Granny, Jethro, and Ellie Mae Clampett Shooting Skeet

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this is Crandall ski jacket I don't know what it'll fit you or not the might snug but I recommend do you think bankers could afford new coats instead of covering them old ones with patches these are the targets we shoot at hey Danny little dishes just right for saucer and coffee nation do you want to shoot at a saucer like this if he ain't careful you bust them there aren't any cup see you done busted him ginger no no granny we don't use cup just these saucers I mean these targets the object of the game is to hit them as they fly Thalia ah I reckon like to try that give me a gun Jethro I'll handle the release switch chief alright if I try it without this little coat oh yes mr. rabbit but I wouldn't suggest you trying it with the rifle because when you yell pull those targets are gonna shoot out there at sixty miles an hour Oh charlatan about that I just meant to Nick it so as you could use it again and from the looks of all and broken dishes out there you ain't the first one that made a mistake no granny you don't understand you see the object of the game is to break the target but to do it with a rival is absolutely remarkable Oh shucks that ain't nothing a lot easier than shooting fly can I try yes of course but I I think you better use the shotgun Oh Oh this year's granny this here's the gun I'm you stoop leader my tiara okay uncle Jed fantastic feet here is big alright but they help them to stay in steady get rollin give me a whack at busting them things can you bring to it once yes but ring ring and another pair I have never seen such marksmanship fight with any one of yours my teammate I can win tomorrow I'll shoot with you mr. Drysdale I'll shoot with you mr. Drysdale well thank you but you see my teammate has to be someone who works the bank and since mr. Clampett here just happened to be my vice president sure was a stroke of luck for me to get that job just in time to shoot with you almost over planned wouldn't you like to try to hit one of the targets your what ah which gun would you like you jump up no gun let me don't much cut in the firearm how're you gonna try to hit up there I stand with my cylinder bore why joke $1,200 imported English heat gun that's a dandy all right fella just about couldn't miss with that time I could I think I'd better get in a little practice right now Hale will be pushing along man oh uh you mind if I have my cousin pearl to let this out of might I can shoot lot better if it don't bind me so tight be my guest mr. Clavin well I'll pick you up about 9:00 the morning fine and dandy bye I like it ah
Channel: BZ Lanier
Views: 320,447
Rating: 4.8442369 out of 5
Keywords: Skeet Shooting, trap shooting, Jed Clampett, Jethro Bodean, Ellie Mae, Buddy Ebsen, Beverly Hillbillies, Earl Scruggs, NRA, Shotgun, 12 gauge, pistol, firearm, rifle, sling shot, Granny Clampett, Donna Douglas, Max Baer, Range, Shooting Range, Mr. Drysdale
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 34sec (214 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 02 2016
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