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what's up guys and welcome to Granny remake a brand new granny game that is a remake of the original game now here's the weird thing about this game so this was released on Steam right and it cost I think seven dollars but I don't think this is made by the granny developer like the original Dev I think this is somebody else that made a granny remake and is selling it on Steam for seven dollars so I don't know how legal this is I don't know how long this is going to be up for on Steam but I mean I mean who knows it could all be legit they could have got the Creator's permission I have no idea but we're gonna be giving this a go in today's video and here's the deal okay if you guys want to see more this game let me know show this video a ton of support because apparently it has a hard mode and like some other modes on it so if you guys want to see more though just let me know and we'll definitely play some more and uh subscribe right now if you're new anyways let's go and press play and hop into the granny remake all right what do we oh oh yeah there's a lot here okay so what do we got we got practice mode easy oh medium hard extreme you need to complete the game at least on a medium level of difficulty okay so I think we kind of go for like easy I don't let's see Granny's a little bit slower than usual gray doesn't set traps the floors now Stone Creek okay you know what let's beat it on normal first like easy difficulty then we'll do medium and then we'll do hard and so on so forth all right here we go easy difficulty imagine dude I can't even beat it on easy I would um I'm gonna cry myself to sleep here we go oh wait I wonder if this is the same one that we played like a few months ago you guys remember right we we played one on like ichio or something like that and I think this is the same Dev but maybe that was like a demo and this is now like the full thing because I remember this we walk up to the door and then granny attacks us but I mean since it is a remake this is what happens in the original right use left Mouse button to do oh no this is a jump scare oh my I don't okay can I unzoom why is this house located in the middle of the forest why am I walking while zoomed in right now oh yeah there it is dude why is she got like the Joker smile what is that oh boy here we go where am I I don't know dude I think I'm in the granny house doesn't exactly sound that scary when you say it the granny house my head hurts so much hmm what's this say oh my novel oh my oh are you awake oh what tender dreams you must have had in my bed huh I'm sorry but I have I had to leave you alone for a minute as there was always so much housework to do I know you don't understand anything here and I must say I understand your anxiety after all nothing can compare to the horror of the unknown right let me tell you a little secret my dear I always dreamed of having a guest like you oh so granny wrote this my Hunger wakes up only at dawn when the light barely begins to lick the window panes it's not a question of Ethics or morality but rather cooking my soup becomes the most delicious when you know what I mean right I know you're scared you must be frightened but know that my art is not just horror it's art when I cut you I'll do it with love just like any grandmother feels for her grandchild so please accept the thought that you are not here in vain or I should do like a great he will never it's so bad you will never serve a great cause my soup will become so delicious that it's sweetness will be felt even through the bitter taste of your fear that does that sounds so bad may my love be with you my dear okay thanks for the novella granny I'm glad you're writing like a little love story about us what is that dude I think that's like a sewer or something oh what do we got here George okay hmm wait I remember this yeah dude this is the demo that we played but now it's like a full release ah vase interesting I can hide okay where'd my vase go I don't want to lose this thing okay it seems important oh what was that did open this oh oh okay it looks really oh oh oh wait wait get under okay dude so she's kind of quick with it all right she's a little bit fast shouldn't see me right was the last time granny washed her clothes by the way she looks filthy she looks so dirty okay is she gone wait did she just move that picture hold on let me could have sworn she moved this picture but I can't I can't move it all right let's go granny where are you I'm just doing a little bit of exploring please don't kill me ew granny you took a poop and just left it in the toilet oh you took a poop at the tub oh that's awful granny come on I know you're old but come on you gotta know that's not where you're supposed to be pooping in the oh that's so nasty there seems to be a hole here oh okay interesting ah is there something what is that what is this a remote Detonator blow up oh okay well I think this was like their C4 strapped at Granny's house and I gotta blow her up I don't know who put this there but I need to unscrew all the screws oh yeah sure why not nothing better to do here give me this come on dude stomping around somewhere she sounds like she's kind of close but I don't know uh let's see here radio [ __ ] get under oh not close enough it's so funny how she gets stopped by a literal bed like the bed is is the bane of her existence like no not the bed it goes under the bed now Austin like she's never been under a bed before she has no idea where it leads okay let me out oh yeah by the way sorry if I sound a little bit weird guys I'm still sick I commented in the last video but wait a minute I just ran I don't know but she sees me huh oh oh dude she Blends in I don't even see it's so dark okay she's over there I'm gonna go this way yeah sorry if I sound a little sick guys I'm still sick duh what does this do I need a cutting run run run run run run run run run okay where am I where am I what is this dude why does she have so many basements whoa what is this I've never seen dude this is new I'm just stomping on all these cans oh my gosh why is there so many cans down there who put those there what what is that wait there's definitely something behind here okay why does that exist why am I holding this remote Detonator too let me out you know what I'm leaving oh okay yeah I'm gonna be here for the next 35 years looting all of these oh not another who's putting these cans here dude oh what is this the guillotine why does she have this what the I need a watermelon why what is the lore in this game she poops in the shower she's got a guillotine in her backyard oh okay I remember this okay hold on how do I drop stuff okay put that stuff there but she's gonna hear that isn't she what in the what in the FNAF is that dude she's she's the rabbit from ruin she just sent me to the glitch World why'd she do that I don't know man this game I have no idea what's happening dude it's a it's a really good thing that we started she I was concreted she put concrete on the door what kind of why how do you even have that much concrete I don't even know okay how do I get out of here she concreted the door how the heck do you get through that there's no I'm stuck in here forever how do you get through concrete what am I supposed to do Hulk smashed the door like there's no way I'm getting through that all right hold on there's got to be there's gotta be something here right am I just stuck in here forever do I just have to like restart my game I'm just stuck wait no there was a hole here I need at least a rock okay a rock oh my gosh oh my brain expanded three sizes this night continue oh okay okay oh I'm gonna be here forever there we can just break yep okay come on you think she's gonna hear all this she's just gonna be waiting on the other side of the hole all right wait a minute I got a rock hold on this could be useful against her dude if this rocked I can't throw it what I can't throw it hold on I can't throw dude she just walked away yeah he's not gonna throw that rock at me why can't I throw it oh no not a can Okay careful do we what how how do I avoid that all right you know what get in here how do I avoid that I can't see anything by the way she could be right out here I'd have no idea but okay so the canes on the ground you can't Crouch past them so I guess I just have to like walk around them I don't know what's going on dude all right let me out she's gone right yeah okay where are the cans that's a can all right let me just nothing all right or I'm wait no there's no point in crouching turn this on I need an antenna what I got pliers oh I just dropped the rock okay she's coming up dude oh wait I can cut that get under get under wait why am I facing this way okay she's definitely gonna come up here right because I made all that noise with the cans or whatever all I gotta do is cut those wires which obviously those wires are connected to the main door and will open up a part of it and then not just make all of that up okay are we I don't know where okay she's gone I don't know where's the can at okay do this aha okay there's one more left what who's putting these cans here dude what is that oh it's another can I should have known she just put cans everywhere there's poop cans and blood everywhere on the ground wow what okay that's new radiant a radiator what are these items what are these items interactable I can hit her with it is she coming over here yeah I think she is I think I'm dead she's she's coming over here isn't she she definitely is she definitely yeah oh oh jump scare man make it make sense why does she do that oh what'd she do now in case my whole body in concrete what what the heck I'm in a jail okay um I can get out of this don't worry I know how to get out of this all right um door okay oh okay button is right there dude I could easily reach that I need like a stick or something um aha here we go the semi-broken pipe give me this perhaps it's possible to break the pipe faster with something else it sounds like he has like the nerd glasses emojis the nerd hey it sounds like I can break this with a specific item here we go I'm out wait what perhaps it's not possible to break the bike faster with something else oh it's possible no who care dude just break the pipe off what do you want me to do here I got two hands and a forehead what do you want me to do headbutted I can't get this off any other way and this is done right done okay give me this easy now what I don't know did I hit the button with I have no idea you know here's an idea right why don't I use the pipe on granny like I could easily just pipe her and she would just die from that but of course no I I don't want to do that it'd be too easy okay careful I'm just gonna I think I know where I am I think this connects to the guillotine that she has in her backyard for whatever reason yeah it does okay don't go wait no what dude wait oh oh okay okay I know right wait no this is a new basement okay we got a hammer we got another note oh not a novel if you collect the pieces of the painting then granny may give you one more day I don't care about another day dude I'd rather die than spend another day in here all right what else we got in here anything interesting granny no literally this place sucks this house is horrible there's definitely something behind here isn't there okay I don't know where she is she sounds close though what's this I need a safe key cool no unless there's a shotgun in there I don't care I thought there was like a secret there is move this out get get move get in is she behind me why is this game so dark man the antenna oh nice I know just what to do with it what in the what is this dude why is why she have a hole here I take it this was like the other survivors they they dug this and then they like you know got to the guillotine she's out here uh-oh I'm going back in I'm going back in wait this could be good this could be huge actually I run this way I go up the stairs I put the antenna on the TV that's one item done out of like a million but hey it's a start go go go go go go wait where was the TV oh put that why does she have that move my concreted room I miss it already um wait is that where you put what is that oh I need okay I screwdriver where's this antenna go oh there she is she's clueless dude all right TV's got to be up here right where was it dude oh yes what does this do though come on something big something big yes this is huge three you got an antenna that turns on the code to your safe It's So Random okay three six six eight no this is a dead end this I died last time let me enter okay she's got to be close and then that's the problem with this game though first of all barely hear where she is second of all it's so dark like she could be right here I do not know look she can turn off the TV wow she's much to her electricity bill must be insane dude three six six eight all right do I go out now I have no way of knowing for sure but I'm gonna go ahead and go with yes and yep okay we're good all right so three six six eight where does that even go though I don't even like remember seeing uh something that needed a code what's this by the way ooh oh not the poop Ed all right we have to go into the poop room oh my legs oh look at dude look at the size of those dude she must have been constipated for a few days trying to get those out why are my legs broken okay well I can't run now so that's good I'm just gonna no wait there's a Locker close the door let me end oh my gosh why are my legs broken dude that fall was not that big uh you think she's out there come on dude there's got to be like a setting or something hold on I'm gonna I'm gonna get out of this locker and then I'm gonna turn up the brightness all right I'm turning up dude there's got to be a bright gamma holy boosted oh my oh my gosh I can see I feel like I'm cheating holy okay okay okay this is so bright I can see everything now though this is perfect let me in okay I can actually dude this is actually game changing what's that why is there a banana in there dude sheep why why does that have flickering red eyes dude what do you want what oh it was a setup move run go go go oh white she out here no dude I saw the remote Detonator there's fuel there too man I'm stuck move I can actually see her now this is oh this is a fantastic no wait there uh somewhere to hide what is that uh wait I'm outside now is she still following me I doubt it dude right yeah we lost her right oh crap no she's quit no move another trap how quick is she oh she's so slow dude she is so slow we are out of here okay give me who closed it give me what do I do with this dude I got the fuel dude I got the I got two things of fuel what do I do with it okay go downstairs go downstairs dude there's got to be like uh there's gotta be like a generator or something around here that I gotta like put the fuel in or something right I just have to find it okay hold on do we wait think think do we see a jet oh look this is this room okay oh my gosh okay I think I definitely need to lower my gamma because obviously it's it's very bright right now but we're doing it right now we're surviving oh okay okay five days it's kind of random to just have written on your thing whatever you call that um okay I don't know where to put this fuel though I have no idea uh okay wait wait this room I recognize yeah yeah that's the whole okay I need to go wait what what can I do with this oh yeah I need a what dude I don't understand what the why do I need a watermelon why I need to cut the head off of a watermelon oh my she didn't see me open this nope she somehow did not see me I'm gonna set that off bring her over here right maybe I could put the fuel in the car oh wait what what does it say believe I need to get behind the wheel out this car definitely does not work oh no no no no no I found out what to do with it put the fuel there run run run run run okay luckily she's very slow we can run all the way around at least now we know what to do with that fuel how do I get rid of oh I can jump over it probably oh we did it oh my gosh we're getting better at this game we are getting so good okay don't know where granny is I need to fill this up right now I don't even know why I'm filling up the car because I need so much other stuff okay and we need another fuel canister it looks like yeah give me oh crap oh why is your head move like that dude her head Twitches around like that okay yeah we can easily jump over that now we have gotten so good at this game all right now we avoid all this it's one of those games though like everyone that knows how to play this knows exactly what to do but the people that are new like me you have to obviously figure everything out but that means all the comments are gonna be like um and like with a nerd glass how does he not know that you need to um grab the fuel and you need to um bring it upstairs and put it on the toilet and let her poop on fire and then you know do a little dance around it and you know you're good to go because she behind me okay I filled it up can't leave though right because I obviously need more than that let's just say it seems that the car will not be able to go now okay why well I need a radio oh radiator I know where that is what the heck is going on here with that pig dude I know where that is I'm gonna go get it I know exactly where that okay I don't know exactly where wait no I do know where exactly it's upstairs in the house come on which way is she gonna come out of she goes out of that way no run how quick is she oh she's so slow dude she is so slow oh no she's kind of quick now she's kind of quick she's speeding up move jump and run jump and run jump and run okay I have an idea I go through here I don't stop running I don't set this off because look at that I'm smooth with it then we go up here and we grab the radio I think it's right here on where'd it go wasn't it in here no not the cans hold on I think I left it over here this might be death I might be dead here it is dude it's in the worst spot no one might have stamina you're kidding me dude I think I'm dead no not like this dude this room sucks it's a dead end there's nowhere to hide oh dude she left okay all I gotta do now is not hit a can and we're good to go I follow closely behind her I'm watching my prey you know my food I don't know where she went down we go please don't be right here please do I have no idea where she is want to make a run for It Go my legs are broken again or I have no stamina why why why oh we did it okay oh my God what are you doing there oh come on stop my radiator dude day four oh no oh where am I at now oh she put me in the guest bedroom hey look at that she must be you know she's starting to warm up to me put me in the guest the bedroom there were sheets on that bed there wasn't poop right next to me that's a good sign maybe on day five I don't know you know maybe I'll actually be here like her grandchild there it is give me it run move move come dude oh it's heavy that's okay put it on put it on put it on put on come on come on if I would have known that I would have thrown it come on come on come on come on done okay does it work now to leave any oh my gosh don't tell me I need a key it seems that the car will not be able to go why to leave I need to get behind the wheel yeah get behind the wheel what do you mean don't tell me this guy needs a seat right there's no way this guy needs a seat I I refuse to believe that in a situation like this he's like oh yeah the car that works I could easily drive off no I can't I need I need a seat in there I need a cushion for my little butt right there I need to sit on something nice I can't be sitting on that bare metal like there's no way oh Tire dude it's okay I think I know we need a tire that's gotta be what it is there's no way I need a seat where would I even get a seat from like think about it there's not a seat anywhere near us okay hold on I need to make sure she doesn't get close uh dude if I throw this no no dude come on come on I don't know where she is I don't know where she is put the tire on I don't know where she is put the tire put the tire for the tire you can move while putting it on this is so done no I need more tires one two three I need three more tires dude what did she do to this car why did she tear her own car to pieces and throw the parts everywhere oh oh thank goodness dude she can't hear me all right um what do we got here I need some more items you know oh okay vent no oh yeah where's the screwdriver at we did find what's that over there we did find some other items but I don't remember exactly where they uh-oh uh oh this is fine this is good I just need to run away um you know what I'll hide under here I'll hide under here I could have kept going oh my look I can actually see the room now look at her there she is oh yeah I'm leaving this here I am not lowering the brightness it's way too good right now all right she's out of here okay get up get up get up oh yeah what do I do with this code by the way okay Run for the hole three six six eight I still don't know what to do with that what is this room to oh dude that room's up oh let me in let me in oh my Q's right there that room's on a dead end behind that shelf there's a crawl space I okay I was gonna say that that room like you get stuck in there you're just dead that makes sense okay go my legs are still broken maybe I can do something with granny's poop or something I don't know like I just don't know why there's so much of it and why it's in so many different areas like maybe there is like a use case for it you know that'd be very strange but oh crap holy good thing she saw his granny feet because she moves so slow wait okay that's a safe I don't think I can type in a number on this right maybe I can okay hold on she's coming around no I need a safe key so yeah I do need a key um where can I go okay I'm gonna go in here go go go go go go go go okay pipe and you want this take it all right um I'm not going in that hole that hole is outside I need to explore that like I need to get a feel for the basement you know like figure out where everything is and remember it I still have that like remote Detonator that I don't know what to do with hammer wait hammer what the heck could I do with this have we seen something that like I mean we've seen something that needed like that has screws maybe I can like pull them off with the hammer I don't know we didn't put all of our items in like one area you know like where we can remember it's like oh okay everything we need is in this room and then you know we go back to that room to find anything that we're missing okay there's nothing here oh dude what is that okay master key what does this work on the safe this could be huge this could be massive come on key I need you to work on this safe give me a shotgun something come on I need a safe key what what is this key it's literally called a master key what it unlocks everything oh oh oh oh oh oh I need a padlock dude why is this key called a master key that the master key was supposed to like be like anything you know like anything you need to open it opens do this has to go on here somewhere okay there's a bell I need a padlock key jump oh three six six eight no okay nice I need a cutting what I need cutting oh wait okay I need a padlock key I need a hammer okay put the key here I don't know what to do with that we'll come back okay we need to put all of our items we need up there though so now I know what to do with the hammer though which is back here okay I have the hammer I am almost back all right and then I know where the pliers were dude this room is so dangerous removed oh she's definitely gonna hear that throw the hammer oh no I almost jumped right into her her whole body okay we're good we're good I need to wrap around here come on hold on no dude why she seem so fast now close the door closer all right we're fine we're fine I got this look this is easy oh my what is your problem how do you know okay I'm gonna wait here then where is she okay good now I oh no I went the wrong way okay I can I can loop around I need to go upstairs if I remember correctly I think I left the pliers upstairs like by the bed or something I could be wrong that's the only problem with this game is like if you drop an item somewhere and you forget good luck finding it again you are not gonna find that item okay so it should be up here like right here to the right see there it is no dude what did I do with the pliers and that's the other thing the floor is filthy it could be here and I would even see it it could be Ray in front of me and I would have no idea all you know what let's go over here let's check here and while we're checking here I need to open up this back area oh okay well now she's coming up here all right um I need to move this move push yeah yeah push push push okay is there any item set gold coin what do I do with this gold coin I have no idea oh this is bad because like I don't know where the Pliers are I have a gold coin that I have no idea what to do with um yeah no idea yeah padlock he yeah I don't know oh my gosh um put this with our other items wait what's this door this can only be open with a remote oh my gosh wait the remote control's right here well this is it this is it I don't know what that what's behind that door dude but we're about to find oh no crap give me dude give me it run come here run give me run okay we need to wrap all the way around so she'll be there now this is good I use the remote control on that door that's what I'm talking about like with multiple playthroughs now I know what to do with so many items that like it's a good it's really good that we started on easy difficulty to get a feel for everything okay watermelon oh my wait no give me the run run this is the key this has to be the key in here now why did grandma put a key in a watermelon honestly kind of reasonable if you think about it like if you have a grandma that's older I could see my grandma putting the key to her car or something in a watermelon and then you'd be like wait how did you get that in there I mean you just don't question them there yeah I knew it dude oh my my granny instincts um what do I do oh save key oh my we're actually dude we're actually going to do this I only need one more car or one more Tire um the safe was downstairs right let's go dude this is huge what's in here what is that another key oh the padlock key dude oh this was gonna be oh boom boom move we'll close this I should have a coffee machine in there okay um what what now what now um stuck move move okay so we have we need one more Tire we can take the car maybe we might need another item we need um what do we need for the main door um the main door might just be oh oh my gosh I just broke my neck my neck right there okay um the main door might just be open though I don't know what we're missing from that but it might just be good to go I'm gonna try this come on move what am I missing here what is this okay I need a master key oh it won't open I need to open the other lot wait what you just said you needed a master key I need to open the other locks I need to cut it the last thing I need are the pliers oh my no dude I don't know where I put the pliers oh this is a disaster dude the last item we need It's gotta do they have to be in here somewhere she coming up here I think she is dude I cut these wires right then what did I do with the pliers I didn't mean to like rhyme right there but it kind of went hard okay I'm gonna go I'm gonna wrap around we're gonna drop into the the room over here I'm just staring at the ground because I'm trying to see if I drop them somewhere okay so basically our plan here is I just snapped both of my legs that's good um we need to look at the ground and just examine the house and find these things because I think that's all we need like literally the last item we need um Can my legs please get unsnapped dude I need to use them me in here did I maybe drop them in here plank no I think I'll be gonna use the plank to like barricade something you know anything in here no there's like the granny safe room though because she can't get through concrete actually then again oh dude we have all the tires what exit do I do though I don't know if I should take the car I feel like the car yeah dude the car has to be the good ending if you think about it right because on foot you know granny is suddenly gonna gain like the speed of I don't know like Sonic and she's gonna be able to catch up to us but I I feel like we need to take the car because if I go through the door it's death like it has to be what do I do with that gold coin though I wonder because I'm trying to think if we've seen something like that and what I do with the other Tire oh we have the other tires in the living room okay okay I think is that all the tires that we need though do I need one more don't know give me this oh my gosh you you move so slow with this the good thing is now I know I can throw it okay here we go just the last tire please please please please can you dude come on come on come on come on and okay now what no I knew it man I mean think about it do you really need four tires in a situation like this you don't you just don't just drive with three and how much you want to bet this guy's gonna say I need a seat he's gonna like request somewhere to sit man I just know it um okay wait are we getting into the pliers suppliers move okay um where would we put them down right you gotta think okay um I'm thinking either in there or in here this room though is oh oh my gosh oh my gosh dude this might be it this might be it honestly I feel like there has to be more to this car because like I I if this is a good ending and this is all I need then oh my goodness okay move no man please don't come over here luckily I think the last tire is on this side so I'll be in a good spot to like avoid her okay put this on quick quick quick quick done am I good it seems that the car will not be able to to go now why what do you need to leave I need to get behind yeah I know I'm trying to get behind the wheel but I can't oh my gosh dude what to leave any what's it need it's saying I need something you need to get behind the wheel yeah get behind I'm trying to get behind the wheel she doesn't he doesn't want to get behind the wheel close that oh my gosh oh my this car dude this car is upsetting me let me in dude it's not telling me something there's something I'm missing man there's something I'm missing close the door you know what just close the door I'll just ah I'm gonna go this way I'm gonna just I'm gonna go this way I'm gonna go back to looking for the pliers man because like I can't do anything with that thing I cannot do a single thing with that car it's a picture of Granny when I need like a few more you know what I'm gonna bring this downstairs mom just so sad right now I'm just gonna go put this picture together what was that mosquito around here okay jump go down it could be down here actually the pliers I only need one more dude okay hold on have a look at the ground this is the worst part about this game is like you drop an item and you lose track of it and you're just like oh yep good luck you lost now because you randomly dropped an item and you don't know where you put it oh my gosh guys look look I found something new I've literally just been looking on the ground for this um pliers but the coffee machine that Grandma for some reason has I don't know why but I can put a coin in it and I get a coffee huh wait what just happened I need a coin why did it give me a coffee did it change my vision like my vision sharper I don't know why I just did that Dude that feels like I just wasted that I have no idea what I just did all right well anyways a little update I have been looking everywhere for these pliers I have no idea where they are I've checked upstairs like eight times I keep checking here I cannot find them I just I don't know where I put them and I think this is such a dumb part about this game is that like you just you cannot find an item if you drop it it should like show it on the ground like it should like glisten or something oh no why is she over here yeah I'm gonna go back to looking though oh my gosh guys look I found dude give me it oh my gosh what do I do oh yeah yeah oh no okay wait I know what to do with this though I just need to hide from her oh no wait she might come around yeah she is she's going around I think yep there she is okay I need I need to hide from her um oh my dude leave me alone okay wait for her to come all the way over here right and then we hide look she turned around oh I think I lost her okay so now I need to get behind her I need to get to that vent that vent has to have something important I think honestly we just give up on the oh my gosh man we give up on the uh the pliers we come up on the pliers right and we just go for the door ending or or uh the car ending because I I can't I I just I just don't know where they are I just don't I don't remember where I put them I've checked areas that were like we've picked up other items I'm sure you guys will let me know in the comment section where they are probably somewhere obvious but I just don't know all right open this what open open this what what am I doing why can't I open this wait was it upstairs oh my gosh she's behind me dude what did I need this for I don't remember I thought it was that um let me think let me think there was something where he walked up he's like I need a screwdriver for this but I don't remember where though oh this is a disaster man okay let me out let's check this room real quick one of these clocks which I feel like the clock oh this okay okay nice oh my God you eat screw are you kidding me right now okay come on thank you what is this oh and I gotta pull it huh you're you're kidding me right why is there just a why is there just a box here wait what does this mean what does this mean what do I do with a box what do you mean game why is there just a box what do you want me to do with that game I I don't even know I just don't even know man I don't I don't know what to do with that box I have no idea all right guys this is huge okay so I I cut the footage right I looked back on it and I dropped it right there it dude how are you look at look at that how are you supposed to see that that I would have never found that okay so now all I gotta do is go out the front door I'm gonna snap my legs real quick nothing wrong with that nothing wrong with a little bit of a broken bone a few of them actually and all I gotta do now I think is just walk out the door right oh no no no no no my legs let me out let me out no my legs throw the pliers throw the pot okay you know what you can attack me it's fine I have an extra day I should be fine right I should be yes okay and I think I died by the way I left my like when I left the game on like look at my footage I think I died so that was just fantastic I I really like this you know it's a blast all right here we go again all I gotta do is pick up the pliers use them on the door and I oh my gosh why are you here why are you here leave me alone okay wait are you still following me no she turned around I don't know where she went I'm gonna try to go this way all right so all I do wear the pliers where are the pliers dude where are the pliers oh my gosh I don't see them there's no way there's no way they're gone dude they could be right here in front of me I wouldn't see it because they blend in I think I okay hold on maybe all I need maybe I used it it won't open I need to open the other locks what do you mean dude where did the pliers go game you can't make this stuff up man this game is oh my gosh oh my gosh guys I found them I found them they're in this room okay so all I gotta do is just go downstairs and just use them on the lock use the master key and then I win okay it's that easy this game is driving me crazy dude looking for this thing all right go out are my legs okay now finally all you gotta do is get in a locker and apparently that repairs your legs use this the key the key use the key yes and yes holy 3876 seconds I don't that's gotta be like an hour I don't know what that is in minutes but holy dude so wait we didn't die though we just we actually escaped well then you know I would be down to play this again though for sure on like a higher difficulty now that I know what to do and know where items are and stuff like that I could definitely do on higher difficulties like I said this is one of those games like it's hard at first whenever you learn where everything is where everything can spawn you could beat this game in probably 15 minutes you know or less you know so anyways I'm in this video here I hope you guys enjoyed and I will see you guys in the next one thank you so much for watching peace out
Channel: FusionZGamer
Views: 675,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: granny, granny remake, granny remastered, granny horror, granny horror game, granny game, granny remake ending, granny remake hard mode
Id: czn9XcFocfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 53sec (2393 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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