GRAND FINAL! Mousesports vs Complexity - Flashpoint 3 - HIGHLIGHTS l CSGO

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now sports versus complexity starting off here on nuke rightio then here we go push comes to shove towards ram config the man we were talking about tries to start it off with disappoint the support of jks and poison actually that's everyone gone the pistol round completely shut down as the ramp push does not work how mousesports wanted it to and all of a sudden we're on the man that i wanted to see we get to see how he approaches a 1v5 from his eyes yeah that happened very quickly they decide to go into that ramp rush pretty much right off the bat every single one of them dies yeah that's a complete sweep there from complexity not a single player going down they should really be able to make them sing frozen he walks outside timing's huge dude just as he repositions tries to get in through the door but he spots his blame f will eventually relocate oh you'll be able to remove him biomass is the only one alive now with 1080p any last-minute eagle frags nah nothing else money made for rush dexter walking up config repeat with the eagle look at him just fighting the world he's so fast switches to the famous as well oh it was close there is a response back as acor snaps through the box they're just teasing each other davey yeah they are these timings just keep working out perfectly for jks and he needs to find another one here he's looking towards the window and that's the timing he needed he's able to find that pick close the door and now his presence is known but his presence is causing problems as mouse need to find something and that's a good pick from frozen on to rush that was the player that had that hud control and because of that kill you can see jks now has to react but two versus three and the crossfires are in place for mouse i've got a little bit of utility to try and help them out here they need to find pigs soon the molotov's huge biomass is going to be forced off the angle but that sends him straight into blame f who is just going to be left fragged out at the contam jks now escaping is not an option for a molotov at me grand final territory now this is where he can really just pop off and put up some huge numbers but blame f he's got the big arms and he'll come down pounding onto frozen config with the readjustment as well finds the flick onto dexter and dissects him he is forced off the angle because of the burns the poison comes in to hit him hard the one for one trade with the orp as drops and by mass pick up a frag a piece jks in the back line leaving them second guessing and all of a sudden it's down to one man by mass you can get the bomb my mass going for the plant now in the last 10 seconds given the breathing room to get it down last cross-air placement as well noob lame f was there towards the window but blame earth breaks the glass in case of trouble but you'd also have to get lactose free cheese do it ah yeah but it's not really a panini at that point isn't it like yeah let's see if jks can cheese his way out of this one swings out only good for one rush up top's able to bite back on the dexter and this round's devolving into chaos all across the map we're seeing frags being traded and all of a sudden we're back here rops walking under towards ladder peering up on heaven configs there yeah he's gonna try to find something doesn't have that head armor not gonna matter opposite ak's on the board so oh he doesn't he is able to get that pick on to blame i thought it might make something interesting there but poison posted on the angle takes him out immediately complete with friends casual opponents or youtubers the winner gets everything you shot me [Applause] smoke is going to slow them down a bit but they're just holding they're waiting for some sort of re-aggression for complexity and there it is that's the pick rops able to find blame playing towards the back of the garage and now complexity has to react again jks his angle here really does have this round hanging in the balance if mousesports can overpower him and get across then this could be awful for complexity but he just pushes up takes the 1v1 engagement with the advantage in his favor hits the headshot onto acor oh mousesports be falling far from the tree in this round as rops he's got to get down the vent and support his teammate on b rush with the timing he'll peek out from ct vent he whiffs a little bit gives up the goose rush seeing the flashbang just hold strong hits the headshot b mass is dead and complexity have a seventh this is what i was talking about as well look at config he's so aggressive towards rampant not playing it with an orb the walking as well oh acor it could have been a nice pick but instead it's two frags in favor of complexity the mouse sport's already trying to reel back into this round frozen's got so much to do he gets onto the flank towards garage he should find this pick on poison jks goes down as well and it flip-flops now in favor of the t side rush wants to end it here and now he'll find the head shot onto frozen he's shattered and rob some bmas he gets the bomb off here's the audio queue as well as blane murph tries to toy with him opening up on deacon tam the elevated angle bit of push and pull awkward stuff around the doors and with rush going down it really is all on blame f now it's got a bit of utility to play with dashes out the nade there's a small sliver of damage back onto the mass that'll be the flash and molly and then most likely the push out he can get here did have the kit but he won't have a head as b mass will face onto him and leave him dead instead mention b-max having a good game as well 12-8 right now flick on over the deck stuff yep the frag at the minute hasn't been welcomed to the scoreboard just yet he has a mac 10 going into this round and he'll still be taken out by the mack daddy a big blamer throwing out punches left right and center finally gets hit in his center by the main man the lunatic for mouth sports gains them entry in towards secret bmas doing as much as he can in this series config he could have a series of frags ahead of him though the ump close range up against acor basically gives him a hug takes him head on and wins out on that one yeah he does but rush so smart tucks himself away in this corner he knows they might be coming back they seem to be very aware of the fact that he could be here still able to get one kill though that's a core down now it's all on poison doesn't have armor but has this op he's working his way towards lobby now rob some bmas the last two remaining can poison make something out of this nades are coming out they don't know where he is he's gonna get his chance to take a shot needs to connect it and he does now that's the kill on the b mass it's just drops left no armor four poison still and the smoke up on the door and rops is just going down to b jackie opens the door drops on the rafters knows exactly where he is from the audio queue will he find the flick scopes in but couldn't quite get the adjustment off in time rops rips him a new one hitting him with a rhino gets down there to grab the orp as well and they're up for the advantage it's good to see as well straight in with confidence here bmas bombards out through the heart and hurts them quite a lot jks though grabs the ak but couldn't throw the clip in in time to slay from far away he's down on the deck config however up top on the rafters he'll bite back against one man but that's all he'll get we flick over to blame f throughout the whole closed qualifier so maybe davey he can still find himself a bit of damage with the eagle note left laid out slumped by the chris packets in my brain i thought maybe not yeah yeah absolutely this was mouse's pick again without a question it's just being punished config's able to get one but dexter immediately peeks out to trade rush finally gets one back but again that aggression from complexity mousesports has found a way to punish it i was bringing it up however many rounds ago and still now mousesports just winning out on their trades there's acor taking down jks again trying to go aggressive through hut now he's looking for frozen he knows he's gonna be coming but the timing just misses it as he walks down towards the sink and this flank is going to come in and i can't imagine he's going to be able to do anything here now acor just make sure that that's all done and dusted as mousesports coming back big on their t side next is now in with three frags as well and it seems like the whole unit has started to come a bit more back online maybe the caffeine is kicking in and maybe frozen's kicking in as well as they'll take one man down kicking and screaming tries to duck his head down to dodge the button dexter he had a jockey on his end and he'll kill him config's been slain running on the man's face that's just ridiculous absolutely is now poison witness p250 is trying to match back what mousesports has done to his teammates but just not able to find anything but this lurk from jks could be absolutely huge that timing acor thinks he's cleared it jks has snuck back under him acor just thought he cleared it again and now jks takes that free kill dexter's also gushed inside of mini the headshot comes out onto rops and now all the damage is being done they just need to find the kills dexter alone 11 hp inside a mini he swings out the timings perfect poison looking the wrong way and both of these players are here and complexity needs to converge on this spot this round has been a proverbial game of target and war oh bmas with a peak he just goes straight for war on that one ripping their heads clean off the two taps very smooth i to say jks coming into this series he's looking crisp he is and he's got this auto shotgun the flash comes out doesn't blind frozen doesn't check his corner either as now frozen's pushing forward oh and they try to open the door but config too many targets not able to pick one now it's all on blame f still lurking there towards that a site his teammates not able to coordinate that push into the control doors as now blame is looking for something frozen is low one deagle tag will do it might not be enough to secure the rounds one player down dexter trying to get the flank off not able to tie it well and there's another one he gets around the corner he gets the third he's looking for the fourth it's just p mass here at the bottom of the stairs m4 recovered he probably prefers the deagle just what is it 12 hp he's holding stalemate here bmas knows he has the bomb blame f has to move forward only 22 seconds remaining and he just can't line it up b mass just barely saving that round for mousesports looking to potentially split towards heaven you can see config here yeah he's pushing up aggressively so a lot of map control games frozen is still in this position they haven't even cleared them out and will they get the trade no they won't rush misses out on it lots of damage done but no kill found and finally poison will shut him down but not before acor also gets aggressive towards lobby and gets the kill on jks so now it's two versus four blame and poison both in advanced positions they're not gonna be able to find these kills easily oh it was a big round to start it off with the garage gremlin when he finally fell his teammate stepped up to the plate he's still hitting multi-frags when he needs to but rops he's probably going to be the one to turn around into an abattoir but no he's gone jks rips his head off a core with a fast tray but this isn't looking good no jks has made his way into this advanced position as well he needs to push down the stairs though we need some help from the team and that's the door being open jks though quickly there to swing and train needs to do it again just not able to find that kill and now again we see a very similar situation blame f lurking through the vents but not this time they're aware of it what a good looking man acor bit of a good looking miss on that one doesn't quite connect towards the squeaky door they're hearing all of this hey being marauded onto they're just bombarding their way out davey but the welcome party it's a little bit aggro it's a man called dexter and he starts to dissect them hits onto one at least bringing us down to a 3v3 config he's on the site he's in a mean angle as well his teammates are doing work on the flank as blame f will take down b mass a core if he peeks out here should probably be the frag for config nades come out bombs getting planted on the back of the silos and acor is aware that this flank is a possibility and blame f is really taking his time that's going to be a kill and he spots the one below him so now it's just jks alone on the side needs to find the 1v1s does looking up now acorn knows he's above him that's the flats to the attempted fake flash the pistol going down but jks knows the difference very supportive in his role with complexity as of late we've been talking about the fact that we haven't seen those gigantic start our game this is one of them where he's shining bright and for frozen he wants to snuff that light out look at him outside with the shotty smacking them all down with a big popper and at this point david you've just got two players left on the t side config and jks oh and i don't think jks is going to be too blessed about this one rob's pushing up with the deagle he wants to dig him right in the face oh he does but instead jks peels his face back with that bullet connects on to robson that's a very big kill rops was in such an advanced position that's a lot of information denied we see the re-aggress from bms though and if these teas don't group up together you see the push coming in from ramp as well and jks finds that frag that's another one for him and now they know dexter i know he was towards that b site they molly down the vent but do they know how advanced he is at this point dexter he's got to push that button he's got to push the sight as well as he swings out it's the first look how low jks is he knows off the back of the call so he just pre-fires every which way but where the where but jks can peak and he will hits it little celebration lap a bit of a shake and then he'll get this one at the emu of course don't bring up the evening around me that's one of the funniest things i've ever experienced it makes me laugh so it makes me laugh so hard every time because i have friends from australia and it's like okay man you lost the word of birds like let's calm down right now they were looking like drop bears as they tried to get in through ramp dropping in but they're not mean enough a lot of control down here though they've walked straight through the nades are gonna come out that smoke does just about block it acor's got a tiny little piece of vision it's not going to matter in the end but there's config going out wide and decor is able to find that one so now they look for more lots of damage being done jks goes down at the hands of rob so now it's three versus five and the post plants are not looking good here for complexity big shots need to be hit the only thing that can save this round will be the deagle is the blame f buckled under the pressure of dexter rush from the window reveals his hand a little bit too early the bullet won't inflict enough damage and that will be mousesports with a 15 so match point is chiseled in after watching what happened to mousesports in that g2 game now they rolled into this one it's so late over there they've played so many games today and then they start loot it's eight to one right i'm just like man this could be a blowout for complexity but instead look at mousesports go they can't be stopped frozen outside has had such impact over these past few rounds auto shotgun now the ak and complexity is trying to react they're trying to go fast out hut with the famas inside of the a bomb site able to find two poison gets one back but this one versus three it's gonna be so difficult for him as he swings out backwards and actually they dropped down potentially saving his life bomb has recovered jackie but this is this is gonna be a tall task yeah it's over frozen able to find that one 16 to 10 for mousesports absolutely ridiculous the fact that they brought this game back coming out of the quals that'll set them up in a good spot for the rmr event in may but back to the current round here in the present it seems that there's a lot of players walking through connector about to go into a crossfire a crossfire shut down by poison jks and rush as he flicks around body slams on the frozen baby you disgusting human being catches them as they're exiting through the door and plucks them out of the air putting them back in their place grounding them in reality here davey and it all comes down the ropes one v two can he spot rush by connector gets a bomb in the face but he will get the kill and it's all on a 1v1 captain config oh has he got something spicy in his config to help him win this one a minute of time but we won't need that much as this fight's gonna happen far sooner than that the p250 from config knows the bombs there paranoid about the peak steps into it lands it see you later ups and hello complexity but frozen might just be able to find this shot he's crouched down when he does get spotted out actually by blame f does take a tag but nonetheless they are now trapped here in this corner and there it is frozen he's able to find one actually aggressive onto poison trade from robs and all of a sudden this round's interesting drops he's going to be grinning his internal monologue saying this is why you never should have given me the galil because he is going to get gory on the front of the site jks sent off good night dexter looking to do damage back as well good tack his teammate could convert it for him as bms rocks up and b mass in the 1v1 now matt 10 in the back pocket prefers the pistol oh but he might have pissed this one away baby as he's being swung on rush with a pistol will clean up does complexity get all three of the rounds the close 1v1 jks i'm sure i was curious to see if he's actually going to find himself a fast pick but instead backs off and across the map all of his teammates are just being swatted out of the sky oh hello lovely that was huge how much hp did robs have if any damage was done it was jks earlier might have been on the short peak before when we cut off his pov could have been from that might have been regardless though jks eventually taken down by bms and now it's all down on to blame f so we just got the word from our producer actually so he had 19 hp so i'm just an idiot don't mind me which is fair enough really no it is we've come to accept this about davey you just have to otherwise how are you supposed to live yeah very true blame f showing us how to live towards the toilets as he is making a mess hits the headshot onto frozen smoking he to utilize here to make his life a little bit easier tries to go around the corner with a blade out but a cores right there an acor look at him not quite body hurt you bring out the p250s that one percent absolutely plummets and uh them just absorbing all of the nades as they go out towards a hello it hard on to poison frozen as well with a spray down looking like another man that starts with f with a bit of a freiberg spray oh god you could just imagine it it's like the meme just the sound bite that hello yeah exactly oh god little spam there from dexter yeah he's saying right straight through the wood towards the door jks trying to even the odds just give him the freebie but the follow-up was sick straight through the smoke on the config they need to check rob's config apparently he's got no smokes using that invisibility cloak to try and leave them broke when they slip into the b site he'll let them all pass relays the info to be mass boosted up on top they'll have a high skill ceiling to back it up as well as he hits onto the first slaying jks the slow flank now from dexter starts to develop meanwhile on the front of the site it's poison that goes down blame f to try and trade it they're holding on but it's all about the dexter from the rib he won't even need to attack it zaco's still standing stall on the site with the op oh and that's a little bit of a mismate almost uh causing some problems poison does have to stop look at this jks is going very aggressive up towards short and he gets taken down by b mass and they're just trying to pop into the site quick but the calorie util is coming in so fast and they're not ready for it rush beats everything and he gets passed into the pit and now robs is up in heaven can't connect his shot takes a lot of damage for his troubles and finally complexity have found their way into the bomb site my oh my rush making them blush and in the end just back off and save it towards the a side yeah i think they just want to try to contain them because they know complexity's money situation is bad and mousesports obviously they have all this bank built up so they were just trying to see yeah that's exactly what they wanted so all of those guns go down if acor can somehow find this one under rush he can't but still look at the money from complexity seeming to set their sights on a faster play here straight in towards b that's going to be the cause they're trying to bark their way up short they're up straight in with the first the bait player as well lovely assist from dastardly dexter who's gonna gun the ball down behind the smoke as well wanted to make him broke as they came in but only gets one big boy blame f alive but not for long as dexter follows up with a nice hat trick here in the round the miles per hour are at an all-time low whereas for mouse sports they are the ones hitting them hard and fast the ferrari peaks coming out and completely breaking complexity down to four players here hey core time it could be a bit of an awkward one rush actually gets the tag off but the frag goes in favor of acor as he flicks onto him with a scoped weapon frozen as well peeking out from the toilets doing a bit of cleaning as he gets the head shot on to blame f and now what have you got left on the t side one player that's on free hp that's gone completely annihilated there mouse sports just looking unbeatable rops gets that opening pick and they don't expect the op of acor to be in the bathrooms so he's there to secure two frags and it's such a cool setup they're really mixing up where they move these two ops to and jks has already gone down in this round it's not looking good for complexity the stats on bmas for opening duel must be absolutely unreal the amount of times he's had the first pick and normally the second pick into these rounds playing around the fountain poison and rush can he poison the well of mouse sports let them get one more round not against frozen as he won't be content with dying there for rush davey 1v5 all right it's a crispy headshot onto rops but i think that's all it's going to be yeah he gets immediately taken down and all the way through into the playground so he has this deep t-spawn control but frozen can't rotate fully over to b yet because he has to be worried but potentially coming up the connector and that's the boost blame spots dexter and they know that bms plays in this b site they know he's usually dedicated towards monsters flash comes out he needs to find this first one rush not checking it and now instantly the trade from jks as he scales in two versus two but no nades left on the t side that smoke gets dropped they have nothing left robs starting his flank blame f is coming in it's all on the timing blame f if he clears him he spotted his leg there we go now he knows we'll take the shot as well that's the kill we flick back over to a man that needs to be absolutely ice cold in a clutch like this no room for error frozen walking up willy be too cold the whole gets in the back line there's the first the flickers in a second as well jks hit with a thunder from down under quite literally their body hurt as well he knows it's the end of the half it's a frozen i'm gonna go for the double ak the akimbo spray into the face davey never seen before yeah this is a this is a classic finishing move here from frozen my goodness they've been given a blessing they've been given some kind of buff coming into this series as they look unbelievable here's the short push though to start us off on the pistol jk jumping around in front of him like he's playing mario he could hit the shot and oh no everyone's gonna go straight down as there's only two left alive blame f and poison here for the retake walking out trying to at least catch a whiff of one of these mouse sports players davey but they're outnumbered two to one here they are and they don't have the kid he's trying to push out through heaven just find dexter's location in the end it's not going to be enough you have to find the kill he's in such prime position and are they even going to go for this jackie blame f's like we have armor let's just back up no need to rebuy it in the next round they're going to try and that's a core instantly connecting onto the headshot poison goes down in blame he's stuck in the corner here he needs to try to get out but if he just backs up into the corner bombs playing on the sandbags he will be able to survive that is going to be the 12th round for mousesports armor saved for blame f but it's a very very small consolation no it won't but he is all alone here blame f has rotated over with the scout but from heaven here the smoke should come out not a shot gonna be able to be hidden oh he just moves at the worst time wait they haven't even spotted gks yet he's able to find the kill through the smoke now gets immediately traded but blame from heaven with two and now this is suddenly a one versus one rops does have the advanced position but blame f knows that bomb is down enough with two on the round already needs to be moving forward robs does recover the bomb actually he just spotted blame f it's going to be the fake plant he's waiting he's waiting does he know blame has already progressed he doesn't blame f he's got in the prime position and he has it that will be the round rops swings out to the left but blame f had already moved forward got into the water this will be the a execute not a lot of nades just a flash on bmas and that gets thrown and they'll be scaling up quickly hey man bonnets one supported by config as well this crossfire unbeatable here frozen's the only one that can try and pipe up to leave them simmered down 45 seconds left on the rounds laying there focusing towards the elevated angle you thought you would have hit it but no frozen three frags in the round looking furious as you like and he wants more waits for the extension to come out good he going in softens him up a little bit jks he does have the firepower advantage but it still means he's got a win he's 1v1s they've got to give it to them and they're playing together the deagle duo at the back of the site they know exactly where he is they're waiting for him to face he'll tap the bomb to try and force them to peek into him they'll go together in tandem like they're tied at the hip they need to hit the shot barely keeping himself alive here dashes the flash but he knows time's ticking away guns down onto one but can't commit to it can't quite get it he's paranoid and he's pained himself he's played himself out on the round they didn't have to face and in the np masters get the kill that was perfect cs from the remaining mouse sports players there utility going out poison filthy kurt angle can he hit his shots though and lay the smack down onto the mouse sports boys as blame f will hit the first does swing out he's not able to find success but the 5-7 certainly will with the 5-7 are now going off on one acor we've seen him with the orp now on the rifle will he reign supreme can he actually be the terminator that they need will complexity be doing a good sarah connor impression they've got the back of the site locked down jks watching on the cross baiting him out 16 seconds you got to get the killer or you gotta plant soon he doesn't have much time and he's using all his utilities bringing it down to nine seconds knows where they are he's gotta hit the shots nice one tap has to commit to the plant right now gets it off at the last physical second of the round would have been given to complexity blame f over by bangalore cheeky little angle hits the shot with a wall bang and keeps complexity going 13 to 6. oh here we go oh but config just manages to get out of vision at the right time and this flanked down connector could be absolutely huge too the timing on this needs to be so good this could be the bomb drop the dexter's not careful but he spins around and makes sure that he get takes it down with only 20 seconds so they don't have time to go away and the crossfires here are massive jks doing his jk best as he flicks around with the ump sublime smg footwork however the flank from the rear frozen he could inflict a lot of pain straight into the back of the danish man there's one sees he had a gun as well to scavenge that before he advances poison trapped out in the open on the site oh oh here we go mouse sports with the deagles pushing up to the side the digolomitar going off the charts at this point and frozen with an ak in his hands wants to cut off the rotate but they're not coming davey absolutely heartbreaking for complexity i think in the second half jackie we've seen more four spies and ecos won than like actual gun rounds statistics like there is yeah i think the divide must be ridiculous acor very aware of that exact boost that's the thing right operas they know how other operas are thinking right he's thinking right there if i'm gonna be there that's what i would do too and config trying to re-aggress trying to compensate for the fact that they're down four versus five but acor again ready and able as he takes him down and now blame the last remaining defender on this a site just has to give it up the molotov's coming out robs is lurked out jks not able to connect it and that is rox finding that kill on the lurk towards b and complexity is in dire straits now as this is going to be the 15th round for mousesports jackie and complexity their defense crumbles yet again there's something simple for you this map is now left in a situation where with one round mousesports can two owed the series best the colossus and get themselves that better seed at the rmr event and raps he's taking all the guns out of their hands at least gets one before rush will flick back onto him he's trapped on the side doing a good job of saving but not until b mass rocks up and stamps on him if poison gets aggressive here and doesn't see anything he might not call for the rotate but actually we can see two players are rotating and if robs doesn't check this corner playmat could potentially find something big as robs gets one he's not going to check the corner though this is gonna be a free kill for he blame he waited and he make the play work jks on the site could have been a point blank shot with an eagle but no barrel of frozen's ak put in his mouth as he'll go down and look who is left standing just big boy blame f 1v2 to keep complexity in the game and in the qualifier smoke goes down to block his path he's normally quite a confident lad and he's going to stick to that here flash out but he's out gone down the frozen 16 to eight mouse sports pick it up they take the grand final they played free best of threes today but they make this one the exciting win
Channel: Matz - CSGO Channel
Views: 41,474
Rating: 4.9614148 out of 5
Keywords: shroud, apex, amd, cs go, counter strike, counter strike global offensive, cs:go, ninja, fortnite, best cs go moments, best cs go highlights
Id: wbOkIc8aLzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 2sec (1862 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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