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what's up guys and welcome to the warning watch a brand new Zed technician game that from the looks of it we get a mysterious warning on our TV it's like an alert that goes off something bad has happened and apparently we're gonna be trapped inside of a building with whatever's going on now as you guys knows that technician is the creator of the man from the window and a wide variety of other horror games we've played on this channel and they are always a blast to play through they have some horrifying monsters and some interesting characters and uh I think this is gonna be no exception all right this is going to be a lot of fun but of course if you guys want to see me play more of his games let me know shows me a ton of support and subscribe right now if you're new and you like horror games because this place before all that kind of stuff anyways let's go and press start and hop into the warning watch it's our new game of course okay here we go oh what's that from Hollington hardware and Home Improvement LLC subject server maintenance dear whoever it is online ordering has temporarily been disabled in your District due to it to persistent server issues to ensure that our customers don't do not experience any server delays all online orders must be manually processed during this outage online functionality will be restored by 6 a.m that's okay that's actually not that bad well Phooey there goes our Friday night again Sammy you better get comfortable back there because we're going to be here a while who's I don't see anyone okay of course of course why wouldn't there be a snake called Sammy in this game that just hangs out on your shoulder this is an outrage you've gone in early and left late for every single day of this week then when you finally reach the point where you can get some rest they spring this nonsense on you at the last moment and look they didn't even take the time to properly write your name out it just says employee name I will not stand for this calm down Sammy it's fine I just have to put a few little orders and then we'll be done okay look oh my oh my what am I looking at my eyes the panel with the order number will always show the next order that needs to be filled okay the panels to the left and to the right display our inventory got it and the one at the bottom shows what's been added to the current order sure all I need to do is make sure the contents on the top match what's on the bottom then just send it off oh that actually sounds kind of easy so it wants painters tape times three all right let's see if we can find some painters tape here okay oh right here one two three send dude that's easy orders remaining five oh my gosh I told you this part's easy this first batch will be done in no time flat then once we finish the remitting batches we can rest okay if you say so all right allen wrench easy it's right there oh my this game's not even a challenge dude four orders left I'm gonna win painters tape boom done holy I'm so good at my job right now okay uh what do we got Hammer oh wait bolt cutters right there and a hammer one two three send oh my two orders like electrical tape easy it's right there oh oh there's a timer look you see that there's a timer in the middle we need zardman concrete mix okay that's that done all right so wait where does this get scary though the snake becomes evil or something see Sammy there's the first batch done already we'll be done with this faster than you can say oh oh uh-oh emergency alert system effective until 601 oh no the national occult Authority huh is it called what is that what is it Nicole has issued an immediate threat warning for all effective counties oh the NOAA highly recommend lying down with one's face completely obscured obscured until sunrise huh do not draw its attention Okay what another alert that's the second one this week how do you plan to proceed there's too much work to be done for us to go to bed now Sammy we'll just have to work through it again what it's a horrible idea if you're unable to lie down with your face obscured follow these instructions ensure that all windows remain locked it can unlatch them from afar what is this thing are you really sure that you can handle this tonight there's the window in oh there's the window in here oh no the one in the guest room okay two windows three room uh the one in the kitchen three okay the one in the entryway four oh my gosh and the one in the living room as well five five whole Windows flickering lights indicate that it is attempting to gain entry oh crap stay alert ensure that all windows remain locked do not let it in it's gonna be easy all right round Wood panel oh wait wait I still have a timer hold on can I not have a timer like this would be okay done oh this is easy wait how do I wait yard bags let's say a yard bag right here one vacuum cleaner oh like they're flickering wait my orders hold on okay wow I'm humongous dude I'm so look how tall I am okay wait I need to find what's happening what's happening lights are flickering move door okay the random door open I don't see anything it said if the lights are flickering that means it's trying to gain entry but everything looks locked right yeah oh okay um let's get back to the oh my um okay oh it was unlocked oh wait wait so it's that little thing right there okay I should double check oh my gosh he's unlocking the windows okay one two that's three are you sure someone come in three four where's the fifth one fifth five five five five five okay let's stop flickering too okay we're good we're good now wait what about my order though is it got like messed up or something let's go have a look okay oh it saves it for me how nice okay garage door you're ordering an entire garage door Holy One Two done oh my I need eight more okay vacuum cleaner three vacuum cleaners what are you doing with these uh kitchen kitchen uh kitchen sinks ordering a kitchen thing okay I guess these are like for houses and stuff yeah okay a mortar mix what the utility cart times three one two three done okay let's see what else we got here no lights flickering yet um utility card again I made three and then an impact drill let's have an impact the trail at oh can I show the lights done oh my five left a joint compound what is a joint combo there's so many things I'm like what is this uh one two quick dry glue that'd be on this side seems to be in like uh oh oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I need this okay let's leave that there okay window locked this guy is easy dude he's not having a challenge come on easy don't even touching my windows anymore he's scared dude wait I need to go check these okay so I'm gonna make sure I don't like leave any Windows behind too because there's a lot oh found it this one too isn't it I knew it dude come on you gotta try harder than that too easy come on just come in here and have a seat all right you might as well just sit down and relax because you are not doing your job very well drywall sheet times two one two yard bags um right here done okay how many do I have that three left uh joint compound again that was on this side I remember okay maybe I okay maybe I remember it incorrectly it's on this side there it is drywall sheet123 done all right what do we got two more round Wood panel oh I don't see that oh right here I wonder if I can leave like while it's um playing you know like while it's doing this one two like in the middle of it like that like if I can press s like right now and it feel like let me uh yard bags outdoor tape outdoor tape where the heck outdoor okay are we done wait is that all of them yes batch complete now what oh this guy's perfectly on time with these alerts dude be advised give it enough time it will find an entrance to your location oh ensure that all doors remain locked you're doing great so far truly but keep in mind that the longer we keep all this up the more difficulty will become oh whoops okay I talked too much crap you mustn't forget about the deadbolt on the front door oh no or the stick that keeps the back door from opening either I had one of those don't worry I'm on it okay okay okay okay hold on hold on um round let's do this first um or should I wait until hmm okay I'm gonna go now 12. oh my holy I have 12 orders I gotta do goodness all right I gotta go uh I wanna check the door first guys I just want to know like do we have any warning like do the lights flicker like normal okay I can't I wish I didn't have the I've got two large objects that are blocking my vision I can't see if there's a stick in there or not holy um is this the front door yeah okay I don't I'm assuming the stick is in there right yeah it's in there I don't I don't know I don't really want to look down anymore okay I'm gonna go back to doing my job so wait I think we'll know what was here if um oh my gosh wait this is a lot of stuff um hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on um where's the step ladder oh my gosh quick dry glue oh okay as soon as I sit down dude of course hold on I'll do that in a second let me just impact drill okay okay let me let me let me do this let me do my job all right I'm scared to see what the monster is but it's basically the man from the window is back again because there's a bunch of Windows here he's back and he's he's coming in full force right now okay that's done let me check uh oh okay is this yeah that looks locked are we good oh no this is the last one okay so I think I only have to worry whenever the lights are flickering because that means he's nearby so I I think as long as the light stops flickering we're gonna go back to our computer and like keep working okay round Wood panel one two three utility cart one two three send okay come on keep them coming keep them coming zard man's concrete mix one two three hammer it's a hammer ad dude Hammer one two three extra large long electrical cord sure I wonder if he like what happens if you get an order wrong impact drill wasn't that on this side yeah one kitchen sink this these people love kitchen sinks dude uh one two three done okay I hope he doesn't break in behind me I don't know if I have to check that or not it's got me concerned right now one two three outdoor tape uh the good thing about these games is they don't really have like jump scares though from what I remember it just kind of like you know you see from the perspective of the monster and then he kills you which I can appreciate oh come on yeah you'll fix this but then again if you think about it right I am like I'm built like a fridge like I am big like tall I mean like look at how tall I am I could literally fight the monster and I guarantee I will win I I don't know how big this monster is but I'm like seven foot two all right I'd love to see this monster try to to tussle with me you know it's not gonna win it's not gonna go well for it but I mean sure I think we're just pretending you know we want the monster to you know feel good about itself so we're pretending like it could you know kill us uh firewood bulk right here one two three vacuum cleaner one two three table saw one okay submit keep it going six more step ladder one two three mortar where's Sarah oh crap dude um or it's all the way at the bottom painters tape painters tape which side would that be oh right here one two three done how many do we have left five oh my that's a lot uh drywall okay lamp lamp one two three done okay four left we know he's gonna attack before we're done with this we know he is uh stepladder where's that oh right here and then utility car oh great here we go one two submit I have the hiccups what's new lock no okay at least they're still flickering we're good I don't know if we're on like a timer or not I'm assuming that is like the timer but I haven't really like looked at it there's a timer there too what about this stick thing I don't know if I'm gonna assume I mean as long as light stops flickering we're fine it's like the biggest thing okay that's locked all right now if the lights stopped flickering now we're gonna get we're good to head back yeah we're fine all right good I like that though it like tells you you know it's like you know if you're okay or not as long as lights go away all right impact drill um impact drill that's gotta be on this side right here one two three wood planks wow you want a lot of wood planks uh right here how many five one two three four five step ladder right here one two we are short on time like if you guys notice we're just barely um doing this utility cart I hope if you lose though like you don't have to replay the whole thing again because that would be awful uh round Wood panel one two three done okay how many do we have left one more okay lamp lamp uh dude lamp where's the lamp at dude lamp where are you hiding okay drywall sheet one two vacuum cleaner was that on this side no guess not okay I must be on this side right here one two done got it okay we're done now the next alert see what it says be advised without warning running water May suddenly become boiling hot why would that affect me do not under any circumstances leave faucet flowing for a prolonged length of time why if you can hear the sound of running water you are in danger it can travel through the Mist what shut the faucet off immediately That's So Random what do you mean okay hold on I need both headphones on oh boy I hope we can hear that oh that's that's scary one two three four five round Wood panel one two three that is scary dude it can travel through water or like Mist which I guess is water I hope I don't like I can make sure I pay attention to that noise electrical tape oh great okay hold on three okay I'll be back oh I hear water I hear water well I gotta turn this off immediately turn it off okay dude that's scary that it can travel through water like that your lights are still flickering so oh he's at the window what the heck was that that guy is Goofy though if you think about it right like the door was open and he just like didn't even care he can't worry about going to the window and looking at me then attacking yeah he lost his one chance what can I say all right let's go uh lamp oh crap dude we don't have much time two three utility cart and nail gun utility cart nail gun starting to be a lot of uh stuff I have to find done made a way okay 10. yeah there's a lot of stuff and one two garage door that's got to be on this side right no okay it's over here wait where is garage okay one two three four five done all right I'm listening so I like how whenever the water um hold on I gotta Focus uh quick dry right here whenever the water starts going like crazy or whatever the lights flicker even if it's you know even if you don't hear it you'll still know mortar mix wasn't that on this side yeah right here one two cardboard box what uh who's ordering a cardboard box done all right seven more we know he's about to attack get ready oh my this is a lot of stuff one two three joints uh no wait hold on hold on hold on zard man okay all right let me do this we gotta do the um oh what how what is turn that off this guy's wasting water okay that's done I had to move quick dude I feel like we're gonna get like a random jump scare now now that he showed up at the window but he could just show up anywhere and why is he unlocking stuff for not coming in it's like giving me a fair shot I guess let's go back remember how I said I could fight the monster I'm not so confident about that now after seeing the monster ah he looked kind of huge I don't know done would that do all of them okay good yeah extra large we need two of those one two garage door It's gotta be on this side right no it's right there one two okay how many do we have left four five dang it oh my God why is there so many garage door we just saw that I'm starting to like remember where stuff is so that's good one two outdoor uh outdoor tape one two done okay come on four more he's about to attack again get ready uh wood planks one two and Hammer Hammer's gotta be on this side right nope it never is where I think it is done three more I get ready for oh my gosh dude who's putting this oh there's so much okay drywall that's d one two Zara man that's Z I'm so glad this is all in alphabetical order done that was a big one please no more of those thank goodness um joint what what okay hold on let me do this first oh my I thought that was him dude it's my bed post all right I always turn this off first because I don't know how fast he can like you know form and mist or whatever but you know I'm trying to be playing on the safe side here yeah lights are still flickering dude you know what always scares me is like showers um like the drains well not always not anymore but as a kid uh the shower drains because if you guys ever saw the movie it or as a TV series at the time it was like a two-part TV series and it's like about everyone knows it now back then it wasn't as popular I feel like but um it was a TV series about like a clown or it's not like a clown but I don't I'm not going into the lore here but basically um one two three four five it can like Spawn from your biggest fear basically and and one of the scenes he was like in a locker room shower and the clown came from like the the thing in the ground the little like um well I can't think while trying to solve this at the same time one two three utility cart one two it came from the little like little like our thing the great or whatever it's called on the bottom so now that always scared me as a kid yeah he's gonna go in the shower exercise caution it can exist in more than one place at once part of it is now standing on the other side of your front door how do you know that how do you know that common table salt can be used to as a ward to keep it out salt must be thrown at the door every time it tries to enter this could save your life seems as though we're finally on the home stretch you're almost there don't forget to grab the salt from the kitchen counter you'll be needing it you can do this Deborah or Deborah I believe in you oh boy okay I'm gonna uh I'm gonna go grab it after I do one order of this uh we need quick dry one two round the music got intense for some reason I'm gonna go grab it now because I don't know if it means like I need it early or how this works but I'm not trying to get attacked right now at the finale you know um or right here I'd better bring this with me there's more than enough salt in here to last through the night during a pinch isn't difficult at all I just need to make sure I have enough space I'll suppressed space wait so how does this work oh my God what wait what do I do is it do that wait I forgot what it said I think it said I had to throw it at it here have some salt on your plate okay I'm gonna go back to doing uh my job like what's anyways I don't know what's happening dude I don't like this okay I don't like this I don't like it at all um okay we need step ladder more uh right here one two three four five step ladder no where's the step oh you're kidding me I hear water oh this is bad okay we've got a lot going on I need to figure out this like salt thing it's got me worried wait what else is on in here oh that turn that off I gotta move quick oh my he's turning on everything turn that off close this holy he's doing it all he's he's destroying the house oh okay lock throw that I don't know oh wait oh I got it I didn't lock the door we did it he's gone be gone demon the power of salt compels you all right let's go um oh my gosh dudes that table saw one two three four five bolt cutter one two I'm so oh you're almost ran out of time it's a noise dude did I forget something am I about to get attacked I don't know impact drill dude impact Trail where's that at one two three four five doing compound nail gun um oh right over here it's on this side nail gun one two three four five done it's getting a lot more intense right now but I think after this I beat the game three four five painters tape right here five cardboard box one two yard bags that's gotta be on this side right here right here one two three four five done ah come on bolt cutters kitchen sink wasn't that on this side yeah yeah allen wrench is at the top one two three four five oh my God these are so easy good good good good good that's what we needed I needed that dude 11 more oh no now we got this okay two three four five wood oh yeah I'm looking in two places at once round uh where's I want to do this real quick one two three four five okay we need to go we need to go we need to go okay go go go go go go go go go I'm gonna turn this off first done nothing else is on I hear the other sink I'm gonna do this first no wait no no she decides to read herself a novella real quick while I'm trying to close stuff off stop okay be gone done throw that there wait why is it no no no no the lights are still flickering oh that was unlocked okay are we good we good are we good we good I think so oh my gosh I don't know what she was saying when she was talking to herself in that bed one two round Wood panel okay right here one two three like trickle tape I see it I know where it is one two three four five done I mean oh my not oh my what's behind me dude what what was that is that my own shadow okay this is this orders huge um painter's tape one two three four five table saw I need to be quick I need to be Dude Where's the table saw at dude table saw two three four five nail oh yeah it's at the top uh cardboard uh go up one two done oh my wow is that order so big no more of those please round Wood panel and then on this side no I always think it is I don't know why okay five Hammer Hammer quick dry that's on this side oh no what happened what what the Clock Struck six the interview silently departed back from one oh did I win I did not wish to be seen outside after summer I can't read with the threat no longer present the alerts ended soon thereafter and almost quiet once more however I failed my job what dear previous employee name you're going to inform you that your poor performance during our most recent outage has resulted in your termination here at Hollington we strive for excellence your inability to handle such a vital task has proved that you do not belong in the company you know what it's for the best despite her best efforts Deborah or Deborah had missed the deadline one would think that the circumstances behind her failure would be would more than justify a single slip up but Hollington wanted results not excuses and the position that she had worked so hard to attain was filled before the sun had fully risen ah yeah that job sucked let's get a better job anyways so what I was going at like top speed dude how did I lose that oh man wait what if I press continue where's it put me ah stepladder where am I hold on let me try to like solve this dude I'm not quick enough at this to be able to beat this am I on the final day again I think I am oh okay okay okay wait I think I can do this then okay I need to be like really quick nail gun uh dude I was doing pretty good I thought but I guess not and we get attacked no matter what though so I don't know okay hold on I'm gonna try to do this allen wrench one firewood uh already doing horrible because I don't know where okay you know what I'm gonna leave him there a little bit longer maybe I don't know I want to beat this but like it's gonna be difficult because the timer it's the biggest thing is that timer okay who closed all the doors dude they're trying to slow me down move move I don't have the salt either turn that off turn that close that give me the salt give me the salt hurry dude she takes way too long to pick up salt sitting there talking to herself come on come on come on okay done done done all right we need to get back what time are we at right now I don't know what time it is but I hope it's a good one okay I can't I can't even stop to read that okay outdoor tape one two lamp that's gotta be on this side right no it's on this side of course uh one two three four five extra long one two three wood planks one two three send come on dude I gotta be quick okay I know where that is one electrical tape is on this side one two three four five yard bags is on this side um no it's not what am I thinking it's why I don't know why I thought it was on the left I don't know okay Hammer Hammer Hammer Hammer that's on this side two three four five wood planks that's got to be on this side right yes one two three four five wood uh crap one two three four five nail that's at the top one two no not three no we should like set the time on here impact okay crap one two three four five yard bags one two three quick dry that's should be here what there it is one two three four five garage door uh right there one two three four five done like we're finishing it like without even running at times I don't know how we're losing this like how quick do they want you to be cardboard I gotta do this one two three four five joint yeah not doing that right now hold on five done okay I guess I gotta be like really quick I wish I could see what time it is but we're moving too quick I'm not gonna like stop to look at the time I don't know what that is great whatever we gotta do what we gotta do all right I can't read the time done lock lock go around lock throw that so I guess you can't like unlock the door whenever we're in this mode I don't know because I just throw the salt at and he goes away I want to know what time it is what time is that 126 wait what did it put me back at the start no no because I have the what I don't I don't know dude two three four five maybe I just lost because I ran out of time um painters tape one two three four five like maybe the thing in the middle ended and that's what made me lose because right now if it's only one whatever I have plenty of time uh quick dry one two three four five yard bags dude right here one two three four five impact it's on this side right here one two three four five come on come on come on okay six order oh my God wait see he's behind me again I'm not I'm not leaving this dude I don't know maybe that's what got me killed step ladder drywall uh wait I was looking at the thing wood planks it's on this side isn't it where's okay one two three I'm not leaving this dude I don't care I don't know what that shadow is from but I do not care that's got to be why I lost right lamp dude what is this random lamp that's being thrown in here yard bags wood planks live cardboard box that is this has to be why I lost because I left whenever this thing was behind me I think vacuum cleaner uh extra large drywall done come on three more oh no he's here so wait what do I am I able to leave yeah it's only two o'clock doors closed behind me so yeah he was in my who's in my room because he closed the door it's only two o'clock though so I should definitely have this I'm not sure what happened on our last try here but can I turn this off come on come on come on trying to be as quick as I can here unlock go go go go go go okay we're good we gotta get back now I'm so close to winning this dude so close I don't know if this is bugged or what like why it reset my time okay firewood Uh crap right here 2345 bolt cutter we know where that is kitchen kitchen kitchen dude why can't I find this oh my gosh it's gonna oh my it's right there what am I doing Hammer Hammer Hammer Hammer hammers on this side what am I doing once again done or maybe we have two left two left come on come on come on okay kitchen we just saw on this side we just saw it two three four five yard bags it's got to be on this side one two three four five um wood it's on this side no what what what what what what what where's dude oh my gosh why was I not able to see that okay come on come on come on I'm panicking cardboard box one two three four five lamp one two electrical we know where that is firewood not the firewood again dude not the firewood wait firewood was on this side the other one is just wood we did it we did it yes yeah there we go yeah all right I don't know why we lost the last one I'm sure you guys can tell me in the comment section okay well well wait well oh we'll go over this one more time the doors locked the windows latched the faucets off and the front door specifically freshly salted everything's in order and since you also managed to finish all your work in time you know what this means I mean so we get a chance to sleep in for once finally exactly right you'd better hurry up and get to bed before the lights start flickering again you don't have to tell me twice I have the hiccups what's new what our weight the bird is coming from my butt Deborah hmm good night I wish you pleasant dreams good night Sammy I'll see you in the morning what am I I'm kind of I don't know why is there a snake coming out of my butt what is happening in this game I don't know dude we did it that's the ending okay I got the Stars dude it's complete and look now you can't continue all right guys that was the warning watch an interesting game pretty fun it definitely had some intense moments to it we didn't really see much of the monster which I think that's like my favorite part about the game is the monster I feel like this one he was a lot more hidden but regardless I had a good time I hope you guys did too and I'll see you guys in the next one thank you so much for watching peace out
Channel: FusionZGamer
Views: 512,694
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the warning watch, warning watch, zed technician, man from the window, the man from the window, warning watch ending, warning watch fusionzgamer, warning watch gameplay, the warning watch game
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 53sec (1913 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2023
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