grandMA3 1.6 | All About Phasers - My Approach

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[Music] bye [Music] well a very good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to a another granimay 3 related live stream um hope you're doing absolutely fantastic and please let me know if you're there let me know in chat if you can hear me properly let me know if you can see me properly that would be really awesome and my lighting is here hi bro hey bro unfortunately i do not know who you are um you can let me know maybe we know each other um quinn espares is this stream going to be uploaded well i'd say most likely yes but i'll decide afterwards so if you don't want to miss it then make sure to watch it live um but it might be uploaded afterwards as well um milton de la cruz is there hola senor it's always a pleasure uh to have you nice that you're there so many people already crazy um g07 very curious about this one phasers are the only thing keeping me from moving from ma2 yeah i think um this whole phaser topic is um particularly uh interesting one um to i guess all of us um and i totally understand that this might be um the key for uh many which might keep them from changing or if you have unlocked it then to go on with ma3 right delta pirate delta pirate coolest yeah great we are again let me see how many people are in there we are already 45 in the stream that's awesome um yeah to put things a little bit into perspective i'm mainly a grand ma2 programmer and i've worked with granite may 3 now for about i'd say a couple of months um so as all of you probably um i'm i'm basically new to this whole platform and to this whole software and i guess we all might agree on the whole phaser engine hasn't been fully developed yet so keep in mind that if you're watching the stream uh in the future but basically you're always watching the video now right but if you're watching this as a video on demand um then things might have changed completely um today we're using software version 1.6 and of course uh things will develop with every software version and so will the workflows and so will this whole concept of phasers so keep that in mind um [Music] yes so far christopher teber moyentabe quilters darvist it's a pleasure um manuel rodriguez greetings from amsterdam thick yeah greetings very nice um yeah another thing that i want to um point out is that this video isn't really meant to be a tutorial um i don't want to show you the one method the right method i don't even think there is one right method of achieving things um but [Music] yeah it's more like i have figured out a way or ways for me that work fine and i will show you um my approach to things so um don't take anything that i will tell you today for a rule um but only as my particular way of doing things and if you like certain things um then it's highly appreciated if you take them and incorporate them into your own programming style things that you don't like just forget about them right and of course it's very important to me that um this whole stream is interactive right so that's the whole point of making this as a stream so feel free to ask questions at any time and even if you have tips or advice for me or for the whole community that's highly appreciated as well of course because i don't consider myself being a professional granimate 3 programmer by any means right so as i said i have i've done a couple of small shows with with granite may 3 but i'm nowhere near uh the level that i am with granite may 2 so um i think we all can learn from each other and we all can um improve um with tips of the whole community right so let's see a few other people at leo steinhaus uh leo is a great bass player that i know but i guess he's not that is it your own compact xt well um you might be surprised but this isn't a compact xt because if you count the faders i'll show you um it's basically only 10 faders it's a it's a command wing with two screens and a intel nook mounted to the back all fitted into one neat case but basically it's a on pc solution and not a compact xt as you might think it's amazing the people here from from all over the world it's amazing all right i think um we'll uh we'll keep it for for the introduction um let me give you a brief overview of what we're going to talk about today so um the first thing is i will give you a overview of my particular workflow with phasers um as i said it's just my thoughts on it and um take from it whatever you want but i'll show you um what the main aims once is all about and then i'll show you how to import pre-defined phasers this might be um known to most of you but i still think that's a good starting point if you if you want to um do your first phasers that's where you should start in my opinion um but then we'll build custom phasers and we'll build a few dimmer phasers and we'll build a few color phasers with this integrate method meaning that we're using um presets within our phaser we'll do a few position phasers and then maybe if we have enough time we'll talk about some more uh complicated things like flyouts um and we'll talk about modifiers i have a bit i own a thing of naming things so um i'm we'll talk about template phasers and modified phasers and i'll show you what i mean by that of course um [Music] then we'll have a look into recipes and how to deal with phasers in recipes and then we might have a small cuban q a session where you can ask whatever you like but most likely this um will go on through how throughout the whole stream so as i said you can always always ask questions of course um and then i have prepared a special thing i have prepared a show file with a grid of i think it's 10 by 10 mega pointies so it's it's a whole lot of fun to work with with such a matrix of mega point is and we'll hit this matrix with phasers and with modifiers and we'll just see um with what crazy stuff we can come up with right so yes let me have another look into the chat what's the case here super momentum from my commanding so um this case [Music] okay so um let's dig into it and let me show you my workflow i hope you can see it all right um so as i said i have kind i've developed a kind of unique way i think to deal with phasers and as i've already said i'm a grand made 2 programmer mainly so um everything i do and everything we are going to talk about today is kind of seen through the eyes of an granite mate ii programmer right and i will tell you all the similarities and all the differences between the two platforms of course um and that's kind of my approach i kind of um [Music] want to incorporate an a similar workflow that i have in ma2 to my ma3 programming so basically the first thing that i do and that i would recommend doing is creating universal template phasers and those template phasers are not really the same thing as template effects in ma2 um [Music] i more or less tend to think about those as just being a form you had in ma2 you had those basic forms like sine waves pulse with mod modulation and cosines and whatever ramps and so on and so forth circles of course and i tend to think of those universal template phasors as as forms but they are not really forms because they already have the attributes um that the phaser uses stored within them so it's kind of a mixture between template effects and forms in na2 terms right and and we'll create those as universal presets um and you might think well that's that's super complicated what i do um but the thing is you need to keep in mind that um you only have to do this once in your life basically because once you have um programmed those universal template phasers the preset data is stored within your universal fixture meaning that you can use this with every new fixture that you put into your show and you do not have to set those phasers up again and again you really have to do this once so even though it might be a little bit complicated and time consuming i think it's a great way of of working with phasers and then the second step the fun step if you like is to modify those phasers those template phasers and basically hit them with face hit them with wings groups and blocks and all that fun stuff and basically to do this there are three ways well actually there are even four the first one is doing this with matrix and you'll see that this is a cool way and i think it's my preferred method of doing it because it's very quick and there you have this cool swiping method that i have shown in a earlier stream but i'll show you today how it works um i think it's really cool but it's really just a quick and dirty way of doing things so um [Music] yeah and you cannot really use this for cloning and when i talk about cloning in these regards i always mean um i don't mean just swapping fixtures but changing the amount of fixtures that you've got in your show so when you're changing the amount of fixtures um this matrix method isn't great because um yeah it don't work for it sorry it doesn't work um for um for new selections of fixtures um and it's a little bit hard to modify it later so when you when you store those presets into those phasers into a preset or into a queue you can't recall the matrix values that you put into so you have to basically if you want to modify those phasers basically have to start from the beginning so that's the downside and then we have the recipe method which basically is two methods because you can use those those recipes in presets and you can use it in cues as well so it's basically two methods in one that is great for cloning because you can just update your groups and then use the cook command of cooking your re your recipes and then your your phaser looks as you would expect it to look um it's pretty easy to modify once you have set it up um but it is a little bit more time consuming to get it up and running i personally think that the user interface of doing it is pretty bad till this day and for me one big minus is that shuffle isn't working in those recipes at least as far i know and then third method of modifying phasers is within the programmer just basically using your encoders and the encoder bar however as i've written here i'd always try to avoid this method whenever it's possible okay so that is the main workflow we'll um we'll dive into that now and we'll maybe we'll come back to this chart to explain certain things right but for now if you do not have any questions so far i'd say let's just um yeah dive into it [Music] [Music] foreign all right [Music] let's go into ma [Music] and first of all let's off my macro so as i said the first thing that you might want to do if you are completely new to this whole phaser topic is you might want to um import the predefined phasers i think that's a real good starting point and even if you are a little bit more advanced um it's so much easier to to take those predefined phasers and modify them than building them from scratch so i really recommend importing those predefined phasers at first and for that you just need a macro pool with an empty macro pool item you hit edit and edit this pool item and then you go to the import and search for phaser or i think this might be enough right so you got this make it a little bigger you got this import predefined phasor macro and you import it and now it's really important to know and to understand that the predefined phasers are going to be imported into your um all pool number one which is pool 21 in granite may 3 and if you want to change that you could change this line and change it to another pool of course but for me um this is fine so i'll just let it this way and then i have here the predefined phasers pool and uh right now let's hit the macro of course i have moved it away because here it is and it's the name is pre-fine phaser number two because i already had this macro in my show but when you hit it you see well there are a lot of predefined phasors and actually um you can just grab a few fixtures maybe washers and start using these phasers right oh you can't see it sorry like so now i've just selected a few fixtures hit it with this predefined macro and you're basically good to go all right as i said we will go to this pool and maybe copy a few presets maybe modifying a few of them but what's really important for me is that all of those macros are are printable which you can tell by the small u let me make it a little bit bigger here they all have a small u which stands for universal meaning that you can use those phasors not only with a particular selection of fixtures but with basically all fixtures that are supporting the attributes the phaser uses right of course but that's very important um for the template phasers that we are going to build um i have a view set up with a few different pools as you can see here then i have a matrix pool to very quickly make use of the matrix and i have a matrix window a few macros that's all i'm using for the phasers i don't tend to have phaser editor as stored in a view because i just um i'm just used to use m a phaser or the the c x 13 key let me show you it's just ma and this key and then it opens up so that's for me the quickest way of doing it and i tend to not use this phaser editor too much because i honestly don't like it okay let's build a few template phasers let's start with that um and we will start very basic very simple with just um dimmer phasers i'll make random 83 big for you i hope that works out and i would highly highly recommend two things first is build a preset pool um or just use a preset pool a all preset pool just for your template phasers um in my case it's pool 25 so all pool number five i've called it template phasers as you can see here and then you go to your pool options and select preset mode universal for that pool because that's very important as i as i've said already those template phasers should be universal [Music] to be able to use them with any fixtures even with pictures that are not already in your show so that's really important and then the the second thing that i would highly recommend is to build those template phasers always with just one fixture because when you want to make use of the phaser editor it's it's so much easier if you have just one fixture in it um then multiple ones then it's really does work for me honestly okay um so let's go and let's just select one of our washers now hit solo to solo it out and then we'll go to the phaser and well we'll start with dimmer phasers and we'll just build a ramp phaser so we'll hit full i'll off on my executors so this value this full value now is just coming from from the programmer as you can see here and then we click on this right arrow to create a second step and the second step is just zero and you can see that phasor is already running this is because i don't have single step enabled with single step you just see the actual step that is active in your encoder bar but this is disabled so you already can see the phaser running and when you look into your phaser editor you can graphically see what your dimmer attribute is actually doing so it's ramping up and it's ramping back down [Music] we could store this and we would already have our first phaser but i would recommend to go into the relative layer of this phasor and set it to zero so we have a relative value of zero in both our steps and another thing that i like to do is go into the phasor editor and go into the step view because here you can see very analytically what you've done with your fixture right we have both steps a relative value of zero and an absolute value of 100 in the first step and zero in the second step and i will explain later by this relative layer is kind of important so we'll exit the phasor editor and just press and hold an empty pool item and we have stored our first phaser we give it a name no it's not a sign but it's just a ramp call it again and um first thing is that i will move it to the second place because there is even a um a dimmer phaser that is more important for me and that is the sine phaser and to change the form of your phaser we go into the phasor editor and you can see it's just a ramp ramping up ramping down right um [Music] but i want to change the form of this phasor for that you have you have select all the steps which you do with this whenever there is this asterisk at the one it means that you have selected all the steps that are stored in your phaser and then you go to um sorry you go to form and you select the sine wave right and you can very clearly see um what's happening to the fixture you can even see it better than in capture with this phasor editor and just one picture selected right um we're escaping and we'll double check that we have the relative value stored in as well and then we'll store this as our first phaser calling this sign alright now we go to ramp and the third form that we're going to create is what was called pwm in granite may 2 and for that we just need to make sure that we have both steps selected and then we go to transition and make it a transition of zero so you can see in capture that the fixture is snapping on and off without any fade to it um yeah and we'll have a look at it in the phasor editor so you can see it's just snapping down to zero in the second step and we'll store this as well call this pwm all right call this again and now we're going to just the first step and make the transition back to 100 and you can see now the fixture is snapping off right and this will be the fifth form snap off call it and we'll make first step a transitional zero and the second step a transition of 100 and there we got a snap on form this is the fourth one for me snap on all right so we have now built our first five dimmer phasers and as you can see they are universal even though i have just used one fixture i can use those [Music] those phasers with every selection that i want to so let's give it a try i clear out and i will select my spots i have for for every group of fixtures i have a sim group this is a linear selection of the of the fixtures but in a symmetrical way and then i have a grid group where actually where the actual position of the fixtures um in relation to the rig is stored in okay so i will just use my sim group then i will go to phasers and i will hit it with the sine wave and you can see well our dimmer sign is working let me show you the chart now i will give you a brief introduction of how to modify this phaser right so this is as i said this is step number one it's a template phaser just with a very basic um basically a template phasors a very basic rule of what the fixture has to do it incorporates the form in this case a sine wave and it incorporates the attribute in this case the dimmer right and this in combination is a template phasor but now we're going to the second step how to modify this and we will do this with matrix so i will um just assign a face to this maybe something like 360. and you can see already that we have a pretty good looking effect or a phaser of course running and now this drag-and-drop method or however you want to call it comes in because you can modify this phase by just tapping and sliding over your screen and i think that's that's a really neat way of modifying your effects because it's really like yeah can sit there like bob ross basically in front of an empty picture and just swipe across your matrix window and create some some new looks you of course can hit it with wings too making it symmetrical um maybe we need a little bit more phase difference here and you can see well we already have a symmetrical phasor running and this phasor i would now store into my modified phaser a pool which is as you can tell by the s here it's a selective pool so by just holding on an empty pool item i will store this particular effect with the wings and with the face assigned to it to a new modified phasers pool item right so that is basically what would have been a selective effect in granite may 2 kind of because the disadvantage is that you can't recall this matrix information right by selecting and calling this preset again again you can see that the matrix window is empty that's the big disadvantage of this method right does it uh philip fox does it actually work the same way as ma2 to modify the effect example assign effect x group whatever um with macros or sequences and queues with command here um for this method um of let me make it a little bigger um philip the method that you're looking for um is like um modifying the effects via command line and for this for this method to work i tend to think you need to work with with recipes or at least i think it's the more clean approach to it and i'll show you how to do this and by using recipes you have a kind of same approach than with the effect line editor in ma2 and of course you can modify those recipes via command and i will show you later on how it works all right so back to action um so now we have our sine wave running and the cool thing is i know it's not that cool because i have lost my matrix but i will just do it again select the select the spots and go into the sign effect and then you can see i have a matrix pool so i don't always have to go there and type in 360. um but i can just hit my macro and or no it's not a macro it's just a matrix item [Music] which is really neat and really really simple so i have things like 0 through 360 or wings 2 wings 4 i always have as an matrix pool item and it brings it back into the matrix selection all right [Music] now we might want to change the form of it and we can go to pulse with modifier and you see and that's a cool thing that you don't have to start entering your matrix values again you can just go between those different forms of effect and can see what you like most all right um however the first thing that i wanted to change is the width of the effect right so meaning how whoops how many fixtures actually are on and how many fixtures actually are off so go there with ram i know we take the spots um make it 360. and that's a bit hard to achieve in no um let me say it this way um you would expect um to be with what you are looking for when you want to make less fixtures on at the same time you might think well you have to reduce the width of the effect right unfortunately that is not how things work in ma3 so by using this width option in your matrix you really have to open up your selection grid to see what it's doing so let's go into a selection grid and you see that with face auto i have my linear selection as it was and hitting this with width it really modifies the amount of columns in your selection grid um i have to be honest i haven't found a real use for this because it is kind of it works kind of similar to um to just having groups of three for example because that is what you're doing here um i haven't figured out a real use case for this um however that's of this um you might think that you can change the width via the encoder bar going into width and setting up here another width but the problem with that is as you might see you're just messing with the timing of the effect right you're not really adjusting the width or at least what i would um think of the width but you're just messing with the timing because the width in this encoder bar you can see pretty clearly when you go into the phasor editor well actually you can't see because i have a total mess in the phaser editor because there are multiple fixtures running at once with different phases and it's just you can't see anything so that's the reason why i would suggest to just use one fixture whenever using the phaser editor and we will select just one fixture hit it with a ramp effect like so and now we're messing around with with maybe just the first step and you can see well it's just the width is meaning how much time [Music] of your whole phasor one step uses if that may makes any sense so if you have a two-step phasers and both steps are set to a 100 percent then every step will take exactly one half of the whole phasers time right and that's all this with is doing so we have to find another way of of um of achieving what we want um and i do it by show you i'll select one fixture select my effect and now the relative layer comes in place because we go to the second step and unfortunately i can't um i can't enter negative values into my absolute layer right i just can't stick negative values in but i can go to the relative layer and for example set a minus 50 to the second step remember the second step is the step with the dimmer at zero and when you set -50 to the second step that means that it even goes past zero so to say you can see it here in the phasor editor clearly right so the fixtures come on and they go off and they will stay off for a short period of time and that is actually what i want so this minus 50 sine wave i will store to another template phasor and i'll call this sine minus 50. i will call it again go to the second step and enter a minus 100 to build a third preset where the fixture even stays off longer fun fact or i don't know if it's funny or not but i it turns out you can't enter -200 in here however when you have an encoder you can go past 100 and go to 200 and even more but i will stick with -100 so because i tend to think this works fine let's check first zero second is minus a hundred and i will call this sine minus a hundred right so and now i will go um i will go on a little bit um quicker to build those um those different width of the effect um for my other forms right so let's select a fixture and hit it with a ramp phaser go to the second step go to relative layer and hit it with -50 and we'll store it this is the ramp -50 preset then we go and we'll call it and go to nope zero and just the second step minus a hundred and we'll store it here call this ramp minus hundred um okay we'll continue with this with snap on go to the second step relative layer minus 50. store it snap on -50 call it go to the second step minus 100 and of course um this minus 50 minus 100 these are just values that i figured out to work pretty good um but you can use your own values of course and you can even create more of those template phasers for me this works out fine so this is whoops snap minus 100 call the snap off second step -50 store snap off of course assign the sign minus 50 call it second step minus 100 store snap of minus 100 all right and the only form that tends to work with this width method is a pwm and it's the same way in reno a2 when you try to mess with the width in a sine wave effect it just looks ugly and when you do it with a pulse width modifier you really adjust the width of the effect meaning how many fixtures are on and how many are off at the same time so we'll do this here uh kind of the same way so we go to um first of all we go to the phasor editor because i want to see what i'm doing and this way it's pretty clear let me make it big [Music] am i only [Music] right we go to uh to with or the first step [Music] and then we you can see we're messing with the timing of the first step but that means that the second step which is the off step gets longer in relation to the whole phasor right and i tend to use 66 percent and i'd still call it pwm minus 50 just to keep things clean and easy right so i will call it again we'll look at the phasor editor go to our first step and make it a width of 33. so you can see the picture now is even longer even longer off and on and we'll store this to [Music] um this preset which is pwm minus 100 right and then don't forget to store because it was quite a whole lot of work to achieve simple things um but as i've already said you only have to do this once in your life basically right you have to set those those template phasers up just once in your life and then you can use them when you keep them in your show of course okay let me have a look in chat miko i think the width is there if you work with x y and z um yes exactly so the width in matrix modifies your your selection grid basically and the width in your encoder bar modifies the timing of your phasor steps or of the particular step that you have selected in the in the encoder bar um steve g01c 100 within the encoder bar mean one beat of your speed of the step if you want 60 bpm and a flash every beat you need to make the sum of the width to 100 and play to how much light you need yes exactly dance machine hello everyone and thanks for the feedback a couple of days ago marco machine moin okay um now we've programmed a whole lot of template phasers and i've talked so much that my mouth is dry already but let me show you what we already can do with that so remember the first step for me always is building template phasers i do it with just one fixture at a time and then i used this universal template phaser to modify it with a matrix or later we will see how to do it with recipes as well right so i make capture big for you and now we can select our washes for example and we'll go to our phasers and hit it with a sine wave phasor you can see well now we have a sine wave and i make use now of my matrix items and go just 0 through 360 with a wings of 2 and we already have a a usable phaser right and if you might want to have less fixtures being on at the same time you now can use your sine minus 50 you see well it now has a little bit more impact because when the fixture hits zero it stays off for a short amount of time and when you use the minus hundred it's even a bit more uh yeah i'll call it impactful right you can see more the form and the the selection that you that you used so for me that's the best way of dealing with with is by storing different um different template phasers with different relative with negative relative values to it right and you can hit it with another form maybe the pwm that you all are familiar with and of course i have it minus 50 and i have it minus 100 as well right so you see the different kind of shapes that you get let's do it with spots you can maybe even see it a little bit more clearly we have the ramp and we'll do a zero through 360 with wings of two um and you can do it with ram minus 50 with ram minus 100 and as i said you can you can use this drag-and-drop method of playing around with your face playing around with with your groups for example right and you can create different different shapes um two tips here when you want to enter a face let's just reset a matrix and you want to enter a face you can just go to the second column which is phase 2x and enter for example 330 and then the zero for the first step is fill in automatically and for the speed if you want to adjust the speed of the phaser i'd recommend to just use the from so the first column and maybe set it to 15 to make it a little bit slower so you don't have to fill in the speed 2x yeah in your matrix and if you want to change the form you can always go back and call a different form from your template phasors for example if you want it to be puzzled with minus 100 you can do it that way and you can see that you can very s very simply create a lot of phasers and it's kind of the same approach as an ma2 um let's uh just for the sake of demonstration let's create an even odd dimmer effect i would go and [Music] call my washers for example in that case then i will go to sign i will say groups2 and then you have to enter a phase of 180 and you basically have an even odd dimmer effect you can adjust the speed of this effect if you want it to be a bit faster like so and now i would go into my modified phaser um pool just click and hold and i've stored my even odd so i can recall that later all right steve giovansi great idea use the relative layer in this way um thank you very much but honestly it's just for me like a workaround because i haven't found another way of doing it maybe ma improves the software in future software versions but for now for me that is the best way of achieving what i what i want to right but uh thanks very much for your feedback and of course um i would very kindly ask you that if you liked the stream to hit the like button of the stream and of course subscribe to my channel and yeah maybe even check me out on instagram you can see my instagram profile right down there it's marco camp underline lighting um yeah highly be appreciated all right i have to just drink a nip of water um do you have any questions are you there still or are you asleep let me know in chat [Music] all right connection seems to be fine yeah let's just build one other dimmer dimmer phaser for example spot sim phaser and we'll make it a snap on will make it wings 2 groups 2 phase of 180 which is kind of a symmetrical if not thing right and you have that smooth out fading let's say an effect that i tend to use quite frequently so i wanted to share it with you he's still there still there water gang yes right still here yeah this is good so if you do not have any questions so far um let's save the show file that's kind of important and continue with color phasers and i think that and when it comes to to this idea with steps and even having multiple steps meaning more steps than just two um then i think it's it's very straightforward this idea when it comes to color phasers even though i don't tend to like um such colorful effects with more than two colors um however you can do it and you can do it pretty um quickly and pretty easily in granimate 3. so um we will build a two-step color phaser and we will use uh presets for this and there's a special kind of method to do this um which is called integrate the problem with phasers in granite may 3 or it's not really a problem well but they are not special pool items but they are just presets like everything else is two so basically when you want to um when you want to call a preset or no you want to integrate that's that's the key word for it if you want to include a preset into your multiple step preset which is a phaser you need to integrate it right you just can't call it because by calling the preset um you would also call that there is just one step within the preset um hopes that makes somewhat sense but you'll see what i mean um all right as always let's just select one fixture and let's go to our preset pool here i have a color pool those color presets are universal as well and now i'm in the second step and i use the shortcut m a add uh which brings integrate into the command line and then well let's do a lavender for the first step and then we click the right arrow to create a new step now we're in step two and we will hit m a at for integrate again and do a cto and you can already see that my washer is moving back and forth between those two presets right so we'll store that as a phaser and this is a ramp kind of thing right i'll call it and show you in the fader editor you can see it's straight lines uh with um with a linear um change within every attribute and when you select all the steps remember the asterisk go to color go to no go into the phasor editor to form and hit the sine wave you see now it's a smoother fading curve we'll store this phasor as well call this color sign this will call color ramp then call that and go to transition zero so we have a color pwm all right those three color phasers are again stored as universal phasers so that if i want to use my spots instead of the washers i will select my spots let's do a grid phaser with this as you can see in the selection grid um i have more than just one dimension stored to this group and i can go and start the sign phaser of course i need to give them a value to it and let's go to capture and maybe just do it 0 through 360. so it's just running from right to left over my rig if i want to invert the direction i change the face from uh to 0 through 360. then it's running from left to right of course i could hit it with wings 2 again yeah all that all that fun stuff what does integrate exactly do um yeah i try to explain it but it's a little bit hard to um to do especially in english um if you would just call a preset um or let let me say it this way the amount of steps is stored within a preset so if you have a color preset that usually is just one step right and the amount of steps is stored in the preset so if you want to build a phaser meaning you want to build a preset with more than one step and you would just call the preset that has stored one step into itself then you can't have a phaser right because that is just it's just not working this way um but you want to include i'll call it include but it's called integrate you want to integrate this preset which has one step into your phaser or into one of your phaser steps right so that's the reason why you need to integrate marvin armsteader it integrates presets data into other steps of the programmer yeah marvin is the pro kudasadar is doing um it's ex exactly uh how he says alright wow it's already 14 past eight times running so quickly when you're doing live streams okay uh so let's um let's move on now we have um a good amount of template phasors for our dimmer and for our for our colors of course you can build a whole lot more let's continue with position phasers and for that honestly i think the quickest way is to go into your predefined phasers remember we have imported those predefined phases with a macro at the very start of the stream [Music] and i will just go and copy my circle the circle invert the tilt and the pan [Music] um oh it doesn't work this way i have to do it on the second screen phaser [Music] predefined template copy circle circle invert tilt and pan and i'm copying those to my template phasor pool um [Music] right let's move them a little bit i want to [Music] let's go for tilt then we go for pan then [Music] no we'll do it this way [Music] all right so um [Music] let's just select a group of lights for example my spots and hit them with a tilt sign phaser and you can see well you have what you would expect um you can go into the phaser editor to see what this phasor does and it's already a sine wave so it's just it has those smooth transitions from one step to another step and i'd highly recommend to check out the steps view of your phaser editor because there you can see you go to position and you go to the relative layer you can see the actual values that are stored in here right so there's nothing in the absolute layer which makes sense for a position phaser and we have a minus 30 on the tilt and a 30 on the tilt in the second step of course you could modify the size and you could build different sizes of effects as we have done with the dimmer phasers but i think because the time it's so late already i won't do it but i would recommend to build at least three different sizes for your position phasers as well but the thing that i want to show you now is how to build a symmetrical movement phasers and i already have posted a video on how to do circles but of course you can do that with pan as well and i'll show you how i do it i do it using recipes so um i have and i have this in in every show i have a group let me highlight it that is called mha left moving head left mh left and moving heads right so and those groups i always use them in every show for bums etc um but we will use those two groups for our recipe because to create a symmetrical pan we need um one half of the rick panning this way and the other half panning exactly the other way so we'll do that now by just edit the settings of an empty tile and enter a recipe and as i said we want the mh left group let me see if i can find it oh that was m8 right image left and we want this to template phaser we wanted to circle okay we will start with the circle and then we'll go and build a second recipe line with all the moving heads on the right side and doing this circle inverted all right and i will call this circle sim off highlight and let's go to my wash groups phaser hit it with a symmetrical circle and you can see well we have asymmetrical circle let's go to the blind position and again we can now hit this template effect with the face zero through 360. you can see that looks like a total mess because you have to say wings too but now you have a symmetrical circle look that we all love all right um i will just copy this symmetrical circle and i will edit the settings and i will swap um circle and circle inverted so i have a sim circle preset which runs the opposite way [Music] let's go for circle inverted and here we go for circle that should work select the washers right so we now have sim invert right and again i can hit this with face groups blocks and so on cool let's go on and build a symmetrical pen and for that we need to move those and copy this and call it pan sign inver converted inverted right so that's just the predefined phasor we have imported earlier um and we've copied it i select whoops i select one fixture and go in there go into the phaser editor make sure you have both steps selected and let me see then you go there and you shift the timing you shift the direction and store pan inverted override and so now we have a pan and a pen inverted so that we can build our uh our symmetrical pan phaser using recipes as we did with circles group and left template phasers pan and we go for moving head right template phasors where are you pan sign invert right let's double check if it is working we select our wash group and hit it with a pan oops i will rename it pan symmetrical pan wave phaser steve giovansi if you use a magic preset for the sim and you have a odd number of fixture the sender will be correctly co correlated i guess um i haven't i haven't tried this method so far with an magic or magic or it's called how's it called now grid pause i know you can build symmetrical phasers with this method as well but as i said in ma2 in ma2 and also in ma3 world you basically always have more than one method to achieve the same thing so i think that's a good advice and i will definitely check that out as well right um okay i think we have done the most basic things and most things i wanted to show you [Music] let me know if you do have any questions and then we will build a few more modified phasers because now everything we've done are like template phasers um and the real fun is building modified phasers with face etc and now i've used the matrix method all the time and i will show you how it works with recipes in just one second all right um okay um we will go and just take our wash group and i'll now just build a few modified phasers to show you how quick i am um once i have everything set up the way it is now so let's go watch them go to phasers um let's do a sine line let's go phase 0 through 360 and let's shuffle it i have a microphone you can hit shuffle on the matrix but i i have a macro for it as well so i can just do a random dimmer chase if you like to and i could say well i want it to be a little bit darker so i go to sine minus 50 and maybe that's exactly what i need for my song so i go to phaser um modified hold i press and hold an empty tile and i i have um wash random one um right let's go to our templates maybe we want a pulse width and we want no shuffle so we off this oh i think it remembers the shuffle okay i i have to assign the face again no okay i have to select the fixtures again split face here through the 360 wings four yeah that might be an effect you want to use um but i want it to be a little bit quicker so i set 120 right um go to my modified phasers i'm going to call this pwm sim fast right you can see that it's very easy to build um a lot of phasers this way and of course you uh can store this into a um into a preset but you can store this as well into a queue of course the only problem with it is that once you've stored it and you recall the preset um the matrix information isn't restored so i really hope that ma can improve on that because that way it would be really easy to to modify this already existing phaser again and again and again right but i wanted to show you the recipe method of it and just to recall it recipes are really useful whenever you want to clone your rig to another [Music] amount of fixtures basically then this recipe method is really great because you can just update your group and then um cook your recipe your recipes which are in preset or they might be in a queue as well and your whole show looks as you would expect it to [Music] so to do that um i'll clear out and maybe let's select the spots [Music] and we go to phaser now we go to the modified phaser pool hidden empty tile edit settings and we're into the recipe editor and we'll hit recipe now we say we wouldn't even have to select the group of course because we do it here spot sim we'll go for template phasor sine minus 50. then we use matrix 0 through 360 and we can already call it and see okay that's the way how our phaser looks and we can go back into this recipe line and by looking at it it is kind of similar to the effect line editor in granite may 2 right you have you have your selection on the left side the selection of fixtures unfortunately um there isn't a tech selection button like an ma2 that would be really handy um but you can select the group then you select the preset and as i said i use my template phasers as kind of being a form in grand ma2 so basically this is where you set your form you can do a sign you can do a pwm a ramp and what not and then you hit it with the modifiers and say a face you can assign groups and blocks and all that jazz right maybe let's do it symmetrical let's do it mix two unfortunately those presets or the recipes and presets they are not live updating so to see my um my new selection i have to recall the phaser which is kind of a bummer as well so that's the reason why i why i said it is kind of complicated and time consuming doing it that way um but the big advantage is that um you can now update your group cook the preset and it will have the same look again [Music] right let's label it we call that spot um sign sim and now let's build [Music] i don't know let's build a let's build a combined um phaser because of course you can do multiple recipe lines in one preset so for example i want um maybe for a chorus look or something i want my spots i use spot sim and i use the um the snap on minus 50 with a phase of zero through -360 and maybe some odd grouping to make it look a little bit random let's just hit it yeah that might work we edit it and we'll add a movement to this effect so i'll go to spot sim as well enter template phasers and make a circle zero through 360. with a grouping of three we'll have a look [Music] yeah that doesn't look too good here comes the second disadvantage of recipes in place you can't shuffle your selection you what you would have to do is you have to create a a shuffled group of your selection to get it work or you have to do it without recipe lines at least in software version 1.6 and so what have i done so let's go here let's make it a group of seven for example maybe that looks a little bit more random yeah that looks a little bit more random and then we go to spot look maybe this could be your effect for a for a chorus right so we call this um spot [Music] snap on circle random and you can recall it of course and you can enter the preset and you can modify your effect line you can [Music] modify your face your groups your blocks your wings you can even modify your speed as i said maybe i want the movement to be a little bit slower and i would go here and no here and say we just want it to be 15 you have to recall it and that looks even quicker what have i done speed the circle 15 and we have to do it too yeah now we have a a slower circle i think i think you can see where i'm heading here right um you can build your your phasers kind of similar um to granite may 2 but it's a little bit more complete complicated and it is a little bit more um yeah it has less features because you have no take selection you have no shuffle function um and it is not live updating at least when you do this in uh presets when you use a recipe in a queue which i will show you in a second and this is live updating so you at least can see what you're entering in your recipe line um whenever you've put whenever you put it in any questions so far i have to to to drink a sip of water again all right so um once again if you like the stream then make sure to smash the thumbs up button subscribe to my channel i guess you can activate the bell whatever that means and um yeah if you're more interested in the stuff that i'm doing then check out my instagram marco kampf underline lighting thank you steve giovansi what does the macro spot look um okay so that's a little bit off topic but i have because there is no exec on sorry no action buttons yet in granite iii um i have set up a macro page basically as a action button page so this is my main busking page and i can go between different positions different color effects different colors different dimmer effects and so on and so forth so basically it's really simple it's just a a sequence with six different cues beam look spot look global one gobo 2 prism and prism and gobo so and that is everything that i use for my busking page i have this color feedback as you can tell yeah but it's simple as that i have all presets for that for those six different looks and those presets are stored um as recipes into my spot look sequence i have a sequence in my sequence pool it is not assigned to an executor it's it's just living in my sequence pool and i trigger the the different cues with this with these macros right so i have a beam lock spot lock and so on and so forth simple as that are the action buttons coming to ma3 well actually i hope they will but i do not know and of course even if they are coming nobody knows when they will come so for me this is um my kind of work around to the missing action buttons in ma3 and i tend to like it because it's like super clean and you really think twice if you need stuff or you don't because it's kind of complicated to build it this way but it's kind of very clean right so as you can see i have different different colors that i can call um i have different dimmer effects three different dimmer effects so and i can fade it in that's just a sign here i have a snap on and then i have different movements for just uh just the spots just the washers and so on so on and so forth right okay so the last thing i want to show you um before we go to the other show file with the with the mega pointies um [Music] are you planning to do a show entirely on ma3 um actually i have done um quite a few shows i would say kind of like 10 shows plus or minus um in the last couple of months um as i said smaller shows and just busking shows but everything worked out pretty well and i had i had a good amount of fun but um of course you have to be aware of all the all the problems all the small little bugs you might find in ma3 but once it is up and running then it's a whole lot of fun all right um yeah recipes in queues and that is like the the way to go whenever you are programming like a go show um [Music] at least when it's not the quick and dirty way with a matrix that i've showed you of course you can you can select your fixtures take a template phaser for example this one um [Music] assign a face and you're good this could be the effect we're after and you can go and store this to a queue but as i said the problem is you can't recall um the ingredients so to speak um so if you want to modify it you have to start from ground up again and if you want to change the amount of fixtures so if you're planning to do a show which has to work with different kind of festival settings for example then this method isn't that good because you can't adjust your effect to different amounts of fixtures then you would go to recipes as we've done in presets and you can do that in cues as well so let's i will just off everything and we will build a little cue list just for the sake of demonstration um let's go and select all our washers and all our spots and make them full let's stick them in blind position and [Music] make them blue or let's do the spots cyan right [Music] and the washers put into just a straight position right and off the dimmer and store that as q1 so store one please merge it in so that's basically our prep queue and then we go and on the washers let's see why is it red all right and then the second cue let's bring in our spots um make them full and i want them to be in a spot open look [Music] that goes into the prep queue merge full oh no blind full and straight store two time three so now we have a second cue with our spots let's of this again it isn't working the way i wanted to of course okay we have to go to first queue um merch right now we have it the way i wanted it to so we have a prep cue cue number one and [Music] here we have our second cue and now um i want to add for example a dimmer effect to the second cube right so i would have hit edit and go to the sequence i would go to the second queue and i will add a recipe and if you do not see your recipe editor you have to go to the settings mask and say show recipes and now you should see it and i want my spots to do a sim a sine wave with a phase of zero through 360. and [Music] i'll do wings four for this effect just to right so and you can see um as i'm doing it in the queue and not within a preset um the phaser is life updating to whatever i do right so um [Music] that might be the the verse or the pre-chorus of the song um let's build the chorus and for that um i will change the washers to being red and my wa my spots they are going to white and they're going into the blind position and i'll store three time two so now i have a third cue this is the chorus and i want to hit it with our effect that we've built earlier phaser modified this thing right and i will just merge it into q3 so i say store three please merge it in right and now we have our little cue list um with effect so that's a prep queue that is the verse coming up and we can see what we have as as an effect because we have it stored in uh into the queue as recipe line and we can modify it that is method one and method two is just to build a preset and storing that preset into the queue like in q3 here we have our chorus look [Music] yes those are the the main methods that i'm using for uh for recipes so let's just go back to our chart once again um to recall what we've done this evening um we have created so-called template phasers those are universal and they're very basic it's just um [Music] those are just phasers that contain a basic rule um for what to do um they contain an attribute or like several attributes and they contain the form and then we modified those phasors with a matrix which you can store into a queue or you can store into a preset but remember you can't recall the matrix or you can do it with a recipe line either in a preset or in a queue right um so those are the main methods that i use and it really depends on what you want to achieve if it has to be quick and dirty you really want to achieve um something that looks good quickly and maybe you're doing a a full production a meaning that you do not have to worry about the amount of fixtures you're working with might change then the matrix method is great but whenever you are programming a show which has to work with different kinds of rigs and sizes of rigs then you should go for the recipe method [Music] all right um yeah question so far i have to drink another a bit of water feel free to ask questions of any kind and then i would wrap it up um with this mega pointy grid that i built just to have a little bit fun or with our phasers right [Music] do [Music] um the action button page is at the top of the action list to implement if you use recipe in sequence with multiple cues the fade time isn't working did you notice this as well um i am not really sure what you mean but i could imagine that the fade time that you enter within a recipe might be overwritten by the fade time that is stored into the queue [Music] i haven't noticed that but let's just find out um if we this is our dimmer effect in the first queue or is it yeah that's a dimmer effect and we want to bring that in uh in 10 seconds so really slow i'm not sure if you need to enter both of them i will do just to be on the safe side then i'll off the sequence and i'll go it so that's the prep queue and now the second queue is coming up and we'll see if the dimmer effect fades in in just two seconds or three seconds which is the timing of the queue all the ten seconds what which is the timing of the recipe that i've entered it's coming in um it's kind of hard to tell but i guess you're right i guess the um [Music] the timing of the recipe has been overridden by the by the timing of the queue [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] go show time control whatever um [Music] doesn't all right so far so good i would say if you do not have any questions that are phaser related um [Music] [Music] foreign all right [Music] so right now i will save that and i will load the sofa that i have prepared load live stream phasers i think that's it and because i don't have this in capture i have to set up my capture cam to being just one second capture has to be my screen too let's see if that works yep seems to be working all right so um that's off everything um as i said here i've just built um a grid of let me see select grid uh it's eight by eight mega pointies and now we just can have a little bit of fun uh with phasers and i have built a grid group and a sim group as you can see the sim group is just a linear group right [Music] and then i have a left group and a right group as i said those groups i always tend to use grid symmetrical left half right half of the rig and yeah i have built a few phasers um that's like a tilt wave with a with a gobo in it circle circle in the other direction with a with a cool grouping [Music] oh color effect that's always good as well [Music] yeah i mean that hasn't any real world use but it's just fun to play around with this with this stuff um okay let's build a few phasers from scratch and because i have set it up in this matrix way i will use my grid group for the most part go to phaser and here i have i think it's mostly the predefined phasers um let's for example just go with a circle and now we can for example do a wings of 2 and assign a face to it and you can see [Music] already that there is a cool shape coming up it is not symmetrical because i haven't uh selected the the symmetrical circle so the only thing that is symmetrical is the face right that goes from left to right and now the cool thing is something that we haven't used so far is you can use this matrix in a second dimension so because i have stored not only x information but y information as well into my group i can now play around with the face of the y coordinate as well and you can see as i as i'm modifying it cool looking shapes [Music] start to come in let's do wings two groups [Music] i tend to like this one and i'll store it to a sequence that i've already built uh store selected so just store please then maybe we do let's do a let's take the symmetrical no let's stay with the grid group grid group and go to phaser hit it with uh do i have a symmetrical circle yes that's the symmetrical circle and now we hit it with wings 2 and face oh i like that it's i just can tell you that's that's fun playing around with i mean as i said as long as you do not have a grid of 8x8 mega pointies it doesn't make too much sense to play around with it but it's still a whole lot of fun i think i like this one but i wanted to go the other way around so i type minus 80 here and we'll make it a lot faster right okay that's a little bit too fast okay let's play around with the x-fa with the y face i think i like that one i just store it i just do for fun a few phasers and then we we can look at my at my cue list with all those fun phasers um if you want to check this grid uh whoops if you want to check this out i will upload uh the show file so um if you are watching this video as video on demand then make sure to check the video description because i will have loaded up this particular show file for you to just play around with right cool g009 that must have stressed out that little nook um let's check how many frames per second i have because i have the feeling that my little nook um holds up quite good with whatever i throw it at it so it's always like around 60 frames per second um even with the gobo okay okay with gobo we go down to 17 frames per second yeah okay it's still fun it's a bit trippy i i know that all right um [Laughter] for the next show i need a grid of 8x8 mega pointers yes um honestly i wouldn't do a show without it honestly it's just that's a game changer always do shows with those kind of matrices um let's just build two or three to to round up the stream um select um let's do a dimmer phaser um let's do a snap on and assign [Music] let's just assign a face in the y dimension so now you can see the phaser isn't running from left to right but it's running from from top to bottom might be a little bit hard to see but trust me and then we will hit it with a tilt sign as well i think that looks good and do a phase of 360 here as well i think that looks good let's try to play around with the with the x-face but most likely i will stick with that wings too i want it to be symmetrical okay let's store that um [Music] one last phasor for the evening let's select the grid group go to phaser hit it with circle sim um assign a wings of two and let's play around with with blocks for example we haven't done that so far four blocks of course and whoops yeah i think that is cool all right more speed i guess let's do it 120. because why not let's grill those mega pointies store please and okay um i think i'll wrap it up at this point because i'm already streaming uh for over two hours um if you liked the stream uh smash the thumbs up button subscribe to my channel check me out on instagram you find the uh the link to my instagram there and yeah thank you very much for your attention i let's have a look i think yeah we are already over 20 20 people in the stream which i think isn't too bad for uh for this being a real um a topic which is kind of very special right um but it was fun for me i hope for you as well um let me look in chat x4 bar cinema 3d make my fps go down yeah of course they do um all right thank you very much for joining um i will go through the cue list of uh of the phasers i built with this grid and um then i'll wrap it up so thanks a lot for joining [Music] um all right g009 thank you marco great stream well thanks so much for joining um mikko thank you for the stream michelle wilkinson thank you marco dunphyshin thank you very much for the stream uh thanks a lot see you next time thank you marco well as i said um thank you very much um for your attention and for joining and yeah if you have any questions then just feel free to contact me on facebook instagram whatever and have much fun with phasers as i said make sure to come back to the to the video i will um post that show file so you can download it and play around with it for your own um [Music] yes um have a nice evening and see you next time [Music] [Music] um you
Channel: Marco Kampf - Lighting
Views: 3,475
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lichtdesign, showdesign, lightingoperator, showfile, busking, buskingshow, grandma2, grandma3, chamsys, hog4, onpc, lightingdesign, ma lighting, phaser, phasers, effect, effects, circle, symmetrical, circles, flyout, ma3, commandwing, grandma3 light, grandma3 fullsize
Id: Wnh9ZA2hoIA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 53sec (7433 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 25 2021
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