'm going to tell them how much of a [ __ ] you've been i'm calling you their parents little one calling your parents you know i'm telling them i'm leaving i'm quitting them i'm tired i'm tired i'm tired of being abused by the little nanny nanny i've been dirty you gotta wash your bathtub little brat where the hell's the family phone oh there's the family phone oh let me you know what i'm gonna call your parents hey call that what you call that hey you know what wait do i get the hell up way there get up let's ring it hey hey this little [ __ ] it's terrible i don't want to watch him little [ __ ] i was at 21 21 hell that's right nanny i better get paid extra for that job because you were a literal devil a devil child it was a you don't know where i'm at i do know where you're at you little breath of breath get blood spray painting your eyes little [ __ ] you went the wrong way i didn't even kick you that way i don't even [ __ ] kick you that way straight gangster thanks i'm the gangster's nanny you've ever seen in your life damn right where'd you get that shirt huh did you get that from a spreadshirt oh i'm a delirious fan fan girl hell out of here oh yes what oh yes oh how dare you how dare you throw a bottle at me what are you gonna do about it huh i'm gonna call my friends i'm gonna call my friend what the hell what the hell what the hell oh my [ __ ] god god please oh my god i can't believe i can't believe i got put in this situation i had i had goals i had a life i had a life how the [ __ ] did i end up watching a damn devil child wait a minute where's the damn junk food no you're not allowed to eat junk food you're not allowed junk food it's bad for you it's bad for you it's bad for you i'm hungry what type of food you got in this house none we don't have any food in the kitchen type of food did your parents leave we got no food in the kitchen uh let me clean this damn garbage up we got we got here we got we got some tea we got some coffee we got some hammers oh you little dick when do i call you dumb parrots wait do i [ __ ] i got no parents i got no damn parents that's right i was spawned from from the depths of hell how the hell do i get snacks there's no damn snacks in here uh-huh just look in the mirror a winner what is in there what are you guys here huh what the hell i see those chests in there don't be looking at my little play room honey rabbit sitting is that granny huh is that granny in there yeah look granny's drinking a damn a beer and smoking a cigar i like how that rabbit has a has it has a blunt in his mouth where did that come from where did that slide me from it's like it came through the window it bounced off the wall and got you oh oh it reset my damn dishes watching are you kidding me oh you can't stop throwing [ __ ] at me with you i'ma kill you you broke the window you know what your mama's gonna have to pay for that not me not me because you are you are you are you are my mama your parents don't love you you are my mom i love you you're my mama i love you your mom i love you i hate you hate you nanny i'm cold you're cold how does that could warm you up oh you bounced even are you warm now huh yeah i'm i'm feeling a little better the third thermodynamics really really gave you some thermal how about that sit in the corner sitting to them cartoons get your ass in the corner get your ass in there oh god what are those damn flowers water it's a day of yours give me your damn choice i think i'm dead are you okay i need to call the police you know what now that you're just sitting in the corner i think i'm gonna go call your parents i literally can't i'm gonna go i'm gonna go call your parents now oh hello cartoon parents yeah yeah yeah he got stuck behind the table i think he's dead do you not have a life i don't have a life why are you here every weekend every weekend why are you here i need to get my nails dead i need to get i need to get my perms uh-huh my permit i need any i need to go over here and dance at this damn table there's a fountain let me see what you got i [ __ ] that ass let me see what you got [ __ ] the ass are you still shaking that are you still shaking uh no i'm not shaking it but now i got the uh the flowers want watering oh yeah yeah what are you doing don't try to burn this damn house down there i'm a damn ninja oh my god what do you expect oh i expect that i need to get up and water these damn plants i will shoot you up hey yes wait get up you ain't i'm already stunned looking at your beauty oh thank you thank you i am i am beautiful i uh you're beautiful bootylicious they they call me bootylicious morticious morticious oh i see you oh no oh check out your kneecaps i took out your damn kneecaps he made me bounce off the floor and hit the ceiling hey you missed i couldn't shoot upwards you know what you got them limp wrists go go clean your damn family's filthy clothes filthy stinking smell like mildew smell like ass wow mildew mildewy ass oh my god and they're all the same shirts they're all the same red checkered shirts like jeez where's something different why are you worried about what we're wearing so dim put the hammer down put the hammer oh i'll put the hammer down you know what i'm lucky i have a mask on that's all i got to say yeah that is true oh you're out of toilet paper oh no i got you blinded you little tyke come here come here you're not going to kill across the dam oh yeah yeah yeah where'd you go huh oh you get off the bed get up i had to make that [ __ ] i had to make the difference get the hell out of the bench no get the hell out the bathroom [ __ ] oh god read the damn book learn something learn something learn something little i hate watching hate you oh god oh you don't throw books at me you know you want to throw you want to throw everything at me huh you want to throw the sink at me huh huh oh my god i'm not even paid enough to watch your ass like pete you're getting out this damn window getting out this window oh i am not i'm kicking you out at this stage oh my god oh i'm knowing the bed now what do you think about that oh yeah you're getting heated heated or cheated that's a cold day outside in hell i can't move you gotta be stuck over here this damn court ah that's right that's right big oops [Applause] [Music] oh my god i used to be on the cheerleader squad you have a damn bottle in his hand and a damn bottle where are you at are you upstairs no no i'm not upstairs i know you're not i got the shirt i got the shirt i thought it matters you're getting a damn shirt i'm gonna take your shirt off okay little kids are gonna kill me are you thirsty a little brat thirsty oh god [Laughter] all right i'm drunk alone you're having a rough go of it right now holy [ __ ] oh my god i want to be like my favorite streamer when i grow up you know who that is who is it anthony kong fan what oh yeah the ninja star oh you broke the window too are you watering me yeah [Laughter] oh my god you got doink my whole body flew at you you should have got crushed by the force will you cut me some eggs yeah i could eat some damn eggs all right i could see it here's the pain oh my god i flew across the map and then came back or across the house holy [ __ ] did you make some eggs yeah they're on the floor will you quit those [ __ ] at me man with their hand i'll call your parents right now you're not gonna skip the clothes we're gonna skip the joint we'll skip everything you keep the appearance you're gonna need that joint because your back hurts put the damn glasses down oh my god tag oh look cartoons it's a it's a red ranger or red power ranger lamp what in here in the kitchen red power ranger behind you behind you behind you in the behind the door [Music] i do see it and stop throwing things at me i was so close oh here clean this up wait you actually got plates no way my god you gotta actually kill me there's a lot of plates i swear come on come on the bedroom come out of the bedroom i know you're in there nope i know you're in there i'm not are you on the door you are behind yeah [Music] oh you went the wrong way stay in that bedroom think about what you've done it's clean under this bed oh clean the dishes you know what i do think i need to clean the dishes after they've been thrown at me i fell off the staircase and teleported upstairs and then i stood up downstairs did you find where you at i'm in the kitchen oh shoot i'll shoot the hell out of you and get shot you gotta get shot fool where you at i'm in the kitchen i'm outside with your hands up what that i didn't even see you i was clearly looking through the door you little cheating brat where the hell did you go you ain't got no more items you ain't got no more items to shoot me with come on i just need a couple more ain't got nothing you got nothing [Music] i got a piece of glass in my foot yeah yeah you also got a piece of glass i need your help i dropped my toy under the table oh yeah yeah it's right in here i need to get it oh you need help i need to get my toy help out oh yeah is that good enough help huh no i can't reach it i can't reach anymore was that good huh was that good enough help no it's not good granny stop helping stop kicking me hey granny yeah you left the front door open you son of a [ __ ] in the kitchen shut up i saw the door's swinging oh my god with the last thing i could kill you oh my god yeah watching cartoons up in my room watching car turns up in my room yeah [Music] watching cartoons up in my room
Channel: CaRtOoNz
Views: 329,258
Rating: 4.9698029 out of 5
Keywords: cart0onz, cartoonz, cartoons, funny moments, let's play, cartoonz face reveal, h2o, h2o delirious, delirious, granny sim, cartoonz granny sim, delirious granny sim
Id: PX_VZ1mOG-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 37sec (1177 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 24 2021
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